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Levi is my most favourite character ever, I ship |Levimika/Rivamika|, and I post different stuff
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leviyato · 6 years ago
Can some god or goddess or farmer girl descend from AckerPaths and mold fingers back for Levi and heal him
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leviyato · 7 years ago
How a lost...
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...and caring beauty...
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...has learned...
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...to care for...
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...those beyond her walls,
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...who cares for her...
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...and to think...
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leviyato · 7 years ago
first of all thanks for whoever is still following me, I’m literally submerged with studies but at least snk can still offer to me these thrilling, exciting, intriguing moments so I really feel like the need of sharing my thoughts and seeing other people’s ideas etc..., 
Oh wait wait, HOW ‘BOUT DAH! I saw it coming from miles away
Let’s start by quickly resuming the situation and I’ll help myself with some pictures of the chapter (that you can found here https://imgur.com/a/o0lhdvJ )
So they effectively did form a sort of Alliance and it seems some countries around the world knew about it or are part of (see Onyankopon for ex.)
It’s interesting how the plot is always based on the concept of ‘’what’s good, what’s bad, what’s freedom’’ but in order to decide you have to know the truth of the world (remember Annie and Armin often talking about being a good guy or not etc...). I’m figuring that’s why Eren is sympathizing with Eldians and fighting the whole world, after living with them for a certain amount of time(like Reiner and co. did) and understanding the hard spot they’re in...obliged to sell their dignity and trying their best putting some honor on their family and showing the difference between bad devils and good Eldians( which summarised are the characters of Gabi and the old Reiner) all this while confined on a ghetto, treated with discrimination and superiority and psychologically tortured by accusing them of something they themselves did not.
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So that was the plan, but Zeke was pretty much obliged to act because the Jaw and the Cart showed off. What really surprised me is how they’re somehow portraying the Erwin concept, in order to achieve something, you’ll have to sacrifice something. Therefore Zeke did kill some soldiers while acting and Hange and Levi seem pretty much to know that was the price to pay. Even Armin did and he’s the one behind the plan too but there’s one thing you have to notice: Yes, they did form a sort of alliance (Levi-Zeke became a joke battle not 3dgm vs BT lol) but no, it wasn’t planned before Eren’s letter, they actually anticipated their plan and also got heavily hit by Eren’s setback since he showed himself in the middle of the enemy’s land. Armin is the one now to come up with a devastating plan in order to retrieve Eren and sacrifices has to be made in order to give Eldians their freedom, like Beardie says.
Despite that it definitely was a huge win, Marley lost was betrayed by Beardie, Eren ate the Wh titan, their port was destroyed, so Eren did have a part on it.
He’s on is own microcosm, the same suicidal bastard but with a different psychological approach, trying to make his friends understand even more the situation by his letter, but there, he made many errors, so many that it seems he did even hurt his childhood friends, their looks speak for themselves
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Even Mikasa seems to be so shocked from what Eren did, and Levi is the same
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He, for the first time, made purposely everyone in danger, there’s no going back
‘’He lost their trust’’
SnK ...my theory
(Firstly sorry for not posting anything for a while but I’ve been moving so I had problems with Internet)
However there is a headcanon in my head that is telling me that Zeke and Levi and co. Are going to form an alliance…it’s true that he’s killed Erwin and many soldiers but if you think about it,(also SC killed Berthold so maybe they’ll call it a draw) he and Reiner had the same objective of Grisha and of SC also now so I see no reason to fight more between themself. If SC find a way to tell Zeke that they actually know the truth about the world and the situation in the walls(the revolution), They should accept the facts and maybe form an alliance. For me Zeke’s problem is that he has way of doing things more cruel than his father, in fact he wants to take the coordinate but if it wasn’t for Eren he would just destroy the walls to take it as a tribute for their “freedom”, while Grisha wanted to infiltrate and steal it, inside of destroying the walls causing the deaths of the “”“humanity”“” We would see probably also a mission to gather all Marley’s enemies like The country in the est(Like lots of people said it can be Mikasa��s original clan) and maybe they could also help each other with their respective informations(remember the 3 books of Grisha, I think one is about history, which they read, and the others two probably about the tecnology, medicine etc… who can know maybe Isayama reserved more suprises for us. We are waiting also Ymir’s letter and the situation in the continent so who know. Tell me what are yours thoughts also👍
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leviyato · 7 years ago
OMG, Rivamika Timeline is finally back😍
Rivamika Timeline Part 3 (2015~2017)
A little over two years since I posted Part 2… here it is! The long awaited Rivamika Timeline - Part 3. The Uprising Arc might be long over in the manga, but the Rivamika hype has not faded… far from it.
