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[ 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙩𝙝 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘪𝘵'𝘴 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦 . ]
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
what is your character arc ?  /  corruption arc
so. you got worse. and i'm not entirely sure i can blame you for it. maybe it was in you all along, hidden and waiting, or maybe someone planted it in you and watched it grow. either way, it's there now and you hold it in your fist like a second heart - this blood, this hunger, this thrill of having teeth and using them. perhaps you are right to. you are a mirror for the hardness of the world, and a mirror that we could all stand to look in more often. it's hard to watch the bleeding bring about more blood, but it is undeniable that you are very good at wounding.
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tagged by :  stolen from @wolvyn​​ (hahaha) tagging :  you!!
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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𝘓𝘖𝘖𝘒 𝘈𝘛 𝘠𝘖𝘜, 𝘕𝘖𝘞 𝘓𝘖𝘖𝘒 𝘈𝘛 𝘔𝘌,  𝙃𝙊𝙒 𝙔𝙊𝙐 𝙇𝙄𝙆𝙀 𝙏𝙃𝘼𝙏 ??    —   a fandomless original character a.k.a. an examination of fame, greed, and paranoia. independent and selective, powered by tess.  (insp.)
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
doesn’t like being called pooly .
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    ❝ 𝐈  𝐇𝐀𝐃  𝐀  𝐅𝐄𝐖  𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑  𝐂𝐎𝐎𝐋  𝐉𝐎𝐊𝐄𝐒 ,  𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐄  𝐎𝐍 - ❞  words  died  on  the  tip  of  his  tongue ,  arms  crossed  over  chest ,  chin  raised  with  masked  eyes  narrowed .  ❝ it’s  no  fun  when  weird  names  are  used  on  ME .  My  name’s  DEADPOOL .  Not  Deathpool ,  not  Deathstroke  or  Deadshot ,  𝙽𝙾𝚃  𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙻𝚈 .  𝙳𝙴𝙵𝙸𝙽𝙸𝚃𝙴𝙻𝚈  𝙽𝙾𝚃  𝙿𝙾𝙾𝙻𝚈 . ❞  a  shake  of  his  head  now .  ‘  there  was  no  need  to  be  so  rude  to  us -  that  hurts .  ‘  ❝ just  because  YOU  have  no  sense  of  humour  doesn’t  mean  that  my  jokes  aren’t  funny ,  asshole . ❞
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fighting every urge to not roll his eyes... — wait. there they go. sorry, he can’t help it.  “ i have a sense of humour, okay? ”  he shakes his head, both at the other and at himself (out of disbelief that the best retort he could come with is childish denial).  “ look, if we want to work together, we need to put aside our differences. that includes... not making fun of each others’ names. if i promise not to call you pooly, will you stop making jokes about my old name and call me jet instead? ”  what’s so hard about his name that people just can’t let go of his codename?
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
wanda maximoff .
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HE  ALWAYS  SEEMED  TO  HAVE  THE  ENERGY  TO  GO.    her  hand  slipped  into  his  and  squeezed  it  and  rose  to  her  feet.    eyes  looked  down  at  him,  giving  his  palm  a  squeeze    ❝    are  you  going  to  let  me  get  ready  first?    ❞        she  asked  as  she  bent  her  knee  to  rest  it  against  the  couch  he  sat  on.  IT  WAS  ALWAYS  SO  TEMPTING  TO  FALL  INTO  HIM.    despite  the  walls,  his  eyes  made  it  tricky.      ❝    i  can’t  go  out  in  these  jeans.    these  are  inside  jeans.      ❞    
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“ you already look beautiful. ”  his answer slips out a little too fast. perhaps, he should’ve given it a bit more buffer — too minimise the risk of sounding too eager. quick, quick! say something to make it less awkward.  “ just saying your inside jeans look nice already, it’d be a shame if they only see use at home. ”  does that sound better? maybe not. and even if he tries to convince her such, she’ll get her way. he always gives into her. he sighs. might as well cut through the dance.  “ alright, you win. don’t take too long, okay? — not if we want to make dinner. ”
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
freddie dawson .
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“ i’m not staring ”, she said, staring. though it could hardly be ascribed to rudeness, honestly —— if you wanna blame her for anything, blame her for an excess of caution. [ maybe just a tad bit genuine interest, too, ‘cause she’s starting to see it —— that he’s not exactly, one hundred percent like the others, or at least her idea of the others ]. “ i’m keeping an eye on you. there’s a DIFFERENCE. ” well, semantics aren’t exactly her forte, but she won’t make an apology: the way she sees it, he should be grateful she even lets him hang around the bar, still. yet — the faintest trace of amusement touches her smirk next. “ i’m just trying to figure out how creatively you’re gonna screw up my life in the near future, really. i’d just like to be prepared ”.
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“ and that’s supposed to make me feel better? ”  a snort followed by a scoff.  “ i’m actually scared that ‘keeping an eye on you’ might involve stalking. ”  but, for some odd reason, he appreciates her apprehensiveness in a way that a lot of people lately have been too trusting. people could stand to be more vigilant. their naivety and hopefulness — while endearing at times — can border on slightly suffocating. placing all of their trust and safety on supes? don’t they know some supes are unreliable?  “ relax. i’m not gonna screw up your future. i don’t do that unless you give me a reason to. so, stop staring, before i start plotting your demise. ”  he tilts his head back as he finishes his drink.  “ the people you should be paying attention are your patrons, especially the drunker ones. ”
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
am alive !!!
