meanwhile new windows 11 update gave me a mild heart attack
she's looking at me like she will murder me in my sleep if I won't finish drawing her halp
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I have no idea what's going on, but I'm with you!
General information before the tournament start: this account is run by @sleepytwilight
This is my first time doing this kind of tournament, I am nervous but this will be disasters!!!
Please insert your desire characters! Also write which game did they came from 💀
This is what I will be using, I will change it once I figure how tournament online work.
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just my Obey Me! MC — Faye
welp this was sitting in my drafts for a while, thought I'd finally post it may expand this post with some info about her once I feel like it
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I turned them into cats because I refuse to draw them normally
All based off a of real experiences I’ve had with cats (*cough* Vega and Sirius)
I realized after coloring that they look like littlest pet shops but it’s ok I’m embracing it
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The second installment of 'One Heartbeat Away' is here! Featuring Spica!
Spica suggests learning how to dance and is surprised when you actually try.
2nd person POV: Read on Ao3 or under cut below~
"Are you not finding today's topic particularly of interest, Summoner?"
His soft chuckle brings a heat to your cheeks once you realize you've let another sigh escape your lips. It wasn't that the topic was boring, more so that you'd suddenly found yourself at an impasse and unwilling to accept the conclusion you had arrived upon.
Sharing the committee room with Spica had been common practice since your arrival to Bound Arlyn. The sorcerer usually reviewed paperwork and requests from students and teachers alike, while you barraged him with questions until becoming so engrossed in a tome or history book that the inquiries ceased, finally freeing him to focus on more important tasks. Spica noted that it would be wise to learn a few dances famous to this world, as their banquets were a longstanding tradition and with your growing popularity among the curious sorcerers of Contell, there wouldn't be many more excuses the guide committee could use to save you from participating. That wasn't to say that this was an easy task, however, as you've never been quite the best dancer, but you were also never one to back down from a challenge--not without at least pretending you tried first.
Since his comment the week prior, you'd been pouring over the dancing manuals and practice charts within the guide room's archives, quietly keeping to your corner of the table while watching videos and memorizing the steps to the dances you'd noticed during the banquets. Today, after a near-flawless finger routine performance on the table, you concede that you'll actually have to practice with someone before this information solidifies in your memory. You barely suppress the next sigh that comes along when you rest your forehead against the table.
The heavy sound pulls another huff of amusement from him as Spica smiles down at his work. This was the most interaction he'd gotten from you since you began your dance studies, and to his surprise, he missed the daily banter and prodding. He wouldn't complain about the silence though, as the effort you put into taking his advice seriously was a refreshing change from the normal lack of integrity from the other committee members. The silence, however, came with a sense of unwelcome stagnancy, and Spica couldn't tell if it required his direct intervention or absence. His wishful thinking surprises even him as he takes a moment to rest his chin in his hand with a troubled frown directed towards your Stella tab.
"Is there anything that I can assist you with, Summoner? I'd be more than happy t--"
His words are electric and quickly shoot through your spine and to your heart, shocking your posture straight and your full attention to this perfected moment fate has presented to your current dilemma. Your resolve falters with a skipped heartbeat as you watch the concern dance in his glowing tsavorite eyes. You begin to nod with a pout and are regarded with a soft smile when a loud knocking interrupts the moment as three young sorcerers shove and argue their way to Spica, dragging him away before he can even blink.
'Ooor not. Dammit.'
You huff and shovel all your belongings into your bag, defeated for the evening in more ways than one.
Although there was never an official agreement, you couldn't help being slightly disappointed when you walked into an empty committee room over the weekend. The overcast skies only help sour your mood as you allow the feeling to linger a moment longer before you decide on using the empty space to your advantage. Propping your Stella tab on the window sill while rummaging through your saved playlist of all the songs you could find from past banquets, you opt for a slower tune as you shuffle the table and chairs around to create a bit more open space. It wasn't perfect, but it would work. It takes hardly any time before you're chanting beats while watching your feet with attentive care as the rain patters along the windows in tempo, slowly entranced within the melancholic minuet.
Spica shakes his head, chastising himself internally as he enters the building. To think- the way your eyes lit when he offered assistance was all it took for his heart to palpitate, causing that lapse in judgment that led to him being whisked away by the young Fili Pfepers was unprofessional of him and honestly, a little embarrassing. How could such a minor thing cause such a reaction within him? Spica sighed as his cheeks grew warm, not wanting to entertain the idea any more as there was work to be finished, while a soft melody and light coming from what should have been a darkened room suggested otherwise. The warmth from his cheeks spread to his chest as a spark ignited within him. Spica found himself at the entrance to the committee room in an instant, one hand resting on the doorframe with the other gripped closely to his chest.
