Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
I am truly disgusted. How did we let this orange buffoon back into the white house? This is clownery at its truest form.
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I agree so bad
Only the nh shippers want to keep up tha facade that people actually like Boruto. Boruto is crapppp.
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Unless i’ve been seeing wrong, I heard there’s going to be 4 remastered hour-long Naruto episodes coming out. I may be extremely late to the party, I usually am. The episodes could possibly have already been released and i’m commenting like a dodo.
but I had an immediate thought. I hope they keep tru to the original series. I hope it’s just a clean up of the graphics (even though I love the nostalgia of the original show the most). I hope they don’t try to create new scenes and change the narrative of the original show. Everything in me is praying otherwise but ai bet they are going force some bland forced connection with Naruto and Hinata that was never there.
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Volition closing down effective immediately
It's sad to say the Volition has closed down after what was reported to be 30 years. Nowadays, though I have a variety of what I like, I pretty much stick to playing the same type of games. Shooter games like call of duty, open world games like GTA, and I replay saints row 1 and 2 almost religiously.
I was looking forward to the reboot only to be disappointed, and not only disappointed but the company was being condescending to the fanbase that preferred if the franchise stuck to the original vibe introduced in 1 and 2.
Johnny Gat is a fan favorite for a reason.
I honestly saw this coming a mile away and am so sad to see the company that made one of my favorite games sink so low and have to close down as a result.
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This is what I heard and some of what I saw from the actual evidence present in court and streamed on YT.:
1. Tory himself stated that Kelsey didn't shoot Meg off of his account. -If only Tory and Kelsey had gun residue on them, there was no other gun around, the gun was found and was warm/hot to the touch and was found under the seat Tory was sitting at.
Even if we use the logic of, Oh Tory was trying to get the gun from Kelsey and shot the gun to empty the bullets in the air. As he himself stated Kelsey didn't do it, and he is recklessly emptying the clip. Though unintentional/intentional discharging could definitely change the course/direction/sentencing of the case, the fact of the matter is Megan was shot. That fact doesn't change.
Also, Discharging the firearm in the air is still extremely dangerous, like I don't understand why adults don't understand gravity. It's not like the bullet will just start floating. It obviously has to come down. And for the people trying to counter about statistics and how many times that has happened where someone has gotten hurt. The fact of the matter is. IT HAS HAPPENED. Google is a thing, just look it up. It's reckless and someone engaging in that behavior obviously. doesn't need to be carrying.... or procreating. No one should feel fearful and confined to their house because some idiot wants to recklessly shoot in air.
2. Tory called Kelsey while she was IN THE HOSPITAL waiting and Kelsey was aware that Megan had to get surgery [aware that she was indeed shot] and he was stating that he was sorry and that it was the fault of the liquor etc. etc.
3. Kelsey Text to bodyguard that Tory shot Megan. 4. The Audio of people calling to police.
5. The gunshots that were caught on audio where was no long pause in-between the shots that could have implied not even just a switching of hands but a full-on struggle. Wasn’t it stated that he had to wrestle the gun from her? (Legit question)
At first people wanted to claim that Megan was never shot at all, and then when it was proven she was indeed shot, now people are debating over who shot her. But if only Tory and Kelsey had gun residue on them, and there is no other gun in the vicinity or vehicle, and Tory himself stated Kelsey didn't shoot, where did the bullet come from? Space?
If you were one of the people who are still hesitating because you feel as if you would like more in depth evidence before coming to a conclusion, that's fine. You should want to be able to see the evidence for yourself and making an educational and informed conclusion. That's completely normal and more people should do that. But for the people antagonizing, demonizing and demeaning Megan and mocking her trauma or appearance, and even encouraging her to harm herself are just plain evil.
This woman is by herself. She does not have her mother or grandmother, or family that she would be able to lean on in this situation. These are the same people yelling "protect black women." or "listen to/believe black women" but are persecuting her over what SHE experienced. because the fact of the matter is she was shot. There are police reports, medical reports (x-rays), videos and pictures corroborating that. And what makes it even worse is that many women already emphasize that they do not feel protected, loved, treasured, or respected (treated like a human being) as a woman by men in the community, who are aware that people will gaslight them for feeling that way instead of trying to make a difference and help people heal. . But these same women who know this are online refusing to even try to see things in her perspective or use common sense.
