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The official Simblr for my Sims stories, legacies, challenges, photos, tidbits, and other fun extras and my latest obssession, Stardew Valley fandom! 
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livinasimminlife · 5 days ago
What an awesome idea! ☁️🚲🏰🎈
Generation One: Kiki’s Delivery Service (Berrified Color: Cherry Red)
You’ve spent your entire life living in the countryside and crave the energy of a bustling city. The catch is that the big city is expensive, and you’ve only got the clothes on your back and your beloved cat. How will this work out?! Maybe that weird kid you keep running into could help you out…
Traits: Ambitious (roll/pick rest)
Aspiration: City Native
Start in San Myshuno
You must live in a studio apartment with three negative lot traits, and you cannot move or change said lot traits. Any positive lot traits are banned.
You must start with a cat in your household
Max your cooking, baking, and handiness skills
Attend all city festivals, and I do mean all of them, unless something more important (I.E. work/parenting) gets in the way.
You can have two kids maximum.
Generation Two: Whisper of the Heart (Berrified Color: Yellow)
Living in the city isn’t for everyone. Growing up in a horrible studio apartment has made you pretty jaded, but hey, your writing skills are amazing!
Now if only that stupid jerk would leave you alone…
Traits: Creative, Gloomy (roll/pick rest)
Aspiration: Bestselling Author
Stay in San Myshuno, but you can move if you wish.
Max your writing, violin, and cooking skills
Marry someone who you start out having a poor relationship with, but repair said relationship with.
Max out writer career
Have at least one child, three maximum.
Generation Three: Spirited Away (Berrified Color: White or  Light Grey)
Oh no, a family vacation went terribly wrong, and you’ve been separated from your family, and you’re trapped in…well, whatever this place is. Maybe if you work for this grouchy old lady, you can go home?
Traits: Good (roll/pick rest)
Aspiration: Soulmate
Move to Forgotten Hollow as a child, and live with a family of vampires.
Do not contact your family in San Myshuno until you’re a young adult
Change your name when you move to Forgotten Hollow, and if you remember your heir’s original name off the top of your head without writing it down, looking it up on your blog, or from any mnemonic devices, you can return to San Myshuno!
However, if you CAN’T remember your heir’s original name, you must transform them into a vampire and keep them in Forgotten Hollow.
Max your handiness, cooking, gardening, and vampire lore skills.
Marry the vampire closest to your age (who you may or may not have had an encounter with when you were younger��) once you become a young adult.
Must have at least four children, all of whom are vampires.
Generation Four: Ponyo (Berrified Color: Fuchsia)
You’re not quite human, but you wish with all your heart that you were! Your rebellious spirit led you to a seaside town, and possibly to the love of your life. Hopefully your parents won’t follow you…
Traits: Self-Assured, Childish (roll/pick rest)
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Move to Brindleton Bay.
Cure your vampirism!
Marry the first (single) person you meet in your new town, but only after you really get to know them.
Max your cooking, charisma, mischief, and gardening skills.
Your spouse must master the fishing skill.
You can only have three children. No more, no less.
Generation Five: From Up on Poppy Hill (Berrified Color: Ocean Blue)
One of your parents died when you were young, which has always weighed on you. You hope that if you keep raising the flags every morning, they’ll come home. Doing this on top of taking care of your siblings and your grandparents’ bed and breakfast running is taking its toll on you.
Will your life ever become interesting?
Traits: Family-Oriented (pick/roll rest)
Aspiration: Super Parent
Stay in Brindleton Bay.
Max your parenting, cooking, gardening, handiness, and fishing skills.
Have at least 8 sims in your household, and have the majority of them not be related to you.
Join/form a club in high school, and work for it to succeed. (For bonus points, build a grungy old clubhouse and fix it up as the club gets more successful!)
Marry someone you meet in high school who has similar genetics to you, but isn’t related by blood.
Have at least two kids, but more than two are encouraged!
Generation Six: Arrietty (Berrified Color: Light Green)
The world is a mysterious place, do you think you know all of its secrets just yet?
Traits: Kleptomaniac (pick/roll rest)
Aspiration: The Curator
Adopt a very fat cat.
