liningshadows · 7 years
My Love is a Broken Glass
My love is a broken glass I love with a broken heart The mangled pieces of which I hold up in offering
Flint and shrapnel mixed in blood Smearing your porcelain perfection As my muddied touch Ghosts upon your beauteous cheek
I stand bare, battered But in no shame For I stand in sum total Of all that’s left of me
And though my love is a broken glass And I love with a broken heart I love with every mangled piece And every drop of the blood I bleed
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liningshadows · 7 years
Goodbye #4
Do you see the break in my wings
The tears sewed up in rags and strings
And borrowed bits of strength
Or do you only see the flight
Do you only see me fly
And turn a blind eye
To the blood that still clings
To the tips of my feathers
  I was never a caged bird
No freedom to me denied
I fell off to the wrong side
And let myself be tied
Do you see the trap marks
Running up in circles and arcs
Or do you only see the purple ink
Artfully concealing every cut on my skin
  I was never a caged bird
No freedom to me denied
Did you think I would cry?
I was born to learn the skies
And I’ll fly out tonight
I have clawed away the ties
But you’d turned a blind eye
Now you’ll always wonder why
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liningshadows · 7 years
Goodbye #1
What’s this in your eye?
It’s something different
Something new
Was it always there?
And I was blind?
Has running time
Bequeathed me with fairer sight?
  I can’t look, I can’t look away,
Far lights beckon on
But there’s so much left to say
My fingers un-entangled
Barren feel
I never knew
That this was real
And on my tongue
The taste of goodbye
Were I to utter it
Will the magic die?
Will we vanish-
In a cloud of dust?
If I hold my breath
Will I keep on feeling our lips brush?
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liningshadows · 8 years
What A Laugh
Laughing off the afternoon When the sun disappeared into the moon As I waited For a breath of your traces Goodbyes are overrated You taught me feelings can’t be slated And I flow on Dancing through the blues till they are gone
The misty edges of your mouth The corners that I turned around The blooming dale where I was found Newly formed, I carry it on Driving down your lane A finale to the waning twain Chasing down a twilit path Goodbye! Goodbye! It was a laugh!
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liningshadows · 8 years
Aren’t you tired Haven’t you grown old enough In this old town With more graves than people Holding you down
Maybe it’s time to look outside Those shoes look worn But maybe you’ll find a new pair On the road Have you thought about it?
There’s a carnival passing through The next town Maybe they’ll take you along Practice your best smile While you’re at it
And then don’t turn around You never end where you begin I know you weren’t taught right But listen to my advice And run.
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liningshadows · 8 years
I Wanna Shine
I might be shy
But I wanna shine
In a world of glitterati
I wanna be the brightest light
There’s this pool of blackness
That I’ve just swum across
The seaweed entangling me
I’ve shed, It was my cross
Are you gonna cross me
Do you have the brass
I’m the devil with a million heads
Take your best shot
But when you go down
You remember my song
Baby, when you go down
You remember my song
I’m the siren’s call
I’ll rip you heart apart
Wear your skin as my coat
And strut it about
And when you go down
You’ll remember my song
Baby, when you go down
You’ll remember my song
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liningshadows · 8 years
AND A THIRD MAKES IT EVEN (An Alex Turner Fanfiction) - Chapter 14- You Say the Way and I'll Follow (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/CpcTFABbMw Miles Kane and Alex Turner- friends, and partners in crime. It is no secret amongst friends that they sometimes share their lovers, but they've never been in love with the same woman before. Now the duo find themselves enamoured by the same lady, and something's gotta give. P.S. This story began as a birthday gift for a friend who is a huge Arctic Monkeys and Milex fan. And in the process of writing this I must say I've become quite smitten with them both myself. Hope y'all enjoy reading. Do please let me know what you think! Would really appreciate feedback since this is my first ever fanfiction.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Leave Me Love
Don’t want to leave you love
But I promised her I’ll be home tonight
If only you’ll wait till the morrow
I’ll be yours alright
Like I’ll be yours forever
 So tell me that you’ll wait
No, no don’t make that face
Not tonight when I need you the most
Don’t you turn into a ghost
Please stay mine, mine alright
 So don’t leave me now love
Promise me you’ll be home next night
I’ll wait for you  in the morrow
I’ll be yours alright
Like I am yours forever
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liningshadows · 8 years
‘Strictly Stick Shift Witchcraft’
Well there she is now
Crooked fingers, shifty eyes
Her dulcet toned lullabies
To reel you in again
Up to no good surely again
  Where’s that charm
That you wore, to resist
Her sweet honeyed trap
Sapped in her golden syrup
Too dull to react
  She sounds the bell
To swell your being into March
Ach! It’s too late now fool
You’re just a scratch
On the ground, an etch on her crown
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liningshadows · 8 years
And A Third Makes It Even
For those who might be interested, here is a link to an Alex Turner fanfiction that I am writing. 
Here’s the summary: Miles Kane and Alex Turner- friends, and partners in crime. It is no secret amongst friends that they sometimes share their lovers, but they've never been in love with the same woman before. Now the duo find themselves enamoured by the same lady, and something's gotta give.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Old Lover
Old lover
Call me back tonight
Old lover
Let’s rekindle that old fire tonight
Old songs await
The breath of out mingled sighs
Old lover
Walk back home tonight
Old lover
Let’s tread all the old trails tonight
Cold hearth awaits
The heat of our merging cries
Old lover
Just love me tonight
Old lover
Like back in the time
Old lover, Old lover
Old lover
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liningshadows · 8 years
Lost Stars
I almost jumped when I saw her walk out from the dark side like a sudden apparition. I’d never seen her in the park before. I never see anyone in the park, even the stragglers leave by now. She seemed like another lone soul. I watched her in the semi-darkness, as I ambled down the dirt track running around the park. I wondered if she came to escape something, if this was her place of calm. What could she be running from? Maybe she was new in the neighbourhood, but maybe not. It isn’t like I know anyone except for the self proclaimed President of the welfare association. That man seriously gives me the shivvies, the way he creeps upon you unawares each time! So she could be anyone, old or new. I let my thoughts run from me then, losing myself for a time. When I came to, it was darker, and I was all alone. She was gone. Maybe I’ll see her again, I thought.
