ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 2 days
Even in a purely, coldly utilitarian moral system, there are three questions to ask before accepting harmful or destructive Means because they ostensibly lead to a better End:
Do the Means lead to some other negative End, in addition to the intended one? The classical example of the naĆÆve utilitarian doctor who kills a patient in order to harvest their organs and save five patients, in practice, if accepted, leads to general loss of trust in doctors and hospitals and therefore to much greater loss of life; hence, doctors should follow a hard rule of not killing patients to harvest their organs, even if this might save more lives in the shortest term.
Are the Means necessary in order to achieve the End? The negative utility of atrocious Means still ends up in the final account along with the supposed positive utility of the End (and without the penalty for uncertainty that the latter should arguably be given). The Means are as much part of the final state as the End.
Do the Means, in fact, lead to the End? Any consequentialist justification for an atrocity-for-the-greater-good automatically fails if the atrocity does not plausibly bring out the greater good, even before any other consideration is taken. It's all well and good to say that you can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, but (ignoring for the moment that people are arguably owed more consideration than eggs) a large chunk of the 20th century was a sustained and furious festival of egg-crushing and egg-trampling that resulted in precisely zero omelettes.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 9 days
ok i just got this thought out of nowhere but blog divers (people who scroll through a blog and reblog things that were posted YEARS AGO) are actually a super important part of the tumblr ecosystem
With people going inactive and deactivating, a lot of classic tumblr posts and also missed gems get lost because those connections get broken. Even on my own blog I forget about posts I made until I see someone in my activity reblog one of them- which then inspires me to reblog it myself because it was a good post and I want my new followers to see
do not feel bad about diving through someone's blog and reblogging shit from years ago, it keeps dashboards alive
(and if anyone has a problem with that, they can just block you or they can delete the root post ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ, two things that have absolutely no effect on the grand scheme of our lives)
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 9 days
What's the first question that really pops into peoples' minds about Ea-Nasir? I'm trying to write this history down, but I'm struggling.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 9 days
Hundreds of years ago, the bright yellow fur of a Pikachu used to be considered a sign that the trainer was fortunate or noble, so many royal families used to own them by the dozen. This is the reasoning for so many old coins having Pikachus printed on them, as well as an explanation for the many circle-cheeked ā€œpikamonā€ that became domesticated in that time.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 9 days
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The sea is filled with jerks.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 17 days
Low-level Dungeons & Dragons adventure where one of those big goofy skywhale things has died and crash-landed in the middle of town, and what initially appears to be a simple cleanup assignment abruptly takes a combat-heavy turn when the party gets to find out what feeds on skywhalefalls.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 17 days
pony thieves šŸ’„šŸ’„
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au notes ā¬‡ļø
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 17 days
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1 hour p5s sendai jail practice
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
Listen up!
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You see a post like this? Where OP might hurt/kill themselves? You hit that button that I circled
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Hit that.
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Click Suicide or Self-harm Concern
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Fill in the rest of it, and hit submit. The "content you reported" will fill itself in
Tumblr will follow up and help them.
Warning: this is only for mobile. If anyone knows how to do this for desktop, please add it!
And yes, REBLOG. Liking does no shit at all. This isn't ig.
You reblog, people see it. You don't, people don't see it. This shit's that simple.
This could save someone's life. It's not a joke.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
Hm, I was pondering about the recent-ish trope of Adventuring Guilds (effectively trade unions for protagonists in fantasy rpg-inspired settings, which Iā€™m sure Iā€™ve seen in a bunch of things but the main example that springs to mind is Goblin Slayer to my annoyance but the Hero Association in One Punch Man has a similar albeit superhero-slanted deal), and how mechanically in the setting they exist to ensure x reward is provided for x amount of work/danger involved but in a meta sense are there so the characters donā€™t have to go looking for heroing gigs on ye olde Craigs Lyst or something.
Itā€™s an interesting idea, similar in a manner to the many fantasy trope-tinged guilds in the Discworld novels of the late great Terry Pratchett, although an amusing idea occurred to me with the idea of trade unions for fantasy heroes.
Like, if there are unions to ensure employment and fair pay for folks clearing out dungeons, getting gnolls out the cabbage patch, stopping gnomes from going through your bins, and so on, then, logically, there much exist fantasy hero scab workers as well.
Folks that the local king or something brings in for lower pay on more dangerous jobs. Folks who are, say, completely new to the setting, out of their depth, and are thrust into a dangerous situation by a seemingly benevolent authority figure because said authority figure is too cheap to hire someone who understands the risks involved and asks more suitable wages for the roleā€¦
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
I'm trying to prove a point to my brain: Reblog if you think fanfiction does not need sex to be good.