Attend every flea market that happens during this generation and buy at least five things every time.
Find every possible collectible in the game.
Steal at least 10,000 Simoleans’ worth of goods from your neighbors’ homes.
Buy the most expensive dollhouse in the game at the beginning of the generation, and do not sell it until the generation is over.
Max your handiness, cooking, and mischief skills.
For bonus points, use cheats to scale down your sims and their objects!
Have two children. No more, no less. This will make sense in the next generation.
Generation Seven: My Neighbor Totoro (Berrified Color: Dark Grey)
You’ve been living in harmony with nature for almost four generations now, but there’s still secrets hiding around every corner!
Traits: Childish (pick/roll rest)
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Max your gardening, mischief, and cooking skills.
Grow every plant in the game.
Discover all secret worlds.
Have one of the two children this generation “go missing” by having them move out for at least a week, and do not contact them. If you find them on a community lot, you’ve “found” them and can add them back into the household!
Have at least two children.
Generation Eight: Princess Mononoke (Berrified Color: Dark Red)
Your family hasn’t split up much, for good reason. After a terrible curse comes over you, you have to go out on your own to save yourself and your entire family.
Traits: Self-Assured, Athletic (pick/roll rest)
Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast
Move out of your family home to the neighborhood of your choosing (NOT San Myshuno, though)
Max your herbalism, logic, and handiness skills.
Travel to Granite Falls at least five times, and meet your spouse there.
Discover the secret neighborhood in Granite Falls
Have your spouse max out their painting skill, and reach the top of the painter career.
Adopt two large wolf-like dogs.
Have at least one child.
Generation Nine: Castle in the Sky (Berrified Color: Peach)
Life is good. You’ve got a decent job, and your family is out of the woods from all that “supernatural” stuff. It can’t exist, right?
Traits: Loner, Ambitious (roll/pick rest)
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Max your handiness, logic, and cooking skills.
Move back to San Myshuno, and live in the same crappy apartment the founder lived in, but it’s become much more worn down over the years. (If possible, add the “Needs TLC” trait to it.)
Stay below level 5 at your job.
Meet a sim at a festival who seems to be normal, but has…something very strange about them. This is your spouse.
Have at least five children. The youngest is your heir.
Generation Ten: Howl’s Moving Castle (Berrified Color: Orange)
Tacky hat shops; they’re the thing that everyone takes for granted. You’ve lived in San Myshuno for your whole life, and you’ve taken the back seat to your older, “prettier” siblings.There’s talk about a wizard living on the edge of town, but that’s just hogwash, isn’t it?
…Wait, did someone just come in the front door? Didn’t you lock that a few minutes ago?
Traits: Creative, Family Oriented, Dog Lover
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Buy a business and convert it into a “tacky” hat shop.
Change your heir into an elder once they age up to YA, then age them backwards until they reach teen. (I.E. When they’re within a few days of dying of old age, change them to an adult. Then when they’re about to age up to an elder again, change them to a young adult, and so on. Once they age “down” to a teen, let them age naturally again.)
Adopt an “ugly” small dog.
Have an unrelated child live in your household, and move them out once they age up to YA.
Have an unrelated old woman live in your household until she dies.
Marry a “wizard” who you start the generation with a poor relationship with.
Max your painting, woodworking, and cooking skills.
Have a child after becoming a YA naturally.
Once your last child becomes a YA, you complete the challenge!
Created By: @ssoulpeace 
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livinasimminlife · 5 days ago
What a cool idea! Love it! 🛟👙🏊‍♀️🌴☀️
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Overgrown Above Ground Pool
The Overgrown Above Ground Pool set comes with several decorative above ground pool items to enhance your Sims’ summer back yard look. Pools require a lot of work to maintain to prevent moss and algae growth, so be sure to utilize your Pool Cleaning Supplies and Floating Pool Chemical Dispenser to keep the moss and algae at bay, or don’t! for a unique overgrown pond look.
Pool items come in standard blue, light blue, and gray, with 5 overgrown progression swatches showcasing new, sun-bleached, dirty, mossy, and extra-mossy swatch progressions.
