lgcjaejin · 11 days
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Jaejin sat alone in the practice room, a guitar resting on his lap, its weight both familiar and foreign. His fingers, still awkward on the strings, moved hesitantly, finding their place with slow precision. It had only been a few months since he picked up the guitar, and already, new callouses were forming on the tips of his fingers—a quiet symbol of his hard work and the grit required to embrace something outside his comfort zone.
The room was silent except for the uncertain, soft strumming of his chords. Jaejin worked through basic scales, his focus steady as he adjusted his fingers on the frets. Each slide felt a bit gritty, the new callouses making every string's texture more pronounced, but he welcomed the discomfort as a sign of progress.
Despite practicing diligently for months, Jaejin could only see small improvements. The sound slowly became more coherent, though still tentative. Each strum felt slightly more confident, but his touch still carried a hint of uncertainty. The guitar responded better, yet the progress seemed gradual, with gaps still evident in his playing. As the last note faded into the quiet room, Jaejin leaned back, his raven hair falling into his eyes. It wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot, but he could tell the effort he was putting in was paying off. For now, he took comfort in the small victories, knowing that each practice session was inching him closer to finding his own rhythm.
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lgcjaejin · 20 days
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Like flowers, I’m embracing the colors of life, growing at my own pace, and blooming when the time is just right.
#lgctrainees #lgcent #carterjaejin
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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"She loves me, she loves me not; she loves me, she loves me not," he began, looking at his reflection in the mirror. "You see? My mother doesn't love me. Of course not! She wants to live, to love, to wear bright dresses, and here I am, twenty-five years old, a constant reminder that she is no longer young."
He had spent the last few weeks learning this monologue, practicing it everywhere—on the subway, in the dormitory laundry room, even while waiting in line at the cafeteria. Despite his efforts, he didn't know if he was actually improving, He'd done the research, gaining a deeper understanding of the character, but it felt like he still had a long way to go until he was truly satisfied with his character,
He tried to channel the character's frustration and sadness. "When I’m not there, she’s only thirty-two, but when I am, she's forty-three—and for that, she hates me. Besides, she knows I don’t accept the theater. She loves the theater, she thinks she is serving humanity and the sacred cause of art, while in my opinion, the theater of today is hidebound and conventional."
His voice grew stronger. "When the curtain goes up, and, in a room with three walls and artificial light, those great geniuses, those priests of holy art, show me how people eat, drink, love, walk about, and wear their jackets; when from those banal scenes and phrases they try to fish out a moral—some little moral that is easily grasped and suitable for domestic use; when, in a thousand variations, I am served the same thing over and over and over again—then I flee, as Maupassant fled from the Eiffel Tower, which made his brain reel with vulgarity."
He let the words hang in the air, feeling the intensity. Acting didn’t come naturally to him. It required a level of emotional vulnerability and authenticity that felt foreign. As he stood there, uncertain if he could ever fully embrace this path, he wondered if he would ever feel truly at home in this world of make-believe.
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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Jaejin set up his camera on the tripod, carefully adjusting the angle to capture his bed. He glanced at the screen to make sure everything was in frame before jumping into bed, fluffing his pillow, and pulling the covers up to his chin. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a moment, and then opened them wide, pretending to wake up with a stretch and a yawn.
In truth, this was a lie. His mornings usually started with a mad dash to get ready, leaving his bed a tangled mess. But today, everything was different. He moved around the room, picking up clothes, straightening his desk, and organizing his shoes into a pristine line under the bed. His clothes for the day were neatly hung on his wardrobe, starched and ironed.
The whole thing was very performative, he mused to himself as he folded a blanket. Normally, his room was chaotic, with clothes strewn about and books in random piles. His morning routine was a whirlwind of activity, barely giving him time to grab a quick breakfast. Today, he meticulously dusted every surface, arranged his desk items in a perfect line, and even took the time to fold his clothes neatly. The effort to appear organized and put together felt almost like a role he was playing, a performance for the camera.
