lynx-sunfall · 2 days
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Vent art
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lynx-sunfall · 6 days
I don't know what they're zoo Mumbo has gone too for flamingo references, but last I checked they ain't look like this
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lynx-sunfall · 10 days
Hello sorry for an ask. I am very sick, my asthma is at its maximum level, my nose freezes, I have no medicine or food. I am in bad shape financially, I am a black disabled, who uses multiple medications, I pay for my food and lodging
Unfortunately I do not have all the resources to keep me safe, that is why I need your help, whatever you can contribute to me will be of great help.
Hi, I'm so sorry to hear that you're not doing so hot. I unfortunately don't have anything to spare as I'm paying for my own medical bills, but I'd suggest looking into "patient assistance programs" and seeing how they can help. I don't know if you would qualify, but you looking into it couldn't hurt. As for the food, find a soup kitchen or something of that sort that could give you some food for free or very low cost. And if you have no housing currently, go to a shelter and see if you can either stay there or be guided to a place you can. It might not be the absolute best place, but it's at least something while you get back on your feet. Best of luck to you!!
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lynx-sunfall · 11 days
Mumbo making Keral-ings, Grian requiring specifically Mumbo's head to use as a scarecrow, BDubs with his chests and barrel stacks, and now Scar with a really realistic looking pile of pumpkins and melons.
The new mod update is making me very happy with how the season will progress. Don't get me wrong, season 9 Cleo armour stands were amazing in their own right, but with it being made easier, it just feels better. Minecraft is all about little details bringing a build together and giving it life, and now the armour stands are giving the builds that life no one knew they were missing. The way things are going so far, I can pretty easily assume season 10 will be an even better series for detailed builds than in the past, but I also can't wait for the future to see what even greater builds the Hermits make using this upgrade in the mod.
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lynx-sunfall · 16 days
I can't wait for the phase of Minecraft memes that just go "she's a 10, but she'll never be Steve" and then it's just a picture of Jack Black in his silly little turtle neck, v-neck combo
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lynx-sunfall · 17 days
Since there's a protective barrier keeping all the weird inside of Gravity Falls, Oregon, what if that also applies to talking about it when you're outside of the town? Like, it works like bad Google translate where they try and tell their parents something and their parents only hear half of what they said.
Examples: Dipper "I summoned a video game character to scare a guy who was dating a girl I liked, but the character almost killed him for the glory of my father" and then it just translates to his parents as "I played video games with a guy who was dating my crush and I almost beat him in the game"
Imagine the confusion and frustration that Dipper and Mabel would face when talking about anything from their summer. Then someone on tiktok said something about the TV shows maybe not having been outside of Gravity Falls, so with that idea, not only are they not able to tell their parents anything, they're also not even able to watch Ducktective or anything else they lived off that summer to cope.
They also probably only figured out the topics only censored to people outside of Gravity Falls when they called Soos or Wendy to make sure they weren't freaking out and had a weird twin telepathy dream of the whole summer. Dipper and Mabel then most likely stayed on a phone call with Soos/Wendy or Candy/Greta so they could have some semblance of their new normal for months after moving back home, and then their parents probably couldn't understand why their kids went to stay with their great uncle and came back addicted to technology.
God save their parents if Mabel ever tried to explain that Waddles ate weird goop and then turned into a Harvard scholar for like 12 hours and then Waddles himself reversed it because he didn't like seeing Mabel unhappy, I think they'd believe she dated a merman more than that.
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lynx-sunfall · 20 days
Props to Mumbo Jumbo for the quality of the Big Ron's shirt, but also, I am autistic and you made it so I can't seam rip the collar off because it's a good properly made shirt, so now I have to use scissors and hope for the best
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lynx-sunfall · 21 days
Alex Hirsch really needs to make a non-disney version for the original plan of Gravity Falls so we can all compare what we lost in the censorships.
Obviously we all know the gay relationship with the officers, that didn't seem censored at all imo, but literally everything else? Yeah, I need to know how you were going to move the story along after you killed off one of the twins (aka, one of the main characters). This man has been held under 2010 Disney censorship for too long and it's showing in the book of Bill and his interviews for it.
But side note to this, he still needs to be the person to voice half the cast, it wouldn't feel like Gravity Falls if they got actual voice actors for everyone in the show.
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lynx-sunfall · 22 days
Season 7 Grian is (personally) the best season to sleep too. His voice is just cheery enough that it's entertaining while you're still awake, but calm enough that you can actually sleep to it. The only problem I've found is waking up in the middle of the season when you fell asleep to the beginning of it. Like, what do you mean turf war? You were just building a castle city thing were you not? Mycelium resistance who? What about the secret tunnel to send Mumbo love letters? I'm so lost and all I did was take a nap
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lynx-sunfall · 23 days
Remember when Mabel was gaslit by a unicorn into thinking she was a terrible person and then ended up fighting said unicorn (possibly to near death)? Yeah, good times. Anyway, Ford was telling Dipper the abbreviated version of his divorce arc with Bill at this time as well. And what was the only normal thing about these situations you may ask? Stan stealing the money the unicorns gave Mabel and crew to leave. Why is the only reliable thing in this show Stan's crimes?
