#snk 93
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romarin3 · 2 months ago
I have such nightmares, and you're all in all of them
It's worse than you or I can ever know
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I looked to my right and see his face again
And again the world disappears
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like this one too
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sonofthesaiyans · 8 months ago
I'm suddenly reminded again how pissed off I still am about Sasha Braus on Attack on Titan.
Will we EVER get any justice for that fucking stunt? Or for how that stupid ending just glossed over all the characters who were killed for no reason at all in the end?
Yeah I'm still angry at the ending, at season four, and the final 48 chapters of Attack on Titan, none more so than everything from Assassin's Bullet onward. So many offensive scenes associated with Isayama's determined effort to abuse and obliterate one character for his own sick games. Hajime Isayama is a truly impressive kind of asshole, because what he did...........A fucking nightmare that actually did come true.
I still dream of the day where I spit on his work right in front of his face.
And oh yeah, fuck Gabi Braun, if she has any remaining fans here, sorry not sorry. She's an overplayed, OP bitch. And so is her big brother Eren Yeager.
Yeah seeing images of that one moment in anime that left you bitter like few others have will bring some pretty hateful memories back to the surface.
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nyralunaexe · 14 days ago
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Day 93 - Beloved Three Eyes
#art #artists #anime #manga #aot #snk #attackontitan #shingekinokyojin #hanjizoe #hangezoe #AttackonTitan
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oivgbqiqfz358 · 3 months ago
読み物詰め詰めコーナー 7
※全てChat GPT-4による生成文章(※手動は辛いよ)。
1 カジノでいつもの彼奴等 上
2 下
※カジノで遊んでたシロッコとヤザンがガトーと其処で会った時の話らしい(※凄まじい迄に捏造)。…最早、名誉ティターンズ将兵 ガトー少佐としか言いようが無い(※其の位、公国残党の鑑にあるまじきティターンズとの馴れ合いっぷりをミヨッ!!)。
3 ルーさんのバッティングスラッガー
4 推しの人生を追体験しよう
5 推しの人生を(ry
※これらは初代餓狼伝説時代のギース様に挑戦する宿命の戦いです(????)!推しの人生を(ry の方におまけあり。
6 ハムスターズ麻雀夢の対決 3
Chat GPT -4
Chat GPT -4 pro
Chat GPT -3
7 フランツ カフカについて
8 サンドバッグ倒しトーナメント
9 樽輸送小規模選手権
プル ツー
10 デモンズウォール 刹那 チャレンジ part 1
Here Comes New Challengers!!!!
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classic-games · 5 months ago
Fatal Fury (Genesis)
Developer: Gai Brain, Apsect    Publisher: Takara    Release: 02/93   Genre: Fighting Takara were a god send for those of us too poor to own a Neo Geo. Hell I am a grown man with a job and I would still have to talk myself into buying the system now. But if you wanted SNK’s finest at home Takara were there with 16-bit conversions of the most popular titles. I would have liked to see some of their…
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thena0315 · 4 years ago
Isayama’s Foreshadowing a Flying Titan
Chapter 93
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Chapter 133
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iamnightduchess · 4 years ago
Midnight Train (S4E2)
This is a kind reminder that tomorrow night's episode will feature Reiner's infamous nightmare scene - Mikasa & Levi. We'll get to see young Mikasa again in MAPPA's style 💖 (i hope) nope. It was WIT’s footage.
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Inb4, Porco said Reiner's been having a nice dream. Indeed 😏
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potato-story · 6 years ago
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8 months post-tumblrapocolypse: Alas! This original post, GONE from the eyes of the mass! This will not do! And so it returns, reuploaded, donned...with tutu censors.
Hi. I am reviving this blog. In future posts, all butts and glory shall be behind tutus (full glory available on Twitter + Pixiv)
That aside, I was notified that this comic had been reposted without permission on facebook, willfully cropped to remove my already illegible signature, and above all, posted without the 2nd half making the joke incomplete. (Yes this upsets me most. I worked hard on that!) Also it's coupled with their own descriptions that's basically just "teehee beach".
I really don't want to resort to slapping a web link watermark across the whole page.
Well, condemn them as I may, I don't believe they would ever end. So hey, instead, I want to extend my gratitude to those that took the time and effort to reach out and ask for permission. Thank you for respecting others and thank you for sharing with care~! \(。・u・。)/
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superjaegerbros · 6 years ago
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Zeke Jaeger through the years
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cinnamon1356 · 5 years ago
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aot-snk-4238 · 5 years ago
SNK Positivity Week Day 7: Happily Ever After
There are honestly countless situations that I would like to see get closure by the end of the story, but personally the one I'd like to see resolved the most is the one between Ymir and Historia. Their storyline was so well-written and empowering, but rather than it getting a proper ending, it got what feels like a sudden dead end. While it's true that readers were presented with a major death flag as soon as Ymir chose to go with Reiner and Bertholdt, the official confirmation of it in chapter 93 still felt very out of place. This is for two main reasons:
It was confirmed way too late, causing it to have less emotional impact for some people.
It was merely brought up in a conversation in which we were given a single panel flashback with very little context.
