#ic pls
jercythesiscrying · 6 months
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via suwabe junichi (victor's jpn VA)
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cymk8 · 6 months
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(yes, i am still brainrotting but what else is new)
(ice rink au)
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wickedcircle · 3 months
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A moment to ourselves
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emositecc · 1 year
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Based on @katzone’s Ice King Identity Crisis AU
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softnsweeet0 · 14 days
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Nothing better than lifting some heavy shit just to come home and stuff myself so full I can’t get off the couch 🥵
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ivansbadart · 2 months
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"Brutus" - The Buttress but it is Aemond Targaryen
This project took forever to finish, but alas I am very happy with how it turned out. If you look closely you'll see plenty of religious imagery that lent itself as inspiration (real ones and asoiaf ones).
I might post some of these individually in the future to fully preserve the original quality, which I know tumblr will spoil :)
I also did switch some of the lyrics so it makes more sense, and swapped the Latin to High Valyrian:
Frater Meus = Nuha Lekia = (older) Brother Mine
Rex = Darys = King
The Valyrian glyphs = either "Fire and Blood" or the inscription from the dagger (as much of it as I could decipher at least)
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flying-ham · 6 months
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sansa and lady in the godswood at winterfell
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gael-garcia · 6 months
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Remember this feeling… and you'll make me beautiful clothes.
The Hand (2004), dir. Wong Kar-wai
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yuri-ambassador · 4 months
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Welcome back Wednesday Addams
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patrocles · 4 months
🐺ASOIAF Themed Asks 🐉
(feel free to include TWOIAF as well!)
Favorite Great House
A minor (or extinct) house you need more lore on
Favorite sigil/house words
Favorite Valyrian sword
A dead female character you need to save
Which book or character did you not like at first but eventually grew on you?
Which Free City are you retiring to?
Build your own Kingsguard with any characters alive or dead
Build your small council with any characters dead or alive
A quote so good it makes you crazy
Favorite bastard
Who are you traveling the ravaged Riverlands with?
A death that still hurts to think about
Who are you bringing back from the dead with the power of R’hllor?
Favorite parent
Favorite sibling dynamic
Favorite theme
A mystery you need solved NOW
A theory you’ve adopted as canon
A theory you pray never comes true
A moment that made you cry
A character so queer-coded you’d argue it to GRRM’s face
Two characters you need to interact
A ship that gives you the absolute ick
A crackship?
Favorite “problematic” ship
Favorite canon ship
If you write fic, is there a ship or au you would like to write for, but haven’t yet?
If you read fic, what’s a trope or interpretation of your fave that you absolutely can’t stand? Which AU/trope will you read every time?
A POV character you wish wasn’t
Who would you elevate to a POV character?
A fancast you absolutely can’t stand
A fancast that just IS a character
What’s something people get wrong about your favorite character?
A character you just don’t get the hype of
What’s something you wish GRRM handled better? (a character/theme/world building etc)
An event/era in TWOIAF that you would love to see a film/tv adaptation of
Is there a house would you fit in with based off your own looks? A house you would fit in with based off your personality/ideals/vibes etc?
Your Drunk History topic (a character/theory/event/etc)
Be honest, are you still waiting for TWOW?
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dairyocchi · 6 months
i desperately need knb (kuroko’s basketball) to get a popularity resurgence 😕 like where are all the haikyuu and other sports anime girlies at you’ll love knb trust
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vivalechat · 9 months
It’s so embarrassing when your rival has another rival… like what do you mean I’m not even your worst enemy? You’re mine.
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empireporkybuilding · 10 months
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hyunpic · 3 months
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tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gang · 2 months
Convinced both Haitani brother's forgot they were supposed to be serving instead of being served.
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flying-ham · 7 months
obv wouldn’t happen bc then there’d be no book but it would have been so funny if ned rlly did just grab the girls and fuck off back to winterfell after his big fight w bobby b. the entire realm still ends up at war with each other somehow and the starks are just chilling up north, ned and cat singlehandedly repopulating the bloodline by popping out yet another kid. iconic.
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