This is my blog for my 8 week long trip & internship @ iceland
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Så er vi i Norge. Daniel Wiegell har sikret at isen er solid nok. #praisethesun #jimthelegend #darksouls
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Love is fickle #dontleaveme #why #doggocomeback #imverysingle #attentionseeker (at Husum, København, Denmark)
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I lived. A very unlikely sugar sweet ending for the most doomed people in a game of thrones inspired larp. #tronspillet #jimthelegend #dabbingaintdead #liveactionroleplay #larp (at Næstved)
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Nothing like enjoying a cup of coffee with a old friend, in a hotel technically with a name from dark souls. #hygge #kaffe #darksouls (at Hotel Astoria (Copenhagen))
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Åh Disney årlige jule-show... Don't ever change. Tak til Stegelmann for at holde fast i de gode gamle tegnefilm. #xmas (at Lyndby, Roskilde, Denmark)
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For science!
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Det at planlægge fremtidens bedste madlejr for Danmarks udsatte er nogen gange lidt angst-provokerende. Men vi gør det sgu! #diabetesforeningen #Madlejr #citieschangingdiabetes (at Copenhagen Admiral Hotel)
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I feel you pigeon... I feel you. #diet #shredding #ajperformance (at Copenhagen)
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170 kgs for 4 reps - that's a new personal record! #ajperformance #instafit #danishdestroyer #fitness (at Egmont Kollegiet)
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Week 5 out of 12 Another Sunday, alone in the gym. These days while doing transformation-fitness, it can at times get lonely. Can't drink, can't eat unregulated and can't even have a sugary beverage with friends. That's the flip-side of chasing goals - it gets a little blurry in the thick of it and you begin missing the freedom you had before. Luckily, I know from last time, that it is to be expected if you want results - just keep pushing. Real grateful to be part of a group who's sharing the same struggles under the guidance of @adamjamesparr - makes the sets a little more approachable #ajperformance #snackhungryallthetime #noretreatnosurrender #leavethepastbehind #noonehere (at Egmont Kollegiet)
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"You are one ugly bastard. I guess you got what you deserved." The kind of line that strikes you from out of nowhere and sticks with you after the game is over. Darkwood is an isometric rogue-like survival lovecraftian horror, and if you like any of words in that description I heavily recommend it. #darkwood #acidwizardstudio
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Got a paw in my mouth. Good to see you too best buddy. #finishlappdog #stupiddog #dog #outside (at Jægersborg Dyrehave)
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Forsøgsperson for PACAP38 - ret crazy at være hooket til indsprøjtning af et stof der inducerer migræne/hovedpine samtidig med at få taget en MR scanning. Var pænt besejret bagefter. #Guinea-pig #greatergood #bleedforscience (at Rigshospitalet Glostrup)
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Love this giant squirrel-dog so goddamn much! #huskymix #dog #cantstaystill #walk (at Kongens Lyngby)
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Photoshoot over and done. This time, don't the 3 month transformation was very different from last time - no supplements and exams hanging over my head for the better half of it. But it also gave me a lot of experience, while i was afraid that i didn't have the same physique as last time, it was actually a little better, more so after i put in some dynamic poses. It was fun to watch @matt__marsh do something outside this comfort zone and having coach @adamjamesparr backing you up on the sidelines. These shots will also represent the new standard I have put for myself - it'll only get better from here! #fitness #fitnessinstructor #personaltrainer #challengesbringschange #udfordringerogudvikling #notimetobleed #danishdestroyer #functional #ajperformance #bigsmile #newheights #transformation #12weeks #danish (at High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire)
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One of my personal objectives in having my intership in the Philippines is to create my network of people and oranizations just in case i will still doing my internship in here for the Module 13. I am also looking for the job possibilities after i finish the education.
For that, We have contacted the WHO PR through Aileen I was very grateful that she made an arragement to meet me though it was a short notice.
Second had been exciting as i had the privilge to meet Katrin Englehrad , the WHO WHPR Nutrition Department officer. The chance to talk about the current status of the Philippine polies and programs that they are in and she gave me the booktels and materials available. She offered a collaboration of the “Food Basket Research” together with local NGO’s that are interested with the results of the project and made me an appointment with them.

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Blog post 7 – “Photos can be a practical and unobtrusive way of measuring preschool lunches without making noise or affecting the meal situation too much”

A relaxed evening at my supervisors' house along with colleagues and her family
Now we’re going somewhere! Okay, so maybe things haven’t worked out, but all the data is being recorded. By the way, the last photo that was blurred was blurred on purpose, also for the sake of the identity of the child. Can’t post photos of full names. We take a lot of precautions. The work is going great, the kids here are a blast to be around. I’m sad that I can’t play with them or interact with them very much. One of the other precautions is to remain as unobtrusive as possible and cause as little alarm as possible. That sucks, as I absolutely love kids. But for the sake of the project, I wait until the last day. Then I can fool as much around as possible with them :P
I had the honor for the university’s education in Nutrition. I got to wear a white lab coat as you can see:

I took people's body measurements. Not by hand, mind you, but by using one of the most sophisticated body measurement tools available commercially. It measures by a weak electrical signal through the body. Good to get some side assignments to relax a bit from the project.
Also, I got a visitor:

My visitor from Denmark in all her glory - along with fearsome “Rævemis” and me
She’s staying for the weekend. Hopefully, it won’t be terrible. Christian from the future: 50 cm snow fell that weekend. But we enjoyed it nonetheless :)
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