mbiceta · 3 days
Outsider to Outsider: Reflecting on Camus’s Absurdism in Manga Form
I have always valued the opinions of outsiders, sometimes even more than those with actual knowledge. They tend to have a unique perspective because their opinion is just their raw beliefs, uninfluenced by those around them. When it comes to Albert Camus, I am also an outsider. I have not read any of his works or researched absurdism. But since I value the opinion of outsiders so much, I thought…
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mbiceta · 7 days
The 4 Ways you can Understand any Sentence in a Foreign Language
When you are learning a language it’s all to common to encounter a sentence that you can’t understand, but translate can’t seem to understand it either. Maybe it’s a complicated word or grammar, or a concept that you just can’t understand. Don’t worry this guide is here to help. Here are the 4 ways you can understand any sentence. 1. Find the foreign language definition This is likely the most…
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mbiceta · 12 days
Is this love? Escape Plan 逃跑计划 English Lyrics
This song is the opener to Escape Plan’s first album World (世界) and I feel it sets the stage quite well for the whole album. It noticeably contains a lot of English already, which is possibly why I’m the first to translate it, but I feel it is interesting enough to be worth writing about. It’s only four verses to translate so it didn’t take a long time either way. Music…
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mbiceta · 2 months
Duolingo: A Game-Changer for Casual Learners, But a Trap for Fluency Seekers
Duolingo turns language learning into a game, for better or worse. It has changed dramatically since my last review so an update is definitely in order. As I know Chinese already I was dragged against my will into dove into the Japanese course using Chinese as the native language because why not take advantage of my existing knowledge? The Positives That Still Remain Brilliant Addictive…
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mbiceta · 3 months
I translated 32 Chinese songs into English, this is what I learned
The May translation challenge is now over! I managed to succeed and now have a lot of lyrics to existing popular songs, and also managed to create lyrics for songs so obscure no other English translation existed! I hadn’t really translated anything before so it was a good learning experience. Songs are a lot more difficult to translate than book passages because you have to pay attention to the…
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mbiceta · 4 months
听妈妈的话 Listen to Mum by Jay Chou English Lyrics
On the last day of this translation challenge, I’m continuing the theme of parental love. This time it’s a song from the most popular artist in China! This is somehow the first song of his that I’ve translated (mainly because 告白气球 was very strange to translate) so I hope that you enjoy! Music Video Lyrics 小朋友 你是否有很多问号为什么 别人在那看漫画我却在学画画 对着钢琴说话别人在玩游戏我却靠在墙壁背我的…
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mbiceta · 4 months
盲点 Blind spot English lyrics
A kind of love that is commonly sang about in Chinese music is parental love. Unfortunately it doesn’t often get the same attention in the west and I think that’s a shame. Here is my translation of the song blind sport which has an overwhelming focus on the love parents have for their…
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mbiceta · 4 months
可不可以 English Lyrics
说好带你流浪而我却半路返航坠落自责的海洋发现离不开你我开始决定回去你已不在原地我可以接受你的所有所有小脾气我可以带你去吃很多很多好东西我可以偶尔给你带来带来小甜蜜就像前几年那样每天都会给你制造很多惊喜你的心 伤我能治愈我的快乐也只有你能给予我们就别再分离可不可以 和你在一起我们之间有太多回忆爱上了你 没什么道理只是刚好情窦初开遇到你不希望我的未来不是你只愿意和你永远不分离趁我还没 有过保质期趁你还愿意三年的回忆我如何抹去能不能再拾起永远在一起还没有过期我们就别再分离可不可以 和你在一起我们之间有太多回忆爱上了你 没什么道理只是刚好情窦初开遇到你不希望我的未来不是你只愿意和你永远不分离趁我还没有过保质期趁你还愿意可不可以 和你在一起我们之间 有太多回忆爱上了你 没什么道理只是刚好情窦初开遇到你不希望我的未来不是你只愿意和你永远不分离趁我还没 有过保质期趁你还愿意趁我还没 有过保质期趁你还…
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mbiceta · 4 months
My Secret G.E.M English lyrics 我的秘密英文歌词
