lazulieve · 3 years
"Push yourself because, no one else is going to do it for you."
Hello Tumblr people, I know it can be really hard to stay productive when you are staying at home all day. That's why I believe in the importance of routines that you can rely on.
It took me a while to set a prefect morning routine in order not to procrastinate.
I'm still learning and therefore I often fail, but I know how to get up and these websites that I recommend, can help us.
Here's my routine
-I start my day at 7.30 in the morning (when I can get up so early hehe), so I get up and then I open the windows to let air into the room;
-The first thing I do in the kitchen is pull up the curtains. I like how it is cold and breezy in the early morning and this instantly sets me into a good mood;
-Then I walk to the fridge to choose the ingredients for my breakfast. I often eat a chocolate snack and, when I like, I opt for fresh fruit. I drink peach cold tea;
-The second thing that I do is my morning skin care: cleansing gel, tonic, moisturizer and lip balm, of course after brushing my teeth too;
-Once back in the room I take off my pajamas and put on clean and fresh clothes to stay light and ventilated all day;
-Then I walk to my desk and I clean up whatever I have left the day before. Once my desk is cleaned, I grab my bullet journal to check my to do list. It's an habit I have been doing for 2 years and it keeps me focused and productive (sometimes I forget to compile it when I don't feel inspired uwu);
-Once I'm done with Journaling, I turn off my phone notifications and I grab my PC to check my university website where I have all my online lessons. Here, I start to procrastinate. Often I don't find the motivation you know, but as I said, these websites down here are helping me stay productive;
REMEMBER: just because people are getting things that I want quicker then me, doesn't mean it's still not possible for me. My time line is not the same as theirs, it is still possible for me. Our time will come.
-When I am done with my online lessons, it is usually 11am. I grab my phone and I check my Instagram messages as a break. And once I have checked my phone, I get started on the rest of the things that are on my to do list like clean the room and cook for lunch. I really enjoy this part of the day.
If you are productive in the morning, you're more likely to be productive in the afternoon and evening.
I hope you liked reading about my morning routine. If you like, comment by telling me about your routine or giving me advice on how to be motivated.
Websites for studying/relaxing/escaping
Lifeat.io - it's a cute website that really helps you to get inspired. You can find virtual study and work spaces around the world (Cafe, library, hogwarts themed ambience, study with celebrities..) The website also use the pomodoro timer (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes short break or 15 minutes long break).
Lofi.café - offers you Lofi music streams for studying, working and also relaxing.
Coffitivity.com - recreates a cafe library ambience with mixers and various types of sounds (morning murmur, university undertones..) It's quite inspirational.
Ambientmixer.com - this is absolutely my favorite. You can find. You can find all imaginable environments, from TV series to movies, from nature to English bar lounges, from London in the 800s to the Paris of la vie en rose. All with mixers and a free account if you want to sign up.
Asoftmurmur.com - creates ambient sounds to wash the distraction (rain forest, city, waterfall, cicadas, stream, fire cracking). There's a timer that you can set and mixers.
Imissmycafé.com - it's a soft aesthetic website, take a seat and stay a while. You can set a dark mode while listening to varous sounds (coffee cups, barista, machinery, rainy day, preparing drinks).
Imissmybar.com - it's another very aesthetic bar themed site, conceived by the same creators of "I miss my Cafe" . You can mix various sounds like people talking, street ambience, bartender working, serving drinks, etc.
Allolo.ru/?id=5 - offers you silent noise of nature, from cascades to rainy forest, from gardens to city ambience.
Mynoise.net - Creates beautiful noises to mask the noises you don't want to hear: your chatty colleagues, tinnitus or even your inner voice when you can't shut it down. (Cafe restaurant, Japanese garden, rain on a tent, calm office, people bleach, singing bowls, etc)
Write in the comments other sites if you know them.
Stay safe 🧸
Thank you, sincerely
The Decadent Clam 🦑.
