Finally watched season 5. Had truly hoped that it could revitalise my passion for this show, maybe even spur me to carry on with How Miraculous Should Have Ended.
But man, for all of the interesting things that happened throughout the season, it fucking sucked! I could go on for so long about how awful that was, and how this phenomenal fandom has been inspired to create so much incredible work, including countless better iterations of that episode.
But hey, if you're interested in me for literally anything else, I'm over @codenamejd.
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So much of season 5 feels like it's an apology for mistakes that came before, or at least it's just learning from mistakes.
Cat Noir has so often been too pushy, disrespectful, or otherwise just unpleasant to Ladybug - now he's being so much more mature with Marinette, and recognising that it would be inappropriate for him to be involved with a civilian whom he believes doesn't know him. Season 4 pushed him to the sidelines too much, now he's getting a lot more focus. Crowds would chant for Ladybug and disregard Cat Noir, now we hear a crowd cheering both of their names. Gabriel's evil was taken too far as far as being a bad dad, so now he's being a lot better to Adrien, at least on the surface. Nathalie's relationship with him was unhealthy, now she's turned against him and just wants to support Adrien. Reflekdoll's kwami swap was all about how amazing Marinette is and made Adrien look like a fool, rather than them each learning from each other and learning to respect each other more and recognise they're each best at their own roles, so this time let's use it to highlight Adrien's intelligence and competence, and having Marinette as comic relief by being so goofing flirtatious in a fun way. The freaking kwagatama was a disappointing aspect that went nowhere, so let's resolve that somewhat. The lack of development in their relationship had gotten stale, so now we get to see that seriously shaken up.
I mean, it's hardly perfect, there are so many problems, like not addressing that Alya should realise Marinette is valid for having issues with Lila, and the first 2.9 seasons of Chloé's character development still being missing in action, but it feels like a major step in the right direction. Just a shame it took so long to get here.
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Guess who's catching up on season 5 and just watched Determination
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This is the inverse of my favourite AU (Marinette and Adrien madly in love but dumb about it, Ladybug and Cat Noir best bros and lamenting how neither of them can get it right whilst laughing at their screw ups without connecting the dots to realise they're the exact same screw ups they saw earlier that day) but it is also excellent.
Latest lovesquare shenanigans idea: AU in which Ladybug falls hard for Chat Noir before Marinette has a chance to fall for Adrien, allowing Marinette and Adrien to have real conversations that lead to them becoming ride or die BEST BROS. (She will take this poor sheltered boy under her wing and teach him all about friendship! Also she might fight his dad later.) Ladybug and Chat Noir are both obsessed with each other and flirt somehow even more than they do in canon but Ladybug thinks it’s a long-running joke following her first “we should pretend to be a couple to defeat this akuma” suggestion (part of her foolproof 37-step plan to make Chat Noir fall for her because obviously.)
Chat Noir wants nothing more than to be clear about his feelings because, you know, you’ve gotta tell people these things, but Adrien is conflicted because he’s getting all of his love advice from best bro Marinette… who has helpfully written him a foolproof 37-step plan to make his mystery girl fall in love with him. Everyone is still incredibly dumb about their feelings, but in NEW WAYS.
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How Feast Should Have Ended!
Take a drink every time Fu’s plan should have failed miserably.
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How Startrain Should Have Ended!
Please ignore everything you know about akumas to understand this episode.
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do you have any favorite miraculous ladybug rewrite fics? hope you're doing well ♥
Hmm, I'm not entirely sure what you mean by rewrite. I don't read fics that try to rewrite the whole show "better" because they're inevitably salty and honestly inferior to canon. However, I've read some really great fics that deal with alternate takes on how canon could have gone, especially in the context of certain episodes. (I've previously recced Episode-based Fics and there's some rewrites of the NY Special in my NY Special Adrienette list.)
Transcient by @flightfoot
Everything was fine now, right? She’d assured him that she wasn’t mad about Su-Han knowing his identity, and he sounded like he was feeling better. She’d fixed the problem.
So why wasn’t the lump in her throat disappearing?
Chat's worried about how Su-Han managed to learn his identity. Marinette re-examines her "Obtain Chat Noir's identity" plan.
One-shot. This is an angsty alternate take on how Ephemeral could've gone, really delving into the issues with Ladybug lying to Chat to obtain his identity. There isn't a romantic resolution here, but the ending is hopefully and the fic is really well done.
Partners by @karkalicious769
"Um." Alya fidgeted nervously as her earrings beeped their countdown. "Ask me a question that only Ladybug would know the answer to."