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lynx-sunfall · 28 days
I just realised after being alive on this planet for almost 20 years that I'm a visual learner. This was about 7 years after I realised I had aphantasia. And 3 years ago I learned that I have a learning disability on top of that. I really got the short end of all of the sticks available :/
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lynx-sunfall · 1 month
Grian unironically calling Cub "Cubby wubby cub cub" multiple times has now made me mentally call Cub that. I'm all for nicknames, but this is getting ridiculous the amount of times per day I end up going "awww, it's Cubby wubby cub cub" in Grian's voice. I hate this (/hj)
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lynx-sunfall · 2 months
I used to be an artist.
I used to draw every day, used to spend the time waiting to sleep thinking of what to draw, used to draw scenes in the books I was writing to get over writers block. I used to be able to sit down for five minutes and start drawing, then it would be three hours later and I had a new drawing or multiple that I was insanely proud of.
Now I'm constantly disappointed in myself.
My disabilities are impacting my creativity, my ability to draw, my ability to write. I can't do things for as long now, I can barely write or draw for ten minutes without ending up in a brace for the next month. Between the hypermobility, brain fog, self hatred, and struggle to just sit still and focus on one thing, I can't do anything anymore.
I often wonder what it would have been like had I been in a different body, if I hadn't have been friends with certain people, if I wasn't put down in my abilities.
I now sit here dissociating most of the day unable to gain the will to move around or do anything. It feels like my brain is rotting and my bones being so weak doesn't help.
The only thing that's helped with not hating myself so much is getting into resin. I may not be able to give an hours worth of energy into a drawing or a new chapter for a book, but I can put ten minutes into a resin project and then leave it to the next time I have energy. Being able to leave a project for a full day and it finishing itself is very freeing when you're chronically fatigued and disabled.
I'm now only limited to the amount of money I'm willing to put towards a new cute mould and whenever my sudden burst of energy happens that week. I don't even have to leave my room, I just have to move a foot over from my bed to my chair, so I don't have to put any energy into putting on appropriate clothes or interacting with anyone and I can just focus on the next few minutes of stirring and pouring.
2am drawing or writing has slowed to almost a complete stop, but all the creativity I have in my decrepit body isn't gone.
Don't get me wrong, I still hate myself for not being able to draw anything or write for very long, but at least it's not all gone. I'm trying to find positives even in the disabling conditions I have to deal with. It's slow and always feels like I'm taking one baby step forward and a fall down a whole flight of stairs back, but a little good is still good. I don't know if it will ever get easier to function, but until all of my mobility is taken from this body, I'm going to find a way to be creative because that's what my bones long to do.
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lynx-sunfall · 2 months
when people stop overgeneralizing a group of people based on their bad experiences i’ll be happy
if you’ve had a bad experience with an endogenic system, that doesn’t mean they’re all bad. same with literally every group of people. you can have your dnis, sure, but you have to get out of their tags if you don’t want ppl to interact. “pluralgang” “endos dni” 😭
i will never have a dni and i don’t care about what other people think of that but like genuinely someone existing on the internet is not a problem for me. i can be friends with people who disagree with me. so i can definitely exist in the same spaces as someone who i disagree with
i have had plenty of bad experiences with traumagenic systems, more so than with endogenic systems, and i don’t have traumagenic systems dni because i have also met plenty of lovely traumagenic systems (and i am one lol). i am convinced most anti endos have never spoken to an endogenic system in their life
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lynx-sunfall · 2 months
R.I.P ore mountain, you will be remembered for many years to come.
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lynx-sunfall · 2 months
As someone who has a lot of physical and mental issues, I now refer to myself as a medical rarity, and I mean that literally.
My medical list goes from common things that are seen as "normal" disorders like scoliosis or Raynaud's, to autism, celiac, and some form of hypermobility, to being allergic to actual water (including your own tears or sweat).
I've spent the past decade trying to understand what was wrong with me, only to keep finding more things along the way. I used to find it very distressing to not have the words to describe why I'm acting or feeling this way, now I wish I could go back. It was so much easier to just say I'm weird and don't like something than to explain how eating most foods could potentially cause me to be in a hospital for cancer within 20 years or how I don't cry much because crying burns my skin for hours.
Some things are easier to explain how it feels like the endometriosis, I don't know how it forms technically, but I can describe it to others as the symptoms of your appendix rupturing. Others it's harder to explain like POTS because "what do you mean your vision blacks out completely and your heart rate goes to 150 when you stand up?"
So here I am now with an ever growing diagnosis list, having more answers than I've ever had before, wanting to go back to when I was younger and could just blame it on my taste buds changing with age or things not feeling good on my skin for clothes. I don't know if that's selfish of me, but I'm sick of being sick. I mean yeah, not having answers to serious problems can be terrible for your well being, but also, sometimes I just want to lie to myself and pretend like all those problems are just a made up story.
I have so many answers, so why is it so hard for me to accept them?
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lynx-sunfall · 2 months
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