People have all this condemnation and vitriol against her, the victim that was shot, rather than the two people that were thought to have shot her. If two men were suspected of raping and killing a woman, if it was proven that these two were the last to see her, everything points to one of the killers. Would you then go and start critiquing the deceased about their personality or drinking habits?
Or let me use an example that more people seem care about, if it was a black MAN instead of a black woman. Let's say a black man got into a disagreement with two police officers and the two police officers are suspected of shooting an unarmed black man 15 times, and either he's injured, deceased etc, and the question is not IF he got shot but between the two officers WHO has shot him. You would see damn near the entire community basically calling to prosecute them both, raging against their families, marching etc. Not go on about how many records the black man got, any history of violence, if he drinks/smokes, who all he has slept with, if he is active in his kid's life, his social media posts, any altercation or disagreement he’s had with friends, his appearance or stature, if his height intimidated the officers, etc.
I've seen cases in where when two people were present and if it seems like the two people are either trying to intentionally hinder/obstruct the investigation, they will just nab them BOTH. Like why are people not getting this??
Because honestly both Tory and Kelsey could have gotten charged. the prosecutors suspected Tory specifically, that's why they gave Kelsey immunity (so she would speak out everything without worrying about repercussions), because prosecutors were sure it was Tory specifically, otherwise as both of them had gun residue on them and they were at the time contradicting, prosecutors could have potentially got both of them convicted anyway.
****The thing about immunity is that if you have immunity, meaning you agreed with prosecutors that you would go over certain things and you don't or plead the 5th, it could potentially lead to immunity being revoked since you essentially playing in their faces..****
If on that phone call Tory was apologizing referencing the cheating on Kelsey with Megan, why would he be saying that MEGAN, the woman he was supposedly cheating with, won't forgive him TO THE WOMAN HE WAS SUPPOSEDLY CHEATING ON. This really makes me feel like Tory and Kelsey was never together because even in that call she didn't mention anything about the 'cheating'. You could say 'oh this wouldn't have been the time to address it as Megan was in hospital; but it also wasn't the time to be speaking and giving out the hospital location to the man that shot her. If you were being cheated on, and the person that cheated on. Where is the logic in this? I would immediately have an issue/address it. Like I feel the idea of cheating was introduced to discredit Megan's character (Just my feeling/obviously have no personal knowledge of these people personal lives/literally going off case details/evidence and common sense), even though this has no bearing on the fact that she was shot. Even if she was the evilest person in the world, at the end of the day, she was shot, and gun residue was only on Tory and Kelsey.
Also, gun was not registered so illegal possession of unregistered firearm and Tory was already a convicted felon, right? so he shouldn't have been touching a gun anyways. I feel this needs to actually be stricter all the way around. It's too many convicted felons out here with guns. If you get out whether its on probation or for good, and you still doing illegal activity shoooo at this point give them life, since they obviously don't learn. People really out here walking around entitled and feeling untouchable. Giving more grace and curtesy to literal criminals and repeat offenders, who can just brush off their behavior due to how harrrdd their life was, they're a target this-target that, and how they have changed sooo much, only to do the same ish. Doing everything but taking accountability. .Be taking plea deals and shit, but once they out, they do the same ish.
And for the so-called men out there. I don't know how they can celebrate an unarmed woman getting shot and still consider themselves men, especially the men in the community.
