posting random stuff and lurking while I figure out tumblr
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Bats getting glamour shots
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These guys! I'm glad to see them again
Random wings of fire surge but did you guys know I had fantribes along with their own continent and society and all that jazz.. highly doubt I'll bring back the entire thing but I still like their designs...

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Beyond this, consider how these professions might vary depending on who the customers are - nobles, or lower class. Are they good at their job or just scraping by? Do they work with lots of other people or on their own? City or village?
For younger characters:
Apprentice to any of the above
Shop assistant
Looks after younger siblings
(Images all from Wikimedia Commons)
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Bird Wing/Tail Database
If you ever need references for bird wings/tails I cannot recommend this collection enough! It has images of the dorsal/ventral sides of wings from a wide variety of species.
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Hell yeah
Warrior Bites: Clan Tools
[Image ID: Reedwhisker, a black RiverClan warrior cat, sits behind two terracotta pots, some strips of willowbark, a traditional wooden pot called a firkin, and a rock. He has a stick in his mouth.]
Warriors of the Clans are shown in-canon to be able to weave, dig tunnels, decorate with shells, and do whatever it is that BloodClan’s got going on with those collars and manicures. Have you considered what other tools a semi-realistic warrior could handle?
A guide to the various tools and methods that the Clans can use to prepare complex dishes, including the equipment needed for smoking, baking, pickling, and so on. Part of the Warrior Bites series for Bonefall’s Clan Culture.
(The art in this guide was once again provided by my partner who hasn’t read a single page of warrior cats in their life but so help me god I’ll drag them down with me)
Tools + Equipment
Fire Starting
Containers: Twine + Baskets + Buckets
Cookware: Smokers, Ovens, “Grillstones“
1. Fire Starting
Flint can be used to start a fire, especially for Clans that lack lumber. Because flint is most easily found around the Mothermouth, it’s associated with StarClan’s glow and considered somewhat divine.
But for those situations without a flint starter, the Clans generally teach their apprentices the paw-drill method using a spindle. But these days, SkyClan uses stolen Glass to start fires quicker and easier than any other Clan…
Except on cloudy days, where some unfortunate apprentice still gets saddled with spindle duty.
[Image ID: Reedclaw, a brown tabby Warrior Cat from SkyClan, sits on his haunches and spins a long stick called a ‘spindle’ with his front paws. Smoke is rising from the board the spindle is spinning against.]
2. Containers: Twine + Baskets + Buckets
RiverClan has the easiest access to twine; Willowbark can be peeled right off the tree and used without any processing for simple string to tie things with. WindClan uses woven grass as twine. ShadowClan, SkyClan, and ThunderClan are able to make cordage from Blackberry brambles.
Once the cat has twine, it can be woven into a simple basket to gather things, like berries, clams, or insects. In order to carry liquids, forested Clans can create firkins– a small wooden bucket that requires some carpentry ability, namely creating wooden nails.
But these tremble before the value of pottery, which is needed to store liquids, ferment and pickle food, and create stew.
Pottery is made from clay, which has to be baked in order to go from wet mud to terracotta. RiverClan is responsible for making the majority of new pottery because of the river, and ShadowClan’s marsh gives them lots of access to low-quality clay.
WindClan was once unmatched in the quality of their pottery thanks to tunneling leading them to the finest clay deposits known to the Clans. Though SkyClan is now rivaling the finest ancient WindClan pottery, due to their willingness to steal buckets from twolegs.
(Leafstar says, “if you cant make a firkin, store-bought is fine”)
[Image ID: Leafstar, the brown tabby-and-cream Warrior cat leader of SkyClan, sits behind a counter in front of an audience presenting a man-made firkin, parodying shopping channels. A speech bubble says, “Meow meow meow meow meow, storebought is meow.”]
3. Cookware: Smokers, Ovens, “Grillstones“
A smoker is very easy to construct, all that’s needed is some straight branches, twine, and fire.
First, a round pit is dug into the ground and filled with soaked woodchips. It is important they’re damp, because wet wood gives off more smoke than dry. Then, three beams are set and tied at the top, like a triangle. From there, a shelf is made inside of the beams. Multiple shelves can be made if a lot of food is being smoked at once.
ThunderClan wraps the smoker in a leather pelt, to keep the smoke in. Their prowess with smoking and seasoning a wide range of meats gives them the title of BBQ champions.
[Image ID: A primitive smoker setup, made of three sticks leaned against each other in a triangular shape and tied at the top. Two shelves are tied into the structure, the top row with minnows and the bottom with hanging strips of meat.]
An oven is a large construction. Capable of cooking several meals at once, each clan would have just one to use communally. Because the communal oven is such a big project, each Clan would have one that looks unique to their environment.
ThunderClan’s, for example, is flat and made of stone, simple in design but very sturdy and capable of cooking a lot of meat at once.
[Image ID: A stone oven made of flat, piled rocks. A fire is lit at the bottom and meat is browning on the top shelf. A stick leans against the side.]
For the quickest and easiest way to make a hot meal, meat is roasted on a spit or loose stick over an open fire. The best sear comes from a large, flat slab of rock propped up over a flame, known to the clans as a grillstone.
[Image ID: Firestar, ginger tabby warrior cat leader of ThunderClan, watches bacon sizzle on a large, flat rock placed over a fire. His daughter, Squirrelkit, sits beside him. A thought bubble above her head contains a waffle, and a question mark.]
(Clan blood be damned that kittypet can work a grill)
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The profile picture is a red lipped batfish and the channel is in Russian so I don't confuse it with other servers' channels when sending
does anybody else have a discord server thats only yourself and nobody else exclusively used to send images from your mobile phone to your tablet or computer
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I know nothing about flight rising, but I know I like these. Some of these dragons reminded me a bit of the way dragons were drawn in the HTTYD books and that brings me joy.

