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melvisik · 5 months ago
OFMD Title Pages Polls
From a previous post...
Might I ask for some help? I'm not sure where I'm going with these, but I've challenged myself to make some OFMD inspired title pages using only shapes available on Microsoft PowerPoint. Thing is, I've made at least two versions of each and I'm not sure which look better (A or B) or if either represent the show/episodes effectively and I should try something else (C). Could y'all help me decide?
Thank you for your responses on the last title page! Looks like this is the winner so far:
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Next up...
S1 E4 Title Page
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Any suggestions, please feel free to put in the comments.
Thank you!
Previous poll:
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melvisik · 5 months ago
OFMD Title Pages Polls
From a previous post...
Might I ask for some help? I'm not sure where I'm going with these, but I've challenged myself to make some OFMD inspired title pages using only shapes available on Microsoft PowerPoint. Thing is, I've made at least two versions of each and I'm not sure which look better (A or B) or if either represent the show/episodes effectively and I should try something else (C). Could y'all help me decide?
Thank you for your responses on the last title page! Looks like this is the winner so far:
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Next up...
S1 E3 Title Page
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Any suggestions, please feel free to put in the comments. Thank you! Previous poll:
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melvisik · 5 months ago
OFMD Title Pages Polls
From a previous post...
Might I ask for some help? I'm not sure where I'm going with these, but I've challenged myself to make some OFMD inspired title pages using only shapes available on Microsoft PowerPoint. Thing is, I've made at least two versions of each and I'm not sure which look better (A or B) or if either represent the show/episodes effectively and I should try something else (C). Could y'all help me decide?
Thank you for your responses on the series title page! Looks like this is the winner so far:
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Next up...
S1 E2 Title Page
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Any suggestions, please feel free to put in the comments. Thank you! Previous poll:
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melvisik · 5 months ago
And one day I will make Capezzoli di Venere.
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Oh why not? Tagged by the incredible, amazing, lovely @gentlebeardsbarngrill ❤️
TAG GAME: list five of your favourite movies in a poll so your followers can pick which movie they think best fits your vibe! Well then, to avoid series films like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and The Thin Man, off the top of my head...
Each one of these pretty much comes from various stages in my life, though not necessarily in that order...
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melvisik · 5 months ago
Oh why not? Tagged by the incredible, amazing, lovely @gentlebeardsbarngrill ❤️
TAG GAME: list five of your favourite movies in a poll so your followers can pick which movie they think best fits your vibe! Well then, to avoid series films like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and The Thin Man, off the top of my head...
Each one of these pretty much comes from various stages in my life, though not necessarily in that order...
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melvisik · 5 months ago
OFMD Title Pages Polls
From a previous post...
Might I ask for some help? I'm not sure where I'm going with these, but I've challenged myself to make some OFMD inspired title pages using only shapes available on Microsoft PowerPoint. Thing is, I've made at least two versions of each and I'm not sure which look better (A or B) or if either represent the show/episodes effectively and I should try something else (C). Could y'all help me decide?
Thank you for your responses on the series title page! Looks like this is the winner so far:
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Next up...
S1 E1 Title Page
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Any suggestions, please feel free to put in the comments. Thank you! Previous poll:
0 notes
melvisik · 6 months ago
OFMD Title Pages Polls
Might I ask for some help? I'm not sure where I'm going with these, but I've challenged myself to make some OFMD inspired title pages using only shapes available on Microsoft PowerPoint. Thing is, I've made at least two versions of each and I'm not sure which look better (A or B) or if either represent the show/episodes effectively and I should try something else (C). Could y'all help me decide? First up...
Series Title Page
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Any suggestions, please feel free to put in the comments. Thank you!
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melvisik · 6 months ago
Feeling sentimental about Stede's love confession....
This entire scene, Ed is trying so so hard not to cave...
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GIFs credit: @livelovecaliforniadreams
Ed's in such a state of resistance here. Since waking up he might have been trying so hard not to reach out and touch Stede. We've all seen in his vision (bts) that he desperately wanted to...
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GIF credit: @ineffabeatlemindpalace
And then with Stede so close to his face when he wakes, he's barely conscious enough to realize 'Oh yeah, I should be mad at you. I am mad at you, in fact.' He can't speak, he reacts non-verbally, and then Stede makes it clear while he didn't expect Ed to go all gushy at seeing him again, he didn't appreciate the harmful gesture (while still acknowledging that Ed has a right to feel hurt)...
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GIFs credit: @livelovecaliforniadreams
Though to be clear, this is OFMD pirate-world rules and Ed was half-dead.
But now the man Ed still can't help but adore goddammit, the man he's longed for, and cried over, and missed, and makes him so happy...
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He's sitting right next him, confessing how Ed's feelings are in fact returned and literally counting the ways he loves him.
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GIFs credit: @livelovecaliforniadreams
Ed's feared so much that Stede left because he didn't love Edward Teach, only wanting to play pirate dress up with Blackbeard.
But now Stede's back beside him, being so sure and so gentle and telling Ed that there's no pressure or expectation. He assures Ed that doesn't have to say he returns his affections (though Stede already knows).