Transitioning to the bathroom, he draped a towel over his shoulder before dipping his head in the shower to dampen his hair. "Now, let's talk hair care," he said, facing the camera. He held up various products, explaining each one. "I always eat healthy and take my vitamins. For my hair, I do oil treatments before shampooing, wash it twice a week, deep condition for at least an hour after washing, then detangle, apply leave-in, and oil. I wash it in the evening and let it air dry overnight, then brush it out in the morning."
He demonstrated his routine, working the conditioner through his hair with a wide-toothed comb. "If I ever open a hair salon, I’ll call it 'The Mane Event,'" he joked, grinning at the camera. "We’ll have a grand opening with free makeovers and a red carpet for all the clients."
He then rinsed the conditioner out, his fingers moving deftly through his hair. "Seriously though, taking care of your hair is so important," he continued, reaching for his leave-in conditioner. "It’s not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good too. Healthy hair can really boost your confidence."
"Next up, the leave-in conditioner and a bit of oil to lock in the moisture."Jaejin applied the leave-in conditioner, followed by a light layer of oil, ensuring every strand was coated. "Leave-in helps keep your hair hydrated throughout the day, and the oil adds that extra shine and protection. remember, always be gentle with your hair," he advised, gently massaging the product in. "Treat it with care, just like you would your skin."
"It's all about maintaining healthy hair. It might seem like a lot of steps, but trust me, it's worth it." He says, pausing for a moment, looking thoughtful before combing through his hair once more, making sure every strand was taken care of. "I used to think all this was a bit much, but now it’s become a part of my routine that I really enjoy. It’s like my own little spa session."
With his hair routine complete, he flashed another smile at the camera. "And there you have it! Hair care, the CJ way. Now, let’s move on to breakfast." With that, he transitioned out of the bathroom, leaving his hair to air dry as he headed to the kitchen to start his day.
Transitioning to the kitchen, he prepared a simple breakfast: a bowl of yogurt with granola and fresh berries. He set the bowl on the table and took a seat, the camera capturing every move. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," he said, spooning a mouthful of yogurt. "Gotta start the day right!"
He took his time, savoring the combination of creamy yogurt, crunchy granola, and sweet berries. "I like to keep my breakfast light but nutritious," he explained between bites. "It gives me the energy I need for the rest of the day without making me feel too full."
After finishing his breakfast, Jaejin rinsed his bowl and set it in the sink, turning back to the camera with a satisfied smile. "Alright, everyone, that's the morning routine. Now, let's head out and tackle the rest of the day. Thanks for joining me, and I hope you enjoyed this glimpse into my life." With a playful wink, he picked up the camera, ready to move on to the next part of his day.
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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Jaejin sat in the unfamiliar acting class, the scent of wood and fabric mingling with the faint smell of sweat. He stared at the crumpled piece of paper in his hand, the lines of Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull" printed neatly on the top of the mangled page. After the most recent Team Unknown meeting, Jaejin was in an especially foul mood. Watching as his fellow trainees were praised for their growth he was once again left in the background. So for the next few weeks, he committed himself to focus on acting more seriously.
Jaejin had never really thought much about acting. He figured it was a path for "pretty people" who had no other skills but still wanted to be in the limelight. To him, acting seemed superficial, a way for the talentless to grasp fame. True artistry came from mastering a craft, whether it was singing, dancing, or any other form of genuine performance. The idea of portraying someone else, of stepping into a role that wasn’t his own, felt like a betrayal of his own talents. He couldn't understand why anyone would choose to live behind a mask, constantly pretending to be someone they weren’t.
The room buzzed with quiet chatter as his classmates rehearsed their own monologues. Jaejin took a deep breath, anxiously waiting for his name to be called. Finally, the instructor's voice rang out, "Carter Jaejin, you may come forward" His heart pounded in his chest as he stood up and moved to the center of the room. He took another breath and began, "She loves me, she loves me not; she loves me, she loves me not; she loves me, she loves me not."
He hesitated, glancing at his coach for reassurance before continuing, "You see? My mother doesn't love me. Of course not! She wants to live, to love, to wear bright dresses…"
His voice wavered as he tried to project his emotions, "…and here I am, twenty-two years old, a constant reminder that she is no longer young."
He stumbled over the next line, "…when I’m not there, she’s only thirty-two, but when I am, she's forty-three—and for that, she hates me."
