maeinanutshell · 9 years
I am so excited to start back to crossfit! This should be a fantastic ride!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Detox day #1 It's little decisions like this that make or break my diet plan... To eat or not to eat, that is the question! It's easy to do, but it's easy NOT to do!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
"Slow and steady wins the race!"
All the time I talk about changes in diet or exercise to be a better me. Well, here we go again. I always get so frustrated with my diet and exercise that I just quit. Yes, you heard me right, I quit, I give-up. I've been thinking about it and I have come up with a plan. I am going to make a change for six months and do a before and after photo. It will start November 1 and go to May 1. I will do either crossfit or a 30 minute exercise of choice every day that I am off. My diet will remain that of the shakeology/21-dat fix program. That's because it works for me. So, let's see what happens! See you on May 1st!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Morning after 15 hour day at work!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
Sleep is highly overrated!
Okay, let's be real. Sleep is precious! 8 hours of sleep would be glorious! So why is my mind racing and my eyes wide open?! Only 2 hrs til the alarm, woop woop!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
Today was a great success. My first two meals of the day were completely compliant! Meal number three was not fully compliant, but I was more conscious of my veggies and water intake. HUGE success people, HUGE!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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No Sugar... With the encouragement from my husband, I'm starting the whole life challenge tomorrow. I am so excited! I felt and looked so much better. My performance levels were so much better in every aspect of life. Can't wait to see the results! Here's to Sept 5th!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Yep... That's where I'm headed! Gotta make a change! I'm home now for awhile and can get things in order. I've gotta push through!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Frustration... I am so frustrated with my meals. Gonna try something new this weekend and see what my macros reveal. Here's to week 3!!!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Lifestyle changes are tough... Don't you dare give up!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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I can't believe by adding such small items to ones diet can make such a big impact! This is a goal for me this week! Here's to week 2!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Success for tracking macros the past three days! Actually ate meals at work, that in itself is a success! With that said, I am finding out that I need less fats and MOAR PROTEIN! Here's to the weekend!
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Welp... This is my new motto. Today was a success. This tracking macros thing is not easy. My percentages were heavy in the fats and low in carbs and proteins. I have some work to do. The next few days should be interesting. We shall see.
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maeinanutshell · 9 years
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Today was THE day... For me at least. I have always heard all my friends and family get "the talk" from the doctor about their health. Well, today I got the talk. I am probably at the unhealthiest I have ever been. I know what I "need" to do, it's just a matter of putting it into action. The stresses of my life are taking a toll. Time to get my act together. You will see a lot more of me on here, reaching out and witnessing. This is going to be a struggle, but I have to do what I have to do. So tell me, do you eat carbs, limit sugars, etc... What do you do to stay healthy?
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maeinanutshell · 10 years
I really needed this today!
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maeinanutshell · 10 years
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Never have I loved a caption so much! I love loading up the bar and lifting heavy. It's always nice when the person working out near you says "You are getting really strong". I'm not close to where I want to be, but the technique that I am learning at CrossFit Bluegrass is off the charts. So excited to lift heavy! Pics coming soon of before and after shots... 19 days to go!
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maeinanutshell · 10 years
New challenge
Hubby and I started a challenge today, and it all started good. However, as a nurse, I take care of everyone else but do not take care of myself. Now more than ever with the changes in healthcare, I am lucky to even get a lunch break. Therefore, today did not go well. With our challenge, if we cheat there is a 50 burpee penalty to be tallied at the end. Uh yeah, not gonna do burpees. With that said, at the end of my shift tonight I was starving. If there were a cow on the side of the road, I probably could have eaten it all! Instead an apple had to suffice. It was already very late and I did not want much on my stomach, not a good night after that... I was grumpy as all get out! Learned a valuable lesson, EAT... By all means EAT!!'
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