Check out the YouTube trailer of the set here:
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10 new items:
Overgrown Above Ground Pool Deco
Above Ground Pool Ladder Jumpstand
Above Ground Pool Ladder Deco
Above Ground Pool Tarp
Dilapidated Pool Ball
Floating Pool Chemical Dispenser
Above Ground Pool Foundation
Mossy Pool Water
Mossy Dirt
Pool Cleaning Supplies
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Are the items functional?
Sort of.
The Overgrown Above Ground Pool Deco is functionally a fountain, so your Sims can use the interaction “Toss Coin” into it.
The Floating Pool Chemical Dispenser has a new, custom “Clean Pool” interaction that plays a chemical dispensing vfx.
The Above Ground Pool Foundation can be applied to pools raised above the ground to give the look of an above ground pool that your Sims can swim in.
The Above Ground Pool Ladder Jumpstand can be used against real Pools as a jumpstand, which requires Get to Work to function.
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All items are 100% 3D modelled and textured by me
Almost all items are Base Game Compatible with all necessary LODs
The Above Ground Pool Ladder Jumpstand requires Get to Work to function.
Find build items in this pack easily by searching "Above Ground Pool" or "Kaiso"
Build items will not show up under this search, so here is where to find them!
Above Ground Pool Foundation is under “Foundations”
Mossy Pool Water is under “Water Styles”
Mossy Dirt is under “Terrain Paint”
Download: (Free!): Patreon
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livinasimminlife · 11 days ago
More absolute cuteness! 💕
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Plushie Pals #2 Pack
The second in my plushie pals series. Some more fun and chunky critters! These will be a perfect addition to any home. :)
5 items | Bat Plushie, Parakeet Plushie, Gator Plushie, Otter Plushie, Elephant Plushie
maxis match swatches + some lisa frank inspired ones
base game
find by searching "jellypaws"
for recolor-ers, I'm so sorry about the uv lol. I'm working on unwrapping better.
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If you have any issues or questions, please reach out to me here or on discord! :)
youtube | tumblr | patreon | discord
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livinasimminlife · 12 days ago
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OMG! The cutest! Adorbs! 💕
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Plushie Pals Pack
We always need more stuffed animals, and I'm here to provide that! Ranging from cute nursery plushies to weighted ones! These will be a perfect addition to any home. :)
5 items | Raccoon Plushie, Weighted Shark Plushie, Giraffe Plushie, Tiger Plushie, Weighted Mushroom Plushie
maxis match swatches + some lisa frank inspired ones
base game
find by searching "jellypaws"
for recolor-ers, I'm so sorry about the uv lol. I'm working on unwrapping better.
unedited image
If you have any issues or questions, please reach out to me here or on discord! :)
youtube | tumblr | patreon | discord
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livinasimminlife · 12 days ago
Yes! So realistic too!
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Cardboard Decoration Box (Requires Seasons!)
Ho ho ho hello!
This is a small little thingy I made, hoping to release it as a Christmas gift to you all! Better late than never, I suppose!🎅🎁
I didn't want only the decoration box that came with Seasons, so I wanted to make a basic one resembling moving boxes, that fits in any basement or attic you might want to build. Of course, it's functional too, opening and closing as your sim uses it, but it REQUIRES SEASONS to work. I'm unsure whether it will even show up as a decoration without the pack... Let me know!
Another fun thing is I figured out how to make edge highlights using Blender, so they will bump up the visual quality of my objects quite a bit! The sad part is I already finished all the swatches for my upcoming Outhouse Stories set, so now that will have to take a little longer.
Download (Patreon, FREE)
Enjoy and Happy New Year!⭐
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livinasimminlife · 14 days ago
OMG! Adorbs!
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Available to download on Patreon
Release Dates:
Choco Puds - 08.03 Mini Puds - 15.03 Bow Puds - 22.03 Public - 29.03
base game compatible
available in restaurants
Frog + Bear Shaped Pizzas:
contains meat & lactose
Mouse + Pig Shaped Pizzas:
vegetarian safe, contains lactose
Multi serving: max vertices 560/ polygons 540 Single serving: max vertices 326/ polygons 317
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livinasimminlife · 14 days ago
Is there another way to access your cc finds? The link on your blog no longer works.