Jaejin could feel the eyes of his classmates on him as he performed. He was no stranger to attention, but this felt different, he felt out of place. He pushed through his nerves as he continued, "Besides, she knows I don’t accept the theater. She loves the theater, she thinks she is serving humanity and the sacred cause of art…"
He faltered again, his mind racing to keep up with the words, "…while in my opinion, the theater of today is hidebound and conventional."
He paused, taking a moment to gather his thoughts. "When the curtain goes up, and, in a room with three walls and artificial light, those great geniuses, those priests of holy art, show me how people eat, drink, love, walk about, and wear their jackets…"
He felt the strain in his voice, but pressed on, "…when from those banal scenes and phrases they try to fish out a moral—some little moral that is easily grasped and suitable for domestic use; when, in a thousand variations, I am served the same thing over and over and over again—"
Jaejin's voice grew fainter , unsure of how to finish the piece "—then I flee, as Maupassant fled from the Eiffel Tower, which made his brain reel with vulgarity."
He let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding, feeling a rush of relief come over him. The room was silent for a moment before his coach clapped, breaking the silence in the room. Jaejin put his head down and rushed back to his seat, happy that the performance was over. He covered his beet-red face with the crumpled page.
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Just a friendly reminder that today is my birthday, and yes, I am officially one year closer to being that eccentric old person with great stories. 🧓🎉 #BirthdayLife #FutureGoals #HappyMeDay
#lgctrainees #lgcent #carterjaejin
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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happy 22nd birthday, carter jaejin!
#lgctrainees #lgcent #carterjaejin #lgcbirthday
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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Jaejin stood in the middle of the training room, the dim lights casting soft shadows on the mirrors. He was ready to perform "Wander Anymore" by Cody Fry, a song that had been stuck in his head for weeks. His coach, Ms. Kim, watched from the corner, her critical eyes never missing a detail.
Taking a deep breath, Jaejin started to sing, his voice weaving through the soft piano notes. The lyrics spoke to him, filled with longing and introspection, and he tried to pour all his feelings into the song. As he sang, he thought about his journey, trying to connect the song's message and his own life.
His voice moved smoothly through the verses, from soft whispers to powerful crescendos. He noticed Ms. Kim’s stern face, expression focused and slightly disapproving. She kept him on his toes, ensuring he didn’t lose his technique.
Jaejin reached the chorus, feeling a rush of emotion. He closed his eyes, letting the music guide him. The words, “I don’t wanna wander anymore, I don’t wanna feel the way I did before,” hit close to home. When he opened his eyes, he saw his reflection in the mirror, looking determined and passionate.
Despite his efforts, his voice wavered on a high note, causing him to quickly regain his composure. The bridge approached, and Jaejin took another deep breath, readying himself for the climax. His voice soared, but he noticed Ms. Kim’s frown deepening.
As the final notes faded, Jaejin held the last one a moment longer, trying to leave an impression. The room fell silent, the only sound being the soft hum of the air conditioning. He lowered the microphone, and waited for his judgment.
Ms. Kim clapped softly but didn’t look pleased. "Jaejin, that was not your best. Your control was off, and you let your emotions disrupt your technique. You need to focus more on hitting the notes accurately. We’ll focus on this during our next session. You're free to go today"
Jaejin felt his heart sink but nodded. "Yes Ms. Kim.."
Leaving the training room, Jaejin couldn’t shake off the disappointment. Performing "Wander Anymore" had been tough, and Ms. Kim's critique stung. He sighed, running a hand through his hair, before heading to his room for a midday nap.
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lgcjaejin · 2 months
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On a whim, Jaejin decided to change his hair color, embracing the motto: "It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission." In the grand scheme of things, he probably should've sought approval from an image coordinator or some other arbitrary job in the company. But hey, you only live once, and now was the perfect time to make the change. With only 30 minutes before his next lesson, he needed to move fast, hoping to finish before anyone noticed and he got caught in the act.
Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, he hastily mixed the dye, filling the air with the sharp scent of chemicals as he poured it into a bowl. As he stirred, a small splash of brown dye escaped, landing on the pristine tiles near the sink.
