#have my excitable tanuki bby
mythvoiced · 5 years
@unsuspectingxstorms | ♥
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“I wanna dance and sing -- politics? Not my thing!”
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kaaytea · 4 years
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Miyuki Kazuya x reader
Summary: Miyuki has been working his ass off, so you arranged a small surprise for him
Warnings: Miyuki, very fluffy, hints of Eijun bullying sorry bby it had to be done😭
A/n: Happy birthday to my favorite Tanuki! Miyuki is such an interesting character with so many layers and I’m completely and utterly in love with him🥰
Was your plan a little mean? Perhaps, but to be honest Kazuya would technically be benefiting from it so you weren't being a complete asshole, at most you'd give him a minor heart attack when he woke up.
It was around 7:30 as you made your way to Kazuya's dorm. So far it seemed your little stunt was going just as planned, you hadn't spotted Kazuya attending morning training so you could only assume his roommates held up their end of the bargain and left without waking him up.
You tugged your jacket closer to your body in an effort to fight the crisp morning air. Looking to your left you watched the figures of miscellaneous team members training; some passing balls back and forth, some working on their swings, and you could just make out the few at the back of the field running. You always found the team's dedication to the sport inspiring, and the scene playing out in front of you was beautiful in a way; the soft morning light and bursts of color from the sun slowly creeping its way into the sky made it feel like an oil painting.
You smiled and continued on with your quest, occasionally sending a wave and a 'good morning' to any players you passed.
Quietly, you opened the dorm door and slipped into the room. You looked to Kazuya's bed on instinct, scared that you may have woken him up upon entering. You were pleased to find him curled under his blankets, eye mask still flat down on his face, hair ruffled and fluffy, and still very much asleep.
How is this the same person who made fun of you for tripping the other day?
You tiptoed over to his bed and cautiously sat down on the edge. You lifted your hand and lightly brushed it against his cheek causing his nose to scrunch up. Kazuya groaned in complaint about being woken up, he propped himself up on his arm and pushed up his eye mask squinting in your direction.
"Morning sleeping beauty," you said in a hushed voice, you cupped Kazuya's cheek letting him lean into your hand; he was balancing delicately on the string that separates the dream world and reality, the place where your mind slips in and out of sleep leaving you oblivious to your surroundings.
He hummed and closed his eyes, "What time is it?"
Oh this was gonna be funny
You slipped your phone out of your pocket trying to hold back your giggles and checked the time, "it's just about 7:40"
Kazuya's eyes shot open and sat up straight.
"WHAT?! Oh God coach is gonna kill me!"
You couldn't hold it back anymore, you fell face-first into a fit of laughter.
"Why are you laughing?! Is my impending doom funny to you?!"
"No no!" You waved your hands in front of you, "I’m sorry I saw the opportunity to mess with you and couldn't pass it up. I was able to get you exempt from morning training today."
Kazuya furrowed his brows at you in confusion, "How'd you do that?"
Does he.....Not remember what today is?
"Miyuki Kazuya, you do know what today is right?"
You sighed, you honestly should have expected this.
"It's your birthday dumbass, remember?"
He squinted at you -mostly from his lack of glasses- then broke out in a grin and rubbed the back of his head.
"Oh yeah I guess it is"
How can someone so smart be so, so dumb at the same time?
"Hey, can you hand me my glasses? You're blurry as all hell right now."
You reached over to the table near his bed and retrieved said glasses, unfolding the arms and slipping them onto his face.
"Much better now I can actually see your pretty face~" he gave you a wink and a sly smile resulting in an eye roll from you.
"Please don't attempt to flirt this early in the morning."
He just laughed at your response.
you reached down for the small takeout box you had brought with you, popping it open to reveal two pancakes neatly stacked on top of each other dusted with powdered sugar and fruit, then placed it in front of him.
"Happy birthday Kazuya, I know you're not too fond of sweets but I thought this would be a little more exciting than what's usually served in the kitchens."
He looked down at the box and then back up at you, "Eh, you know I'm not that big on birthdays... Thank you though, this is really nice," He gave you a small smile, not a smirk an actual genuine smile, and pulled the food onto his lap, "Are you going to sit at the edge of the bed the whole time or are you gonna come cuddle me?"
You laughed and slid under the blankets tucking yourself into Kazuya's side, he was very warm and you immediately felt cozy.
"You're lucky I went with this idea instead of my other one, originally I was gonna wake you up by singing 'happy birthday'"
He jokingly gagged at the thought, "Thank you for sparing me," he said before starting to eat the small breakfast you brought him.
You hummed in reply and snuggled closer to him, your eyes fluttering closed as you focused on the soft rise and fall of Kazuya's chest.
"Have you eaten yet?" He tucked a lock of your hair behind your ear then stroked your cheek gently.
"Hmmm, I had an apple earlier."
He silently cut a piece of the pancake and offered it to you, he'd probably chastise you for not eating much if you refused, so you leaned forward and ate the pancake without complaint.
"You know the food was supposed to be your present right?"
"Mmm, but Taking care of you is an added bonus. Plus, I'd feel guilty knowing that you went out of your way to do this for me and only ate an apple," he offered you another bite of food, a smile tugged at the corner of his lips as you accepted it.
"It's always odd when you act nice. The entirety of first year I'd only seen you act snarky -well you're still pretty snarky but you're significantly less snarky around me."
"What are you talking about? I'm always nice!"
You looked up at him and deadpanned, "I literally witnessed you laughing at Sawamura yesterday when he got hit by a ball..."
"That's not fair! It was really funny how could I not!"
"And he's the one who should have caught it."
You sighed and slumped against him, "you're terrible."
Miyuki let out a breathy laugh and leaned down pressing a kiss to your lips.
"I know~"
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mythvoiced · 4 years
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@etherealve​ | "What are you doing here?" (To Yoshino) random      question      prompts. 
“My best, clearly,” with one hand on her hip, Yoshino uses the other to gesture to the wending machine she’s stood in front of, making her and her new companion the only two people filling the people-void of this particular street corner. So close to the surrounding nature, this wending machine has been one of Yoshino’s favourite trip goals ever since she’s first discovered it and the chocolate bars within it.
Sweet and at the same time salty, a taste combination Yoshino would have never dreamt of longing for this deeply, but now can hardly live without. The lack of change in her pocketless dresses has never been a problem, her shapeshifting abilities and the amount of tricks she has accumulated up her sleeves for reaching into places she should technically be too large for, have always helped her.
Until today.
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It seems that someone realised that something continously managed to slip its hand or otherwise into the machine and installed a mechanism that would only allow for anything to reach into it after some coins had been thrown into it.
A foot clad in a flat shoe hits the ground in sync with the girl’s huff. Her gaze seems distant as she stares at the street under her feet. Then her head lifts and she stares at her companion. “Help me break this wending machine.”
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