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Manifestation/Shifting/Void Journey blog
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vibesswithdani · 17 days ago
two things i love doing when it comes to my desires
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i know, i know, you’ve heard that phrase more times than you can count. But i’m asking you, think of the person you want to be, the person you are yearning to be. Congratulations, that’s you now. I don’t care what you’re seeing with your physical eyes. However so many people ask “BUT SALEM HOW DO I ASSUME?”
well, i’m gonna give you two steps to success:
if you succeeded you would write one right? I’m not telling that you must feel it real but you would be proud of yourself and so so happy, or even have a surreal natural type of feeling in you when you wake up in your desire state? Whatever feeling, you would write a success story, because you… succeeded? No one is telling you to go lie but go into your notes or whatever you use and write a success story.
Look back on the story every time something comes up and remind yourself that it’s already happened. I mean of course it did, you wrote a success story. Feel that feeling again and let all your worries wash away.
suggest you do this while inducing or tryinh to shift or even trying to flip your thoughts: Close your eyes. I want you to envision a pov of your desired self. What are they doing, or should i say, what are YOU doing? are you on a date with your s/o. Are you chilling in bed, a private jet. Are you with family, whatever it is, envision a point of view from your desired self, as if you’re looking through the eyes of your desired self. You have to really really feel it, the warm sun, the laugh of your friends, really immerse yourself
Feel the feelings of calmness, it’s already done and you’re so happy. Now I want you, from the point of your desired self to think about the worries you have now, from your old life your old story. Like an inner monologue, repeat your worry but now from the point of view of your desired self. How would you react?
If you’re looking at life from the point of your desired self, who has everything, would you be worried about getting your summer body? Would you be worried about not getting your dream life before a certain date if you’re living it?
For example Angelica wants to induce pure consciousness, in the dream life that she has scripted, she’s a teen actress.
Angelica is worried about not manifesting her dream life before March. She closes her eyes and imagines life from the pov of her desired self’s eyes. She’s in her trailer infront of the mirror getting touch ups on set. She’s repeats her worry “What if i don’t get my dream life by spring break?” Angelica, now in the state of her desired self laughs at that. “I’m literally getting my makeup done on set, what am i even yapping about?” “Lmfao why am i scared of not living the life i literally have right now?”. And all of Angelica’s worries fade away because she knows she’s shifted.
Jaime wants her dream body but fear is creeping up that she won’t be able to manifest it by summer and will go another year avoiding all the cute clothes and bikinis she wants to wear. She closes her eyes and envisions a pov of her dream self looking in the mirror with her new body. She repeats the worry, and now find it silly because “why would i be scared of not getting something i already have”, she then looks at her success story reminding herself of what’s true.
And when it comes to manifesting, shifting and inducing the void, you already have your desires, so just tell yourself you’re going to relax Procrastinating because you’re scared of failure? Why would you be scared of failing something that’s already happened, so there’s no need to procrastinate. You’re confident in your abilities because you were able to produce success, that success story of yours is proof. Why are you upset about how you “just can’t do it” when you literally have a success story under your belt. Go look at it. Why are you scared of not have something YOU ALREADY HAVE.
There’s no need to rely on the void for your dream life, since you’re already living it. By tricking your mind into thinking that you aren’t reliant on the void, reliant on that shift, since you already have what you want, will make the void way easier and more accessible and natural to you. It won’t be on a pedestal and it won’t take forever for you to finally relax and let go.
Look at your worries from the perspective of your dream self and you’ll realise how pointless worrying is.
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vibesswithdani · 18 days ago
Day 35:
(No I didn't give up lol 💅🏾)
So, this morning, I woke up , stayed up for a while due to a phone call I got from my parents checking on me because they’re in another country and they left me home alone (essential to remember), and then went back to sleep. When I “woke up” again, I went to the living room to watch TV, but out of nowhere, the TV turns off. My mum suddenly says, “Let’s turn this off, I need someone to pray with.” (she’s super religious and she usually does this)
I was just confused, and she was hugging me and praying, and i was like “but mum, you’re supposed to be in Ghana???” Thats when i became lucid. The second I questioned it, everything turned dark and heavy. I felt this intense weight on my chest, and it was like I got sucked into this void-like space. It was pitch black, but I could still feel my bed slightly, and some glimpses of the living room so I knew I wasn’t fully gone.