He dipped his gloved fingers into the mixture, applying it to his hair in careful strokes. The cool, slick texture of the dye spread through his blonde strands, some of it dripping onto the edge of the sink and down to the floor.
"Come on, come on," he whispered, trying to balance speed with precision. His reflection in the mirror showed streaks of dark brown contrasting against his lighter hair, the transformation already taking shape.
Time seemed to stretch as Jaejin worked, every second ticking by as he hurried to cover every inch of hair from roots to tips. Despite his efforts, more dye splattered onto the countertop and the tiles beneath. He swore under his breath, hastily wiping away the drops with a tissue, leaving smudges behind.
Finally, with the dye fully applied, Jaejin inspected his handiwork. His hair was now a deep, even brown, the color contrasting sharply with his fair complexion. He let out a breath, relief washing over him after completing the task, though he couldn't ignore the mess in the bathroom.
Glancing at the clock, he realized he had spent more time than he intended. Hastily rinsing off the excess dye from his skin and the sink, he frantically wiped down the countertops and tiles, scrubbing away the evidence of his impromptu makeover.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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Jaejin's pulse quickened as he stood under the dimmed stage lights, the anticipation for the dress rehearsal of "Man in Love" electrifying the air around him and his fellow trainees. This was his favorite performance so far and he had been looking forward to this moment.
As he looked around, he saw the stage crew moving efficiently, setting up props and checking the sound levels. The familiar tune of "Man in Love" echoed faintly through the speakers as they ran final sound checks, and Jaejin couldn't help but hum along. He had been humming this song all week, even when he wasn't performing. It had a way of sticking with him, lifting his spirits no matter how exhausted he felt.
The choreography for "Man in Love" was one of the most challenging pieces he had done so far. The intricate footwork, the sharp, synchronized movements, and the energy required to pull it off had pushed him to his limits. Yet, it was also incredibly rewarding. Every time he managed to hit every move felt like a victory. The satisfaction of seeing the dance come together was unmatched.
Jaejin ran through a few moves in his head, his body instinctively following the rhythm. He felt good—confident, even. The countless hours of practice, the sweat, and the occasional tears seemed worth it in moments like these. He glanced at his fellow performers, exchanging nods and smiles of encouragement. They had all worked hard to get here, and now it was time to showcase their efforts.
The stage lights began to brightenover the space. Jaejin took his position, feeling the familiar rush of adrenaline that always came before a performance. He took a deep breath, letting the excitement wash over him. The stage manager gave a quick thumbs-up, signaling that everything was ready.
With a final glance around, he centered himself This performance was going to be great. He could feel it even if no one else would see it except of the people in the room. It was a taste of what was to come. The music started to swell, and the cue to begin their performance echoed through the soundstage.
“Five, six, seven, eight…” The count-in began, and Jaejin’s heart leaped as he launched into the opening move.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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The blonde sat alone in the empty dance studio, his chest rising and falling rhythmically, beads of sweat dripping from his hair, to his forehead, and finally onto the polished vinyl floor. He had spent countless hours that day - that week- trying to perfect the choreography of "D.D.D." by The Boyz, and the physical exhaustion was beginning to take its toll on him.
This week had been terrible, and he couldn't wait for it to be over.. The pressure of upcoming performances, coupled with the relentless schedule of practice sessions, had left him feeling drained. His body ached from the relentless rehearsals, but the emotional fatigue was even more overwhelming. Misunderstandings with friends, miscommunications with family, and the weight of his own high expectations pressed down on him hard.
The studio was dimly lit, with the only light coming from the large mirror-lined wall reflecting his tired expression back at him. Jaejin replayed the dance steps in his mind over and over. He had been at this for so long. the complex footwork, the sharp movements, the fluid transitions. He had gone over it countless times, analyzing every detail, yet, no matter how hard he tried, he felt like he was falling short.
He closed his eyes, trying to block out the lights and the music of "D.D.D." on loop in the background. The upbeat rhythm threatened to bring the bubbling irritation in him to the surface. Jaejin knew he had to push through, to keep going despite the setbacks, but it was becoming harder to find the strength.
With a deep sigh, he finally let himself collapse onto the floor, the cool surface connecting with his sweat-covered back. Reaching into his pocket, he pulled out his cell phone and paused the blaring music. In the silence, he could feel his thoughts calming and his body began to relax.