They want to cry about no one LETTING them be men or the head of the household. First of all, no one should have to LET you be a man, that's what you already supposed to be. No one is perfect that is true. But if you want the responsibility, respect and praise that comes with being a leader, the first step is accountability and the second is actively working towards being better, to make sure you even fit that title. Wrong is wrong/right is right. Secondly, you complain about providing and for sure don't protect anything. There is nothing manly about trolling and celebrating a woman getting hurt and proceeding to gaslight and pick her apart after she has been hurt. This is not an Amber Heard situation in which you have to play where's waldo to locate any type of grievous bruise, Megan has evidence that she was shot and there was gun residue on two of the suspected shooters. I wouldn't feel protected or secure in a relationship with a man that I see is doing all of this degenerate behavior. How could I trust you with my wellbeing and the wellbeing of any children we might have. I would literally file a restraining order and get concealed carry (Y'know...legally). Those are dangerous individuals not only do not want to protect women, black women, but they also feel that black women are not deserving of protection, love and respect from not only them but any other man. They want to tear you down so that you are so self-conscious that you remain that come-up queen, fallback, ride or die, anything other than a wife to them, while they date outside their ethnicity and when they see that the grass is not greener on the other side; they want you as a backup option. Women should never let a man degrade them or feel comfortable being witness to a man degrading another woman unprovoked and undeserved. They hate themselves so much that they cannot bear the thought of women they consider to be lesser than themselves thriving and being loved. They want you to believe that you have no other option, that no one else will love you.
I actually like both Megan and Tory's songs, they are very talented artists, and I'm not heavily invested in their personal lives, but facts are facts. Their career and level of artistry have nothing to do with this.
But the sheer savagery and inhumane behavior I've been seeing on the internet is appalling.
The way you should show love to your loved ones is to hold them accountable for their actions, that is the only way that they could grow as people and keep out of situations like this or even worse. You show care by wanting your loved ones thrive and become invaluable. This should ring true especially to the people who claim to be religious.
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Heard said that she just wanted to move on with her life after the trial, but now her and her team consistently condemns not only the court and jury, but also downticks on everything that JD does.
Guess “moving on” only applies if the jury ignored all the evidence and voted in her favor, huh?
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Apparently, the main concern about recasting Heard for Mera was her lack of chemistry with Jason Mama, and nothing else....
While I do find that she didn’t have chemistry with him, I don’t think that was the ONLY reason. There have been many movies where the leads don’t have chemistry but the rest of the film was believable so leads didn’t change. For instance, I may be in the minority here but I don’t think Gal Gadot and Chris Pine have chemistry, but he was kept/brought back. Though unlike Heard, they are excellent actors.
I think it was a multitude of things that turned them away.
1. Public majority vowing not to watch second movie with her in it
2. Johnny Depp Case
3. Her terrible acting+ one dimensional expressions
4. Her terrible personality
5. Her allegedley blackmailing them
6. Her jezebel aura
etc etc. I’m sure there are things behind the scenes we don’t know and they won’t share.
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I don’t know why someone hasn’t told Amber H. that that blank confused look on her face does not make her look innocent or pitiful. Every time I see her making that face she just me of a psycho weirdo.
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I usually don’t comment on things like this because I honestly haven’t looked into it well enough to consider myself an expert. Therefore, this would just be my own personal feelings about the topic.
I heard a rumor that some officials are trying to blame Dave Chapelle’s Standup for their current statistics. I have not looked at the statistics, whether they are good or bad. But Dave Chapelle’s standup in my opinion would have a minor impact in negative impact from a specific demographic.
People can choose to watch and stop watching whatever they want no matter the reason, but I watched his standup that was deemed controversial, and it is honestly not even bad. I do think that comedians have a hard time because everything is too pc nowadays, but that’s a different topic.
On the topic of Netflix’s statistics, I would say that a reason for it is because Netflix (and honestly other streaming services as well) seem to prefer quantity over quality. More and more it seems you have to dig through the countless titles to find the gems, the diamonds in the rough.
For example, one of the shows I enjoy was Altered Carbon which unfortunately did not get renewed for another season. While I understand that there were very extensive expenses in producing the show, I feel like that show could run laps against over a 100 shows that are currently on Netflix right now.
Instead of let’s say a billion nonsensical and uninteresting shows, I would much rather even just five intriguing shows.
Also as a black woman, I don’t mind a show or two bringing attention to real life social issues every now and then, but most people, no matter the ethnicity, deal with some type of stress in there life, and entertainment is supposed to relieve you of the stress. Enjoy something without feeling like you need to write instructions down, without ending the show feeling like you’re a monster .
While the ratings may not be as high anymore due to x amount of reasons, that’s why I feel shows like Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad and Robot Chicken are so longstanding. It rips on everyone.
