jgracie · 6 months
leo and a daughter of mars who met completely by accident. the war was finally over and leo wanted to see what new rome had to offer - maybe it’d be a suitable place for him to live someday? who knows, he’s always yearned for discovery (truly his father’s son). he somehow managed to accidentally break her weapon, ruining her day. luckily he’s a child of hephaestus (she doesn’t care) and makes weapons all the time (they’ll never be as good as roman weapons) and would be more than willing to make her an even better one (as if he has an option?). he tells her it’ll take a couple days so she begrudgingly finds him a place to stay because she refuses to let him out of her sight until she gets her new weapon. without a weapon, her training time gets cut in half, so when she has nothing to do she goes to check on leo. at first she’d just do it to make sure he wasn’t taking advantage of her hospitality and actually making it, but soon enough she found herself enjoying his company. to her, he was a breath of fresh air. he told her about life at camp half blood and all the quests he’s been on and when he made her laugh for the first time (telling her about how he accidentally set his pants on fire while he was half asleep once) he knew he was a goner. he’d make her millions of weapons if it meant he’d get to see her smile like that every day
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wsdanon · 6 months
hmmm mike and felps bonding perhaps? For wip game?
okay you know what you can have my whole wip for this fic \o/! i'll put it under the cut--it's supposed to end with mike helping felps dye his hair and them talking about things other than just pac but pac is a focal point of this first bit here
(context is: this is a few years after fuga where they've met up again and are on good terms, but it's maybe still a little shaky)
since this is a solid amount of words despite being a wip, reblogs are appreciated \o/
"Would you keep a secret from Pac for me?" Felps asks.
"No." Mike doesn't even need to think about it. "Probably not."
"Hm. Okay." Felps nods to himself, like this is what he expected. "Would you… not tell him something for me, then?"
This makes Mike set down what he was messing with. He turns to Felps. Who looks nervous.
"What do you mean?"
"Like… if he doesn't ask, you don't tell?"
Mike does have to think about this one. He draws his consideration away from where his and Pac's thoughts usually mingle, and Pac sends him a curious feeling, but doesn't prod.
"Sure." He settles on, turning back to his project. "But keep in mind, he'll probably ask."
Felps doesn't say anything else. But he doesn't leave, either. Mike looks up at him again.
"So… were you going to tell me something?" He prods, and Felps sighs defeatedly.
"Yeah, okay." Another sigh. "I really like Pac."
"Well, I'd hope so." Mike frowns. "I thought we were all friends at this point."
"We are." Felps confirms, as he rests his chin on his palm--his elbow propped up on the table. And his expression is troubled, but there's something else to it--a combination Mike sees on Pac frequently. Things click into place. "But I really like Pac."
"Oh, you mean romantically?"
"Yeah." Felps shifts his hand in an attempt to cover his face, but his blush still shines through. Mostly because Mike is looking for it. "I think so."
"Huh. You know, I thought you and Cell were--" Mike cuts himself off as the embarrassment on Felps' face quickly disappears and gives way to disinterested surprise. His eyebrows raise, while his hand shifts again--falling into a thoughtful position. Mike continues, "Well, I guess I'm the last person who should be making those kinds of assumptions, huh?"
"We are kind of like you and Pac." Felps agrees.
But he doesn't sound committed to the idea, so Mike silently disagrees. Besides, no one can be like him and Pac--they literally share a brain.
"So, you and Cell aren't dating, and you like Pac romantically." Mike recaps.
"I think so?"
The question in his response has Mike briefly looking down at his project in despair. He's not getting this done any time soon.
Pac prods at him, confused, and Mike waves him off. He wants to at least try to honour Felps' request, and that means he can't have Pac stumbling across his thoughts right now in an attempt to see if he's okay.
"Why did you come to me for this?" Mike asks. "I'm shit with romance."
"And you think Cell would be better?"
"Okay, good point." Then he frowns. "Wait, hold on. Wasn't Cell exes with some of the guys in prison? JV and Guaxinim, at least, right?"
"Mike," Felps says with a tone that he's about to say something obvious, "I'm not going to tell Cell I'm into his ex."
"Pac and Cell aren't…" He trails off. Even with the link between them now, Mike isn't sure what Pac and Cell are, let alone what they aren't. Which is mostly because their relationship is so confusing Pac himself isn't even sure. "Whatever, that's not the point. I just don't know what you expect me to do."
