kookiko · 8 years
I wasn't trying to be mean i've just been waiting on the chance to make a move babe
[ ▸▸ ] – Brows furrowing in confusion, he shifted in subtle amounts, uncomfortable to put it lightly, “That’s..– odd.” Well, it was.
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kookiko · 8 years
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kookiko · 8 years
are you single yet?
[ ▸▸ ] – “Aha, anyways, that’s hardly any of your business.”
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kookiko · 8 years
“yeah, it was worth a shot.” (from Seiko)
( Status: Accepting ! )
[ ▸▸ ] – “Your optimism is commendable,” the younger spoke, words slipping into absence as his hands worked bandages along the boy’s wrist in an expert manner; he’d done this one too many times upon one too many individuals. “But that doesn’t mean I approve of your sudden burst of recklessness– hyung, I get worried…”
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kookiko · 8 years
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“I’ll find you again.”
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kookiko · 8 years
Want to know what I think of you? I think you are the most purest soul I have ever met, and I love to see you around. You don't log in much anymore but when you do, I suddenly feel happier than before. You are like magic, and without you in this world I would feel empty. Please visit often, Kookie-ah I miss you..
Go on ANON and tell me what you think of me. I do not want to know who it is, at all. Don’t tell me who it is, don’t give me hints, don’t say your screen name. Tell me exactly what you think of me. Don’t sugarcoat things.Don’t lie. If you hate me, tell me why. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. If you like me, tell me why. Tell me exactly what you think of me.
( Status: Accepting ! )
[ ▸▸ ] – Allowing himself a subtle inhale, Jungkook refused to lift his gaze, the smallest hint of a frown etching across his lips upon the words written intangibly between the pair; sinking a canine against the edge of his tongue, his words finally arose from beneath an unexplained lump keeping his statements thickly at bay. “I’m– sorry,” the boy spoke in a breath, fingertips pressing absently into his palms. “I didn’t– it wasn’t the best decision to disappear, the way I did.” 
Lips pressed into a thin line, he shifted slightly in stance, “I’ll do my best to return as often as I can, I swear.”
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kookiko · 8 years
when ur friend gets into one of ur shows and they start likin ur fave character
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kookiko · 8 years
Woke Up Like This AU
Character A is a time traveler, but an unconventional one. Whenever they die in one timeline, they go back 24 hours before the accident with a new scar/tattoo/memory/etc. to show what they died of.
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kookiko · 8 years
This is so difficult to watch ㅠㅠ Look at his expression Poor bby This kid needs to be protected at all cost Video cr twitter
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kookiko · 8 years
an assortment of different movie quotes.
“i won’t fuck up my life, so you can find yourself.”
“the fact that you’re here means everything to me.”
“life moves pretty fast. if you don’t stop & look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
“i always meet the person first, to see if we understand each other.”
“as long as you can still grab a breath, you fight. you breathe. keep breathing.”
“smart & pretty. that right there is a deadly combination.”
“the more you care, the more the world finds ways to hurt you for it.”
“no matter how far, run for all you’re worth.”
“it takes a lot of courage to try & change your life.”
“you mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.”
“yeah, it was worth a shot.”
“don’t you want to take a leap of faith?”
“hope is a dangerous thing.”
“you’ve got a secret. something you can’t tell anyone, because you don’t trust anyone.”
“you will never be lovelier than you are now. we will never be here again.”
“we’re not meant to save the world.”
“you can’t just make somebody something they’re not.”
“you are allowed to feel messed up. it doesn’t mean you’re defective – it just means you’re human.”
“you couldn’t ignore me if you tried.”
“i’ve only really liked a handful of people in my life.”
“today it seems to me that my whole life was nothing but a string of failures.”
“i’m just tired, you know? i’m just fucking tired.”
“which would be worse - to live as a monster? or die a good man?”
“on one hand, so what; & in the other hand, who cares?”
“you got to stop taking yourself so seriously.”
“you do care. you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death from the pain of it.”
“you sleep well because you know that you’re loved. i’ve never slept that well.”
“by the time we learn to live it is already too late.”
