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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
Siennah Art!
Well it’s more her as Vestige
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
About Siennah “Vestige” Leslie :D
She’s the one both heroes and villains go to if they want information. She has a superpower but no spoilers :D but it helps her with her ‘job’. She doesn’t like to use it too much though, so people will usually have to pay up to get her to do it. But people still do because it’s very famous for being accurate.
She’s a HUGE animal lover and has a pet frog named Kae. (I picked a frog for the sound effects lol)
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
Carlos better find a way to get lots of money if he wants to achieve his goal xD
some sort of beginning plot I came up with for Evigheden. Don't know how much will actually fit in but I thought y'all might like to see :)
Official protagonist lore:
CARLOS Mattias Auclair -wet cat -naïve hero -power is mimicry -his mother is one of the biggest overlords -very sheltered -his singular tactic for getting people to join him is telling them that there is still good in the world
Unofficial protagonist lore (I have come up with this but we have yet to decide what will stay and what will be left behind):
- Iphiko's character (who will be referred to as IPHC for the time being) having Carlos pretty much for the singular reason of having an heir. - As Carlos strays further and further away from IPHC, she nominates a new heir (a child of someone close to her probably) and begins to train them. - When Carlos discovers this he confronts her, and she gives him two choices: stay and become committed, or leave forever. - Carlos chooses the second without hesitation; but he doesn't realize how much he relied on his mother, or how much of the city she had influence over (I'm gonna go with the population is around 6 million), and he is forced to find a province that she doesn't control. - I think a couple of NPC wannabe heroes should join Carlos and almost immediately be taken out by IPHC. By the time he realizes what's happening, at least three have died. (But he's always left unscathed—whether to prove a point, or because she still has a bit of love for him, he doesn't know.) - Carlos has to be very careful, now. Being a hero was already rare, but now any that might be around actively avoid Carlos. So, he turns to his only other option: Villains. - This is actually a brilliant tactical move, whether Carlos realizes it or not. IPHC will care less about the villains—and even if she does care, the small villains have gotten good at staying out of overlords' radars, and since they're in a province she doesn't control, it would be harder to find them anyway. - I think this is when we should insert the "help me make the world a better place!!!" "oh, you're funny" scenes. In fact, I think we should have an entire episode just filled with these sorts of interactions. (In the background of the story leading up to this, we'll have a couple of side characters intertwined with the main plot; all of them except for this episode.) Then, finally, at the end of this very long day, a villain (possibly Reality's character?) steps out of the shadows, tells Carlos "you're doing this all wrong," and then takes him home to the warehouse they live in. - Next episode we have more of "you're doing this all wrong" combined with training, teaching ("villains aren't what you call 'good' and 'bad'; they come in shades of gray"), snacks, and your normal programming with the side character plots - Carlos finally ventures back out to recruit some more villains to his cause. I don't know what order he would find them in, but I want Jupiter to join before Clover does (and maybe they realize each other's identities at one of Carlos' meetings ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) - we have more plot. more plot goes here
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
this is making me realise texture packs to add difference to each book is really useful
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Enchantment tier list
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
Literally Carlos
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meowzie-27 · 11 months ago
Okay okay, I know I was against killing Mairi…
BUT can Siennah kill her (´◑ω◐`)
It’ll be awesome xD
actually I've decided I'm going to kill Mairi <3
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meowzie-27 · 2 years ago
Who’s your favorite character so far? I think that Solar’s pretty cool but so is Kage! And Neurosis… hmm… she freaks me out in a good way ngl!
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meowzie-27 · 2 years ago
I would not be surprised if the explosion launched Loch through a window
I feel like buzzard is the type of person to throw a grenade with the pin out to loch and be like
Buzzard:🤪 HeRe 👁👅👁CaTcH👹
Loch: *catches it* *death*
Loch sux
down with the government
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