This post covers chapters 71, 72, 74, 78, 83, 84, 85 & 89 from the Return to Shiganshina arc and chapter 93 of the Truth of Marley arc, as well as the new ANSWERS databook and anime Season 2′s episodes 28, 30 & 33.
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[Part 1] - Everything up to the Clash of Titans arc, anime Season 1, INSIDE KOU databook (2009~2013) 
[Part 2] - Uprising Arc (2014~2015) 
Keep reading
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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OMG, Luffy takes the lead and sacrifice himself(we can say it...it's almost sure he's gonna be captured and maybe they'll try to execute him, at least if Oda wants lol). I'm just loving thise last chapters and I hope Oda will keep the hype as now in the next chapters
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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Im so happy i hope everyone is enjoying this blog!
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Here’s some cool people i follow in no particular order and i recomend following as well!
@xleviiiix @snkception @ghostmartyr @levis-buttcheeks @mommakirschtein @sasugapikkuchan @falcon94ssy @alinajames @survey-corps-eggplant @reblog-your-erwin @iamthewallrose @shitpost-no-kyojin @sookashira @etoincognito @snkpositivity @momtaku @aurieackerman @annieleonhardt @omeinfreund @textsfromjeanmarco @daydream24-7 @drinkyourfuckingmilk @nenekantoku @shindianaify @texts-from-the-survey-corpses @lolakasa @leapingtitan @kaschy @fuku-shuu @eldian-scum @huevette @kuchenackerman @redcoaster @dirtylevi @llusoire @socoid @alemanriq @shifter-lines @happymikasa @jaegsae @a-dank-on-titan @eren-eren-eren @enochmandus @canon-rivamika @toruq @guyinlovewitheremika @kyojinofbraveos @erensjaegerbombs @erenswilltokill @thebootydiaries @motorcyclles @kenken-chan @ermioney
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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Five times Levi and Mikasa fought alone side-by-side and the one time they struggled against each other.
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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Attack on Titan Episode 37: The Missing Wall Scene in Chapter 51
Falcon’s edit for your EMA chapter 51 Wall scene needs.
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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leviyato · 8 years ago
Mikasa & Levi, Clash of Titans
Hey! I’m here to ramble at great length about my love for Mikasa and Levi. Here I go over Levi and Mikasa’s next interaction: Chapter 37. The carriage ride. After that, I use Levi’s words to Mikasa as a lens to semi-coherently look at Mikasa’s character development during Clash of Titans. Basically: I think Levi’s almost right about everything and Mikasa’s coming around to it—but not in the way Levi intended.
After rambling about the manga, I look at the anime and suggest some ways they could still do Mikasa’s character development justice after omitting that key line from the carriage scene.
Levi appears in like only three frames, so I didn’t quite feel right calling this a ship appreciation post since the focus is overwhelmingly on Mikasa…? But it’s the sequel to my appreciation of their interaction in Chapter 30 <3
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leviyato · 8 years ago
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leviyato · 8 years ago
RivaMika Moments in Hangeki no Tsubasa (Part 3)
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leviyato · 8 years ago
I just want to thank all my followers . It's incredible, i started thinking to make just some compilations about Rivamika and reblog Rivamika highlights when chapters were out...but i'd never thought I would get to over 100 followers(now we are at 400) so thanks to everybody for following this blog
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leviyato · 8 years ago
I thought so too, honestly it’s really annoying, keeping changing scenes and making Mikasa in the anime look like a doll who keeps following Eren and it’s fucking annoying I hope if they air the Revolution Arc to be more, more similar to the manga
Mikasa Development Rant
I’m so salty, I’m so goddamn salty. Mikasa’s character development is so cock-blocked in the anime, like it’s not even funny. Her obsession hasn’t even been addressed like it has twice in the manga so far (from what the anime has covered). 
It’s one thing when we didn’t see her feel guilty about being reckless in the first season and wanting to compensate, which is… okay. But then I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, they still kept the scene intact where Levi tells her not to cause another blunder, which gets her both flustered and determined since she knows it’s true. Instead, they only allowed the line where he fueled into her obsession rather than also including the one where he reminded her of her needed development to balance it out. I mean, I have nothing against Eren x Mikasa, but this is too much. This isn’t good for her as her own individual character, putting all ships aside.
The anime team wants to pin her as this beautiful yandere sidekick with absolutely no depth. Her development scenes are not treated with delicacy. She’s centered around Eren and nothing more. And at this point, I’m just going to stay pessimistic and pretend they’re going to cut out every development scene with her just so I can be happy if they even decide to include any of them. Ugh, poor Mikasa…
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