Chat Noir barred his teeth, and— Were they always that sharp? At least he wasn't growling again. "You are not Ladybug," he snapped.
"Just do it!"
It was all Alya had to go off of and she really needed to pull this partnership together before the akuma got any worse. She wasn't deluded enough to think that she could do this without Chat Noir.
One-shot. This is an angsty alternate take on Hack-san, really going into the angst of the ladynoir conflict and its impact on Adrien, especially in light of Gabriel's treatment of him. And also how scary it must've been for Alya for him to attack her like that! The fight is pretty much the point of divergence. Nothing's really resolved at the end, but there is a bit of hopefulness.
Roses and Cream by @tsuki-chibi
What would've happened if Adrien had overheard Plagg talking about how Ladybug and Marinette were the same girl?
One-shot. An alternate take on Weredad where Adrien's hearing is just a little bit better, and instead of the ridiculousness we got in canon, we get a different kind of ridiculousness (with an identity reveal and get together!)
now this one sits here (whispers things to me) by noirshitsuji
Adrien has been staring at the ceiling for at least half an hour already.
“Not knowing won’t make your life easier, huh.”
His eyes track to the right, but he doesn’t move his head. Plagg’s shape is blurry above the couch.
“Is that what I said?”
“Huh,” he replies, eyes drifting towards the ceiling again.
(Or: Marinette tells Chat Noir who she’s in love with.)
One-shot. A Glaciator 2 rewrite where, in practicing her confession on Chat, Marinette tells him that Adrien’s the boy. I really loved Adrien’s reaction and then the end is just perfect.
On the Other Note by @thenovelartist
In which Marinette gives Adrien the right note from her purse. Backwarder AU
One-shot. Exactly what it says on the tin: a Backwarder rewrite where Marinette gives Adrien the right note. And then we get to see how it all plays out! I love this fic, especially some of the later bits that I don't want to spoil, but read this!!
Fool Me Twice, Shame on YOU by @gentil-minou​
Based on a tumblr ask: "Ephemeral AU: what if Adrien had thought Ladybug was acting out of character by asking for a reveal, and came to the conclusion that she was a sentimonster sent by Hawkmoth (like in Ladybug) to trick him into revealing his identity?"
AKA: Adrien discovers Shadowmoth's next nefarious scheme, and he ain't having it.
One-shot. This is an Ephemeral rewrite and omggggg it’s HILARIOUS. I seriously could not stop laughing as I was reading it, as it keeps going more and more off the rails.
How Miraculous Should Have Ended by CodenameJD
Inspired by the youtube channel/show How It Should Have Ended, we're going to rewrite the ending of each and every episode of Miraculous.
Sometimes, episodes just miss a few tricks. Sometimes, they're just illogical. And sometimes, episode endings are just bad, wrong, or harmful.
Some new endings will be fun takes, while some will seek to correct those moments that had us all seething.
Multi-chapter. This does get a little salty at times, but mostly it’s just silly and I don’t take it too seriously. It’s just fun! Reading multiple takes on how different scenes in different episodes could have gone, sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. I really enjoy these! It’s technically a WIP since it’s ongoing, but there’s no plot, just rewrites of different episodes, and you can pick and choose which episodes you want to read based on your preference.
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may I interest u in an ugly comic dump
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Yesterday’s daily. Posted alone as a little treat :)
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PRPR, age 18.
Marinette has been accapted by GABRIEL as an intern, and she happens to stumble into Adriens shoot. Both watched "Turning red" the day before.
Have been a bit Burned out these days, and it is late, i should sleep! <3
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How Desperada Should Have Ended!
Marinette did nothing wrong, but Adrien definitely needs therapy now.
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skldfjkdsjdf y’all thanks for all the notes in the last few days???  😭 😭 😭 i woke up and my notifications had gone boom after @anna-scribbles reblogged something, and it was such a nice beginning to what’s gonna be a REAL long week
anywayy have some ThirstyTM marinette, as a gift from me to you :) <3
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Work doodles
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At you're latest post: no thank YOU for creating these doodles in the first place! I love your mlb doodles a LOT (the way you draw them being so in love is just 🥰), but I also enjoy seeing your dino doodles too!
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I am happy ya enjoy them so much!! <3 <3 <3
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I dont know if i already said this to you but:
Satyr, your drawings are exquisite! I genuinely love how you portray our beloved idiots adrien and marinette. The expressions, the lines, the shading, the all of it is just *chef's kiss*
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I am not very skilled when it comes to anything beyond sketches/doodles! So this means a lot! <3 <3
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