Basically, because Ymir was killed offscreen and her final words to Historia were through a letter, of all things, her death felt very anticlimactic. Hell, even Porco, who wasn't around for nearly as long as she was, got a more dignified death than her. Not to mention readers were once again met with the infamous Bury Your Gays trope, which I personally find to be one of the most headache-inducing tropes to ever plague fiction. But enough of that, I've got one more aching question regarding what we saw right before she died:
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...Just what the hell is happening here at this moment? It's clear that they're looking at each other, so surely they had some kind of conversation before the execution. I mean, it wouldn't make sense if they literally just stared at each other the whole time, it would be so awkward and pointless. So what were they talking about? What were Ymir's true final words? Were they a request? Or were they something else that nobody's thought about? Whatever is was, it looks like the only way to find out will have to be through Falco, and even then I'm not sure if that will be possible. New titan shifters tend to forget the last few minutes prior to the moment they inherited their titans, so if Porco and Ymir had that conversation just moments before her powers were passed on, does that mean it's all been lost? Meanwhile we have Historia, who promised Ymir that she would live a life to be proud of, only to get where she is now...
It's for these reasons that I'm not satisfied with the way their story has been executed so far. Obviously the happiest ending would have been for them to both make it out alive and get married, but this is Attack on Titan, so I'm not expecting an ending like that for anybody. Based on what we have, the most ideal ending for me would be to receive more context on Ymir's final moments and for Historia to get closure on her departure as well. I'd love to see her back on her feet and at peace with her life. At this point, it's all I could ask for. And finally, happy snk positivity week! I had fun participating and I wish we had more events like this. Thanks to all who organized this event and made it successful. ❤
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sonofthesaiyans · 2 years ago
Okay, Ymir Fritz....
Genuinely curious, am I the only person that doesn’t give a damn about this character? 
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For as long as i can remember I have been COMPLETELY apathetic to the elephant in the room that is Ymir Fritz, the very cause of all the Titans and 2000 years of suffering. Basically this story’s Anti-Jesus. 
It may be because Gabi Braun had already derailed the story for me so I couldn’t give a fuck about Titans’ origins anymore, but that aside, is anybody genuinely fascinated by the explanation provided by Ymir Fritz’s very existence? 
Her entire saga with King Fritz, the releasing of the pigs, being fused with that nameless symbiote, which in itself is another entity that didn’t really come full circle in the final arc.......NONE of it engages me in the slightest. 
I mean I was never a huge fan of when they subverted the original story by showing that it was Marley who deliberately created the TItans to wipe out the people of the Walls, and I don’t consider the Marley to be especially well-developed as an enemy faction, but everything comes back to Ymir......I was thoroughly underwhelmed and could not really accept her story as relevant to the plot. It could be because she simply came up too little, too late. Or because I genuinely found her story uncompelling. Horrific? Sure. But for a horrifying backstory, it sure was a bore. 
That’s to say nothing of the idiotic revelation that she needed to see Mikasa “let go” of Eren so that she could let go of her love for such a monstrous human being like King Fritz.......Not only was that totally in bad taste, but it was a HIDEOUS solution to the Titan curse. Them and the symbiote vanishing with little real consequence, that was totally anticlimactic. But it all boiled down to the cringiest kiss ever seen since a human princess kissed a blue hedgehog?  Oh yes. I went there. 
There’s only one Ymir in this story I want to watch. And that is our long lost goddess here. 
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Anyone else feel totally uninvested in Ymir Fritz? Because half the time, I have to remind myself oh yeah, she exists.......For such an enigmatic character, Ymir Fritz left virtually NO impact on me. 
Do you guys agree? 
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guraisuwu · 6 years ago
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Just a random panel of Colt lighting Magath’s cigarette ❤
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classic-games · 1 year ago
Sengoku Denshou
Developer: Dragnet    Publisher: Sammy    Release: 12/28/93   Genre: Beat ’em up Before SNK rode the fighting game renaissance into the ground the Neo Geo was host to an assortment of beat em ups. With their graphical prowess these titles looked better than almost anything else on the market. But they also were not very good. To be fair most arcade brawlers were greedy quarter munchers so that…
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lostcauses-noregrets · 6 years ago
So levi com the Ackerman main family, and mikasa from one of the branch family. Sad thought if lei died, doesn’t that make mikasa the last Ackerman? And if mikasa died without giving birth to any children doesn’t that mean the Ackerman are extinct for good. Since I don’t see levi having any kid
As far as we know Mikasa and Levi are the only two remaining Ackermans.  They certainly appear to be the only remaining Ackermans on Paradis. In chapter 93 Zeke tells Magath that “at least two” Ackermans exist, so I suppose it’s possible that Ackermans might have survived elsewhere in the world, but if they have, it seems that neither Marley or Paradis have any knowledge of them.  To be honest I’d be surprised if any more Ackermans come out of the wood work at this late stage of the day.  It would be kinda cool though.  But if things remain as they stand, and Mikasa and Levi were to be killed, yes, the Ackermans would die out once and for all :’(
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Here’s a cheesy valentine because I don’t think I’ve seen Pieck lately! 😇 😘Happy Valentine’s day, everybody! 💘💗💝 
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