"Nothing." Felps picks at the peeling paint on the table absently. "I just wanted to tell someone."
Felps seems kind of in despair, too, right now. So, Mike forgives him for interrupting his workflow, and attempts to throw him a bone.
"Look, I'll try and keep this from getting to Pac." Mike offers. "But, like…" He taps at his head.
"Yeah, I get it." Felps smiles at him. "Thanks."
There's a high chance that Felps becomes Pac's crush for the month, and Mike can do a bit of matchmaking. Or, equally as likely, someone else will catch Felps' eye and it won't matter anymore. Either way, Mike would say he only has a month tops to keep his promise.
Which is… manageable. Maybe. He doesn't try to keep things from Pac often.
"If Pac started dating me… would I be dating you, too?" Felps asks, drawing little lines with his finger on the table to demonstrate the connection.
And the honest answer is yeah, probably. For all intents and purposes. But people don't always really like that answer.
"I mean… kinda? If you're okay with that?" Mike shrugs. "I don't know, man, it wouldn't be the same thing."
"That sounds cool."
And he sounds genuine. Mike goes back to his project, but he doesn't get too into it in case Felps wants to continue the conversation.
"Can I paint your nails?" Felps asks.
And, okay, not what he was expecting.
"I'm kind of doing something." Mike says, gesturing to the project. "Maybe, uh… later?"
"I have green."
Felps pulls out a bottle of nail polish, and sets it on the table between them. Mike stares at it. It is indeed green--a nice bright green.
"Okay, sure."
Mike moves his project to the side, and holds his hands out. Felps' hands are warm. The nail polish isn't.
He's quick in his movements, but focused fully on his task. Mike lets his fingers be moved for better angles, and shakes his hand to dry it when Felps starts on the other.
"So, what are you making?" Felps asks.
"Something to help with the mobility for Pac's prosthesis." He wants to gesture around and explain the mechanics, but he doesn't think Felps would get it, and his nail polish is still too wet for him to feel comfortable touching things. "Once I get this right, I'll probably try to open up shop for custom orders. Then hopefully we won't need to rob banks for more money."
"Aw." Felps pouts. "But robbing banks is fun."
"Weren't you a cop?"
"I was a prison guard." Felps shrugs. "And that was just so I could hang out with Cell after he got arrested."
Mike laughs.
"And then he killed you."
Felps' hands twitch like a mostly contained flinch.
"It wasn't my favourite time with him, no."
"It's fine."
"It wasn't my favourite time with him, either."
This time Felps laughs.
"No, I guess not."
He finishes up the last nail, and packs the polish away. Mike kind of misses the casual intimacy of it, but shakes his hands out to try and dry the nail polish quicker.
"You know, Pac falls for people pretty easily." Mike says. "If you flirt with him, he'll probably reciprocate."
"Oh, thank you, but I don't really mind." Felps shrugs. "I just like being around him."
"Me too."
And this is where I got to \o/ I've had this written up for ages, but I've never had time and motivation to go back and finish it oops. hope you enjoyed!
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wsdalt · 4 months
Thinking about the vampire au(as expected, I like vampires, I like cubitos, put those together and I have a brainrot)
I love vampire aus with hideduo cuz their dynamic is so WYWGWGEHSJAUYA I love it, unfortunately we only have a few, but the dynamic of hunter who is trying to kill the other and this little menace of guy who is mostly vibin
I'm still not over Mike shoving Fit in the room, and felpac moment<333
I was looking through the tag and there's this part you mentions Cellbit is trying to find out who hired Fit(Madagio?) and I forgot so I wasn't expecting "don't tell his therapist", for some reason is a funny thought that this vampire still has a therapist(if he tells them everything, is a funny image to think of this vampire guy who is dressing dramatically as one and the therapist completely unfazed kkkkkk)
Also, when does Cellbit meets Fit? 👀
Like, do they tell Fit at some point or he just... find outs somehow, or he just meet him after a while? I'm kinda curious about what their first impressions would be(cuz yeah, Cellbit knows about him but bro is paranoid, and Fit, well, yeah)
Also, I don't remember if you ever answered this, but there are other creatures in that world? Like, I assumed there is cuz, Felps is something for sure, but he's a saint, so... did you think about anyone who wouldn't be a vampire/human in case there is?