Finally, he covers his eyes with his arm, welcoming the darkness to take him for the next few moments.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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Week One: During week one of filming Jaejin found it hard to connect with the performance. Regarding the song, he didn't really care for it and found the lyrics pretty idiotic. "Oh my beautiful target, You zoom zoom my heart like a rocket". absolutely stupid. the dance was simple enough that he could follow along easily and the vocals were not too demanding. Overall a pretty blah week for him. Jaejin Rating : 4/10.
Week two: Jaejin is a big fan of dbsd so he was already family with the song. Though he was familiar with it he wasn't a huge fan of performing it. He enjoyed the song better than week one's and felt like he matched the vibe and concept much better, but still thought the song was a little flat and bland. The dancing was still pretty simple and again the song didn't require too much effort. He did however enjoy the rapping bits in the song and would have liked to try performing them. Jaejin Rating: 6/10
Week Three: By far his least favorite week of the bunch. Nothing during the week went right for him. He found himself fading into the background more often than he would like to admit. He struggled with the dancing and quick footwork. He also didn't like the song (though it was probably because he was in a bad mood the whole week) Vocally he found it hard to keep up while jumping around stage. He would never want to perform this again. Jaejin Rating 0/10
Week four: Week four was a 180-degree difference from week three. He loved everything about the performance. Vocally, he found singing the song challenging but not impossible and he thought that the dance was fun and bright. He liked that the concept felt young and fresh, which he thinks matches his vibe. Again he liked the rapping and how the performers played off each other. Jaejin's rating: 8/10.
Week Five: Keeping the performance going on a high note he really liked performing the week 5 song. The dance was very hard this week, and it took him a long time to remember them and where he was supposed to be at any given moment. That and the mix of floor work and jumping was a bit much for him. Vocally the song didn't require any complex vocals so it was comfortable. The song was still very fun to perform and even though struggled he didn't mind much. Jaejin's Rating: 7/10.
Week 6: this was his favorite performance of the week by far. He found the performance challenging but rewarding. He loved the song and was humming it all week, even when he wasn't performing. The dance was difficult but once it was all put together was so satisfying. Jaejin's Rating 8.5/10.
Week 7: An ok song to end their performances with. He liked how upbeat it was and found the melody funny and charming. The dance was one of the easier ones to learn. he hated that they had to perform with the senior trainees. He felt that comparisons would be inevitable and that the junior trainees were at a disadvantage. There were also too many people and moving parts that he felt like he couldn't stand out from the crowd. Jaejin's Rating: 6/10.
Notes: He liked that they performed more upbeat songs, but thinks there could have been more variety. Maybe a ballad or rock cover could have been fun.
He found himself struggling with standing out in the group and learning the dance steps. Also through a few different songs, he realized he would like to possibly dabble in rap. He liked the musicality of it and it was one of the first time he didn't find it super corny.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
Jaejin could feel his heart slowing down as relief washed over him. He hadn't realized until that moment just how anxious he had been, imagining all sorts of worst-case scenarios. Thankfully, Chaekyung wasn't some three-eyed mutant or other monstrosity; she was just a normal girl. A very pretty normal girl. A fact that immediately sent his nerves skyrocketing through the roof.
As a natural hugger, his initial impulse was to go in for a hug. However, seeing her bow caught him off guard. What followed was an awkward shuffle from Jaejin, pivoting awkwardly from a hug, to a handshake, and finally settling on an extremely strange bow—all in a mere two seconds flat.
"Uh, hello," he managed, his voice betraying a touch of nervousness. "My name is Jaejin but everyone calls me Cj. It's nice to meet you too, Chaekyung," he said, perhaps putting a bit too much emphasis on her name. He had read in one of his countless online Google searches before today that using someone's name in a sentence could create a more positive impression. He figured he'd give it a try (after all, the internet had never lied to him before), but now he found himself second-guessing everything he was doing, and he hoped he hadn't overdone it.