I was talking to my mother about how we used to watch shows like Yo Mama so fat...and how shows like that would immediately get canceled today. The way I learned to stand up for myself and communicate better is through roasting each other, having mindless fun without worrying over every little word you say being examined under an microscope. Everyone is scared of not being ‘woke’ enough that people start to lose joy in their life and become little stiff stuck up holier than thou acting people.
There’s also another thing I wanted to broach upon slightly that factors in as well. Social media has been a blessing in a lot of ways, but it has also been detrimental.
I will continue this thought later.
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Looking for some BAMF Heterosexual Leah Clearwater fanfics.
1. She doesn’t even have to necessarily be in a relationship. Though I don’t mind.
2. I kind of don’t want her to imprint or at least reject it (she can even be on friendly terms with the imprint but her OWN life takes priority).
3. I don’t want her to play buddy buddy with sam and Emily. There’s a saying that you should forgive someone so they won’t hold power over you, but never forget what they did .I don't think she HAS to forgive or forget. She can still move on with her life.
4. Doesn’t have to be anti-pack but she doesn't put up with BS.
5. Leah is a mf powerhouse.
^. This doesn’t have to be in all of the pics I want to read, but I'm a sucker for Emily is barren or has issues with her family pics. While Sam is just at fault, I couldn't imagine doing something like that to family. My loyalty run deep.
extra: I also love fics where Leah has a close female friend, making Emily realize what female friendship/loyalty she missed out on, she's an outsider . I love when the friends roasts the pack, mainly sam and Emily, sometimes directly and sometimes while not knowing that pack has super hearing. The friend could be an imprint or just a love interest of one of the pack who fights imprinting and succeeds. Or the pack member never imprinted at all and chose the friend. Or the friend fights imprint successfully and dates/marries a normie. I like when the friend doesn’t just stop hanging out with Leah just because they are in a relationship too.
Nothing wrong with lgbt pic, but I get miffed when female characters that are strong are automatically deemed lesbian. Like...bro.
Either way. I think it’s an undisputed fact that Leah is the best Twilight Character and deserves better.
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There are many disgusting people to busy making politicizing memes out of Russia invading the Ukraine and people literally dying, and too many people saying that the U.S needs to mind its’ business. At this point, world war 3 has officially started. If we operate in that mindset then it is only imminent for Russia to take over each other one by one, each time with countries trying to ‘mind their business’. Allyship is not just for trading food and materials, it is to be there when our allies need us. And they definitely need us.
I’m also scared shitless, and want the U.S not to be touched but it would be ridiculous to assume that Russia won’t come for us at some point. There is strength in numbers. It makes no sense to just stand by and let our allies get picked off one by one. I don’t think this is something that can just be solved by ‘sanctions’. A war has been started, innocent blood has been shed. Those wronged will not just accept ‘sanctions’. Our troops are really put in a hard situation as well. Unfortunately, we really are in a lose-lose situation.
And I hate to say this because there are many innocent Russian men, women and children who are at no fault for Putin’s orders. But in my opinion, if all the allies collectively attack Russia while they are exhausting their manpower...I think that is the best bet of this ending well for NATO.
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Comedy Scene
South Park might be right in how comedy will come to be in the future if cancel culture continues to be a thing.
I really don’t know anyway around cancel culture beyond the destruction of the internet itself, but sadly unlike the Amish, our society and the rest of the world as a whole will literally fall apart. Like people will go batshit insane. It’s sad.
The other way would be for people not to be so sensitive and actually research a topic before jumping on a bandwagon.
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Dan Wootton who was one of the figures instrumental in pushing this narrative of Johnny Depp abusing Heard has now written that JK Rowling...defying the cancel-mob is her crowning glory.
One of the things he admits in the article tickles me because in my opinion it is essentially a confession.
During Depp’s time in Fantastic Beasts franchise:
Wootton reveals “Both Amber and I offered to meet with Rowling separately to explain what we knew about Depp's behaviour, but she rebuffed our attempts to reach out.”
Why would either Heard much less Wootton need to meet with JK Rowling about JD’s role in JKRowling’s movie? Why do they believe they have the authority to do so? What was their end goal if not to hinder JD’s career?
And despite having no proof at all, Heard apparently claims that JD was the one trying to hinder her career. She has been caught in several lies already but the world continues to coddle her.