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GIFs credit: @livelovecaliforniadreams Stede loves Ed and all that comes with it. And Stede is so kind and earnest and ridiculous and matches Ed so perfectly... Imagine the butterflies making hurricanes in Ed's belly. The tingles at his fingertips to reach out and touch Stede. The heat of Stede's presence warming his every nerve. The beauty of Stede's words softening and filling his heart. The magnetism of Stede's sweet, irresistible smile compelling him to reflect it back, and inevitably drawing him again into Stede's beautiful, dazzling whirlpool...
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GIFs credit: @livelovecaliforniadreams
The clever fandom's pointed out so many times how Stede gives the tiniest move forward before realizing it and shifting back immediately.
Then how Ed so badly wants to reciprocate - that tiny smile, those sparkling eyes, how he moves ever so slightly forward, perhaps unable to resist his desires any longer...
Yeah, we all know it. Ed was definitely going to melt back into Stede's arms.
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melvisik · 6 months ago
Stede’s Dream vs Reality Saw this post on Tw*tter a long while back and my god....
These two scenes:
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The parallel here is far from subtle. The dream/fantasy running through Stede’s head as he races across the beach towards Ed.
But the reality turns out so much better.
While Stede goes in for the hug he thinks he's getting...
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...Ed stops him, cupping his face to just look at him and give him something relatively unexpected on Stede’s part…
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Stede’s little ‘mph’ of surprise here - receiving something he didn’t anticipate from Ed even in his dreams, when he was probably thinking he had no right to hope for a kiss. But Ed’s ecstatic to see Stede here. He’s relieved, and impassioned, and just so, so, so in love...
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Stede is gentle, patient, and also just so, so, so in love... GAH these two.
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melvisik · 7 months ago
Ah well, haven't posted in a while.... Tagged by the lovely and amazing @gentlebeardsbarngrill (whose first two ship choices I'm stealing. Sorry XP)
What I got right now…
Three ships:
Gentlebeard - Our Flag Means Death
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Ineffable Husbands - Good Omens
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Garashir - Star Trek DS9
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P.S. I don't care if the series screwed it up. They're canon:
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First ship:
Ummm... Demeter and Munkustrap from 1998 Cats, maybe?
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Last Song:
My Heart Will Go On Egyptian Arabic version performed by Vivian Bishara:
Last movie:
Ah, nostalgia...
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Currently reading:
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...fulfilling my end of a bargain.
Currently watching:
YouTube. Casual Geographic, Dive Talk, Oceanliner Designs, MrBallen, Oversimplified...
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Too disheartened by most of the streaming services right now. Prefer to help these content creators get paid (and they're awesome).
Currently eating:
A 'cheat' dessert...
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Current craving:
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Hence the cheat cookies. As for tags, I don’t know a lot of people on Tumblr… but this was fun!
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melvisik · 11 months ago
Hii! Is it you who does the cute cards of OFMD cast?
Have you done one for Mark Mothersbaugh yet? (Sorry if yes, I didn't catch it)
Thanks! 🏴‍☠️💜🏴‍☠️💜
Hello! Guilty of the cards, yeah :P. I'm so touched you're enjoying them and think they're cute :). I have not done Mark Mothersbaugh yet (the composer, correct?) but I certainly can! Thank you for the suggestion. Please let me know if you'd like to see anyone else ;).
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melvisik · 1 year ago
Here for some Abby @gentlebeardsbarngrill appreciation!! Abby, you are the personification of sunshine - well, sunshine that is so healing and wholesome and supportive. Thank you for all the care and love you pour into the fandom!
Hi @gentlebeardsbarngrill! You've received a lovely letter! 💌
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melvisik · 1 year ago
MerStede and Ed
So, this...
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Cringe or no?
I mean sure, you could say that if you were so inclined...
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But then I saw an interesting defense of this scene. Ed's reaction...
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This isn't cringe to him. Stede is often cringe personified and Ed adores the hell out of him. Right now this is the loveliest sight in the world to Ed because this is the person he loves coming to him at the lowest moment in his life, Stede all decked as a creature of lore in beautiful colors like a 'sweet little goldfish.'
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How many of us would love this? For a someone to see our cringe (or flaws) as beautiful, or as just another part of us they love. Besides, it's technically Ed who's being the cringe here as this is his mindscape/fantasy, and Stede later shows he's completely supportive of it...
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Which is another incredibly sweet moment. Who cares if others don't like it? Ed loves it. And Stede loves him.
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I know, I know "But is it effective for audience viewing?" Look, I suppose I just prefer this anyway more than some of the more gratuitous, pornographic scenes out there that are put on film to... I dunno, "prove the couples' love for each other"? I mean, those are great and all, but this is just so sweet...
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melvisik · 1 year ago
The blue robe…
The one that Ed kept to remember Stede…
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Ok, already seeing many posts and meta, but we all know someone is gonna write that fic (or already have with the red one) and there will be feasting and tears in the most delicious way. Gimme please.
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melvisik · 1 year ago
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Headcanon young Ed Teach.
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melvisik · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday OFMD - March 3, 2022
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melvisik · 1 year ago
Looking for a OFMD post, please!
Someone talking with their dad about how OFMD would’ve turned out if it had been written like 10 or so years ago?
Something about Ed and Stede both married to other women and so on?
Thank you!
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