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lazulieve · 4 years
this has got to change 🧍🏾‍♀️
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lazulieve · 4 years
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lazulieve · 4 years
how do you find a will to live again
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lazulieve · 4 years
reminder to:
straighten your back
go take your meds if you need to
drink some water
go get a snack if you havent eaten in a while
maybe wander around the house/stretch a little if you’ve been sat at the computer a while (artists especially: sTRETCH THOSE WRISTS)
reply to that text/message from earlier you’d forgotten about
maybe send a nice lil message to someone having a bad day?
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lazulieve · 4 years
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source: u/TommyYT2
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lazulieve · 4 years
i just watched a tiktok of a person going up to their family members and hugging them it was pure n looked so genuine. i loved it.
i remember growing up not being acknowledged and being chasitized for literally just existing
though i will say,...i wish i had a family
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lazulieve · 4 years
Expecting people to respect your autism traits is not rude.
It’s not rude to avoid eye contact.
It’s not rude to go nonverbal for a while. 
It’s not rude to ask someone to leave you alone due to sensory overload.
It’s not rude to ask someone to turn down the music or lower their voice.
It’s not rude to skip a party or social gathering due to the amount of people.
Please don’t listen to the allistics who tell you otherwise. If people refuse to respect your personal needs, they are the rude ones.
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lazulieve · 4 years
If you guys have ADD/ADHD, autism, OCD, or something else that affects your ability to concentrate, I highly recommend the chrome extension Mercury Reader. You just open whatever link you're using, then click on the MR icon (it should look like a rocket) and it'll simplify the page so that it's in a focus-friendly layout. Instead of having random pictures and word boxes all over the screen, it'll be in a vertical format with nothing to distract you so you can focus on what's important. You can also adjust the text size (small, medium, large), font (serif, sans), and theme (light, dark). And the best part is, it's completely free! It's honestly one of the best things I've ever downloaded.
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This is an article without the extension. See that messy format, and how the actual article content only takes up a fraction of the page? It's no wonder it took me 7 hours to write that paper.
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The same article, this time with Mercury. The user-friendly settings are at the top, and the rest of the article is formatted vertically down the middle with no free-roaming pictures or words. How nice.
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lazulieve · 4 years
being compassionate to yourself involves making it a discipline to do the things that you love, no matter how many times you attempt to convince yourself that it’s no use. being compassionate with yourself involves sitting down and writing, even when you feel insecure about the work you’re producing. being compassionate with yourself involves taking a walk outside because you haven’t had any fresh air the whole day. being compassionate with yourself involves committing yourself to learning something new even if it hasn’t gone well many times before. being compassionate with yourself is about committing to the discipline of self-betterment and healing.
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lazulieve · 4 years
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Donate if you can please. I’m being charged with assault and battery for punching my racist neighbor for spitting on me during a pandemic. I need to pay for lawyer fees and to move out of my racist town. 💗
If you don’t want to donate through gofundme then you can cashapp me $Muvatokyo
If you can’t donate, please reblog when you see this. I’m desperate. Thank you!
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lazulieve · 4 years
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i was recently kicked out after graduating. i’m not really sure why i was kicked out but my household was toxic anyways, maybe it was for the best.
i’ve also been experiencing a lot of manic episodes and meltdowns recently, though they have subsided since starting setraline.. maybe it’s the setraline or maybe it’s me i’m not sure. i hate how shakey and nauseous setraline makes me feel. i’ve been all over the place lately.