OH, I don't remember if you ever said that(sorry if you did, I might be forgetting things), but is Fit a lone hunter or something(pretty sure there's a word but a forgot it)? Like, that people just hire him for some jobs and such, or he is like, part of some organization?
(Sorry if it is a lot of questions, I got carried away)
- 💜
hi \o/!! don't worry about the amount of questions, i'm happy to answer them!!
vampire/vampire hunter fitpac is very fun to me--i think you could also make the argument that their dynamic in canon allows for it too? it took fit a very long time to tell pac about his actual mission in canon, and with this au of mine it's a similar slowburn of trust before the final piece falls. in both scenarios it's fit trying to do his job and as much as he may like/respect/trust pac, that final piece doesn't come until much later (this isn't a criticism of their relationship at all considering the stakes)
thank you \o/!! mike is… utterly fed up with both of them pfft. and of course i had to include felpac--both because it puts all three "parties" at play (saint, vampire, human) and because… well… who would i be if i didn't try to include felpac? i'm glad you liked it \o/!!
i'm going to answer the questions under the cut for length:
it is not actually madagio who hired fit--i feel like this is because we didn't know about them when i started the au? but i can't say for sure and don't feel like looking. it's cucurucho! i don't really care too much about adapting the federation's intentions (we also don't really… know what those are for sure) and cucurucho is an easy enemy of the brazilians' to pick
if i had known about madagio i still probably wouldn't have gone with him since there's not a major incentive? federation is very "ambiguously evil" whereas madagio's motive would have to be something about vampires killing his whole family… and considering the federation/cucurucho would exist in the au anyway since the regret arc did happen, i wouldn't really want to adapt madagio's motives in that way and change his enemy when their actual enemy does exist
(i didn't even think about this, but honestly yes the concept of a vampire going to therapy is so funny pfft. i don't think he'd admit to being a vampire, but at the very least he'd probably talk about whatever he talked to his in-canon therapist about in between fuga and qsmp--so probably the cannibalism and the murder) (at least i'm pretty sure he has an in-canon therapist. that might've been fanon i can't quite remember right now)
cellbit and fit meet in the… middle-end of the story. this is going to be some vague spoilers, but: fit finds out that pac is not actually the person who turned mike and so there must be some other vampire somewhere nearby if not in the castle somewhere. a series of events leads to him and cellbit meeting, mostly because cellbit's pissed off at him (at pac's request, he does not attempt to kill fit)
first impressions go very poorly. both of them are very much on high defence and it is essentially a negotiation of them trying to get fit to leave them alone and even betray the person (cucurucho) who hired him. fit's whole problem the entire time is that not killing these vampires will be a massive hit to his reputation, and while he could deal with it if he was on his own he has a son to worry about (which isn't something he wants to reveal, just like the brazilians don't want to reveal richas exists)
haven't thought much about other creatures past demons \o/! tina is a demon and bagi meets her while trying to investigate what happened to her missing brother (bad is also a demon, but for my own sake and my lack of ability to watch everyone's povs and by extension accurately translate them to an au this is the furthest i'm going with all that). there… might be other monsters? but i don't have any plans to write them into the world building right now
fit's a lone hunter yes \o/ a mercenary is maybe what you were going for? he has a network of people he knows--both other mercenaries and previous clients--and this is sort of how he finds work. reputation is incredibly important in his line of business hence why he's trying to go through with the job despite developing feelings for pac (and the others, once he starts talking to them more)
anyway thank you again for all your kind words about the au \o/!! i'm really glad you enjoyed it! and of course feel free to ask more questions if you'd like \o/!!
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plegg-culture-is · 1 year
plegg culture is having this account crack open your plegg with a hammer
Oh my!
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pluralprompts · 1 year
a system finally getting their wheelchair after fighting their insurance for months? a system getting new stickers/decor for their disability device? headmate A is (weirdly?) comforted and reminded of source because they have the same disability as the body? a system finding a job that will actually listen and help them(especially if it's an invisible disability)? a system getting a earing aid and hearing something heartwarming for the first time like rain or their cats meows? a system accepting that they are disabled and learning to be kind to themselves and not push their limits? a system with an amputation learning a new trick in doing a task without the usually needed limb? a disabled system making other disabled friends that finally get them? a system with severe scarring has a kid excited tell them how cool they are and if they got them fighting a dragon? (Disclaimer: i am not physically disabled this is just inspired by things I've seen others post and talk about, and im genuinely sorry if anything is offensive. i just wanted to try and be helpful so yall have fun system prompts this months!)
