Don't let the sun in your heart decay
9 posts
Bilingual: español & english. 21, Argentina. writing. escritos.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
types of study breaks for every situation
if you realize you’ve been studying for hours: grab a snack to refuel your body and watch a sitcom to refuel your brain. then back to the books.
if you’re feeling stressed out: take some deep breaths, text your friends, maybe stare at a wall for a few minutes. gather yourself.
if you can’t seem to focus: get moving and get outside. take out the garbage, check your mail box, maybe walk your dog. just get moving and get fresh air. it’ll help bring you back.
if there’s something else going on in your life and you can’t get it off your mind: write down what’s going through your head, sort of like a diary entry. it’ll help you work things out.
if you’re just mentally and physically exhausted: set a timer for 25-30 minutes and take a nap. any longer and you’ll hit REM and you’ll wake up feeling just as tired. once you wake up, get some caffeine in you.
if the material is boring as hell: find another way to study. see if there’s a crash course video online about it or draw out what you’re trying to learn in diagrams and pictures to make it fun.
if people around you won’t shut up: listen to some music. soundtrack and classical music is always good because they won’t absorb you as much as music with lyrics. white noise (like ocean waves, rain sounds, etc.) also works.
if you only half understand a concept: call/message a friend who’s not in the class and try to teach the material to them. this will help you mentally work through the material and will help you remember it as well.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
¡Llorar y luchar!
Estos últimos días no sé qué me pasa, tengo muchas ganas de escribir. Será que el fin de año me hace bien, al contrario de lo que yo pensaba. Es que me trae tantos sentimientos encontrados, tantas felicidades, tristezas, nostalgias, ansiedades y ambiciones. Me dan tantas ganas de parar y llorar, y a la vez tantas ganas de luchar con más fuerza que nunca. Me dan muchas ganas de fetejar los logros, y hacer el duelo sobre las pérdidas.
Y si, para escribir hay que sentir. Para escribir hay que estar vivo. Recuerdo tantas veces en las que quería escribir y no podía, las palabras no salían, y las pocas que salían estaban vacías de significado, leerlas era como leer rayas desordenadas, aleatorias, en un papel. En esa época no me sentía viva. No sé qué sentía.
Casi siempre lo que escribo son como asociaciones libres, empiezo por una idea y sigo por donde ella me lleva. Y en un momento las palabras dejan de fluir y paran y ya no sale ninguna más. Y siento que el escrito me queda incompleto pero no tengo nada que agregarle. Bueno, Lacan dice que no hay peor falta que cuando falta la falta, así que eso estaría bien Jajajaja, me encanta el psicoanálisis, aunque no crea mucho en él, es hermoso y poético.
También creo que estoy escribiendo más porque es primavera, y salió el sol. Me acuerdo que hasta hace poco odiaba el verano y el calor, y amaba el invierno. Este año, sorprendentemente para mí esa predilección que tenía se invirtió. Y no hay nada mas terapéutico para mi que sentarme en el piso al sol a escuchar y cantar música. Bueno, tal parece que la primavera hizo florecer tambien los significados en mis palabras.
Ah, que pena es saber que no me convertiré en una escritora. Y yo me jacto de no creer en la teoría de Freud por improbable, nunca en la vida llegaría a escribir como él y crear una teoría que influencie a tantas personas. Pero bueno, debería conformarme con menos! Jajajajaja soñar no cuesta nada, solo bellas palabras cuando se escriben o se dicen los sueños.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
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They found each other, they looked at each other, and after that they could never stop looking to each other.
Two women
on a world that didn't want them otherwise that submitted.
who didn't listen to them, didn't let them be otherwise that "their"
To let them alone, empty, dependant, without wings, without voice.
They found each other, two women, and they loved each other.
They got drifted apart, and they missed each other.
But they found each other again, they looked out for each other again.
They never stopped looking and loving each other.
They loved
And they freed themselves
And they were true, finally.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Se encontraron, se miraron, y ya nunca pudieron dejar de mirarse.
Dos mujeres
En un mundo que no las quería de otra forma que no fuera sometidas.
Que no las escuchaban, no las dejaban ser otra cosa que suyas
Para dejarlas solas, vacías, dependientes, sin alas, sin voz.
Se encontraron, dos mujeres, y se amaron.
Se separaron y se extrañaron.
Pero se volvieron a encontrar, se volvieron a buscar.
Nunca dejaron de amarse y mirarse.
Se miraron
Se amaron
Se liberaron
Y fueron ellas mismas.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
5 de enero, 00:12 am.
Abajo el patriarcado, se va a caer.
Arriba el feminismo que va a vencer.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
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Here's my thoughts when I first watched Devilman crybaby.
It bothers me,
Why did he accept it without second thought?
Why did he accept to change his body, his being, his fate, even though he didn't want to?
Or did he want to?
Why did he accept?
Why didn't he say anything?
Was it because he thought he had nothing?
Was it because it was Ryo who asked?
How could Ryo ask that to him? Wasn't he dear to Ryo?
Akira said that he choose death before starting to hurt people
So why did he accept?
It changed his whole life, his whole being, his whole fate, his death, it put a demon on him.
It just makes me so mad
He didn't choose it
It just was given to him and he didn't say a word.
It kinds of hurts my heart
That he is so naive
And didn't say a word for his sake.
Maybe he's still himself,
But his fate didn't remain the same after that.
And he didn't say a word.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
Overheard from another faculty office down the hall: “All right, who am I and what am I doing here?”
Later, from still another office: “Do not talk to me about my own research! I have GIVEN UP.”
It’s that time of the semester.
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lotusflower97-blog1 · 6 years ago
please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period. don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. if/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. but there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better. while it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are now and it’s your now that determines your future. 
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