There you were, clumsy-footed, frustrated, but dedicated to perfection. Was that pride, or affection, that pounded in his chest? As the song died down on the Stella tab he took advantage, clearing his throat as he clapped, "An excellent effort Summoner." He couldn't help but laugh when your wide eyes met his amused grin the moment you spun around.
He was without his academy jacket, just his black shirt that he was rolling the sleeves to, casually unbuttoned and missing his yellow tie. You took in his relaxed appearance with a thick swallow, careful not to let your eyes wander from his Adam's apple to the top of his chest that was on display. You quickly shook the obvious lust from your expression. Before you could gather your thoughts to ask, he was already in front of you, hand gesturing to your Stella tab.
"I did offer to assist you yesterday, did I not? If I may?"
A small nod is all you muster as Spica walks to the window, grabbing the tablet to find a melody more to his liking before turning to you with an outstretched hand. "I'm eager to see how your studies will be applied Summoner." He smiles warmly as he watches the blush grow in your cheeks. You pause just a moment before pressing cold fingertips into his warm palm, meeting his eyes with a wide smile when a thunderous bellow shakes the room.
It's hard to say if you threw yourself into his chest or were pulled with the thunder, but as you look up to his warm green eyes smiling playfully at you, its hard to deny the sweet serendipity.
"Are you ready?"
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My Yona and @dobaekki's LoVat obviously inspired by Ch.11 loginscreen~
#arcana twilight#arcana twilight fanart#arcana twilight art#arcana twilight mc#arcana twilight summoner#otome#otome game#my art
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Pretty sure someone has already pointed it out, but Wanderers Whereabouts loading screen shows the name for one particular room differently compared to current map

This will be our room once again, just you wait!
Can't wait to kick those slackers out I mean WHO GAVE THEM PERMISSION TO SLEEP IN MY BED WITH THEIR BOOTS ON FFS
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OM!NB Lesson 12 out of context
ok, It's shitpost time!
#OM!NB spoilers#i'm sorry everyone#but this idea bothered me all day#obey me nightbringer#obey me#obey me lucifer#obey me mammon#obey me leviathan#obey me satan#obey me asmodeus#obey me beelzebub#obey me belphegor#obey me mc
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more ArTw Ch.11 silly sketches before I'll move out to a more serious art
Yona used Violence! It's super effective!
#arcana twilight#arcana twilight fanart#arcana twilight art#acrana twilight sirius#arcana twilight mc#otome#otome game#otome guys#my art#sketch
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One more for the day! Happy Birthday @novatheia!!
The first installment of my 'One Heartbeat Away' series
Alpheratz doing what he does best, lazily dodging Spica, while waiting for you.
2nd person POV: Read on Ao3 or under cut below~
"Sorry Spica but I haven't seen him either; Arcky and I got back into town only a bit ago."
An apologetic smile pulls at your lips as you head towards the mansion's second floor, focus split between minding the steps and trying to suppress your enjoyment of Spica's daily frustration with locating his childhood friend. Having just returned after an overnight of travel with his Fili Pfeper counterpart, the first thing expected was silence and a nap, and definitely not a video call with the committee leader calling asking of Alpheratz's whereabouts, but not like that was the last thing expected either. A muted notification rings and he apologizes quickly, only just remembering your part in the weekend's events. "Forgive me Summoner, I'll let you get some rest. Please remember the meeting this afternoon, and remind Alpheratz if you see him before I do, which is absolutely likely."
Rolling your eyes with a grin, you begin to protest while opening the door to your room, only to stop when a lazy wave causes a ruby tie to shift against the head so rudely harassing your pillows. Focus immediately switches to your Stella tab as you will your face to comply, gritting teeth and attempting a totally normal, nonchalant smile. "Thanks, Spica, I'll let him know if I see him."Spica nods on the screen and you're quick to end the cll as a low chuckle rumbles from the bedside, "I was almost starting to get worried ya know? You said you'd be back a few hours ago."