“have i told you how divinely happy i am?”
“i can imagine anything, anybody, anywhere.”
“if we didn’t have any of the bad stuff, then how could we recognize the good?”
“can you just hold me, please? you don’t understand. i just need you to hold me.”
“we get out now, or we die trying.”
“if you died right now, how would you feel about your life?”
“the world’s either great or wretched, isn’t it?”
“maybe i’m just being paranoid, but i gotta find out for sure.”
“you can only push someone so far, before they break.”
“you’re the closest thing i know to a superhero.”
“act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch.”
“i think you severely overestimate your ability to break hearts.”
“i don’t want to win. i just want to make the world a better place.”
“i needed you in this life.”
“i knew this was going to be a bad day.”
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kookiko · 8 years
Go on ANON and tell me what you think of me. I do not want to know who it is, at all. Don’t tell me who it is, don’t give me hints, don’t say your screen name. Tell me exactly what you think of me. Don’t sugarcoat things. Don’t lie. If you hate me, tell me why. Tell me what I’m doing wrong. If you like me, tell me why. Tell me exactly what you think of me.
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kookiko · 8 years
                                ❝  FIG H T  M E ❞
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kookiko · 8 years
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endearing reactions
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kookiko · 9 years
I felt your love in the simplest of ways and those silent gestures meant more than any words ever could
Love in Silence (via boachuu)
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kookiko · 9 years
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kookiko · 9 years
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❝ I’m gonna’ make it bend and break,
                                                                  say a prayer, but let the good times roll. ❞
                      ▲ Dancing Machine ▽ Idol ▽ Avid Canine Enthusiast  ▲
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kookiko · 9 years
‹ n o v o c a i n e ›
[ ▸▸ ] – With an expression resembling excitement in its finest state, a pair of hazel irises raised with his gaze, peering into the mirror opposing the young male, fits of content pulling into his features, younger emotions mixing inevitably with his intentions; none of which were impure of course, for in a sense, Jungkook was still filled with blatant happiness, ready to pull this second date into play with nothing but eagerness tangling to an odd precision as it came to what he wanted to see most-- a smile. His favourite smile, rather. His heart had begun to swell with pride as his memories followed loosely to the lead of the rhythm, allowing the boy to think back to when he’d asked his princess to one thing he was well aware she’d love. She’d said yes to going to a concert, that of which was tonight-- it was as if the days dragged on until he was finally presented with the one he’d looked forward to most; truly, if he were to wait any longer, he would have had to ask a higher power to push the boundaries of time to fit his selfish needs. And my, was he selfish. Lips parting to release a sigh as his hands lifted to either sides of his head, he set the warm fabric of his beanie around, careful as not to let it fall, wanting nothing more than to look perfect, if not for the beautiful one in the other room.
Lips curving into a satisfied smile, his features shifted in approval, knowing that although they’d start off looking pretty, they’d resemble the essence of a mess by the time the concert came to an end, sweat beading lightly along milky skin, gazes filled with adrenaline-- breathless and eager for more. Fall Out Boy of course, seemed to have that effect on people. Striding forward, he pushed his phone securely into the back pocket of a dark pair of jeans, rhythmic vibrations allowing him the knowledge that his attention was to be elsewhere-- but not tonight. Tonight, he wanted to focus on his princess. Even if it were to be for a little while, the image of her happiness would more than likely sear itself to memory without hesitation, and in all truth-- that was all he wanted.
Milky fingertips brushed through the fringe of his bangs almost nervously as he stepped away from the door frame, in search of the pretty female, wanting nothing more than to see her. As beautiful as he knew she’d look, surprise never managed its way out of his expression at the sight of her, and he knew just as well as anyone else that the breath would be knocked out of him rather painfully to the sight of such a beautiful princess. Chewing nervously upon his lower lip, the boy peeked into the next room, hoping for a glimpse of the other, face cheeks taking a flush of colour that had nothing to do with the cold air seeping into the atmosphere around them. Brushing his knuckles against the door, he pushed a knock, gaze unwavering from the smaller frame, “Jinah?”
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