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lucifer: one deckerstar scene per episode[sweet kicks, 1.05]
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superlc529 · 2 years
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I posted 3,585 times in 2022
4 posts created (0%)
3,581 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,585 of my posts in 2022
#jensen ackles - 1,905 posts
#spn family - 1,584 posts
#supernatural - 740 posts
#i love you - 675 posts
#gorgeous - 655 posts
#instagram - 628 posts
#dean winchester - 612 posts
#jared padalecki - 569 posts
#ackles nation - 444 posts
#misha collins - 402 posts
Longest Tag: 96 characters
#very controlled put-together 'cold' characters losing it is one of the sexiest things in fiction
My Top Posts in 2022:
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4 notes - Posted June 1, 2022
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17 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
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33 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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60 notes - Posted October 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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mycleverdetective · 4 years
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I woke up this morning to 300 followers and I just wanted to say how much I appreciate all of your support!!
It might not be a lot for some people but I have to say Tumblr is not only about numbers for me, I just like posting about things I like, making gifsets that bring me joy and if someone else enjoys my content, it’s always a bonus 🤍
The amount of love I have received the last few weeks has been incredible and I want to say how grateful I am for every single reblog, like, message, keyboard-smashing tag I have ever gotten under one of my edits 🤍
A lot of you started following me this month after I got back into Tumblr and I really appreciate every single one of you for welcoming me back and reminding of why I used to spend so much time on this (sometimes hell-like) website!!
I have extra appreciation for those of you who followed me waaaaaaaaay back when I mostly giffed Bellarke and Sethkate 🤍 You guys have managed to follow me for all those years and I just have extra room for all of you in my heart.
I have to say being back here has helped take my mind off things and has helped me heal so much. I have had time to focus on myself, my interests, my own well-being and it’s been so soothing to be here and to just feel okay.
For the time being, I just want to keep making gifs and sharing all of your beautiful content. I hope you will enjoy the few gifset ideas I have been thinking about and feel free to make requests (preferably Deckerstar/Sethkate but there’s definitely room for discussion if it’s something else for a show/movie I like) 🤍
To finish off this looooooong rant, I want to give some extra appreciation to the people who have given me extra love by reblogging, tagging their reactions and making my day a little brighter ✨
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@lighbringer​ @will-lyra​ @lucifergifs​ @astarkey​ @mazykeen​ @sandalaris​ @coulter​ @samcaarter​ @chloexdecker​ @shyguypisces​ @softdeckerstars​ @thomas-ellis​ @marcuspierce​ @chloedeckr​ @bartonclinton​ @buckybames​ @dailylucifernetflix​ @ocresia​ @stupidape​ @hillaryscotts​ @sarahjgriffin7​ @padmewan​ @itsjustme-itsmylife​ @fyeahlucifernetflix​ @interstellarbeams​ (the sethkate gc 🤍) @stargazerdaisy​ @deckerstardaily​ @niailhorans​ @youbecool​ @aykerreymirlover​ @detectiveplease​ @natalya-romanova​ @daisyiris​ @fortysevenswrites​ @captain-k-jones​ @sweetsouldhavernas​ @missielynne​ @outlawarya​ & so many more!!
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egoanesthesia · 3 years
rules: tag nine people you’d like to get to know better
thank you to @petrichor-apothecary and @5ambreakdown for tagging me <3
favorite color: black lmao
currently reading: um right now not much bc i have classes and am reading/writing fic oops
last song: Hurricane by Theory of a Deadman
last series: Schitt’s Creek... still going strong with the hyperfixation lmao
last movie: Score: A Hockey Musical <3
sweet, savoury, or spicy: savoury
craving: um concerts?? hugs??
tea or coffee: coffeeeeee
currently working on: my fics for passions and passtimes fest, my disability/college AU (written w @brobeckology) and a bunch of other fics
tagging: @wild-aloof-rebel @seadeepy @brobeckology @roguebebe @maxbegone @pplholdon @al-ex-an-d-er-hamiltons @fourgetregret @fourdrinkamy
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lightbrng · 4 years
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It’s really you [5x03] | fanart
fast line sketch of this beautiful reunion.
@lux-i-fer @deckerswings @thedeckerstarnetwork @lucifersmorningstars @luciferloveschloe @chloedeckr @deckerstardaily @detectiveplease @deckerchloe
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detectiveplease · 4 years
... phew, I’m back again. No idea if anyone noticed, but @detectiveplease had been flagged as explicit today. I appealed, tumblr staff reviewed, and thank Dad, here I am again. Normal posting schedule should resume soon enough. However, as I’m still not sure what provoked all of this, I shall refrain from further using my ‘holy fuck’ tag which I thought was a funny pun for the deckerstar bed scenes, but tumblr clearly did not...