Then, I ended up back in the “living room” where my fake mum was. I looked at her and said, “You’re not my mum, are you?” And she just went, “No.”
Me: “Are you an angel?”
Her: “Yes.”
(I didn't wanna ask if she was a demon due to my fear of nightmares lol)
I asked, “So that means I can enter the void, right?” And she goes, “Which one?”
That question threw me off, but I said, “You know, the one where I can manifest anything, shift to waiting rooms, etc.”
She looked at me and said, “You need to pray first.”
And I was like… Huh? But I went along with it. The dream started dragging on, and eventually, I lost lucidity. Next thing I knew, I was making peanut butter and jam sandwiches with her and Larenz Tate (😭??) before the dream just ended.
So, i think i almost entered the void??? (like i always do obviously ✨✨✨)
Something like this also happened last year, and it was around this time too. You know, the one where I was listening to James Joint?
I feel like its 100x better because this is a year where I'm able to enter the void state as freely as I can whenever and wherever with no limitations, no worries, no questions.
I guess my subconscious decided we should try a more interesting way to enter 🤭
If im being completely honest i did pull an all nighter the night before this whole thing happened because i was procrastinating to do an assignment at midnight (That happened in the 3D. in the 4D I’m doing a subject I love and I always submit it in time. The 3D has no choice but to bring that to life 🎀)
But yeah!
I’ve also been listening to rampages lately and have been affirming for about 10 minutes to an hour instead of all day because my mouth needs to breathe lmao.
Also, Happy Valentines Dayyyy! 🥹💖
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
If you don't mind can you explain on how we can use hypnagogia to enter the void state?
hypnagogia is a transitional state between wakefulness and asleep. when you are half asleep you’ll see how your body is very relaxed and your mind will ignore rational thoughts which will let your subconscious mind become impressionable and eager to do what’s told to
this is a deeply relaxed state that occurs right before you fall asleep (such as when you’re scrolling on tiktok in bed and feel yourself falling asleep), but you need to maintain a small level of consciousness to manifest your desires. there are a few ways to achieve this state, they’re similar but everyone works differently
it’s usually the best to do this at night, but it works anytime honestly; basically when you get tired and want go to sleep, lay down in a comfortable position (preferably on your back, but anything works) and as you’re starting to feel yourself get drowsy, do something to keep your mind awake, such as counting, focusing on your breath, visualizing and so on. when you find yourself in a deeply relaxed state and can’t feel your body anymore, start saying affirmations and let go/fall asleep and you will wake up in the void state (or a lucid dream where you can enter the void state immediately)
other ways to enter this state is staying awake for 24h or a big amount of time where you can barely keep yourself awake anymore (this is usually for people that have problems falling asleep easy) or do wake back to bed (personal favorite)
you can also reach this state by listening to delta or theta waves
here is some more research if you want to look further into it:
note: for the last link you can switch up shifting with entering the void by affirming instead of visualizing your dr just like I said previously
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
when you feel as if nothing is working for you
no just do it. mindlessly. like a robot. AFFIRM AFFIRM AFFIRM. in your head. say it out loud. whatever.
i promise you just do it
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
when you feel as if nothing is working for you
no just do it. mindlessly. like a robot. AFFIRM AFFIRM AFFIRM. in your head. say it out loud. whatever.
i promise you just do it
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
the key to inducing pure consciousness is being distracted btw, ykkk forgetting about the 3D
sing a song in your head
count in your head
talk to yourself in your head
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
3 days method. ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
ᯓ★ 3 days is all it should take you to manifest if you persist without wavering! Nothing should take longer than 3 days!!!
ᯓ★ Affirm, To saturate your mind for the next 3 days.
ᯓ★ Do NOT think against it or waver. Persist. It's already done. Be in the state of wish fullfilled.
ᯓ★ Saturate ur mind everytime you think of your desire.
ᯓ★ Meditate on it. (Like, focused affirming)
ᯓ★ Don't let the 3d determine anything, if u catch yourself thinking where is it or why it's not here, correct yourself!! Don't accept the 3d, 4d is what matters.
