Tw trigger
Fuck feet together thighs apart, i want knees together thighs apart.
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Tw: Warning about my blog
Before you continue, please take note that I am not pro sh, ana,mia, for anyone but myself. This is a vent blog and is my only outlet. Do not continue if you are clean and dont wish to be triggered. Do not continue onto my blog my loves, for i am pro recovery but my blog is not in recovery. . Please stay safe. To the rest of you, you are welcome to ask questions and explore. Love you all.
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Tw: My 'Stats'
So this is really embarrassing for me, because tho i have ana, i am still fat, but i dont have a scale rn because the other broke. Hoping to get a new one soon to see what i actually am. I'll update when i get one. This is an estimate, but my lw is not an estimate.
Cw: 185
Lw: 120
Ugw: 85
I wanna loose a hundred pounds, really fast, because i am WAY too fat.
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Tw ana mention
So i got a tip for a low cal meal, thats really filling.
Jalepeno slices, 0 cal, and low cal fat free salsa, mines 10 cal for a half cup. Plus, spice reduces hunger and shrinks appetite.
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Tw: Vent
So my b£@d€$ broke. Tell the how the f*c* they all break at the same goddamp time. On the bright side i learned that if you break a plastic fork in half its really sharp. Made a couple styros with it. If you used to follow me i was MagicalTradegyNightmare, but they termed me.
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Fake it. Tell yourself you’re already that cute tiny dainty girl. You giggle and dance and move around constantly. Of course you don’t want any sugary food, it’ll make your tiny stomach ache. Skip breakfast and lunch and by nighttime you’ll slide into tiny velvet dresses that will still bunch up around your cinched waist. Eventually, you’ll start to see this version of yourself in the mirror too.
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r e b l o g (i f)
food consumes every thought
you feel heavy and just. so fucking disgusting.
you want to feel the hunger
gaining weight is one of your biggest fears
you want to be that friend who’s perfect
you just want it all to melt off right now.
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Tw: About me
So, i got terminated, and im remaking this. Potential Triggers
Name: Kai
Age: 15
Ive been ©utt¡πg for 6 years
I have adhd, did, anxiety, depression, mutiple eds, bipolar disorder, ptsd, high functioning autism, bpd, plus others i cant remember.
I am $u©¡d@£ and have attempted 5 or more times, all failed to my regret.
If you relate, im sorry. Know anything i say on my blog thats negative is towards myself, and not towards you.
Stay strong:}{:
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Im back
So, i was terminated. Sucks rocks, but im back. I used to be MagicalTradegyNightmare, but i was thrown away by tumblr.
Ill be on whenever i can, feel free to ask questions.
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