some of my flight rising dragons
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Seems like these designs I made previously are relevant again, please feel free to use them.
The last one was just an inspiration from seeing an eagle being harassed by a raven, but some people have said it’s appropriate, so here you go.
Stay safe out there 💕
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Some more maniraptoriform/extinct animal designs I've done. Technically they're for a specific ARPG but none have been written as characters. They sit in purgatory until I'm able to write for one or a few of them.
Anchiornis huxleyi/hadropithecus stenognathus
Balaur bondoc/thylacosmilus atrox
Citipati/yoshi garevskii
Dromeosaurus/smilodon fatalis
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Two redos of old art of the same creature combinations. First one is quercylurus/dromaeosaurid, second is pakicetus/halszkaraptor. Might recolor that one, I'm not getting enough attachment to the current design.
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Small fantasy worldbuilding elements you might want to think about:
A currency that isn’t gold-standard/having gold be as valuable as tin
A currency that runs entirely on a perishable resource, like cocoa beans
A clock that isn’t 24-hours
More or less than four seasons/seasons other than the ones we know
Fantastical weather patterns like irregular cloud formations, iridescent rain
Multiple moons/no moon
Planetary rings
A northern lights effect, but near the equator
Roads that aren’t brown or grey/black, like San Juan’s blue bricks
Jewelry beyond precious gems and metals
Marriage signifiers other than wedding bands
The husband taking the wife's name / newlyweds inventing a new surname upon marriage
No concept of virginity or bastardry
More than 2 genders/no concept of gender
Monotheism, but not creationism
Gods that don’t look like people
Domesticated pets that aren’t re-skinned dogs and cats
Some normalized supernatural element that has nothing to do with the plot
Magical communication that isn’t Fantasy Zoom
“Books” that aren’t bound or scrolls
A nonverbal means of communicating, like sign language
A race of people who are obligate carnivores/ vegetarians/ vegans/ pescatarians (not religious, biological imperative)
I’ve done about half of these myself in one WIP or another and a little detail here or there goes a long way in reminding the audience that this isn’t Kansas anymore.
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A friend sent me this once. I'm weird chicken.

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I truly hate the way dragons in wof border on wild instincts and human behavior. It's as unsettling as if Napoleon suddenly got on all fours, ran down the street, ate a live seagull, and then wiped his ass with a rock.
#wings of fire#this is a hilarious analogy#wings of fire seems to have been written to tell a story#not to build a world that makes sense#but thats what aus are for
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been sitting on this one for a WHILE
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