ᯓ★ The truth is whatever you decide, it is.
ᯓ★ Robotic affirming is literally foolproof.
ᯓ★ Don't quit and don't give up. Just keep affirming.
ᯓ★ stop fucking waiting. It's already yours. It's already done. Manifestation is not a process. You already have it. You're not trying to manifest. "You either have it or you don't"
(my another post)
"if you assume your desire and live there as though it were true, no power on earth can stop it from becoming a fact."
Get off of Tumblr you don't need to know more about the law of assumption, you already know. You already know what to do. ‼️
And watch sammy 🔥🔥🔥
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
Do you realize? You're doing everything but using your brain?
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
my way
until it reaches the void state
(this will be a long post)
1. the end, the beginning.
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I knew about the law of attraction years ago thanks to social media, so there it was, like every day trying to manifest my desires.
I was fed up, every day was the same.
My heart healing and breaking everyday, the same cycle of hope and hopelessness continues.
was it always going to be like this?
would I always have to let fears take over me?
I couldn't trust, I didn't believe that just by believing I could get what I wanted but at the same time I had no other option.
I couldn't go on like this, I didn't want to go on like this, I just wanted to end my life, I gave up and cried, cried, cried thinking that this would be the end, that I wouldn't be able to be happy and that was it.
I gave up and thought I was resigned to living a shitty life.
But I cried so much that all the sadness that was in me came out, all the fears that were clinging to me came out.
That's when I felt peace, when I realized that no, I wasn't going to give up that easily, that I first have to do it and do it well, not keep trying.
So I persisted for only 2 days, as I already had my desire for that moment and yes, after 2 days my 3D had already reflected it, it was exciting.
did i reallt do that? was it just a coincidence?
No, it was really me.
I was happy for a few days until the fears returned but this time I was afraid of losing my desire, that's when I realized that fears have no meaning.
I already have it, why would I lose it?
2. I discovered Tumblr and the void state.
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I didn't know what void state was, but as soon as I read about it, it caught my attention.
By then my self-concept had improved, I was still dealing with my fears but not as much as before.
So, I made a friend who explained to me more about the void state and she told me that she manifested her house through the void state.
I got excited and hopeful, I read some methods on how to get in and tried to do it, but I couldn't.
I couldn't do it, the simple idea of getting everything so easily sounded easy and fantastical to me.
But one day I realized who I really am, that I am everything, that nothing and no one has power outside of me.
I was filled with satisfaction, joy, peace, I felt like laughing knowing who I am and how easy everything is.
How did I first enter the void state?
so I had a subliminal audio playing in the background while I was meditating.
I thought...I am so powerful, I am capable of anything, I can have whatever I want whenever I want.
At that time I was very sleepy because I had taken some exams, so I just thought "my physical body is going to sleep and rest and I'm going to the void state"
After all, the void state is me and there is nothing easier than being me.
And so it happened, I entered the void state and knew that I already had everything just as I wanted, then I came out and continued sleeping while I didn't stop smiling and feeling a sensation of peace and extreme happiness.
I woke up and stood calmly until I realized what had happened...
I was scared shitless when I realized that I had entered the void state for real and that at that moment I should have everything I wanted and that was when 3d reality disappeared before my eyes.
Everything began to collapse and I felt a huge current of energy running through my entire body, as if it were a waterfall flowing inside me.
I was very scared, I won't deny it, but after all I did it.
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(I swear that just as you see in the gif, that's how I felt at that moment)
The following days I couldn't stop shaking and feeling scared because I didn't understand how it was possible that 3D could disappear just like that.
Then I read someone here talking about non-dualism. @lotusmi
Then I understood my experience.
Since that day everything is much easier for me.
I have entered the void state 3 times.
that manifests?
.cure my depression.
.cure my anxiety.
.trust myself.
.longer eyelashes.
.my desired person in love with me.
.be able to manifest easily.
.prettiest voice.
.I am spoiled.
The rest of the things I manifest are more private.
But basically for me this is the best thing that could have happened to me.
I will mention who were the bloggers that I read to understand more about the void state and about who I really am.