There is a trend Iā€™ve noticed that smut fics tend to be much more popular than anything else and honestly I just want to have something to look at to remind myself and that writing doesnā€™t have to have sex to be worth putting out into the community.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
How to Argue Like an Asshole
Good evening, friends, let me tell you some Secrets on how to argue like (and with) assholes. Iā€™m writing this because I keep running into a particular asshole, and I need to stop engaging with them, and so this is an instruction sheet for myself as well as you guys.Ā 
First, try to avoid assholes; they donā€™t deserve your time and energy. But, if an Argument is unavoidable, here are a few tips on how to emerge unscathed.Ā 
Let go of the idea that youā€™re going to win.Ā 
Youā€™re not gonna win. Nobody wins in an argument with an asshole. But, on the other hand, you can make them lose. You can deprive them of their entertainment and their triumph.Ā 
Do not present your side of this debate.Ā 
This is so counter-intuitive for most of us who believe in things like, oh, science, or real facts, or the idea that real facts can be determined by science. Hereā€™s a cool terrible thing about humans: certainty has nothing to do with facts. And when people are certain, that is when they become assholes.Ā 
When someoneā€™s only goal is to win an argument, any real evidence or facts you give them is just ammunition for them to turn against you.Ā 
You will not convince them. So what should you be doing?Ā 
Destroy their arguments.
This is a thing of joy, because itā€™s what assholes are used to doing. They are, at heart, morons who donā€™t know how to construct, only how to destroy.Ā 
I used to be super emotional about arguments like this. I couldnā€™t think of anything to say while the other person ranted on about their horrifying bigotry. Now Iā€™m a lawyer, and Iā€™ve learned to weaponize my essentially nitpicky nature. For money.Ā 
So here are some easy tactics you can remember and deploy:Ā 
- Make them defineĀ the words they use. Nitpick the definitions.Ā 
- Turn questions back on them. If they ask youĀ ā€œwhy do you believe xā€, ask them why they believe y. If they pull someĀ ā€œI asked firstā€ shit, ask them why theyā€™re afraid to defend their beliefs.Ā 
- Call them emotional.Ā  If possible, pick out specific emotions. This is especially devastating when youā€™re debating a man, as he will get more emotional as a result.Ā 
-Ā ā€œWhy is that funny? I donā€™t get it.ā€ Making people explain mean jokes can be a delight; they just wilt the more you question them about the underlying assumptions.Ā 
- Laugh at any especially dumb shit. Like they use some slogan or catchphrase thatā€™s obviously untrue, due to science, or essentially ridiculous, likeĀ ā€œweā€™ve made America great again,ā€ and you just blurt out laughing. If they get mad, tell them ā€“ oh, so sorry, Iā€™ll shut up, Iā€™m giving you the floor to talk about your beliefs. Iā€™m respecting you. This is a goddamn power move. It gives you the high ground, and also the implied control over the situation. The floor belongs to you, but you are yielding itĀ to someone because you can.Ā 
- If they make an awkward exit, let them. Especially if they call the discussionĀ ā€œpolitical.ā€ It means theyā€™re feeling attacked. Graciously allow them to retreat with their tail between their legs. If they storm off, allow them to do that too. Congratulations; youā€™ve ended the argument and you donā€™t have to deal with it anymore.Ā 
Basically: hand the asshole a shovel, and letĀ ā€˜em dig. Relieve yourself of the burden to convince them they are wrong, and just sour their fun instead.Ā 
Additionally, these are the tactics that assholes use, consciously or subconsciously, all the time. Recognize them. Once you know what they are, you can become immune to the intimidation and belittling tactics.Ā 
Good luck.Ā 
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
If you ever encounter a conspiracy person of any type irl, you can act like you've never heard of
their particular conspiracy
online communities
Don't start arguing with them headfirst, or tell them that they're wrong. Make them explain the entire thing to you from the start, and once they have, ask them where has this happened? Whom has it happened to? How do they know these people that have experienced this? Like was that their uncle or a co-worker or who exactly is it that has told them about these things?
And as soon as they mention online forums, just look at them with deeply baffled confusion, and as slowly as possible, ask "so you were told all this by... someone from the internet?" with the exact same cautiously incredulous tone as if they had just said they receive all of their news from a talking dog.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 1 month
What are some chronic illnesses that can only occur in a fantasy setting?
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 2 months
so donā€™t get me wrong because a lot of arthurian stuff is super misogynistic. but itā€™s never really in the damsel in distress way you expect. like the most helpless damsel is lancelot trapped and crying in a tower, completely useless, until this random girl who made him behead a guy in front of her fifty pages ago rolls up with a pickax and rope and is like ā€œok Iā€™m minecrafting you out of here.ā€ and this works.
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 2 months
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ladiesinshiningarmor Ā· 4 months
btw if you find yourself dehumanizing any person or group for any reason you've already lost
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