after seeing a psychiatrist and being diagnosed with OCD & social anxiety (which i have imposter syndrome about), i decided to dive into my spirituality deeper than i have before. i even started shadow work. i love being in touch with spirituality, as it is something i really believe is part of my place of truth in a sense. i’ve been doing a lot of self reflecting these days and it seems to be interfering with my everyday life(work and school). more so school than work, as i have no motivation these days. i extremely feel burnt out. these last 4 days i have done nothing but lay in my bed. i am rooming with my older brother, and i feel like i’m annoying him or am being a burden to him. disclaimer that i don’t think my brother ( and my entire family) understands my tendencies. i feel like they think i’m lazy, when in reality i’m not, i’m fucking exhausted and i just really cannot physically bring myself to do anything and it’s out of my control i feel helpless, but it’s just something that i have to do to recover. in the past, i was able to push through it. but it was always DRAINING.
being with my family was draining, being with my friends was draining, going to work was draining, going to school was draining. and it was so hard to keep up with everyone. i always felt three steps behind everyone, like why did it always come so easy to them, but not to me. i felt like i always had to work 3x harder. in high school, i managed to make decent grades without studying, i hated the way my school taught cirriculum, as i only like doing things when i feel like it but i can’t control it. or i procrastinate until the last minute because i know i have to do it. i was pretty obsessive about my grades until my junior year when my ed was at its peak.
i didn’t complain though. i was conditioned not too, and i didn’t want to be the only one who didn’t get it. but also, i was fixated on those who seemed to do it so effortlessly.
so i just saw what everyone else did that worked for them, and applied it to my life. and i feel like it worked up until now. i’m tired of having to do that. i want to live at my own pace and do what works for me.
recently, i’ve been researching autism, and have suspected that i may be on the spectrum. this has been a thought of mine for a while, but it’s become more apparent to me in recent weeks that this may be a possibility. i mask, but it’s hard for me to realize when i’m doing it unless i’m extremely uncomfortable(e.g. making eye contact). im also extremely broke right now and am still working towards paying off my medical bills from since i’ve moved out this summer. i don’t really know how to get help about this. my parents don’t believe in mental illness, i come from a mexican and black american “old school” and low income parents who made it out. anytime i’ve tried poking the idea of help (before they kicked me out) they would make me feel crazy and even said things like “are you fucked up in the head huh”, i never understood why a parent would say those things to their child but i figured out that they wouldn’t want to help me get help in something they don’t believe in. anyways i’m just rambling and feel like any of this didn’t make sense. i had more to say but i don’t even know where i’m at now.
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lazulieve · 4 years
i have to save myself.
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lazulieve · 4 years
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lazulieve · 4 years
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✨can’t wait to wear these outfits and be envied✨
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lazulieve · 4 years
ouch 😔😔😔
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[posted by u/nycthrowaway51]
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lazulieve · 4 years
Foods to eat for beautiful hair and skin
Since when i restrict i tend to eat more bad foods than good i decided to make a list of foods that will be helping me to get nicer hair and more glowing skin!
I’ve put in the size of a portion with calories (100 cals or under)
Spinach - 100 g (23 cal)
Bok Choy - 100 g (11 cal)
Avocado - ¼ or 75 g (91 cal)
Red or yellow peppers - 1 webber bell or 165 g (50 cal)
Sweet potato (orange fleshed) - 1 serving or 110 g (95 cal)
Carrots - 100 g (40 cal)
Broccoli - 100 g (34 cal)
Green beans - 100 g (31 cal)
Tomatoes - 100 g (18 cal)
Citrus fruits, ex. orange - 1 orange or 130 g (62 cal)
Strawberries - 10 large berries or 180 g (58 cal)
Blueberries - 72 berries or 100 g (57 cal)
Pomegranate  - ¼ or 70 g (59 cal)
Guava - 1 piece or 55 gr (37 cal)
Nuts and seeds:
Almonds - 10 almonds or 12 g (71 cal)
Brazil nuts - 2 nuts or 10 g (62 cal)
Walnuts - 5 halves or 10 g (66 cal)
Sunflower seeds - 1 tbsp or 9 g (51 cal)
Green tea
*The ones in bold are important to eat regularly, since they have important vitamins and minerals not only for hair and skin, but for the entire body.
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