There is something deeply wrong with me 😨
9 posts
Hihi!! I'm Max!Any/All!!Minor!!(Won't say exact age, don't ask, over thirteen)This account is focused around SCP only, so go figure.(Expect mediocre art, I've only recently got back into digital stuff)I use a lot of emojis. You have been warned 😈I may act childish at times(all the times) But I can assure you I'm just full of whimsy 🤞I also tend to put stuff in brackets, not too sure as to why exactly I do this but uhh...hhhh brackets 👍(brackets👍(incase you didn't see it the first time)/j)I'm bad at this social media thing, please be patient.
Last active 60 minutes ago
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max-starcatcher · 10 days ago
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👁️👁️ uhm. Yeagh. I like these fools. 💗 ‼️SILLY GUOYUS DON'T BELONG TO MEEE‼️ so. i uh. I. I guess I tag s-....stellyjfkinnfnfnjnk. 😨 @.. at-/.;opiuytresdxcv b[ @stellyfins 😨 Alt versions and reference photos below as always
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2) No text
2) No text, no filter Reference photos
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The bun is for. Well trying to draw Katrina's hair. I have never drawn hair buns before soo. ye
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max-starcatcher · 15 days ago
I made something
A bit late, but better late than never, eh? Drawing was originally going to be its own thing but I gave up half way though so... ye 💥💥💥💥
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Was fiddling around with my Clef design, symbolism, art style, ect.. May be why this looks a lil different compared to some of my other stuff. ‼️Clarf design is not finalized!!!(and probably never will be, tbh.. not very consistent with things.) I just like messing about with how characters with vague descriptions could look‼️ 👋👋 :3c
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max-starcatcher · 28 days ago
This is what I do with my free time, unfortunately
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I think I might have a disease. Or two. Ignore the horrid quality, please 😭 I took the screenshots of the backgrounds and the characters on my laptop, sent them to my phone so I could put them together in ibis pant x and sent them back to my laptop to post them because I like making my life harder than it has to be. Green screen and blue screen of the fellows below incase anyone else wants to make one I guess
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max-starcatcher · 28 days ago
👁️I have no idea what I'm doing‼️💯
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So. uh. Dude mc guy as pictured is uh... definitely anomalous. Not an SCP oc, however. Just a guy. mc dude. ‼️art collab with @chocolatemoontiger‼️ The very red dude mc guy on the left belongs to me, and is the only thing I drew in the picture above! Dude mc guy, or guy mc dude is a bit of a persona in a way. Though I can never settle for just one so my best guess is that dude mc guy won't be a guy mc dude you'll see very often. Anygays, had fun drawing this and that is all that matters ❤️ Reference and close up under cut! (Because there was no way I would draw clothing folds and it actually look good without a reference)
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Reference is taken from Pinterest and can be found here Yes he does have an eye on his hand. Yes there is another one on his left one, too. That is all! You better have a good rest of your day/night or I SWEAR TO GOD- DON'T MAKE ME COME OVER THERE AND MAKE IT BETTER😡😡 /silly /affectionate /platonically /😨 Adlsolasoalso, sorry 4 taking three millions of years to make 🥺 If I don't like how the art looks I just keep. adding. and adding. and adding. perfectionisim but add a bit of maximalisim in there. Just a little. (I was going to add patches to the clothes but decided not to last second and I am regretting it. It could have looked so good!! So much potental!! My god stop yapping!! Post oveer lololooolol)
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max-starcatcher · 1 month ago
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Ewwww back tf up I can see your pores and count your eyelashes 😨 get outta my face❗❗❗ Uhhh no filter and refence photo under cut 💗
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^Refence photo found on Pinterest^ :3 I only realize now that it looks like drool but it is a scar 😭 Not very good at drawing scars, but I try 💣💥 Also not very good at drawing hands, but we can ignore them, right??RIGHT????
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max-starcatcher · 2 months ago
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Template belongs to @chocolatemoontiger ✨✨
‼️The only art I made and belongs to me is Dr Astrix in the middle‼️ (And the background)
👋👋 I managed to squeeze agt. Strelnikov in there with the others because I felt bad for leaving him off in the corner by himself 😭
My Astrix design will probably change in the future. Not by a lot, but it will.
Explaining all the relationships under cut ❤️(It's long, and I'm not the best at explaining them 😨) (Unrelated, do you think I over use emojis?)
Starting at Dr. Light and ending at agt. Lament
Dr. Light - Astrix doesn't know Light too well, but Light has more authority over Astrix so she naturally respects her.
Agt. Diogenes - Doesn't know them, has heard of them, never seen them in person.
Agt. Strelnikov - Has seen him hanging around Clef and by proxy is scared of him, but respects him for it too. (Also because he's an agent, she can respect that)
Dr. Glass - Is friends with him because he's (basically) friends with everyone else. Astrix is wary of him, however. He's a phycologist of the foundation. He gets paid to tell the higher ups how broken someone is, how their mind works, permanently write all it down in their files, and how they might be better off amnestied. She likes Glass, but can not for the life of her trust him. She always wonders if he picks up on her little subconscious habits and ties them to certain things in his mind. Not a fan of the idea.
Dr. Z. Kiryu - She considers herself a friend of Kiryu, but they honestly haven't talked a lot. Astrix likes her and takes interest to the butterflies. If she could talk to her more, she probably would. Astrix has gone out of her way to be nice before, and would again.