Submitted Prompts #114, #115, #116, #117, #118, #119, #120, #121, and #122
Separated out to be easier to read:
a system finally getting their wheelchair after fighting their insurance for months
a system getting new stickers/decor for their disability device
headmate A is (weirdly?) comforted and reminded of source because they have the same disability as the body
a system finding a job that will actually listen and help them (especially if it's an invisible disability)
a system getting a hearing aid and hearing something heartwarming for the first time like rain or their cat's meows
a system accepting that they are disabled and learning to be kind to themselves and not push their limits
a system with an amputation learning a new trick in doing a task without the usually needed limb
a disabled system making other disabled friends that finally get them
a system with severe scarring has a kid excited tell them how cool they are and if they got them fighting a dragon
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truly-quirkless · 29 days
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The Spooky Ghost Anon asked:
the SPoooOOOOOoooOOkky ghost waits patiently. Please don't rush as the patient ghost is always here. :3
[Prompted? || Accepting!]
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Well, thank you for the patience- since I'm about to go hang with my brother (him and I hang about once a week or so),....which means the vids will have to wait until later (they're still uploading, end me). Until then, I offer you digital cookies!
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ladyimaginarium · 1 year
Might there be times where ptsd can at least partly stem from forgetting that the sufferer is a mere spec in the bigger picture that is the universe or at least that they're not above anyone else in the grand scheme of things?
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nonnie i& deadass woke up at 5 smth am & seeing this in my& inbox kinda makes me& wanna die inside bc i& just had a dream of getting stuck in this mall & then a giant ass fuckin monster sea worm thingie apocalypse came it was the wildest shit man. so like. no that's just your existential dread talkin.
Uhhhh. That's... definitely a bizarre question to ask. /lh -⚰️/ James Dae Young, he/him; they/them.
I& mean, it's better than a literal sea worm apocalypse? That's... something to celebrate, as if an apocalypse of walkers wasn't bad enough. Wait. Why am I& even in this conversation. /lh -📔/ Aasim Acharya, he/him.
I& feel like this is a fever dream or something... /lh -☯️/ Jinhai Yang, he/him.
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polycharismas · 4 months
im remembering a.non chihaya b.andori . i hope he explodes someday
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moon-thething · 1 year
heya! Hope ur doin alr moon :3 may I request luz x reader headcanons (as in js how a relationship with her would be liek) have a nice day yo! 🐢❕
-💤 a.non
Hello 💤 anon. Sorry that it took me this long to write your request, I've just been working in some personal stuff and didn't have the time
Anyway, it will be a delight to write this :)
Romantic or platonic?: Romantic
Readers gender: gender neutral
Type: fluff
Ps, sorry if Luz is out of character, I usually don't pay that much attention on how people act in relationships/ how they act on a daily basis.
As we see in toh, Luz is very energetic. That's why I think she'll be excited every time you interact, dating or not (in this case, you are dating)
Loves to give you all types of nicknames in her native language but also slips a couple of English pet names
Will constantly leave you messages, voicemails, videos, pictures, the list goes on
I feel like her main love language would be quality time, dunno why, it just feels right
So expect her to be by your side 24/7
She's also very into PDA. Will constantly kiss your cheek, hug you, hold you hand, etc. etc.