At the mention of the keychain, Jaejin lifted up the tiny figure and lightly wiggled it in the air. "Yeah, it's cute. I, uh, like the bunny's little hat," he said, his words stumbling slightly as he answered. "And you've got my hat, huh? I couldn't think of anything better, so if it's not your style, I apologize. I thought about sending you my collection of rare Pokémon cards," he added with a chuckle, "but I figured that a binder might be a bit much to carry around," attempting to ease the tension with a bit of humor. Mentally, he kicked himself for mentioning Pokémon, worrying it might have sounded childish.
Hoping his attempt at lightening the mood was successful, Jaejin glanced around, his eyes lighting up as they fell upon the skateboard. trailing the girl "Nice! You skateboard too?" Jaejin asked with surprise. "I love skating. How long have you been riding?" he asked, curiosity evident as he looked at her.
when chaekyung had the opportunity to choose a location and activity for her date, she immediately thought of skateboarding. it had been on her bucket list for a while and hence, the idea of skateboarding as a way to strengthen their bond. despite the high chance that her date might not know how to skateboard, learning a new skill together didn't sound like a bad idea either.
her quick and light footsteps were occasionally hindered by the white skateboard that hit the back of her heel. chaekyung had to fight through her discomfort while tugging the equipment along the gravel road with a string. carrying it wasn't an option as her hands would be full and further slow her pace. her hair was tied into two low buns, and she wore a cropped tee and light blue jean shorts. her style for the day was picked by her dormmate, who was horrified to learn that she initially planned to wear an oversized tee with shorts underneath. this was her first date after all, and even if it was for a tv program, she should at least dress more appropriately instead of in an outfit suitable for a trip to the nearby convenience store.
while one hand was busy dragging the skateboard, her other hand held onto the baseball cap given by the production team. a few days ago, a staff member requested an item from her, and she gave a little kuromi keychain that was hung on her backpack zipper. a few days later, a little kuromi plush was pinned to her tote bag as she searched for the person she was set up with.
her grip on the string tightened when she saw someone holding the same baseball cap. nervousness crept up on her. for a shy and introverted girl, being on a dating show was not part of her debut plan. however, her friends and sister had pushed her to meet new people, often saying stuff like "you won't have the chance to experience what dating feels like once you debut." as much as she longed for her first taste of romance and had imagined what it would be like to be in love, those fictional love stories were just... fiction. no knight in shining armor would sweep her away and save her from an incoming bicycle; the worst that could happen was simply gaining a bruise from the fall.
"hello," she greeted her date as she approached him, dipping her head in a polite bow. "my name is chaekyung. nice to meet you." her eyes immediately fell on the familiar kuromi keychain in his hand. an awkward chuckle escaped her lips as she regretted giving the keychain instead of something less... immature. "ah... i see you have my keychain."
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
Jaejin had never been good at letting go of things. It was a bad habit he had carried for as long as he could remember—holding on to old friendships that had long since faded, missed opportunities that still haunted him, and even a stack of letters from past relationships. He knew it was something he needed to work on, but change wasn’t easy and Jaejin wasn't the most flexible guy. Now, as he sat in front of Saem, the young boy with an infectious smile and friendly nature, Jaejin was trying his best—his absolute hardest—to be kind.
"Ah, so you're the same age as one of my younger siblings," Jaejin says aloud, He couldn't help but think about his own siblings wondering to himself if Saem was just as annoying as they were. "Having siblings is... well, chaotic sometimes," he chuckled softly. "But it's nice to have them around. They keep things interesting.". How long had it been since they had last talked? Jaejin’s life had been so consumed with practice, performances, and the pursuit of perfection that calling home never even crossed his mind. Had had neglected the little moments, the connections that mattered most?
"but sometimes I do wish I was an only child" Nah, probably not.
It seemed that as Saem spoke, his infectious smile grew even brighter, Jaejin couldn't help but feel irritated at the boy's ability to be so effortlessly happy. Jaejin put on a smile, wondering at what point his facial muscles would start hurting from all the forcing. Of course, Saem could be happy when he was set to travel the world and perform on stages that Jaejin could only dream of. Had dreamed of. And yet, there was still a part of him that knew —on any other occasion—he would have genuinely liked the guy. but sitting across from him was too soon for a wound that was still so raw.
