kitkait080 · 4 years
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kitkait080 · 4 years
Hey so friendly reminder about voting and elections that I haven’t seen going around yet but is SUPER IMPORTANT.
Watch what you wear and say while you’re waiting in line for the voting booth/at the polls. It is against federal law to do anything that might be considered campaigning once you’re there, and since we know that voter suppression is the name of the game this election, there will be people looking for ANY reason to remove you from the polling place. And they will nitpick. You have a shirt with a artistic picture of donkey on it? You’re visibly supporting the Democrats, you’re disqualified from voting. Want to wear a Black Lives Matter shirt? Not there you don’t. They’ll call it intimidation and kick you out. Pins, buttons, stickers, none of it. Wear the most bland, plain clothes you can imagine. 
And then keep your mouth shut. Even the slightest hint of discussion about which candidate you’re voting for can get used against you. Don’t assume the people around you are safe to discuss it with. You might be overheard. There WILL people watching for these things, hoping to get rid of anyone they can. Voter suppression isn’t just about making registration impossible. It happens at the polling stations too. Be smart, be bland, be quiet, and make sure your vote gets in. 
Also- and I have seen this mentioned but it bears repeating- DO NOT TAKE A PICTURE OF YOUR BALLOT. EVER. It’ll also disqualify your vote. Take a selfie when you’re out of their with your fun little sticker. 
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kitkait080 · 4 years
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kitkait080 · 4 years
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Strawberry Avalanche
It feels so weird posting here again
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kitkait080 · 5 years
“Is there friendly fire?” I ask to my teammate who is about to get very mad
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kitkait080 · 5 years
If various companies think that pulling their content from Netflix so they can host their own streaming service will make them sign up to theirs then they are wrong. It will just make me pirate their content again.
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kitkait080 · 5 years
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kitkait080 · 5 years
Maybe I’ve missed something, but everyone my age hating on Fortnite & TikTok feels a lot like that “shitting on kids and acting like anything new is garbage just because it’s new” stuff that we all promised we wouldn’t do because of how much it sucked when it was done to us.
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kitkait080 · 5 years
Hey guys, just a heads up -
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Viagogo is advertising Queen tickets on here.
Do not, under any circumstances, purchase anything from Viagogo.
They routinely add additional fees – $50 tickets at the check out, but then they charge you a $200 processing fee (yes, $200), and there is no way to get your money back. And then you rock up at the concert in question and find that there are four other people with your same ticket, because you were all sold fakes.
A colleague of mine had this happen – two tickets, and they should have been $70 all up. $475 was taken from her account. They weren’t able to get the unapproved money back.
Adding insult to injury, weeks later they arrived at the show, went to buzz in their ticket and it bounced. Someone else had already used that ticket to get in. Security went and found the person, and while this was happening, more security brought over a third person who also had the same ticket. The person who had arrived first had the legit ticket, and the other two were fakes. Fakes that cost nearly $500.
They have 2,479 one-star reviews on Product Review, the last of which was shared 17 hours ago, all with similar stories.
Don’t buy anything from Viagogo. They will rob you blind, and you won’t even get to see the show.
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kitkait080 · 5 years
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For that comment, ten dollars.
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kitkait080 · 5 years
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A.k.a. they’re both messes in this universe when their Battle Buddy is not around for a while.
Scary Ryan comic [x] Soft Jeremy comic [x]
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kitkait080 · 6 years
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this is so awful?
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kitkait080 · 6 years
someone: minecraft is cringey
someone else: yeah! it really is in this day and age lol
both of them: look to me for me to agree
me, as someone who has kept up with Achievement Hunter’s Minecraft series every single week for 5 years and plays the game regularly: ….. haha yeah I know right. wild. 
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kitkait080 · 6 years
I wonder how many people on here that have reblogged those “I treat retail workers/public service workers with RESPECT because I’m not HUMAN GARBAGE” type posts have also endorsed or straight up taken part in sending death threats/suicide bait/unrelenting harassment to the people that make their media
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kitkait080 · 6 years
Housemate from Hell
Fuck my old housemates.  I lived my twin sister, my boyfriend, and this other bitch (who later had her girlfriend move in a month before we moved out) for a year. The bitch of a housemate apparently doesn’t understand my sister and I can cut whoever we want out of our lives. This bitch was a nightmare to live with. And now the bitch’s girlfriend is saying we don’t deserve our dog, who we rescued and spent two years training her and caring for her. 
The housemate had done zero to help care for our dog. She was left in charge of our dog for about 12 hours as my sister and I were both out of the house. She didn’t feed, nor water our dog in that time. 
So try to come for our dog and enjoy being arrested. That bitch of a housemate couldn’t care for her properly. She never bought or even offered to buy food when my dogs food ran out. Never refilled her water dish. My dog would probably die of neglect if left with them.
Bitch of a housemate thinks that doing dishes ‘a lot’ during the first like two months of living in the house meant she didn’t have to do dishes ever again. She also threw a fit if she had to do dishes ‘that weren’t hers’ but the other three of us had to do hers all the time? 
She never vacuumed or mopped the kitchen. I basically did that the entire time.
Cleaned the upstairs bathroom once, when her girlfriend was coming up the first time. The rest of the year? Me and my sister. She maybe took the bathroom trash out twice in the year we lived there?
And as we were moving out, bitch housemate and girlfriend never helped clean the house. Hell, they were still taking shit out to their storage unit the day we were supposed to leave. My sister and I spent two days scrubbing base boards, taking trash out, shampooing carpet, and they couldn’t fucking mop the kitchen floor.
So I’m glad I got to move out and leave them. It’s been a year of shit that caused me to have no respect for her anymore. A girlfriend of four months has no clue what a year with her was like. 
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kitkait080 · 6 years
Kids these days who think that being a bard is just about swinging swords and playing lutes disgust me. Where’s the pizzazz? The showmanship? The seduction??
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kitkait080 · 6 years
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Decided to redo my very first AH pic, all of 4 years ago. xD Prolly not the best showcase of art improvement, seeing as tho it’s hella hard to fit 10 people in the same space as 6 fit before.
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