Silly Moo Cards and Crafts
145 posts
Bespoke and personalised handmade cards and crafts for all occasions, including upcycled wine bottle lights, box frames, glittered glasses and more.
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sillymoo62 · 4 years ago
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Good morning! Busy weekend ahead for me catching up on orders but first I just wanted to remind you that I also personalise T shirts and can usually find a design to suit most occasions / interests. This one obviously was for someone who loves their cats ! Please get in touch if you have any special requests x #personalisedtshirt #tshirt #catlady #catlover #catlife #cats #supportsmallbusiness
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Well I’ve been so busy that I’ve been very quiet on here lately but I couldn’t let International Women’s Day go without a mention. There are so many strong and amazing women out there and I am blessed to have many as my friends 💕💕Happy International Women’s Day to you all Xx #internationalwomensday #strongwomen #amazingwomen #thebestfriends
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Happy New year to you all. I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas. I have been enjoying the extended break but have now officially reopened my books for orders. Lots of new designs and products lined up for this year and I look forward to sharing them with you x #sillymoocardsandcrafts #bespokegifts #personalisedgifts #smallbusiness #localbusiness #handmadewithlove
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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First snowball of the season! Lush! It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas 🎶 Merry Christmas everyone! X🎄
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Just a quick reminder that my order books are now closed until the new year. This will give me the time I need to complete existing orders. Thank you everyone for your support throughout the year. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and a very happy New year xx
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Good morning! Busy day ahead for me today but first a quick share of these gorgeous Christmas Eve boxes that are available on the website. They are also great keepsake gift boxes for giving someone special a collection of small gifts. #christmasiscoming #sillymooscountdowntochristmas #christmaseve #christmasevebox #personalisedgiftbox
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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I hope you are all having a great weekend. Today I am sharing with you some of the lovely personalised pocket cushions available at Silly Moo. They make fab presents for children and throughout November and December they come with a free children’s book. #christmasiscoming #sillymooscountdowntochristmas #pocketcushion #childrensbooks #childrenschristmasgifts #personalisedgifts #childrenlovetoread
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Happy Friday everyone! Just sharing these lovely Christmas stockings that are always a best seller every Christmas and I’ve been lucky to get more stock this week. I think the reindeer design is my favourite. Which one is your favourite design ? #christmasiscoming #sillymooscountdowntochristmas #personalisedchristmas #personalisedchristmastocking
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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I hope you are all having a good day. Today I am sharing with you this cheeky little Elf Drinking bottle which is available on the website at the introductory price of £6.50. The kids will love him! #elfdrinkingbottle #naughtyelf #elvesbehavingbadly #christmasiscoming #christmasstockinggift #sillymooscountdowntochristmas
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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I have just added these gorgeous, grey personalised Santa sacks to the website. The lovely reindeer design makes these sacks suitable for both adults and children. I hope you like them #santasack #personalisedsantasack #reindeers #christmas #christmasiscoming #sillymooscountdowntochristmas
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Yes only 52 sleeps until Christmas Day !! Here at Silly Moo HQ I’ve been busy adding to my range of Christmas designs. I hope to finish getting them up on the website soon and will start sharing the designs with you in the next few days. Remember to like the page or follow me on Instagram for great personalised Christmas gift ideas xx #ilovechristmas #christmasiscoming #christmasgiftsideas #sillymooscountdowntochristmas
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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Thank you so much @sam_squires_ and @funkyfossildesigns for the gorgeous stamp set which I was lucky enough to win in the giveaway. Can’t wait to use them! X #funkyfossildesigns #funkyfossil #newstamprelease #giveaway #handmadecards #stamping
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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I have just added these luxury, personalised spa slippers to the website. They are perfect for hen or bridal parties, spa weekends, sleepovers or to take on holiday. They are lush! #bridalpartyslippers #personalisedslippers #henpartygifts #spaslippers #bridesmaidgifts
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sillymoo62 · 5 years ago
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I hope you are all having a lovely weekend. It’s very wet today so I’m staying nice and cosy indoors. Many of the bespoke designs I have been doing have been for T-shirt’s and baby clothes so I have decided to add a clothing range to the website. If you want a T-shirt with a personal slogan or saying on please get in touch. It is so lovely to give or receive something that is truly personal #personalisedgifts #personalisedclothing #personalisedtshirts #personalisedbabygift #customtshirt #personalisedbabyclothes #sillymoocardsandcrafts #hentshirts #henidorm
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sillymoo62 · 6 years ago
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Today I am sharing with you this lovely ‘weigh day essentials’ jute bag requested for someone who can never find her weight loss journal or membership pack on weigh day ! It is a perfect size for holding your weight loss journal and pack and has extra room for your drink bottle and any goodies you buy from group. When you want to do some meal planning you can just grab your bag and everything is together in one place. For more information please see website (link in bio) or get in touch x #sillymoocardsandcrafts #weighdayessentials #weighdayessentalsbag #weighday #weightlossgoals #weighdaybag #weightlossjournal #weightlossmotivation #weightlossjourney #weightlosssupport #mealplanning #personalised #personalisedgifts #personalisedbag #jutebag #slimmingworld #weightwatchers
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sillymoo62 · 6 years ago
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And in a blink of an eye it’s Monday again ! I hope you all had a great weekend. Today I am sharing with you a pocket cushion designed for a child who is into gaming and superheroes. These pocket cushions are available in a range of colours and themes. If you have a special request for a theme please do get in touch x #sillymoocardsandcrafts #bespoke #pocketcushion #gamer #superhero #personalisedgifts
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sillymoo62 · 6 years ago
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I really love doing bespoke work and I am seeing an ever increasing number of customers contacting me with individual requests for gifts or cards that they would like making for all sorts of different occasions or events. This one was for someone leaving a job but other requests have ranged from new baby to 80th Birthdays and everything in between. Bags, T shirts, Baby-grows, bibs, slippers, mugs, glasses etc can all be personalised to your specific request so please do get in touch if you are thinking about something special. I shall try and share some more photos over the coming weeks x #sillymoocardsandcrafts #bespoke #bespokegifts #personalisedgifts #personalisedcards #smallbusiness #individualizedgifts #upcycledwinebottlelight #retirementgift #letnewadventuresbegin
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