metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
AU with either Jack or Bobby as Bucky/Winter Soldier and the other one as Steve and Brooke as Natasha yes I can get behind this.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
Lunar Chronicles AU where Brooke is Lunar and Bobby's earthen I can already tell that this is going well.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
PROMPT: Kiss me quick
9) Thighs 
It took six weeks before Thirteen decided that Bobby was stable enough to live with his wife instead of in the hospital. Physically he’d been stable within a few days. Treating his wounds and giving him fluids and trying to feed him enough so that he gained back what he’d lost while he’d been starved didn’t take all that much effort. It was the mental wounds that were harder to handle.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
req. by alex
Their plan had been simple. Full of holes and poorly thought out, but simple. Run away to Coldtown, find a vampire who found one or all of them attractive, get bitten, live forever, together. 
Pace came home (as much as they could call the abandoned warehouse that they were squatting in "home") one morning, pale and shivering and with the biggest grin on his face. "I did it." he announced, making Trina look up from her book, her smile soon mirroring his. She jumped up- headed for the minifridge- they'd been prepping for this for months now- where several precious IV bags full of blood- both hers and Pace's, as well as a few bags from random humans that they'd conned into giving up a little, sat, waiting.
As she returned back to him, a couple of bags held outstretched, she noticed the pinpricks on the side of his neck, a thin red river still running from one. "You're bleeding." she commented, almost reaching out to wipe it away before she stopped herself. Until he was turned, and even after that, until he'd had enough blood to keep himself under control, she shouldn't touch him. Especially while he was still Cold, she wouldn't be able to trust him not to rip her throat out the second he felt her pulse. 
"Not for long." he grinned at her, eagerly snatching one of the bags from her, ripping the plastic tubing with his teeth, sucking on it like a straw. She took the bag back from him, sat back, and waited.
It was agonizing. It took half an hour for him to die, and another forty five minutes for him to wake up again. Even knowing that he was fine, that his eyes would be opening any moment hadn't been enough to keep Trina from weeping at the sight of him, dead on the floor.
In theory, according to plan, the blood bags were enough to get him through the first, agonizing wave of hunger that hit him as a newborn vampire. He drained most of them, Trina having the foresight to leave a few hidden for herself. He wanted to bite her to turn her, though there were other, more simpler ways. It would be something special between them, intimate, and she hadn't protested. But, he didn't know how to stop, hadn't known just when he should stop.
He didn't even realize when she went limp in his arms.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
Pace gets turned and tries to turn Trina but he loses control and she dies ;)
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
coldest girl in coldtown au where casetrina run off to coldtown but cassie gets a marker and leaves. ;)
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
ahaha my brain came up with a captain hook inspired abusive ex boyfriend for trina and it’s a bad time and I’m mean.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
no but pace and trina piloting a jaeger named pixie vengeance and cracking jokes the entire time until one day they get hit really hard and she dies and he gets temporary amnesia and i made myself sad.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
hibernatetveit replied to your post: Pace and Trina as jaeger pilots tho.
(C) DON’T DIE. (I haven’t seen that movie but from what I can tell, that’s an appropriate response and anyway, that’s Cassie’s default reaction to anything they do)
Trina says don't worry. she probably dies
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
Pace and Trina as jaeger pilots tho.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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They'd been all set to win gold. And then he fell, and they took him away without waiting for her to reach the ambulance before they left- she wasn't family, not a priority. She didn't speak Russian, and the paramedic who she'd tried to flag down didn't speak English, and nobody was telling her anything which was the worst part of it. All anyone would say was that he was in the hospital, an injury to his back. But she could tell that it was something much worse than that. There were people who knew the full extent of what was going on and they looked at her as if she were too fragile to know the truth. Maybe she was.
She had resigned herself to the practice rink, working on her already-perfect salchows in an attempt to forget about how wrong it felt to be on the ice alone, when his brother called her name from the side of the rink.
One look at him and she knew that her partner wasn't ever going to hold her hand on the ice again.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
brooke's entire app is gonna be bulleted adjectives why do you guys write with me.
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
Yeah, lets do this.
A: Who was the last person to piss you off? What did they do?
B: Do you miss your ex? What would you do to get them back?
C: If you had to choose between your best friend or your significant other dying, who would you choose?
D: Everyone has a few demons, what's your worst one?
E: Have you ever cheated on somebody?
F: Are you a virgin?
G: Do you believe in ghosts?
H: If you knew your girlfriend/boyfriend would be truly happier without you, would you leave?
I: If you liked someone with a terminal illness, would you still date them knowing they might not live much longer?
J: If you sold your soul, what would it be for?
K: Would you ever kill someone? What would be a good reason?
L: Have you ever told a big lie, one that you felt bad for? Did you ever come clean?
M: Is there anything that you'd never do for any amount of money?
N: Would you consider yourself vain or narcissistic?
O: Are you open minded, or do you judge people and things before you give them a chance?
P: Politics, what are your thoughts on them?
Q: Do you prefer peace and quiet, or loud chaos?
R: Religion, what is yours? Do you believe in a god?
S: What is your sexual preference? Straight, gay, bi, trans?
T: What is your favorite sexual position?
U: Has anyone you knew ever died? If so, who?
V: Do you ever want children?
W: If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
X: Do you do drugs? Drink? Smoke?
Y: Is there anything you wouldn't do for love?
Z: Would you ever have sex for money?
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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The Sherwoods tried to avoid any sort of politics- as much as a crime family could, anyway. The fact that they had one of the only transformation workers in the world working for them tended to make things a bit more tense whenever anyone found out- but, of course, they were well equipped to either make them forget or keep them quiet.
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