A seed
A seed is not a simple 'thing' Not just an item that can be bought. A seed is such a beautiful 'thing' To be used with good intent and thought.
A seed is giving, a seed is life A creation within its own. Sitting patiently, Waiting to be sown.
Plant a seed with good intention. Show it you want it to live. Love it like you would a child And watch it happily give.
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At Peace
For Nanny Bet: 21.10.26 - 13.11.2004
You would sit at the family table sectioning your hair. Rolling up the fine sections, strategically placing pins everywhere. I watched in awe at your patience, finesse and great skill If it took you three hours I'd be there watching, still. Over night you'd sleep in pins that trained your wiry hair. When morning would come it was enchanting, curls unfolding everywhere!
She would sit on the family table, leaves arching from the pot. Vibrant hues of green, a hint of yellow if she became too hot. 'Don't touch it', you would tell me. 'Just leave it alone to grow'. But I would not! I kept looking for that hint of white like snow. She would sit on the family table, your Peace Lily, a centrepiece of green. I would move around the table spotting white petals in between. And each day I would investigate the magical centrepiece. Watching in wonder as each flower would open, contrasting against the green leaves.
I now have a Peace Lily, a focal point in my home. Today for the first time a flower of white grew! And the leaves were no longer alone. As I talk sweetly to my Peace Lily, as you would do to me, I can feel her vibrant energy and know she is happy, just as you would be.
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Thank you :)
I don’t know a lot about Tumblr.
Or computers really.
But thanks for the likes. . .or notes?
Anyway, it mean’s a lot to me x
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Snake what?!
Oh man. 
Here we go again!
You call me a snake plant but you don’t know my jam!
Mother-in-laws tongue?! 
How bloody ridiculous! 
You just need to stop!
Dracaena Trifasciata to you.
Get over it!
Tell yo’ mumma too! 
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Mating Call
Yo’ sup Bee?
Like what you see?
Why don’t you come & pollinate me?!
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Little Avocado Plant
I’m a little Avo plant short and stout.
Keep me in water or put me in the ground.
When I get all grown up see me sprout!
Eat my yummy fruit, you will love it no doubt!
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Done Flower
That’s it. I’ve had it.
I’ve over it. Done.
I’m packing my bags,
I can’t stand it. I’m done.
I’m over this garbage,
this mouldy old bun.
I’m over cats, over dogs,
over everyone.
Old cups and wrappers
thrown in the sun;
no thought for my home
too obsessed with fun!
That’s it. I’ve had it.
I’m over it. Done.
I’m packing my bags,
I can’t stand it. I’m done. 
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‘Oh what a day’
The cactus did say.
‘Rona stuffed it up
in most every way.
It began with a yawn
and a stretch and a breath.
A smile until I smiled
and had no eyes left.
Then came the rushing,
panic and chaos.
And all of my smile
was so sadly lost’.
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Hello, Aloe!
The light gives him life,
gives him beauty and strength.
A beautiful eerie of octopus length.
He gives me life,
brings pleasure to my pain.
A beautiful life, Aloe is his name. 
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