You shake your head, removing your coat and boots before crawling into the inviting covers Alpheratz has open and waiting next to him. "The last town had a few problems that Arcky wasn't expecting-" you explain, nestling into the plush bedding while violet eyes patiently wait for you to get comfortable, before sitting respectfully outside the blankets, snickering to himself as you yawn before snuggling into his shoulder, "-I'll tell you about it later if you tell me a story now." You bat your eyelashes innocently and catch him playfully rolling his eyes as he pulls a leather-bound tome from thin air.
When Alpheratz first explained how his magical item worked, it was disappointing to hear the book's pages were not, in fact, lined with stories, spells, languages, and scripts in the ways one would imagine a magical book to be filled. That it was so barren and blank had been quite the letdown until he sparked a light from his fingertip, pouring mana into the pages while you watched with marvel as spirals and squiggles danced listlessly across each parchment, only offering a moment's glow before tucking their luminescence between the sheets. Alpheratz watched as the diamonds in your eyes sparkled. It was always a battle within him as part of him enjoyed the pout that came around once the sparkles faded, and yet the other wanted nothing but the gemstones in your eyes to shine forever. The latter usually seemed to win, as it did in this scenario, and the adlib began again, "Once upon a time, there was a ______," he glanced down and awaited your answer. "A florist." At your words, petals bloomed and scattered along the pages as he chuckled, "Okay, a florist, we can work with that..."
Shooting stars dance within the cozy space as they breathe life into the scene, taking their own mind and transforming into a starlight show, twinkling with each page that magically turns along with Alphe's improvised story. You try earnestly to keep your eyes open to enjoy the show, not wanting to be rude to the page master, but the long travels back have begun taking their toll. You hear light laughter before submitting to the darkness taking over, watching the falling shimmers slowly fade behind your closed eyelids as the weight shifts next to you, your final thoughts being gratitude for the coolness underneath your head.
Alpheratz smiles softly, it's not often that he gets to steal moments like this, but he ensures that any opportunity given does not get wasted. After successfully replacing his shoulder with a pillow and confirming your approval with the satisfied scrunkle of your facial features, he thoughtfully places your Stella Tab on the nightstand, plugging it in to ensure you'll have a full battery when you wake up. He nods with pride as he mentally pats himself on the back before glancing toward the door with a smirk. He had been grateful for the empty room over the weekend as it provided solace from the ever-nagging council head, but with your return, he'd have to find a new hiding place, although not before causing one more headache to the fearless leader. Alpheratz halfheartedly mumbles an apology before shutting off both Stella Tabs, rounding the bed, and heading toward the door with purpose. Even with its laidback delivery, his words were still genuine- he really was worried when you'd shown up hours later than planned and without an update, but now that he knew the most important thing was safe, the exhaustion of worrying all weekend set in, and he'd be damned if he didn't get his reward for not being bothersome, and letting you focus on work. Alpheratz locks the door with ease, removing his tie and unbuttoning his shirt before switching the pillow for his shoulder once again, taking back his rightful place next to you for a long, overdue nap.
There would be another meeting tomorrow, and maybe he'd consider apologizing to Spica later.
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pls, it's perfect тОт
Thank you! For all your support and for being such an incredible, sweet and warm person, I love you too!
You guys! It's my babysis @novatheia birthday today! In honor of the person slowly thawing my heart back into being social again, I made a couple phone wallpapers, an icon, and graphic cuz it's cute. Don't @ my mediocrity XD Enjoy your day babycakes I love you! 💕
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Having a Solomon brainrot so here's that one scene from Nightbringer lesson 11-1 cuz🧎♀️
#I'm thinking about this scene a bit too much#and now I'm going to think about it even more thanks to this incredible art#reblog
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How to help your boyfriend with his mana outburst
or whatever that part of Ch.11 was
#arcana twilight#arcana twilight fanart#arcana twilight art#arcana twilight alpheratz#arcana twilight mc#otome#otome game#otome guys#my art#sketch
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me rn looking at releases of OM!NB and ArTw Ch.11
#new ArTw stage OMG IT'S ALIVE#I'm alive as well btw#mb will even start drawing again#dunno#we'll see
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Welcome to the Jurassic Park dun dun dun dun
Lilith belong to me
Yona belong to @novatheia
Ines belong to @llolian
Lili belong to @lili-dwr-art / @lili-dwr
Galatea belong to @theblanketghost
Samuel belong to my friend who still don't want to download tumblr
Alright I should go back to sleep 🗿
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Yet another birthday, our little silly rabbit is getting older, hooray! And a redraw of that one meme, — feat. my FFXIV WoL, — this time, 'cause my undesire to draw and a pain in my hand are killing me, so can't do more serious arts
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