miizpah-blog · 8 years
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                                                                    “ Sometimes what                     your looking for                                                                                   comes when                              your not looking ~”
                                                                                                             Scripted by Alicia~
〖  Photo Source | X. 〗
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Came for the _______. Stayed for the _______.
Tell me why you followed my blog and what made you stay (if it’s two different things of course!)
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
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honestly wasn’t sure how to do this since madara’s hair is a sentient entity of its own, but generally: high ponytail, mostly on left side and some spilling on the right? ^q^
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
mun related
send me one ( or more ) of the following.
✮ ━ top three favorite muses that you’ve played
♫ ━ a small playlist for a muse of your choice
ღ ━ favorite canon ships for your muse(s). are there any you dislike?
✄ ━ do you have any artistic abilities? If so, what can you do?
☀ ━ how long have you been roleplaying? how did you get into it?
❤ ━ do you have any crackships for your muse?
♕ ━ which fictional characters are your favorites?
回 ━ what are your top four favorite shows?
◈  ━ share some headcanons that you have for a muse of your choosing
↓ ━ have you had any bad experiences with roleplaying?
☾ ━ how many pets do you own? if none, what kind of animals do you like?
♣ ━ share five random facts about yourself
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Dom/ Sub, Sexy lingerie, bondage, toys { If you're still accepting }
Oº°‘¨  Send my muse a kink | @devoted-uchihamother ¨‘°ºO
Note: omg Amari what did you do to the innocence that is Kagami~? (jk)
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
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“I’ve been doing this since before I was a genin, honestly,” she mused. Honestly, the graveyard was just as familiar as the training grounds she frequented with her team – maybe even more so, given how long she had been coming. The memorial stone wasn’t as familiar, given her father had died of an illness and not as a hero – not according to the village – but it was still almost comforting.
Or had been before she knew someone on there.
“We were friends, me and Obito. But…I never thought it more than that.” Perhaps her own infatuation with their third teammate had blinded her to the fact. Or perhaps…
…she just didn’t want to see it. Looking back it was almost painfully obvious, especially the last time they saw one another.
But the past was past and now there was no way to know what might have been.
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☾ •·.·´¯`·.·•  “This tends to be common when wars break out...” He responds gently, feeling the heavy weight on his should drag him down further. It’s funny cause Kagami is more familiar with the graveyard than most places within the village. But then again there have been times where he had to bury loved ones ad other’s loved ones on a day to day bases during war. It was something that never sat well with the Uchiha, it still doesn’t now but it’s something that has made the Uchiha numb over the years.
His hues found her, tilting his head slightly. Something seemed off...
“I see, well I’m glad that Obito had a good fried like yourself, however I know that he couldn’t wish to see you upset over this.” He responds, he remembers Obito explain to him at some point that even if she didn’t feel the same, he would still love her regardless. It’s something that impresses the elder but it saddens him as well.
The sadness in her eyes gives it way..
“Please do not fret or linger over this. Just know that he is still here..” He murmurs, pointing to his heart, “Just hold him here.. Alright?” He asks, giving her a small smile.
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
⊱✿ .·´¯`·-> Heading over to @elxsiian for the rest of the day..
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
She shook her head “I do but I was expecting…..well, I don’t know what I was expecting” Her fingers flexed. For some reason she wanted to run her hands through his hair. “Is it true that gods sometimes prefer to be like us?”
☾ •·.·´¯`·.·•   Kagami hummed softly at the girl’s words before falling back into his seat, “I see.. Well my dear, you are the first to say this to me..” He murmurs, his red hues eyeing her carefully, “Some would like to be but other would rather sit upon their thrones and treats themselves as higher deities that a mere human. But I am somewhere in between..”
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
I will always protect my muse.
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Oº°‘¨  STARTER CALL!!!¨‘°ºO
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⊱✿ .·´¯`·->  As I continue to work on those requested aesthetics..
Mutuals only please Ranging between a paragraph & 2 paragraphs. Verse will vary!!! (( Look here | X | for new AU verses )) Plotting available as well!!
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
There was a moment, that to Sasuke seemed like a full minute, when he began reconsidering his need for justice. He very well saw a fire weapon that the other had and yet that wasn’t enough to make the man keep his mouth shut. It was only when the other turned towards him, that Uchiha hesitated.
The features of the other lad seemed somehow familiar to Sasuke, he wondered if he saw this man on news or from some documents, though he wasn’t completely sure. His voice indeed quiet down, as the criminal approached him, the black eyes focused on the threatening object. Gaze slowly lifting upwards, to meet the others, Sasuke aimed to take a very careful step backwards, trying to find a way to escape this situation. He only went for a nightly walk, which wasn’t so unusual for him, he didn’t expect to bump into something alike, therefore he didn’t bring any item that could’ve helped him out.