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duchessofhastings · 4 years
tag 9 people you would like to know better/catch up with
tagged by @iwantyoudamon thank you!! 💜💜
last song: Wine, Beer, Whiskey by LIttle Big Town (don’t ask)
last movie: Gemini Man (came up on Amazon Prime so it was my bedtime movie last night)
currently watching: The Good Place (Season 3)
currently reading: I’m so bad with reading lately. I’m in the middle of Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer and Becoming by Michelle Obama
currently craving: something, anything sweet
tagging: ok, i’m gonna tag some mutuals but also try to tag some people that I don’t know much, but you have no obligation to do it, no pressure, I don’t want to bother 💜 - @henricavyll @chloedeckr @detectiveplease @cobraskai @spookydecks @rosalyn51 @samarweaving @itsjustme-itsmylife @harlaquin
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luciferloveschloe · 5 years
rules: tag 9 people you’d like to know better
@venividivictorious tagged me. thank you!!
top four ships  
1. Lucifer x Chloe (duh)
2. Jake x Amy (Brooklyn 99)
3. Eric x Adam (Sex Education)
4. Beth x Randall (This Is Us)
last song
I’m Going Slightly Mad by Queen
last movie
The Irishman
The History of Bees, Die Aufzeichungen des Malte Laurids Brigge
(fanfiction. i’m reading fanfiction.)
what food are you craving right now?
i’ve just eaten pizza and donuts (i swear i eat healthy sometimes) but a whiskey sour would be nice?
tagging @narleen, @yoursummerfrost, @lyrawills, @detectiveplease, @secretlifeoffangirls, @someoneasgoodasyou, @chloedeckr, @wereallcompost, @mitashade. only if you want to, of course!
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findtheword · 7 years
In case it wasn’t obvious: Skulduggery Pleasant is all I care about right now. It consumes my life once more, as is right.
I might need to go back to being detectivepleasant.
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awwchive · 8 years
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""What can I get ya, stranger?"" https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/4zmnm0/what_can_i_get_ya_stranger/?utm_source=ifttt
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lucifer: one deckerstar scene per episode [favorite son, 1x06]
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aiiaiiiyo · 8 years
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My Great-Grandparents outside their new home (Before 1935) Check this blog!
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mycleverdetective · 4 years
Tag 5 or more people that you are thankful were in your 2020, that you’re thankful exists in a world that’s hard to live in. Whether that be through random reblogs on your posts, or people you have had full blown conversations with. Whether it’s just seeing them on your dash, or interacting with them.
Please Spread this love. 2020 has been hard for so SO many of us.
Thank you Liv for tagging me in this, you beautiful, supportive, sweet human being @sweetsouldhavernas 🤍
There are so so so many people I want to thank because these past few weeks have brought me so much joy and healing, and I have all of you to thank for that 🤍 2020 did all of us so dirty but Tumblr brought me so many incredible people!!
This is for all of you who I see in my notifications everyday and for making me smile anytime my phone lights up with a notification 🤍
@sweetsouldhavernas (you tagged me in this and obviously, i need to mention you, you can message me to scream about tiva/photoshop/edits anytime!!), @padmewan (a certified, talented sweetheart), @indestinatus (your tiva content hurts me but i love it!!!), @shyguypisces, @devildeckers (i will never stop screaming at your content in the tags), @marrasquutamo, @salswoman, @sarahjgriffin7, @wonderrful, @stargazerdaisy, @deckerstar4ever, @sandalaris, @ocresia, @itsjustme-itsmylife, @anakin-skywalker, @lighbringer, @stupidape, @katecastle, @captain-k-jones, @aykerreymirlover, @brittritz, @astarkey, @devilish-decker, @cecevolume, @bisexualfelicity, @articianne, @chloejanes, @detectiveplease, @luminouslyra, @morningstr, @hillaryscotts, @leifdonnellys, @romancemedia, @ditectivedecker, @mazykeen (just *chef’s kiss*), @becaposen, @marcuspierce, @softdeckerstars (deckerstar + tiva yESSS), @missielynne, @seeleybooth, @fairchildsmoak, @alghulnyssa, @deckerschloe, @rosesetknifs, @natalya-romanova, @capswantrue, @heat-waveee, @samcaarter, and so so so so so so many more omg 🤍
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thesubtlegatsby · 10 years
detectivepleasant replied to your post:does anyone on here know how to recolor old photos...
The way I do it is to lasso/select the part you want to colour, create a new fill layer to go in the selection and colour it, then fiddle with the blend options (overlay, multiply etc.) and opacity until it looks right.
seems to be the method im finding, but the pics im trying to restore are pretty low quality and i lack the skill and patience to do it bleh
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metaphoricalzebra · 11 years
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They'd been all set to win gold. And then he fell, and they took him away without waiting for her to reach the ambulance before they left- she wasn't family, not a priority. She didn't speak Russian, and the paramedic who she'd tried to flag down didn't speak English, and nobody was telling her anything which was the worst part of it. All anyone would say was that he was in the hospital, an injury to his back. But she could tell that it was something much worse than that. There were people who knew the full extent of what was going on and they looked at her as if she were too fragile to know the truth. Maybe she was.
She had resigned herself to the practice rink, working on her already-perfect salchows in an attempt to forget about how wrong it felt to be on the ice alone, when his brother called her name from the side of the rink.
One look at him and she knew that her partner wasn't ever going to hold her hand on the ice again.
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lucifer: one random deckerstar scene per episode [the would-be prince of darkness, 1x03]
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