mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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            “For 20 years, I’ve watched your Wizard dazzle the masses with his science. If it were up to him, every witch in Oz would’ve gone the way of extinction. But unlike those who betrayed their own for his favour, I’ve always seen through his lie. Science is not magic.                  We are. We are the magic. And the magic is Oz.”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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            “For 20 years, I’ve watched your Wizard dazzle the masses with his science. If it were up to him, every witch in Oz would’ve gone the way of extinction. But unlike those who betrayed their own for his favour, I’ve always seen through his lie. Science is not magic.                  We are. We are the magic. And the magic is Oz.”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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            “For 20 years, I’ve watched your Wizard dazzle the masses with his science. If it were up to him, every witch in Oz would’ve gone the way of extinction. But unlike those who betrayed their own for his favour, I’ve always seen through his lie. Science is not magic.                  We are. We are the magic. And the magic is Oz.”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
Glinda’s blog was archived and moved to a new blog under the same url.
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
I think I have made a decision about what to do with Glinda, and I hope it was the right one.
Stay tuned.
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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Harding never gave up. Not ever.
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
animakerma replied to your post: International lesbian day you say?
the tiny prez and tiny megalomaniac say hi to the wife
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You say that as if the tiny prez doesn’t get her hands on glinda every day anyway
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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International lesbian day you say?
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
notimeforemotion replied to your post: These days I only log on here to bully...
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watcha gonna do about it? divorce me?
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
These days I only log on here to bully @notimeforemotion
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
{ glinda: and if you say otherwise………. }
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       “Do I hear any complaints?”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
my wife everyone
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Nobody is getting bullied here.
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
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   ❝ PROOF THAT Pearl has had it out for me since the beginning, ❞ is all he can say to such a revelation. Truly, the only thing that needs to be said. He knew that mutt would be the death of him as soon as Tilda brought it along, eyes all wide in girlish manipulation. Of course he fell for it; how could he not? His daughter had been taught by the best. He squeezes their entwined fingers for a bit more closeness before letting go and clearing the table. The sink running and the clatter of dishes sounds so normal that Walter has to take a step back to just breathe for a moment, hands dangling uselessly in the sink and shoulders slightly hunched. ❝ I’ve missed this, you know. ❞ For so long, Kingsman had been it for him…for both of them, if they have to admit it. But he’s a husband now. A father. Sometimes, he forgets that when the world needs saving.
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        “Washing the dishes? You can do it always from now on.” Glinda scrunches up her nose and presses her lips against his shoulder for a moment, on her way to return milk and butter to the fridge. “I know. It’s grounding. Even more so because we don’t have to lie to each other.” She leans against the kitchen counter, arms crossed over her chest. There are certain freedoms a Kingsman agent does not have, and it doesn’t apply to them. Glinda’s work is flexible enough to allow her being a mother. Both Glinda and Walter know that, should the need arise, she would give up on Kingsman in a heartbeat. Perhaps some years ago, before they adopted Matilda, things would have been different. “But you still need to shave. That is horrible. You’re scratchy like a cactus.”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
[ @ithakagaveyouthemarvelousjourney ]
       “Leave us,” she says to the girls hovering around them; the ones standing by the bed, the ones by the door, with those uncertain looks, those worried looks. Some are scared. Magic has been performed under the eyes of the Wizard - a rare, generous permission, to sing their sister to rest. Of course, it has come with a catch, and he received what he hoped for. West crumbled under the pressure, and Glinda could only watch.
          She presses the wet cloth against her sister’s hot forehead, the frown on Glinda’s face unchanged. “I hope you are happy,” she says, exhaling through her nose. “This spell is not to be performed by one witch alone. But of course you know that already.” She isn’t even sure West is listening at all. Does she ever listen when Glinda talks? Does it matter now? Glinda sits on the bed by her side; the room has cleared and they were alone once more, though she can still hear the busy bustling outside. She loathes being here.
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
“ I should tie you to the bed first, I have a silk scarf with your name on it. “
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       “You always know just what to say, don’t you?”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
mistressnorth  “dinothologist “Where do you keep your trophy bras?” …”
….what about the little box under your bed…
What the fuck Glinda. You damn well know what I keep there, and it’s not bras. 
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      “I must have forgotten... remind me?”
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mistressnorth-a · 7 years
drdumaurier replied to your photoset
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