larcher0001 · 22 days
How was he supposed to know! — S2 Ep8
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larcher0001 · 24 days
Someone, PLEASE tell what I'm talking about! I never know!
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larcher0001 · 26 days
M: Hi, I'm Millie. I fucked Chaz.
M: Me too! Im Moxie (Moksie). Let's get married.
Blø: Yeah, guys, let's threewaaaaay~
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larcher0001 · 30 days
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larcher0001 · 30 days
I like vampires that don't remember history
I like vampires that only remember trival things.
I LOVE vampires that only mention what they should've been credited for.
: : :
"I hate Thomas Jefferson."
"That's a cold take—"
". . . Yeah . . . He didn't."
(Under breath) "I did. Knew I shouldn't've told him nothing."
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larcher0001 · 1 month
Writing prompt
A vampire who’s been around for hundreds of years is upset about climate change as it makes it harder to wear covering clothes in the summer time
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larcher0001 · 1 month
So, You Want To Write Vampires...
Here's a basic list of things to do/consider when approaching this creature.
Source Material
Go back to the origins. Almost every culture around the world has a story or myth containing cannibalism / blood drinking. You may want to base your origin story for vampires on one of these. This can also give you some ideas about what traits and abilities you might want to include that have been written out of modern fiction. It could help you add a unique twist.
2. Vampire Fiction
Vampires have been popping up in fiction for a very long time. Read The Vampyre by John Polidori (thought to be one of the first books written on vampires). Check out Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu (the lesbian vampire story that came out before Dracula). Speaking of, Dracula is a classic.
Look at modern fiction. Vampire Academy, Twilight, Vampire Diaries, True Blood, A Dowery of Blood, Crave. Read the good and the bad. Learn what qualities you like and which you will not use.
Make a list of things you like and things you don't.
3. Themes
Writing vampires brings a lot of themes surrounding mortality, immortality, morality, and at what point do we draw the line between what is human and what is other. These themes are integral to a vampire story whether you're writing a gothic horror, a paranormal romance, or a YA. There are a lot of links between cannibalism / blood drinking and love, vampires and LGBTQIA+ characters / coding.
4.Pick your traits
Vampires tend to be unique to the writer. The vampires in Twilight work differently to the vampires in The Vampire Diaries to the vampires in Dracula.
By this point you should have a list of possible traits and abilities you might want to give your vampires. My advice: tailor it to your genre. If you're writing a horror go with the traditional vampire abilities, give them the things that scare you. Think Nosferatu. If you're writing romance, then you might want to soften the traditional vampire traits in the way you find frequently in modern vampire media.
What you choose is up to you.
5. Origins
This is often overlooked in vampire stories but how did your vampires come into being? Who was the first vampire? Is this vampire still alive? How far back do vampires go as a species?
This could affect your vampires in terms of relationships with others of their kind, their powers, their strength.
This might not impact on your plot but, in terms of worldbuilding, if you intend to turn your book into a series then this could be very important going forward.
6. Society
Unless you're writing about the first ever vampire you're probably going to be writing about an established vampire population who will have their own laws, their own history, their own leadership, their own customs. This is an important piece of worldbuilding. It will affect your characters relationships, add conflict to the plot, create established enemies and can be used to raise the stakes.
7. Nocturnal Life
If you're following a traditional burn-in-the-sun vampire and they haven't found a way around this then you need to determine the night life of your setting. What is there for your vampires to do at night?
8. Feeding, Hunting, and Bloodlust
This will affect the level of gore in your story as a lot of the bloody parts in your story will take place through feeding and hunting. This will also determine your vampire population.
You need to decide how much your vampires need to feed, how often they need to do so, and what they can feed on. Do they drink animal blood? Is that possible? Do they drink human blood? Can they drink from blood bags? Do they need the blood fresh? If they need human blood do they need all of it?
The less a vampire feeds, the larger a population you can have in one area as it attracts less attention.
What happens when your vampires are hungry? What does their bloodlust look like? How does it affect a vampire? Is the amount of bloodlust a vampire experiences determined by how old the vampire is?
9. Threats
Unless your vampires are well and truly endless there will be ways to kill them and they will have enemies. Do these enemies take the shape of humans, of other vampires, or another species entirely? How can your vampires be killed? What other species are out there?
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larcher0001 · 1 month
"Sorry if this is an awkward question, but you haven't been bitten by a vampire recently, have you?"
"...Not to my knowledge?"
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larcher0001 · 1 month
A vampire with a love of drama/music/anything theater whose lair is an old theater repurposed into their home
A vampire scientist living on a cave system but it's actually retrofitted to fit modern living except mortals can't survive down there without equipment
A vampire with a love of books who turned a library into their lair
A vampire who loves movies and film buying the shell of a blockbuster and making that their lair
Reblog this with more alternative vampire lairs and who it would fit
Or alternatively describe your own vampire lair, I'd go for a castle vibe but remodeled for modern living and I'd have my friends as roommates bc it's a big castle
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larcher0001 · 1 month
OH GOD, HE'S EVIL <:0 — S4 Ep7
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larcher0001 · 1 month
"That ain't fair." — S2 Ep8
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larcher0001 · 1 month
"... I would not survive in prison." — S4 Ep1
~ ~ ~
At least he knows ... 😐
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larcher0001 · 1 month
"I am the king ... The king of everything." — S3 Ep8
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larcher0001 · 1 month
Hey, y'all, if you could vote for my sister so she can compete at the music contest, that'd be great. It's her dream to be a performer, and if we could be a step towards that, it would be monumental.
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larcher0001 · 1 month
"Very cool. I'm macaroni cheese." — S3 Ep1
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larcher0001 · 2 months
Principal Groff really thought he was Regina George!!!😭😭😭
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larcher0001 · 3 months
"A skrittle..."
"A scurtle..."
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