liyabbay-archive · 4 years
@unsuspectingxstorms​     //     yunhee   &   sora.
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     Surprised didn't even begin to explain the feeling that rushed through Yunhee when she saw him. It had been a little over five years since the two had last seen one another and it still felt too soon. Putting on a confident smile, she extended her hand out towards him. The entire situation was throwing her in a loop. Never, did she imagine that her coworker would introduce Sora as their boyfriend. Would it be better to lie and pretend that you didn't recognize him or should she act casual? "It's nice to meet you," she mumbled trying not to look baffled.
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mvxnn · 4 years
“you’re so beautiful.” (Junhee to Ridley)
┊◗ send “you’re so beautiful.” to see my muse’s reaction to yours telling them that ❧ accepting , @unsuspectingxstorms
The room had been filled with laughter just before Junhee spoke. Ridley had been sipping from her glass , focusing on the other when the words surrounded her. It was something she got all the time ; and something she also dismissed all too often. But it felt different when Junhee said it. Especially with the look in his eyes that told her he was more interested in just her looks. She set her glass aside before reaching to slide her hand into his. It was the best she could do , since her heart was racing against her chest. “ I like you. “
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mythvoiced · 5 years
@unsuspectingxstorms | ♥
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“I wanna dance and sing -- politics? Not my thing!”
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sakruhlij · 5 years
--&& STARTER for @unsuspectingxstorms !!          ( Wei x Mavis )
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“ Wake up sleepy head~! ” Mavis shouted as soon as he allowed himself inside his boyfriend’s bedroom, and straight up crawled on his bed to cling onto him over the bed covers, and smooched the top of his head. “ We have to leave now if we want to get the best spot at the beach. ”
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@unsuspectingxstorms | ♥ To: muse of choice!
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“So... Thanks for letting me crash here. I know, getting a surprise roommate at 1am isn’t how I’d spend my ideal Friday night either, but I can assure you, I’m a fantastic roommate, I’m not even gonna shit on your carpet.”
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sakruhlij-arc · 6 years
--&& STARTER for @unsuspectingxstorms !!          ( Wei & Mavis )
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“ Earth to Wei-– ” Mavis slipped the lollipop out of his lips and waved it in front of the man’s face whom had apparently spaced out for a moment, “ You alright there, Liwei? ” he insisted with a smile that only became teasing. “ Is it that time of the month? ” Mavis taunted with a nudge of his elbow after his insinuation towards the man’s nature, but it was only to get his attention.
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lcvescenario-blog · 7 years
@unsuspectingxstorms​ liked for a starter from Hyunggu!
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Hyunggu straightened his jacket as he walked into his house, removing his hat and setting it on the hat rack next to the door. He was exhausted, of course guiding someone into the afterlife will do that to you, but he still had a lot he had to do so he wasn’t going to be relaxing anytime soon. He sat at his desk and began writing the name of the person he’d sent on that day when he heard the doorbell ring, and his curiosity getting the best of him he got up to answer even though he knew no one would be coming to his house this late in the evening anyway. He opened the front door and smiled as he bowed. “Can I help you with something?”
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orchidwrites · 4 years
"Candles, rose petals and champagne? What's the occasion." (Wei & Jayden)
“Can’t I do something nice for you just because?” Jayden asked, concerned that Wei was thinking that there was something wrong. “Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to do something nice for you.”
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xvdfx-blog · 7 years
@unsuspectingxstorms (Junseo & Seiko) 
Junseo closed the door behind him and after making sure that it was locked he was turning to face his friend with a smile. Halloween had been something he’d always found to be a strange tradition, especially when he could speak and see the dead every other day of the year but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to get into the spirit of it just once. While he was too old for running around all dressed up nobody could ever be labelled too old for the Halloween fair and it seemed like the perfect plan in his mind. “You all ready to go?” He asked while slipping his hands into the pockets of his jacket. 
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lostonesfound · 7 years
☎ (lazy to switch but Damien/Jaehyun)
NAME: Jaehyunie💗RINGTONE: [ this one ]PICTURE: [ this one ]LAST TEXT RECEIVED: “I’m almost done with class, I’ll be there soon!”LAST TEXT SENT: “Okay, stay safe. I’ll see you soon. I love you.” 
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nevstcries · 7 years
Mauve, blush, indigo, indigo, fuchsia, burgundy, Crimson 

                        See what your followers think!
MAUVE = You are really talented
BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better.
INDIGO = I’ve been following you for a long time
FUCHSIA = Your blog content is gold
BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something!
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awh sweetheart!! You’re too kind!!! ;;
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mvxnn · 4 years
🥊 (Junhee x Ridley)
┊◗ 🥊  walk on my muse working out ❧  accepting  ,  @unsuspectingxstorms
Being a chef had always been Ridley’s main focus in life. Since she was a child she had been drawn to food and what a meal could do for someone.  With cooking came the constant need to eat and taste dishes here and there. And in order to keep herself fit , working out seemed to be the best outlet for more than just losing weight. She often worked out at home , more so to keep to herself. While she acted confident , she was often hesitant to let other’s see her. When Junhee walked in she found herself pausing ; looking towards him as her cheeks flushed bright red. While she wasn’t upset over being seen , some how his gaze seemed to make her more aware of just how close they had gotten. “ hi .. “ 
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dxprxvityx · 7 years
@unsuspectingxstorms ❤’d THIS post for a starter
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   “ yah, it’s too early to go to bed. “ daehyun, it’s literally five in the morning already. “ we haven’t finished the movie and we still need to play mario kart and i’m getting hungry. “ he needs to be put limits, otherwise he might force himself ( and whoever is with him ) to stay awake to accomplish those things on his ‘ to do ‘ list before ending up passing out from exhaustion. hands ( almost completely covered by the long sleeves of his sweater ) take a grip on the other’s to add to his very convincing words.
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sakruhlij · 5 years
--&& STARTER for @unsuspectingxstorms !!          ( Wei & Mavis )
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“ I am so tired of studying--! ” Mavis suddenly broke the silence between them, pushing his laptop further away on the table to then let his whole body lean ( more like, slump ) against Wei’s side, “ When will finals be over? I’m so done with school already! ” he kept on complaining and gave the man his most convincing puppy eyes. “ Let’s take a break, yes? Let’s do something fun like get a milkshake... or make out. ”
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@unsuspectingxstorms | liked. For: anyone! :D
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“I’ve never looked at anyone wrong once, yet here I am,” Connie leans back in on the stone bench heavily, a sigh passing his lips that sounds like its bordering on irritation rather than the pure exhaustion present on his features. He should resign himself to the fact that what happened happened, and there’s little point bothering his current companion with it. But he’s never been good at simply taking things for what they were. So rather than just sitting in peace and letting his aching bones and bruising face rest, he swipes his thumb under his nose and scoffs at the blood he finds on it. “What are you doing outside, huh? Why up so late?”
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seeiinghosts-a-blog · 7 years
@unsuspectingxstorms reblogged this for a starter.
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his dark hues were solely on the other, scanning them briefly before he inhaled deeply and exhaled sharply.  his attention soon falling onto the abandoned building that loomed over the two and soon, he brought his attention back to the other as he held onto the two shoulder straps of his backpack which held all of the equipment that they'd need.   ❝ are you sure you want to do this? ❞   he questioned.   ❝ you can back out if you want to. ❞
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