But if you're uncomfortable with PDA she would tone it down a bit. But she will still lock pinkies with you, that's for sure
Now, if you're a witch her reactions and or the way she spends time with you depends on what track you're in
If you're in the abomination, plant and construction, she would watch you practice with hearts in her eyes. Will constantly be cheering you on (even if it is just practice) and will comfort you if your abomination just doesn't look right, or your plant seems to not be symmetrical, or the ground just seems a bit too sturdy for your liking. Doesn't matter, she's there to comfort you and give you words of encouragement
If you're in the illusion, oracle or bard, she would giggle in delight at everything you do. And again, will comfort you either if your illusion doesn't look quite realistic, or the ghosts don't seem to have a good enough connection for you to understand them, or the (instrument of your choice) is slightly off key and you can't seem to get it right. Will pose for you if you're doing illusions, will not engage in any sort of oracle type spell and will listen to you play whatever instrument you use
And, finally, if you're in beast keeping, potions or healing, she'll be your test buddy (even if you refuse for her to even come near you while you're doing a spell). If you're into beast keeping, she's the one that will go near the animals while you're doing your spell, to test if your spells are actually working or not. If you're into potions, she will read the ingredient sheets and will give you the things you need for whichever potion you're making (also will drink it when you're not looking). And, if you're into healing, every time she cuts herself or has a bruise, she's running to you (sometimes purposely cuts/bruises herself while on a mission with eda just so that she can grab your full attention)
Buuuttt, if you're a human like her. Expect her to teach you all of the glyphs and glyph combos as a date/study date. Will rant to you about how cool the Boiling Isles are, doesn't matter if you've already been in the Boiling Isles or not
As I mentioned. Her favorite types of dates are study dates, likes to study with you for the upcoming test and likes to teach you some glyph combos. But, that's her second favorite type of dates
The first on her list will always be carnival dates or arcade dates,just gun dates in general. She loves seeing your face light up as you win a prize and squeal in happiness
Likes to draw you in her sketchbook sometimes
Sticks stickers to your face when you're not paying attention or when you're too focused on something. And when I say stickers I mean like- star stickers or heart stickers
If you're a deep sleeper. Expect her to stack random stuff on you
Your eyes slowly flutter open as you let out a groan, feeling something heavy on your chest. You shifted slightly only to hear Luz yell
"Wait! Don't move!" You squinted at her, your vision still being blurry from all of the light in the room
"Why." You mumbled, reaching your hands towards your face as you wiped your eyes, slowly focusing on your surroundings
You stared at the pile of random shit on your chest. From what you could make out, there seemed to be boxes, pillows, small blankets and- was that your palisman?
"What- how??" You asked in pure shock and amazement. How was she able to stack all of those things on top of you?
"Magic?" She said in a questioning tone, not sure herself on how she managed to do it
Is the kind of person to braid your hair... But in an awfully bad way. Like- she could be doing only one braid and she managed to knot it in ten different ways. Dw, she fixes it, but the part of your hair that was messed up will be numb for the rest of the day
Likes staring at your face a lot. You two could just be cuddling in bed and she'll stare at your face, trying to memorize every dimple, every spot, basically every single little detail that no one pays attention to
I don't really see her as a morning person.. but I don't see her as a night out either?
Like, she will groan and refuse to get out of bed in the morning, and when it hits a certain time of night, one moment she feels sleepy and the next she's out like a light
That is unless she is playing some sort of horror game. You get your ass she isn't going to sleep until three AM passed (like that has to do with anything)
Either way, if you're a human or not, she treats you the same :)
Any what I mean by 'the same' is that she showers you with affection either way
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
Dude, seeing people praising enchanted and how it's so much better has me conflicted bc it was not my jam
Also, as a.non English speaker, no idea what she said in btr for the new line
Also, scared for haunted and really liked innocent
What if I don't update my playlists this time....
the new line for btr was 'he was a moth to the flame, she was holding the matches'
i havent put a heart next to a single song so far lol
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srxsehun-blog · 5 years
*draws heart on window*
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jgracie · 6 months
Honestly i think that it happened that a poseidon kid and a Demeter one fell in love with each other.Even Poseidon himself fell in love with Demeter(and had kids with her).So for me,in the past,it happened between demigods too.Their vibe is immaculate,literally where the sea meets the earth.Also we know that Poseidon children are more playful while Demeter ones are more responsible.Poseidon kids would help Demeter kids to loosen up a little,while Demeter kids will keep Poseidon kids on the line.Literally a match made in the Olympus(and both having powers that correlate to nature.)I can also imagine them gardening together and Poseidon kids watering the plants while Demeter kids will make them cookies later🥺
ANON U REMINDED ME HORSES R THE CHILDREN OF DEMETER AND POSEIDON 😭😭😭😭😭 i completely forgot ab that it’s one of those things i don’t think ab 😬
BUT ALSO THIS IS SOOOOO ADORABLE !!!!! poseidon kid who hires demeter kid to help with the extreme growth of algae in the rivers because eutrophication is killing the fishes 😣😣 (can u tell i’m trying to apply my bio knowledge before my exam LOL) except they end up making even MORE algae cz they’re so nervous ab being around someone as cute as poseidon kid !!!!
