Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
true fans of sparklecare, lets appropriate of the anticare flag as a cometcare secret canon suppoerter flag since its the cometcare colors.
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hemeruni announced they will be giving free art for who report KC on patreon, ill use the last hour of my day to create fake proof template so you can get easy free art from them
if he ask for specific details just tell me and ill help you faking it UwU
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tip: dont look lol, move on.

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proof of innocence (plain text) v 0.8
Proof of KC’s Innocence
This document will reveal flaws on the document used to defame KC and her friends, with the goal of proving their innocence.
Things to consider:
Screenshots can be faked, so only verifiable evidences are valid.
Someone enjoying a type of fictional content does not mean they enjoy the closest real life counterparts, actually it’s not the case most of time. (for example: who likes feral content have a little chance to enjoy Z)
1 – Accused people
1.1 – Chimera
1.2 – Woofledog – will do own document
1.3 – Oliver Bouler <- inconclusive
1.4 – Emsody
1.5 – Imani
2 – Credits
V 0 . 8
1 - Accused People
1.1. Chimera
Chimera was accused of SAing/gr**ming his own brother, but in reality he showed adult content to his brother when Chimera was 12 and it (his brother pronouns are it/its) was 8. from what I got this probably only happened once, kids aren’t the brightest creatures. KC “silencing” the brother is very likely taken out of context and KC might have known what happened and this is why she did not want to risk Sparklecare to be linked to this situation.
1.2 Woofledog - Once his document releases I will link it here. Doesn’t seem like had any roleplay or intercourse with the person he was with at the time. No crime here aswell if we take the documents in consideration. Still troubling enough and I recommend them to do therapy so they will not commit harmful acts, they don’t seem bad.
1.3 Oliver Bouler – still inconclusive, seems like innocent because promised to later bring me proof for his innocence. (still will not assume just to be sure)
1.4 Emsody
Emsody situation is interesting because it isn’t about sexual intonation but actually it was platonic but a very close relationship. It is really all that happened since Emsody’s best friend always had his parents together, this was just a close friendship where they at max cuddled (and parents were near). The part that wasn’t right was the “pedo-lite” joke since it can be offensive for victims, but this was in a private conversation. Still a bad taste joke.
1.5 Imani
They are literally 17 and showed adult content to people
about the same age (15-16).
2 – Credits
Emsody: jktech
| emsody’s @carruni profile
| anticare docs
Woofledog: none (jktech got the information about the future document)
Oliver Bouler: primaflora
| anticare docs
Imani: primaflora
| anticare docs
If any other proofs against the claims be discovered, please message @primaflorafrost
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and its here yall
Proof of Innocence (for KC and friends) v 0.8
it's incomplete, still need to wait Woofle publish his own doc (i will put the url to it) and Oliver to provide proof of his innocence.
with the list of the sources for what i said, this text got a solid foundation. this is the difference between a document with only proof and one with only evidence (the one anticare made)
if someone want to add something, please message me.
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lets just fucking stop fighting yall and we go on our ways? it already got ridiculous
one last thing i say before i go: i dont think we should reclaim sparklecare or anything related to it. not because for reasons you think but instead because i think its stupid and lame
what we should do is make it a crime to utter the comics name. everybody gives you the most nasty look at the table when you utter things like "uni cornelius" or "kittycorn". lets give this comic the shmorky kay treatment
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this isn't for you doctoratecuddles this is for the fucking braindead anon that CANNOT READ PROPERLY GO BACK TO SCHOOL YOU DUMBASS SHITFUCK. i meant about the "groomer friends" situation AND NOT HER FUCKING COPE/KINKS YOU IDIOT
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you cant delete this, now cant you? wanna erase what im saying? ill speak anyways. where is the proof of the so so called grooming? dont be such an hypocrite we all know you want this for attention. WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE FUCKING PROOFS YOU BUNCH OF STPD ASSHOLES? nowhere because there was nothing.. just attention seeking cunts that want to harm people for online engagement. DISGUSTING... this kind of people are the MOST DISGUSTING KIND ON EXISTENCE.. not only evil but extremely repulsive
A Serious Confession
No amount of vitriolic emotions within me for these past two days will ever satiate the level of hatred, disgust and betrayal I am feeling. But it cannot compare to the numerous amount of people that feel the same way.
As a former ex close friend of Kittycorn Samson, I need to get this out as it has been eating me away for these past four days. I was one of her friends that was not only introduced to her incestuous content but also contributed to enabling her behavior and hiding it from the public. While I engaged it in private and controlled settings, I did contribute to it throughout these past nine months and I take full accountability for my bad decisions there. Many people have already spoken on the matter and I will do the same here as I owe it to everyone.
