mercysdva · 2 years
hi everyone! just an fyi, i've moved to --> @sunsunbauds 👀
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mercysdva · 5 years
oh no I am feeling sad! *consumes a mcelroy product* *consumes a mcelroy product* *consumes a mcelroy product* *consumes a mc
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mercysdva · 5 years
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mercysdva · 5 years
i am so in love holy shit
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mercysdva · 5 years
real romance is just being deeply stupid together. i dream of one day meeting someone i can be deeply stupid with and not feel embarrassed 
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mercysdva · 5 years
it’s friday i’m in love
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mercysdva · 5 years
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saying your names, richard siken
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mercysdva · 5 years
excuse me if this makes very little sense as i have been drinking and it is almost eleven pm on a wednesday but today i walked into my favourite cafe and the frenchman who makes my coffee, didier, told me about how he had just discovered that the woman who had left as I came in happened to live on the same street as his brother, “isn’t the world remarkable?” he said to me. I laughed, “don’t you wonder about how many people you meet on a daily basis that you have something in common with without realising?”
Tonight I had beers with a couple of guys, they were old friends. “How long have you known each other?” I asked. They laughed, “guess!” Turns our they shared a wetnurse, a connection their mothers didn’t discover until they became friends years later.
As I walked to the train I texted my housemate to ask where she was, if she wanted to meet up before we headed home. Suddenly I heard my name called as she ran across the station towards me. “Oh how strange, I just messaged you!”
Sometimes the world feels very large and our differences seem unbridgeable. Other days we run into one another over and over again, and I am glad to recognise friends.
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mercysdva · 5 years
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mercysdva · 5 years
one of my friends today was like, “hey, i noticed that you spent a lot of time alone last semester, and i think it’s great that you like to do your own thing, but it’s also so much fun to hang out with you, so let me know when you do have the energy for socializing, even if it’s just us sitting in the same room working on different homework assignments.” she gets it
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mercysdva · 5 years
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mercysdva · 5 years
guys will try to impress you by telling you they know everything about draconic mythology and folklore and then not even be able to tell you the difference between a wyrm and a wyvern
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mercysdva · 5 years
It’s okay that you’re not who you thought you would be
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mercysdva · 5 years
u werent “born gay” u decided to be overly enthusiastic about hamlet in highschool english and that’s why you are the way u are
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mercysdva · 5 years
Symptoms of ADHD be like "casual and complete disregard for time and all time-based byproducts"
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mercysdva · 5 years
Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders’ exchange after the 7th Democratic presidential debate, now with audio. Transcript:
Warren: I think you called me a liar on national TV.
Sanders: What?
Warren:  I think you called me a liar on national TV.
Sanders: Let’s not do it right now. You want to have that discussion, we’ll have that discussion.
Warren: Anytime.
Sanders: You called me a liar, you told me—Alright, let’s not do it now.
Steyer: I don’t want to get in the middle of it—I just want to say hi Bernie.
Sanders: Yeah good, okay.
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mercysdva · 5 years
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one film for every day of pride month (6/30)
the way he looks (2014) dir. daniel ribeiro
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