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wsdanon · 8 months
Oooh fit in the fuga universe is so interesting too! I wonder how their relationships would be affected by being in Alcatraz. Also, what would Cell and fit think of each other if they met in that time instead of in the future in quesadilla island! There is so much potential in this idea!!
hm I feel a little better now so I can think about the idea more. and writing the first bit this is already kind of long and I have a lot more to say so I think this will be going under a cut lol \o/
also just to be clear there’ll be no spoilers for my 2bxfuga fic this is just me expanding on an idea for the reverse I came up with earlier
I think it’s much harder to make work than the other way around but also this is fanfic so who cares. fit has been in normal society before going to 2b2t and hasn’t been there for as long as on qsmp by the time he gets out. I think he adjusts fairly quickly to the rules but not in his mindset (probably similar to on the island but there’s a difference of everyone around him could still be enemies so he’s not as chill)
fit and cell would be especially interesting to me. I think they would immediately size each other up as being from similar places (kill or be killed places: the war versus the wasteland) and they’d either get along really well because of this familiarity or they’d hate each other. i think you could honestly argue for both ways but for a fitpac story fit and cell hating each other makes more sense
imagine them seeing the new guy come in and he’s immediately pretty cold to cell specifically. also he looks buff and capable as fuck and he’s in for murder \o/ think them trying to hire a gang to protect themselves from cell. maybe they approach him and go “hey we don’t like this guy that you don’t like—how about we team up?”
would fit agree to this? well I think out of his comfort zone in a prison where he doesn’t speak the language (and with pac asking) he’d agree. purely strategic not at all because pac was the one asking (okay maybe a little because it was pac)
fitpac interlude: pac seems pretty into polyamory so I don’t think whatever he has going on with fit will change what’s going on with cell but it might make him think twice about it/might not make it so extreme. I always use the idea that fuga takes place over a year so pac flirting with cell is partially to try and get him to not just kill them whenever he gets mad at them. having the slowburn with fit could just make his feelings for cell less genuine but wouldn’t stop the flirting (pac flirting with prison guards and bobinho even now that he’s dating fit)
mike is honestly probably relieved by this and even though he doesn’t trust fit as much he warms up to him a lot quicker than in my 2bxfuga fic I would say. as now pac has some other hot violent guy to fall in love with and this one doesn’t want to kill him. plus they haven’t had all their horrible experiences with cell yet so the two being similar in his mind doesn’t ring any alarm bells (unlike in the fic) and by the time it would, he already trusts fit
they probably don’t tell him about the escape plans until much later on and they trust him more. and then escape plans have to be delayed to account for another person. I’m not sure how much it would change of the overall plot because to me the biggest plot points are: 1) pac loses a leg 2) they escape—and I wouldn’t want to get rid of either of these
maybe they manage to escape without bringing cell with them? abandoning him at the prison instead of island? maybe JV survives? But then they wouldn’t bring Guaxinim with them… I’m not sure. if I ever wrote something for this it wouldn’t be like what I’m writing with the other version of the au now it’d just be a oneshot maybe. I already have two multi-chaptered fics I’m balancing I don’t think I could manage another lol
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wsdalt · 28 days
Hello o/// Me again
What do you think of arkanis so far? I just managed to watch the first day(and not even fully) but I'm liking it so far:D - Purple heart anon but can't put the emoji rn
I’m really liking it \o/!! I haven’t been able to catch up too much, but I’ve been watching Felps’ pov and I’m enjoying it!! Seems like some stuff is happening to him \o/!!
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fckhyland · 6 years
I think u should date robbie
Robbie? Ew. Been there, done that. Well, we didn’t “date” per say. Just a lil lowkey fun back in the day.
Kidddddding. I love that guy but like...there’s too many connections there. It’d be messy.
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+ anonymously tell my muse something you’d never say to their face
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sojoejonas · 6 years
i want to eat your cake by the ocean
Come grab a slice, baby.
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+ anonymously tell my muse something you’d never say to their face
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