Madie Farmer
10 posts
| Christianity | Mental Health and Suicide Awareness | Music | Dance |
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
fear·less ADJECTIVE lacking fear That’s the definition of fearless. It’s plain and simple. That’s what we think is all there is to it. You either have fear or don’t have it. There is no in between. What if I told you that that isn’t all there is? What if I told you everyone has their own definition of “fearless?” What if it’s not as black and white as it’s stated, and there’s more to it? Living…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
I was not going to jump on the bandwagon of typical cheesy New Year's posts, so here's my version of one! This isn't just for this occasion, it's for everyday life. Food for thought.
Welcome to 2018. I’m sure all of you have ideas of what you want to accomplish in this new season. Maybe you think resolutions are worthwhile, or maybe you’re like me and you’ve stopped making them. Either way, there’s one word that has been on my heart in this new season of life we’ve been given. With the start of a new year I’ve had multiple people share with me about Isaiah 43:18-19: “Forget…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
When How We See Ourselves Meets How the Father Sees Us
This post is going to be about an experience I had in a dance studio, but don’t let you stop reading. This applies to every person no matter what their profession is. It is extremely difficult to find a healthy balance in the dance world, or any other professional world. You have to constantly limbo between pure passion and obedience. Your directors/bosses have specific vision, and while…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
The Canvas Called Life
This is a little rough, but lately I've been writing with shorter thoughts and in a pretty different style than what I normally do. I hope this isn't lame and that people can enjoy it. Thanks for reading!
We live in a world full of “some day’s” A world that escapes the bitterness of the present moment by day dreaming of what could be in the future. We live in a world full of “one day’s” A world where good things aren’t perceived to be of possibility in the here and now. We live in a world that longs for the Emerald City But it’s down a path that we can’t quite figure out.   We live in a world of…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
To The Girl In The Church Bathroom
*Disclaimer: this story deals with uncomfortable topics, so proceed at your own discernment* I, alongside a few others, recently had the privilege to attend a women’s conference and dance. The dance we were doing was about human trafficking. Already, we had a heavy topic on our hearts. However, each of us were on the same page that we felt the Lord’s protection over our hearts and minds during…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
So, How Are You Really Doing? + Houston Update #1
So, How Are You Really Doing? + Houston Update #1
Hello, again! Remember a few months back when I announced my move to Houston? I figured it would probably be nice to tell you guys how that went/is going and then go into what I wanted to talk about today. To get started, the months up to my scheduled move to Houston were very rough for me emotionally/mentally. I was struggling with a lot of loss of motivation, extreme discouragement, and just…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
Victim or Victor
New blog post! Please check it out!
I’m sure we’ve all hit this place once or twice in our lives. The place where all of the odds seemed stacked against us. The place where we wonder if any of it is worth it. Where we wonder if our efforts even make a difference or if they’re all in vain. The place where you feel like you’ve fought one too many battles. Where you realize just how sick and tired you are. The place where you’ve…
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madie-farmer · 7 years ago
From Broken to Beautiful, Ashes to Radiance, Hurt to Healing.
From Broken to Beautiful, Ashes to Radiance, Hurt to Healing.
So, how many of you like to bottle your feelings up? I am very guilty of that. Trust me, I’ve tried not to, but whenever I try to deal with my emotions as they happen I always end up concluding I am way too emotional/over-dramatic. Therefore I try to stuff them down in hopes they’ll diminish, but it only creates an abundance of emotion to deal with at my breaking point. I have to admit, bottling…
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madie-farmer · 9 years ago
When You Don't Feel Worth It Sometimes I have these days, or moods, or whatever you want to call them, where I just don't feel worth it. I know God is there and I know God loves me, but I just don't get it. Why? I fail so much. Why would God want me? Why did Jesus think I was worth the cross? I know the Bible says I'm covered by grace, but why did God want me so much? I'm just going to keep messing up. If you get in the Word the answer is clear (it's ultimately for God's glory and out of His pure, infinite, and unshakeable love for you), but also this song was an encouragement to me in one of those moments. "I saw it all, still I chose the cross." God saw all of your mistakes in the past, present, and future before any one of them took place. Jesus knew He would die on that cross and He would rise again and you would take it for granted every single day of your life. He knew He was pouring out all His love just for you to reject it every day you breathe. He saw it all, and still He chose the cross. He saw you as worth it despite all of your filth. He washed you clean even though you try to pile on more dirt every day. He thought of you when He rose from the grave. He knew/knows your name. He knows your everything. He wanted to set you free even though you were comfortable in your sins. "Now rid of the shackles, my victory is yours." God wants us to drop everything that hinders us at the foot of the cross (Hebrews 12:1-2). We get comfortable in our shackles and don't see how they are holding us in a prison cell that Jesus unlocked the door to. Just take time to rest in God's love and know that you don't have to beat yourself up over your imperfections. Use a healthy amount of guilt to repent, but don't let it warp the gospel for you. Jesus paid your price. You are loved. He works in your weakness (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Jesus wanted you.
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madie-farmer · 9 years ago
This song is both very convicting and very refreshing to me. God has really put this song on my heart the past few weeks. Over my 18 years of life so far I’ve watched many relationships in my life fall apart around me. It’s taught me that the “love” we think we experience in this world is a very broken kind of love. We love to the, sometimes, best of our human ability and the relationships still crumble. Everyone tends to confuse love and lust nowadays. We’ve confused attraction with a lasting love. Love itself is a sacrificial experience. It’s not always the happy feelings we think it should be. It’s not always us finding another person who makes us feel good. In the end that person is only human too, and that relationship will disappoint you or fail you every once in a while. Love isn’t just warm fuzzy feelings, but it includes really hard work.
This song is very convicting throughout, but especially in the bridge. The love we experience in this world is fractured, comes from troubled minds, it’s anxious, restless, passive, disengaged, not always present, it doesn’t earnestly listen to every word we say. It most certainly does not keep its promises, word, it doesn’t honor what’s sacred, and it’s vows are not always good. The “love” of this world is broken, insecure, selfish, and impure. Of course it has its moments where the opposites of some of these things can be experienced, but I’m saying that it is not the complete package.
The reasons this song is refreshing is because God’s love, God Himself being love, fulfills all of those things.
God’s love is not fractured. It is a complete and total, all-fulfilling love.
God’s love doesn’t come from a troubled mind, but a perfect Creator.
God’s love isn’t anxious. He is peace.
God’s love isn’t restless. He tells us to rest in Him.
God’s love isn’t passive or disengaged. His love is always present and hangs on every word we say. Just let that sink in. With as much as you complain and as offensive our thoughts and actions towards God gets He still pursues us and cares to listen to us.
God has ALWAYS kept His promises and Word. He is FAITHFUL.
God honors what’s sacred. He gives us commandments to do so as well.
God’s vows are good. Once again He keeps His Word. He keeps His covenants with us.
God’s love IS NOT BROKEN. It’s not insecure. He remains the same forever and does not waver with temporary emotions and feelings.
God’s love is not selfish! He came here to live among us and surrender His life to ransom us!
God’s love is PURE. A very present trouble in today’s society is impure “love.” God’s love is perfect and pure. There is no flaw in it. There is no slight impurity.
Just let all of that sink in. This is our God! Our God is perfect love.
Our God loves us with His perfect love.
We’re sinners! We betray Him every day! Every single day we are unfaithful! Who are we that He would care for us? On top of that He cares for us infinitely deeper than anyone we’ve done good for does! This is our God!!
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