"i've never been to Chicago, but if it's any consolation, I love the movie," he said with a shrug - a desperate attempt to connect. Jaejin noticed a subtle shift in the coach's expression—a faint disapproval that hinted they were straying from the assigned task. So redirected his focus, Jaejin glanced at Misaki and cleared his throat. "Verily, how dost thou like it in Korea? " 'Twas a mighty adjustment for me, and I confess I am yet to grow accustomed to it." "How do you like it in Korea? It was quite an adjustment for me, and I have to admit I'm still getting used to it." he asked, his words taking on the more formal Josean speech they had learned in class.
misaki is no judge, hardly the type to pick up on subtle nuances unless they're bolded in bright, flashing lights, his attention span often working far too quickly for him to truly pick up on details the first go around. that being said, misaki has always trusted his gut— instinct was what drove him, thoughts more often than not thrown to the wayside in favor of feelings when it came to beginnings. a believer in action, misaki can't help but feel like something might be off, but he can't quite place why.
jaejin seems nice, is nice as far as their current situation has shortly shown, but it seems like he's holding back. cautious. that's a state misaki can't say he's familiar with, but to an extent, he thinks he can understand— lessons are boring, especially ones meant to be advanced such as this . . . maybe the other boy was just nervous about a class as strict as this!
misaki would like to help change that.
his expression doesn't let up, grin as chipper as always, but misaki finds his eyes widening as jaejin offers tidbits into his life. "you've also lived in america?" he finds himself unconsciously slipping into english as well, a habit that occurs anytime another english speaker crosses his path. just as quickly as the slip had occurred, however, he's back to korean with a muffled cough and a meek sorry directed towards their coach. "i was born in chicago and lived there until i was seventeen— i moved here during my last years of high school!" mood on the rise again, misaki finds himself nodding along to his own words. "i'm an only child, but that's ok, i've met a ton of cool hyungs— you're older than me, too, actually! i was born in 2004." tilting his head to the side slightly, misaki adds. "it must be nice to have siblings, though."
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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Dressed in a light gray short-sleeved polo shirt and beige cotton chinos that hung loosely around his black leather sandals, Jaejin stood confidently at the front of the class, his laptop hooked up to the projector, ready to start his presentation. The process of choosing his "favorite" Korean idioms was a long one. To be honest he didn't exactly love idioms or at least the concept of them. Play on words and figures of speech wasn't really his thing, he preferred directness and for people to just say what they meant. This vagueness was an aspect of Korean culture he still hadn't gotten used to. But unfortunately due to his poor Korean he had no choice but to delve head-first into the subject.
"안녕하세요, 여러분! Good morning, everyone!" Jaejin greeted warmly, his voice carrying across the room as he clicked the remote to display the first slide. Bold Korean characters glowed on the screen.
"Today, I want to introduce you to an interesting idiom that I recently discovered," Jaejin began, his tone enthusiastic and engaging. "병주고 약주다 literally means 'to give disease and then give medicine." he pauses for dramatic effect But what does that mean in practice?"With a smile, Jaejin paced slightly, his hands gesturing animatedly to emphasize his points. "This idiom refers to the act of offering constructive criticism or, to put it bluntly, insult someone 'giving disease', followed by sweet words of encouragement, support, or a remedy 'giving medicine'."
He paused, glancing around the room at his classmates before clicking to the next slide, displaying examples on the screen. "Imagine you go to a friend and ask them what they think about a painting that you spent hours on. If that friend tells you honestly that your painting is trash and belongs there too, but then follows it up with 'But at least you tried your hardest'. That's 병주고 약주다 in action—balancing honesty with compassion."
Jaejin chuckles before clicking to the next slide " That may not have been the best example but you get the gist" He paces across the front of the room once more before continuing. "I think the reason I like this idiom is that, in my opinion, It reminds us to be mindful of how our words can affect others and encourages us to support each other, even in moments of critique."
The next few minutes are spent on the remaining slides and answering questions and eventually Jaejin returns to his seat glad that it was over.
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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@LGCENT just posted a photo!
Chasing sunbeams and ocean dreams 🕶️☀️🌊 #SummerVibes
#lgctrainees #lgcent #carterjaejin
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lgcjaejin · 3 months
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