It’s funny that Wootton is now singing JK Rowling praises for not bowing down to cancel culture and sticking up for women (truly wonderful on her part) but was one of the ones trying to cancel her for her support of JD.
Another way to stick up for women and to fight for equality is to also hold women accountable for their wrongdoings. We are not children for you to coddle, nor dogs for you to leash. We are human and deserve to be treated as such.
Transgender conversation
He wrote this article it seems specifically in reference to her response to an article defining women as people who menstruate instead of you know...just women. Over the years, there has been an increasing attempt to blurr the lines and change the definition of what it means to be a woman by everyone who is ironically not even a woman.
Instead of embracing your differences, there is this campaign to essentially erase actual womanhood and force women to accept what is traditionally not what it means to be a woman.
It started with the cisgender terminology arising, then pronouns, then bathroom signs, then terminology on pads which also ironically only the “people who menstruate” will be able to use, etc. Now, I have seen campaigns where trans-women are saying body hair is apart of womanhood. Like there was this man (they call it pre-op but no thats a man) who calls himself a woman and wears makeup with a full on bear and mustache with an extreme amount of hair on his arms and legs. Like to me there was no inch of skin left uncovered. No one in their right mind would say that he is a woman, but you’re ‘transphobic’ when you call this hairy person still with testicles and a wiener who honestly has no intention of getting an operation done for what he is...and that’s a man. Then they go a step further and say that straight biological men are transphobic if they do not date them.
I actually get a little irritated when asked what my pronouns are. Like... what do you mean? It’s very obvious. But then I recognize that i’ll likely never see this person again and let it go.
There are actually plenty of straight men who would knowingly date an actual trans-woman if you know...put the effort in t o actually look like a woman. I never really see trans-men complaining that women are transphobic if they don’t date them, you only really see this with trans-women. And you never really see a lot of trans-women try and date trans-men..It’s this one certain aspect of men that they search for. Hm. What is it? Oh yeah a penis. So are the trans-women transphobic for not wanting to date trans-men? Are gay men women-phobic for not wanting to date women or transphobic for not dating trans-men? Or are lesbians transphobic for not dating trans-women or men-phobic for not wanting to date men? Do everyone just hate everyone is what you’re saying?
I would say you don’t see such a heavy push to erase manhood as you do womanhood, but there is as well. Anyone who tries to fight the erasure are accused of having ‘toxic masculinity issues’ and censored in some cases.
Why can’t women be the definers of what it means to be a woman to them? It makes no sense that for someone who was born a woman can be told what womanhood is often by people who were not born woman and even by some who transition later in life. Trying to take over and force others to abide by your thought in my opinion is a masculine/manly thing to do. To go into a place and expect everyone to fall in line and abide by your feelings is more of an example of toxic masculinity to me than someone having a differing opinion than you.
No, I do not believe that trans-women are women or that trans-men are men. No matter how much you change yourself on the outside or how you feel, there is no changing yourself on the inside. Beyond the fact the we are both human, a trans-woman is not the same as I am.
We are not the same. It is okay to be different.
At the end of the day lgbTq+ are human and deserve to be treated as such and live a happy life, of course. But this new mindset should not be forced upon us. You can live your happy life and should not be too worried on whether a stranger believes you are what you want to believe you are. If I believe myself to be a superhero, I don’t need run around knocking on doors trying to get people to believe that I am one as well. IDGAF. Referencing the words of Daphne Dorman, I do trust and believe that you are having and living a human experience. That’s your life to live.
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Transgenders in sports
Why don’t transmen compete against transmen and transwomen compete againt transwomen.
TW takes estrogen
TM takes testosterone.
(these drugs don’t erase the chromosome your body naturally has btw)
Then they will be on the same playing field.
Create your own space. Get the cancel mob’s support and funding. And the allies.
Then there will be no issue. Especially in combat/contact sports.
Identity is important.
why are people trying to erase the T in their own identity. T implies a transformation. You are not naturally a woman or naturally a man for the respective groups. Remember to put the TRANS in front of it.
No one is denying your right to exist, love, live etc but we are NOT the same. You say its discriminatory but I say its disrespectful and you are trying to erase OUR identity by trying to group us together.
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