I will also mention a blogger whose information I also like and I find it cute.
If you want to know more, you can send me a direct message, no problem.
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
Day 22: Had another dream about my celebrity sp!!! They were performing 🤭🤭🤭
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
IDC I have mastered inducing pure consciousness whenever tf i want. IDC I've become a master shifter who literally shifts JUST by thinking of my dr. IDC I've become a lucid dreamer who can lucid dream just by setting an intention. IDC I've become the best master manifestor out there that manifests INSTANTLY. IDFC I said what I said. This is literally my reality. Whatever I say, goes. No matter what. I'm literally the creator. The god. The universe. Everything and nothing at the same time. IDC This reality is my playground, it's so malleable. IDC I induce void state and reality shifting at every attempt. I am. I am pure consciousness. IDC I induce void state and reality shifting instantly. IDC Inducing void state and reality shifting is so easy. IDC Failure doesn't exist. IDC I'm literally doing everything right. It's working. IDC I'm in my desired reality so I already have what I want. This reality is so malleable. IDFC I always get what I want cuz I fucking said so. I'm literally god. The creator. I manifest instantly. IDC This is my reality, whatever I say, goes. No matter what. I'm so happy. I'm living my dream life. Manifesting, void state, reality shifting etc is easier than breathing for me. IDCCC I SAID WHAT I SAID. ITS FACTS.
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
Does anyone want to brag with me about how awesome their lives are with loa??? Send me an ask or message 🤭
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vibesswithdani · 1 month ago
I have lucky girl syndrome and no worries 😘
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vibesswithdani · 2 months ago
“Who tf you talkin’ to ho? I ain’t the one!!”
All of us to the 3D
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vibesswithdani · 2 months ago
No matter what, the 3D is literally my biiiiiitch
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vibesswithdani · 2 months ago
✨Robotic Affirmations💞
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Hello loves!! It has been a minute since I’ve made a post, so I wanna talk about one of my favorite manifestation methods that is literally fail proof, robotic affirmations!
What are robotic affirmations?
Robotic affirmations are continuously affirming something that implies you have your desire over and over again, without feeling it real, without believing it, without having to do… anything. When you robotically affirm, you can react to the 3D and affirm that you have your desires even if you don’t believe in it. And guess what? It’ll still manifest. Why?
This is because when we constantly tell our subconscious something over and over again, our subconscious wants to show us that we have what we want. With constant repetition, and constant affirming over and over again, our subconscious will have no choice but to manifest our desire in the 3D.
When we constantly think about something, for example, red roses, and we’re always thinking about it and it’s on our mind, our subconscious is going to show us red roses in the 3D. Whether it’s on TV, in comic books, or even in real life, if we are constantly thinking of something, our subconscious is going to want to “prove” to us that is what we are always seeing, hence seeing red roses.
You can have as much anxiety as you want, not believe in the slightest bit, but if you keep affirming over and over and over again that you have what you want, it will manifest.
How do I do this?
Pick any affirmation(s) of your choice for example:
“My SP is obsessed with me”
“I have my dream car”
“I am working at my dream job”
“I got accepted into my desired school”
You can use multiple if you want, and yes you can manifest multiple things. Keep affirming this throughout the day, over and over again for as long as you want. The only thing you need to do is BE CONSISTENT and keep affirming over and over. Again, no emotion, no belief. Just keep doing it. Our subconscious is going to eventually adapt to these affirmations and it WILL manifest. It is fail proof.
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vibesswithdani · 2 months ago
It truly never fails to amaze me how my body won’t let me wake up unless I’ve entered the void state first. It’s like every single day it gives me the option to either manifest something nice for myself or shift to a different reality. I’m not complaining since it’s so tranquil, so peaceful, and it feels like I’m floating. It’s definitely because I’m cursed (blessed) with lucky syndrome forever there is not a day where I do not get what I want. There isn’t a day where I’m worried at all The 3D has literally surrendered to me so much that it has not allowed me to struggle ever again.
And it never will iktr 🤭💅🏾
Being weightless while manifesting>>>>
Manifesting whatever I want>>>>>
Having nothing to worry about at all>>>>>>
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