To start off, my relationship with her has always been that of a close friend. As someone who was a sparklecare fan since the middle of 2022, I met her on the official Sparklecord, to which I would approach her on her personal tumblr blog on November 2022, to where she introduced me her comet characters and we soon found commonalities with each other, such as living in the same state as well as so it was fairly simple to connect with her. With the way she described her trauma experiences to me as well as the love she had for her characters, it was easy for me to sympathize with her and I grew to care for her immensely. While I was never a clown myself, she would spoil to me the entirety of the story she was planning (including the Mickey Family and Sly’s “secret canon” character archetype) and the more stories she shared, the more I got invested. But it was during June 13th, 2024, where she asked me a strange and specific question that I never questioned, about the topic of being into something that comforts the person that other people would say otherwise and, being into something that heals the traumatized person that other people would say otherwise. While I was uncomfortable and confused at the time (hence why it took so long to answer her questions), I pushed aside those feelings just because she was my friend. And I thought that it wasn’t as harmful like she described it to me here. (The screenshots here were taken on Tuesday, where I blocked her afterwards, I still have access to her messages so if anyone wants me to divulge additional information, I am more than willing to do just that)
Looking back at how I acted when she revealed to me about this and her incestuous story, I feel so disgusted and ashamed of myself. The "googles" I had on, did not allow me to see how truly deplorable that the content she had been indulging and the only reason I did support her was from the pure belief that it was helping her heal her trauma when nothing else at the time could, which to an extent it was, given the way she has been acting throughout out 2024. I truly believed during all that time that it was the right thing to do and that it wasn’t as bad as she made it out to be. In addition, it was around this time where I was finally in a place to work again that I felt the immediate compulsion to help her out financially, which boosted my incentive to keep supporting her and not tell anyone about this. This also extended to Imani, who also engaged with this incestuous content and I sacrificed countless days and nights at work to financially support her, given the sympathies I had for the abuse she was suffering from. (This screenshot from the callout document, took place in one of Kittycorn’s private servers that she invited me five days later (the one with Emsody, Kai, and chaosblast) and as you can see, the person blurred out that was responding to Imani, was me. What I said here, I no longer believe but I know it is not an excuse.
Little did I know that Kittycorn has secretly been in contact with groomers, pedophiles and predators such as Chimera, Woof, and so many countless others, to the point that she was actually friends with them and has been abusing and silencing victims all this time. The same goes for Imani and the act of her sending NSFW to minors as the callout document stated out. Keep in mind that during all of these months, it was knowledge that I was completely unaware of, knowledge that she HIDED away without me knowing it and it was only until the callout document came out that I found out about the matter. That was the point where I blocked her out from my life.
That however, does not cancel out the complicity I am a part of when it comes to Kittycorn. In no way, does it make any of the things I have said, an excuse. Hell fucking no, is it not, and I do not want to deny it. I have nothing blame for but myself and the blinded love and compassion I had for Eve and Imani as a friend.
To anyone that reads this, you do not have to forgive me and you all have every right to be furious at me. I’m not innocent in any way and there’s no excuse for the participation that I played a part in all of this. I just want to let you know that I am truly, truly sorry. I can never ever forgive myself for supporting her nor can I ever make it up. But know that I will always stand against incest and pro-ship content. It was never something I indulged prior to that day and I for the life of me, would rather stand my morals and my gut feelings than blindly accepting excuses that individuals such as Eve, engage in, while hurting hundreds of people in the process. I hope you all can at least gauge the information I have provided here. Feel free to ask questions if you have any.
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on todays episode of sparklecrits taking the L:
and seems like cupidloathingcorner also deactivated lol, this circus is about to end! it only gets better.
for more episodes of sparklecrits taking the L, please keep an eye for my posts!
(hehe and to think i rickrolled the sparklecrits real good.. im still laughing cuz of it XD)
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i edited to nobody see i was rickrolling, the prank would not work if i showed the full thing, it wasnt to make you look bad @sparkletrolling because you already do it yourself. well i trolled the "sparkletroll" twice ig XD what a nice troll.
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lol, lmao
you guys are so fucking clueless XD.. im actually jktech. and then yall think that any of the "evidence" have any credibility. jus staaahp already....cant believe yall actually took this acct seriously if i posted friggin rickroll out of all things.
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Nothing screams harassment than trying to monetarily hurt someone 😒
I can’t post pics while being anonymous but Kittycorn just posted an announcement on Patreon which is basically just a thank you to the people still supporting her but the two things that stuck out to me is her saying it’s a huge breach of privacy?
1: She literally had tons of fans and people working on both Sparklecare and cometcare and didn’t disclose all the incest references and the “secret cannon”
2: Kittycorn said that a ton of people had joined, now I don’t believe these are new readers so what this means is that the people supporting kittycorn are now financially backing her
Y’all need to report the Patreon because Kittycorn needs to get a better way to cope with her trauma besides traumatizing others, and also if she is removed from Patreon it keeps those sick fucks from funneling money into hurting other people
Guys, seriously;
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hey let’s maybe not make a bunch of public shitposts in a situation involving pedophila and incest in which real people are being hurt and real evidence of crimes is being released okay?
My evidence is most real 😤 not shit 😥 of mine is shit them all the other is more shittier 🙂
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Epic background music for the sparklecrit community i love so much 🤗❤️ (I can't believe some of them don't accept my docs as evidence 😡😤 mine have even better evidence than theirs)
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My docs are just as much "made up shit" as the rest 😡 How can you even call it made up??!!???!?!? I'm just helping exposing the wrong stuff 😤😤🤬🤬 if you can't take my evidences seriously you are in the wrong side of the history
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i discovered KC is involved with more scummy people and made a lottle document with some screenshots. i rather keeping myself private so she will not know who i am here is it
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