Dr. Kondraki - Old guy who just wants to be left alone with his camera. Has talked to him multiple times before, thinks he's cool, doesn't really go out of her way to talk to him. Like the butterflies, is interested with them but thinks playing 20 questions with Kondraki just to learn more about them would be stupid. And awkward. Just read the file, Astrix.
Dr. A. Clef - Ew. Ew, EW, EW. Astrix thinks he goes out of his way just to bother her. Unfortunately Astrix has mega trust issues and kinda judges people big time for things they've done in the past. Never forgets. Tries to brush Clef off so hard. Usually fails. Every time she has interacted with him she's left angry. Upset. Scared. Overwhelmed for the smallest of reasons. Most of the time he really doesn't do anything too bad, but Astrix still gets all riled up over it.
(Had to add a line break, still on Clef below)
Has broken a mug because of him before. Goes out of her way to avoid him and yet he still tracks her down and finds her no matter what. She blames it on their first interaction. She never believed in all that "first impressions matter" Bullcrap.. Well, not until now. In reality, Clef is a tinge intrigued by her. New employee, reacts weird to things, 'interesting' personality. Weird. Strange. And wants to figure out what makes her tick. Astrix has a thing of just. Not showing strong emotions and getting all blank faced when confronted with them(like a freeze response) and Clef perceives it as her not being scared of him which compels him to do more in an attempt to get a reaction. (wow, that's two whole paragraphs about old fugly man. Sorry readers.)
Agt. Kondraki(Draven) - Respects him because he's an agent. has heard of him, never seen him in person. Already thinks good of him because of Dr Kondraki.
Researcher J. Talloran - Same with Draven, heard of, never seen, doesn't really care. Thinks good of them.
Dr. Gerald - Astrix always has Band-Aids or bandages on her person, you never know when you'll need them. I mean- you'll never know when someone else around you needs them. I mean- you'll never know when Gerald needs them. Sorry, sorry- you know that Gerald needs them. By god, he could use some rainbow pastel Band-Aids. Has interacted with him before on multiple occasions, but doesn't go out of her way to talk to him. Tries to be nice.
SCP-963 - Doesn't care for them unless it's about her. Then she cares way to much. Tries to avoid them though not as much as she does to Clef.
Dr. Kain Pathos Crow - Doggy! Astrix is actually quite scared of dogs. Too loud, too unpredictable. Still a smidge nervous about him, but Kain has grown on her. She admires how smart he is and how he can persevere even while- ya know. Being a dog.
(Tw: mentions of cannibalism) Dr. Chimmerian - Goes out of her way to talk to him. Considers herself a friend of his, likes to challenge his morals, talks to him about ethics and how far is too far.. It's a little creepy, honestly. Stuff like: "If someone wrote their dead body into their will and gave it to you and you ate it would that be wrong? What if they wanted you to do that, too?". Astrix, some thoughts are better left in your head.
Dr. Rights - Same as Light except they have met her before and Astrix respects them for their authority.
Dr. Mann - 🤷(Shrug) He's a bit weird and creepy, but who's Astrix to judge? Just don't talk to him if you don't like it.
Dr. Trebuchet - Tries so, SO hard not to make dumbass comments about their height. (Not really.) On good terms with her, but they don't interact enough to be consisted friends in Astrix's eyes.
Dr. King - Haha. Apple seeds guy. On good terms with him, but they don't interact enough to be consisted friends in Astrix's eyes.
Dr. Gears - Astrix, again, considers herself a friend of Gears. Goes out of her way to do meaningless little things for him because he never reacts badly to them. He never really reacts at all. But that small "Oh, thank you." from him seems to be worth it every time. Astrix of course is warry of him too. She knows how he prioritises the foundation over his relations. So she tries not to over share to him.
Visits him at least once every week and makes sure to ask him something. Whether it be meaningless little things like: "How'd your day go?" to: "Did you ever think in your life that this is how it would turn out?". She finds comfort in his cold emotionless exterior, and shares tidbits of things about herself that aren't really important. Things like her experience with therianthropy(which despite his first belief is not an anomalous thing.. Right?) and how she feels about certain people.
Dr. Iceberg - Nuh uh. No likey. Red pilled skibbity sigma incel vibes. And he's.. Surprisingly strong. Nope. Na-da. Not a fan of whatever he's got going on. Iceberg always seems to be angry and snippy so Astrix tries to avoid him.
Agt. Lament - "Who's that?" -Astrix. She has seen them before, but has since forgotten.
Sorry, some of them are quite long 😅
Anyway, I had fun making this! First post I mention Dr. Astrix(my oc thingy I guess). She's got big trust issues and way too many problems. Her original name got stolen by the fae✨✨❤️❤️✨
Will enjoy posting about her more. Anygays, that's all!!
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max-starcatcher · 2 months ago
🐦‍🔥🟦||Dr. Flame and Dr. Bonds||🔥🪽
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These two belong to @ccp1ant ! Dr Flame is the one with the red sunset background, and Dr Bonds is the one with the blue sky background💜 Close ups under cut.
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max-starcatcher · 2 months ago
💜🌿Tallovines / FloralStab🌿💜
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Click on z image for better quality 😨(it actually looks so bad low quality that it's making me embarrassed)
TW for below image: Blood, slight gore, disturbing imagery
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@tallovines 💜/Platonically
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max-starcatcher · 2 months ago
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Doodle on a light up thingy I got as a Christmas eve present ✨ (Also, first post. Took me a long time to finally warm up to Tumblr and stuff. I'm quite new to this social media thing so uh. Yeah. Clarf SCP.) (I am so nervous someone pls idk stab me a couple hundred times I beg. 🔪)
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