I didn’t. Not till I did. Not till much later. Days had gone by, and I’d almost forgotten about my one-time mystery companion, my curiosity overtaken by the drudgeries of everyday life. I’d escaped to the park again that day, with more urgency than usual. There was a storm broiling in the house. I’d felt the stirrings even before he’d walked in. And after he’d come home, I’d wanted to be anywhere but near the onslaught I knew was coming. My body was alive with restless energy, and I shook my head, trying to throw it off. I walked in and there she was, walking in the light this time. I felt a mild annoyance at this person encroaching upon what I’d come to think of as my space. My steps were heavy and angry, and my breath puffy as I carried on to the familiar dirt path, trying very hard to imagine her gone, and myself alone. I felt a prickling at the sides of my eyes but I stoically ignored it too and just marched on. When I felt calmer, I sat on one of the benches on the dark side. She came upon me then, almost out of nowhere like the first time I’d seen her. “Hey”, she said. “Hi.” I responded, looking up at her, wondering if she’d even heard what had come out as a low indecipherable sound. “What’s up?” she asked me then, so she might have. But I just shrugged, looking past her. She nodded, and plopped down next to me. After a moment she fished out her iPod, and we sat there for over an hour, listening to a song she’d been playing on a loop all day that day if she were to be believed. But there was no cause to distrust her.
I saw her often after that. I don’t know if it was I who looked for her, or if it was she who looked for me. Perhaps it was a little of both, but we met with an irregular regularity. We never spoke much to each other. What was there to say anyway? We held hands sometimes though. The first time she had, we’d been sitting on the swing set. I’d felt my heart stop for a moment, and my head had taken a dangerous spin. I think I’d forgotten to breathe then. And then I’d held hers back, squeezing with all my might, feeling scared of her pulling away, and more scared that she would see the shine in my eyes.
We never met out of the park. Sometimes I thought about where she went to school, where she lived, in some mad moments even entertained the notion of visiting her at her house. But who knew what lurked behind her closed doors. I knew I would never invite her through mine. Outside was safe. And so it was where I first kissed her, while sitting on the bench in the park. It was madness, it could be nothing else. I’d never have had the guts, never. When she’d kissed back something had come undone. There were days of furtive touches then, illicit kisses and fucking behind the bench on the dark side. “I think I love you,” she said one day as we lay there. I didn’t say anything, couldn’t. But I held on, fiercely, thinking I could never let go. Never.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Let's Leave Off!
I thought the world- Would turn upside down By your coming But it barely tilted on its axis, And I’m rather annoyed At the view.
Why so anti-climactic darling! I thought, love was all- Fire and blazes! But you’ve gifted me a box of dying embers… What should I say?
I’m rather at a loss, With you, at you, like you, What should I do? Let it go, let it phase, But it ain’t my style, To be so contained!
I’m a screamer, I’m a dreamer! A believer! And darling, you’re not So let me smash this kiss upon your lips, Clashing, clanging, biting, and leave off! Let’s leave off.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Red's Song of Sorrow
Red is the song I play The colour drenching my grief The colour of your blood upon my hands And I am left, bereft Your eyes, my eyes The only mirror I ever viewed Are shut now, lost now And I am left, to reflect The music box I repaired The keys I keyed to battle your nightmares Play on soullessly And I am red, I am red.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Inspired By Your Love
You are a red ribbon of pain,
Woven through my veins.
Oh my heart of wings!
Flightless, roosts in shadowy corners,
And I peel off..
Peel a layer off each day,
Separating me from myself,
A painfully long process.
Cause the things you glued to me
Won’t come unstuck.
And I’m stuck, trying needles
Trying blades, trying drugs.
There are so many of me,
Around and about now these days
You’ll find me in several arms,
All at once,
Trying to relearn this world,
And all its ways,
And each one is a bad habit,
Inspired by your love.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Geetanjali, Geetanjali
Where are your lullabies
Where are all the songs you sang
And the melodies you wove into my being
My body is an artwork
Of threads you used to darn me
But you sewed up my eyes too
To blind me
I wander through the clouds now
Chasing the echoes you left to tease
Geetanjali, Geetanjali
Did you turn into a new leaf
I meet all the people you met
From this world and others
They tell me all your stories
Making me anxious to taste you like they narrate
How are you so popular, Geetanjali
Geetanjali, yet you feel all mine
I love this game of chase you make me play
But we must meet again some day
Geetanjali, Geetanjali, O mine
Let’s meet again some day
Geetanajali, Geetanjali, O mine
Be mine again some day.
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liningshadows · 8 years
Summer Day Musings
The latticed sun
On your belly
Tiny windows
That I count
In a breath
But don’t breathe
Out any words
Not yet.
Let me finish
This act.
Because the shadows
They’ll move
You’ll turn
And speak
And break my spell
There’s magic
In this air
Suspended, right here
Above me, you
Like a chandelier
The gold lights
Of glittering delight
Quiet, diffuse
Infuse, wait
Stay, my muse...
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