When I first started learning Chinese I didn’t understand any of the lyrics except for a few words. At this time the song that I liked the most was based on sound alone, so this song being the one I liked the most says a lot about its sound. I really love the flow of this song and hope that it still sounds great to those who don’t know any Chinese at all. Enjoy! Lyrics 最近一直很好心情…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Nothing is more unforgettable than you Escape Plan Lyrics 没什么比你更难忘英文歌词
I often like imagining the worlds that songs paint. There isn’t enough time to explain everything properly, so you have to imagine it for yourself and fill in the gaps. In the end you get a strong feeling of how it felt at the time without knowing the details, often leading to more intrigue and emotion than if you knew everything completely. This song is a really good example of this, I hope you…
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mbiceta · 4 months
一万次悲伤 English Lyrics - Escape Plan
The song can be found in the YouTube video below, however I did manage to track down a rare music video which can be found on a different site here if that interests you. This song is about experiencing great pain but still fighting through it. The first line of the chorus was translated as “Ten thousand sorrows” because it is easier to sing in time with the original, but a more direct…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Youth by Meng Ran English Lyrics 少年英文歌词
Lyrics 换种生活让自己变得快乐放弃执着天气就会变得不错每次走过都是一次收获还等什么 做对的选择过去的就让它过去吧别管那是一个玩笑还是谎话路在脚下其实并不复杂只要记得你是你呀Wu oh ohWu oh oh我还是从前那个少年没有一丝丝改变时间只不过是考验种在心中信念丝毫未减眼前这个少年还是最初那张脸面前再多艰险不退却Say never never give upLike a fireWu oh oh换种生活让自己变得快乐放弃执着天气就会变得不错每次走过都是一次收获还等什么做对的选择过去的就让它过去吧别管那是一个玩笑还是谎话路在脚下其实并不复杂只要记得你是你呀Miya miya miya miya miyaCall meMiya miya miya miya miya我还是从前那个少年没有一丝丝改变时间只不过是考验种在心中信念丝毫未减眼前这个少年还是最初那张脸面前再多艰险不退却Say…
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mbiceta · 4 months
The Moon Represents My Heart English Lyrics 月亮代表我的心歌词
This was probably the first Chinese song that I ever heard. I was forced to take an extra class one hour per week in school and Mandarin seemed by far the easiest option. I was right, the class turned out to be a joke. Nobody was seriously trying to learn anything, I never did any homework or memorised anything, but we always laughed a lot between ourselves. One joke made in particularly poor…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Goodbye, Goodbye by Escape Plan English Lyrics 再见再见(逃跑计划)歌词
It’s the battle of the goodbyes, yesterday I released an English translation of Goodbye by G.E.M, and now we have the other song. Which do you think is better? I think the answer depends on whether or not the chorus at the end annoys you. For me it alternates because sometimes I find it annoying, sometimes not. Lyrics 汽车声打破宁静听得见却看不清路灯下我的身影是最短的距离最亲密汽车声打破宁静听得见却看不清…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Goodbye by G.E.M English Lyrics 再见(邓紫棋)英文歌词
When I was first starting to learn Chinese I must have used this song so many times to say things like “actually I can already understand a lot of Chinese music.” It’s certainly true that songs with words that are really easy to identify and learn appeal greatly to language learners, which is possibly why I loved it so much when I first started learning only to like it less now. By the way there…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Green English Lyrics 绿色英文歌词
This song includes a concept that can’t be understood without cultural knowledge on what the colour green means in China. If you wear a green hat in China that means that your partner has cheated on you, so when green is used in this song, it’s supposed to be understood in this way. Lyrics 若不是你突然闯进我生活我怎会把死守的寂寞放任了说不痛苦那是假的毕竟我的心也是肉做的你离开时我心里的彩虹就变成灰色说不心酸那是假的如果我真的没那么爱过爱着一个没有灵魂的人世界都是黑色若不是你突然闯进…
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mbiceta · 4 months
Stubborn English Lyrics 倔强英文歌词
I feel like people who rap in English have a much more difficult time than those of other cultures. So many of the useful words that are commonly found in other languages get translated to words like “happiness” and “stubbornness” which are really awkward to translate. This whole song would have been easier if it was “Pride” instead, however that would make one of the lines “Me and my proud…
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