But considering he was introduced with how these things usually, he managed to remain rather calm and collected. The other successfully robbed a house, he probably saw no threat in Sasuke and that concluded that he would let him go uninjured, most likely. Flipping trough pages, in his mind, of cases he dealt with, he soon got rid of most of the panic.
He raised his hands, once again, rather slowly and cautiously, to show the other man he had no weapons with him, just lessening the possibility that he could endanger the thief in any way, knowing that would, and that does in fact trick most of criminals. Make them feel assured they’re in control of situation and they’ll lower their guard and move along.
☾ •·.·´¯`·.·•   Kagami’s harsh gaze held as the hold on his weapon was steady, the breeze blew against his skin; it felt like ice again his hot flesh as his onyx hues narrowed. The abnormal calmness irked the man but it wasn’t enough to cause him to falter. After all, your hesitation speaks for you and that’s what he is looking for right now.
The feature the other held weren’t all that appealing but he had a sense some sort of familiarity with him but he didn’t paid much mind to the pointless details. He was a risk to his job and Kagami cannot have that. That’s to risky for his own liking, eve with his finger on the trigger he would give the other a chance to over look it like it never happen before he would even think about letting him go. His jaw set as his intense gaze held sharply. 
“Considering that you are cooperating nicely, I won’t put a bullet through your head,” Chuckling darkly, “but that doesn’t mean I’m going to let you off the hook so quickly either.” He comments, eyeing the other carefully. Analyzing the mans features, remembering them in case he needs to assassinate him later if he becomes a threat later one.
“Come quietly and I won’t kill you.” He demands.
Play by the rules || closed
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
"Hey Kagami! You want to share these chocolates?"
Oº°‘¨  @onecursedbyhatred ¨‘°ºO
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☾ •·.·´¯`·.·•   The raven child giggled happily and raced over to the elder raven, “Hai hai! Please!?” He says excitedly.
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Send me ⚜ + a character/ship name and I will make a graphic for them
It could be an aesthetic or just a general banner/graphic, up to the mun
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Oº°‘¨   Send 🦋 for five random facts about the Muse and Mun! | @gentlegrace ¨‘°ºO
⊱✿ .·´¯`·->
Mun: I still have drafts to do
Mun: I have 8 rp blogs total
Mun: I have a total of 20 otps within the Naruto fandom alone. (25 if you add OCs too)
Mun: I hate math with a passion
Mun: I have a hard time believing/ trusting those that have done me wrong and people in general.
⊱✿ .·´¯`·->
Kagami: He has a habit of collecting shiny stones
Kagami: He was terrified of Tobirama for the longest time
Kagami: He was willing to give Danzou his eyes if he had died before him (if he didn’t kill and steal them)
Kagami: He doesn’t really like ramen
Kagami: He can cook of to 35 different styles of dishes.
0 notes
miizpah-blog · 8 years
Oº°‘¨  ‘ ♥’ and for each one I get, I’ll write a fact/confession about myself | @kaless39​ ¨‘°ºO
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⊱✿ .·´¯`·-> Tbh I’m not that friendly. I’m quite a distant and hateful human bean. Yes i have a light and bubbly personality but just a tone of your voice or the slightest thing that your body does can determine whether or not I like or dislike you. There is never a in between when it comes to this. It’s also one of the many things I hate about myself is because of how contradicting I really am towards others and myself…
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
Oº°‘¨  Send 🦋 for five random facts about the Muse and Mun! | @kaless39​ ¨‘°ºO
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⊱✿ .·´¯`·-> 
Mun: I have a pet iguana.
Mun: I am currently taking four classes this quarter.
Mun: I just turned 20 recently. (the 10th.
Mun: I have a habit of mixing asks often (lol).
Mun: I love coffee.
⊱✿ .·´¯`·->
Kagami: He enjoys sunset walks..
Kagami: He lost his mother when he was 6 years old in battle.
Kagami: He often spends his time training.
Kagami: He awakened his sharing to his mother’s death.
Kagami: He looks up to Madara despite the things he has done.
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miizpah-blog · 8 years
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❝ I’ll tell Boruto-kun , should he want to bother her. ❞ Mitsuki laughed , golden hues meeting the Uchiha’s onyx orbs – ❝ he’s such a sweetheart , isn’t he ? I’ve had my fair share of run-ins with him .. ❞ the sage started towards the dinner where he’d left Boruto and pulled a cigarette from his pouch.
❝ I don’t particularly like him , but I try. ❞
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☾ •·.·´¯`·.·•  “It happens, Sasuke is a bit of a stubborn person to ‘like’ He says, chuckling softly at the other’s comment about his companion. “Does Boruto like Sara-hime?” He inquires as he tilts hi head to one side as a smile of amusement forms on is lips, “Indeed, he needs a lot of work before he even thinks of taking back to me..” He comments, stepping forwards and next to the other. 
“How is Sara-him doing? With her father being gone constantly? I don’t see her often but i’m curious if she has confided into anyone about it.”
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