Yeah, sorry about that. Weird that it unlinked.
Here's the proper link and I fixed it on the side.
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livinasimminlife · 18 days ago
I ❤️ this!
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The Sims 4 World Map
For convenience in my game I always lacked a visual version of the location of cities and understanding the distance between them. That's why me and chudonana teamed up and this beauty came out.
You will receive: a modified digital image in 3480x2380 resolution in png format, and soon we plan to make a loading screen and a replacement for the game menu out of it, so stay tuned!
@sssvitlanz @coffee-cc-finds @s4realtor
The new world Nordhaven is still in question, but judging by the info that already exists, it should be near Windenburg. All worlds were placed based on the scenery of the cities, the plants in them and the weather.
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livinasimminlife · 18 days ago
I need this for my pastel rainbowcy. 🌈 🍫 🫕
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💝 So excited to try the new chocolate making skill from @littlbowbub 🍫
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livinasimminlife · 19 days ago
People playing THE SIMS... 😂 | So many hours in Character Creation! #the...
I feel so called out. The time sink of CAS! 😭
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livinasimminlife · 19 days ago
OMG! This the cutest! 😍 😍 😍
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Cute Cat Trees🐾˶˃ ᵕ ˂˶
6 items for TS4 & TS3
All functional!
Cats and dogs EP required.
Mostly low/mid polycount (under 5k poly).
Meshes and textures by me.
📂Download on patreon ♡ (early access) +Heart cat tree (patron's gift)
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
Yikes! I feel called out.
Simblr Be Like
I made this amazing sim with an incredibly detailed interesting background. This is the last time you will see this sim.
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
So excited for the new tacos and taco cart from @icemunmun-spicy-scalpel
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Taco de asada
Can be made with stove and grill!
Can also be ordered from Taco N More Cart!
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
1.1 Of Frosting and Fantasies (SDL)
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Curses. Madeleine Behr-Munch arrived home at 6:43p.m. on a Monday night in mid-spring. Her heel promptly sunk into the sagging wooden steps, a telltale sign of its age.  Her parents warned her against moving halfway around the world purchasing a fixer-upper home. As she maneuvered her foot out of the stairs, she began to regret ignoring their advice. She didn’t know a soul, save her nosy, but well-intentioned neighbor and this evening’s truly disastrous date. All the more reason to impatiently hustle up onto her porch. It was bad enough that she dipped out before dessert, her favorite course. No need to add to her humiliation by reliving the shameful details over the fence separating her property from the next.
Her less-than-charming dinner companion offered to drive her back while picking some spinach salad from between his slightly uneven teeth. As if she would entertain the man any longer. He had bad conversational skills, even worse manners, and he admitted during the main course that he was trapped in a loveless, sexless marriage. He was like a parched person in the desert looking at a watering hole in the distance. And Madeleine would not be this man’s cool reprieve. She squirmed in her seat, muttered a half-hearted excuse, and walked to the corner to catch the southbound trolley. The whole ride, she  lamented her luck, or lack thereof, and wondered why she didn’t dump her glass of ice water in his lap. She deserved better than becoming “the other woman.”
>>>> My first chapter of my pastel rainbowcy challenge, Sweet Dreams Legacy, is out. The challenge itself is a WIP. Read more here.
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
1.11 Eat, Drink, and Be Merry (TND)
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I can't even... y'all. I just love Butterscotch! Such a cutie.
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Kellie returns home and has an enjoyable afternoon with her neighbor and new friend, Sabrena. Read more.
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
Cannot believe it took me until today to realize those bags pair with those hooks. *face-palm*
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livinasimminlife · 7 months ago
1.7 Cryptic Crushes (LLC)
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Welcome back to another confessionals episode from Love at Lighthouse Cove. We’ve heard from the ladies. Now what do the guys really think? As the fog rolls in at the Cove, we’re about to get real. It’s time to clear the air. Or… not…
Tune in to Cryptic Crushes
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