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
evelyn cohen .
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cool  derision  flares  her  nostrils ,   flicks  at  the  arch  of  her  brow .   evelyn  can see  no  benefit  to  pretense  /  absolutely  nothing  to  gain  from  treating  this  arrangement  as  anything  other  than  what  it  is :  a  temporary  inconvenience .   but  jet  sommer  has  made  a  career  of  being  a  liar ,  from  stage  audiences  to  staged  heroics ,  so  perhaps  it’s  only  natural  that  he  should  find  comfort  in  the  pretend  [  what  a  waste  ] .   only  she  is  not  here  to  provide  comfort ,  &  the  sound  of  his  chuckle  is  enough  to  stir  the  ire  deep  in  her  belly .     ❝     i  don’t  find  you  worth  the  effort .     ❞    
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“ not gonna lie, that hurts, ”  he clicks his tongue.  “ here i am making the effort when you don’t even bother, but — sure, we’ll have a fun time during the mission. being at each other’s throats just adds another level of excitement, doesn’t it? ” yet, despite their antagonism, they make a good team. good in the sense that they are efficient in getting the job done. their powers, in contrast to their dynamic, oddly compatible. their intellect, strong. there’s no denying that both of them are professionals who are willing to tolerate each other for the sake of work.  “ so where are we off to first? ‘cause i may or may not have heard some rumblings at a bar downtown. ”
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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“ alright, pooly. ”  fine. jet sommer is a hypocrite. maybe his retaliation is as childish as the other’s name-calling. still, jet attempts to play it cool, pretend as if the nickname hadn’t bothered him. but he couldn’t help slightly grimacing. a small warning —  “ enough with the boom boom jokes. ”  that’s always been a touchy subject for him. a codename thrusted upon him courtesy of his parents and their desire to make a marketable hero. no attempt he’s done in shedding off that name has worked (doesn’t help that he might be slightly guilty of capitalising on it when money is tight).  “ your jokes aren’t funny, anyway. ”
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@douchepool​​​​​   /   s.c.
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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“ look not everyone got a PhD. ”  god, he hates not being the smartest in the room. blame it on his ego. his only comfort is that a random person wouldn’t come up to you on the streets and start questioning you about this whole mumbo-jumbo. on the bright side, he could walk away from this knowing more about astrophysics — then he could be that annoying random person.  “ so, could you speak slower or ... i don’t know? speak to me like i’m five? ”
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@euphoriabled​​​ (darcy lewis!)  /   s.c.
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
shrek .
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‘those’re some pretty fancy powers y’got there, pal,’ large hands land at his waist. ‘please tell me yer not one’a those magic fairytale folk. i can’t deal with all that again,’     @kineticplay​.
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his emotion is a mixture of amusement and confusion.  “ don’t worry. i ain’t one of ‘em, ”  questions are on the tip of his tongue. he shoves his hands into his pockets.  “ what? you got bad experiences with them? ”
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
whoop. hey y’all. i’ve been doing some volunteer work hence my inactivity. hopefully, i’ll be able to write here soon!!!
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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he should’ve expected no less. freddie dawson hates him and there’s nothing he can do in this world to change that. besides, screw it, he doesn’t need others’ validation. (his image, on the other hand, that’s what matters.)  still, having a tiny woman glare at you — staring daggers without so much as a reason — is uncomfortable under any circumstances. “ could you stop staring at me like i murdered someone? ” he has a feeling the word ‘yet’ is on the tip of her tongue. he’ll make no effort to correct her, because he knows her stubbornness will impact her ability to reason.
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@stfreds​​​   /   s.c.
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
𝐋𝐎𝐔𝐃  &  𝐃𝐄𝐀𝐅𝐄𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐒𝐈𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄    (a  series  of  nonverbal  prompts .    ‘ my ’ muse  belongs  to  the  one who  posted  the  meme  -  send   “ + REVERSE ”   to  reverse  the  prompts .)
→     𝐈 .    GENERAL
❛   hush .   raise  a  finger  in  a  gesture  to  silence  my  muse . ❛   sit .  gesture  for  my  muse  to  sit  down . ❛   door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse . ❛   tap .   tap  my  muse  on  the  shoulder  to  garner  their  attention . ❛   hunger .   give  my  muse  something  to  eat  /  drink . ❛   cook .   present  my  muse  with  home - cooked  food . ❛   brush .   work  a  brush  /  comb  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   read .   silently  read  a  book  alongside  my  muse . ❛   hand .   hold  out  a  hand  for  my  muse  to  take . ❛   dressed .   help  my  muse  put  on  an  article  of  clothing . ❛   note .   give  my  muse  a  note  saying :   [ content ] . ❛   amplify .   turn  up  the  music  in  the  car .
→     𝐈𝐈 .    ANGST
❛   patch .   help  my  muse  patch  up  a  wound . ❛   night terrors .   hold  my  muse  after  they  wake  up  from  a  nightmare . ❛   company .   silently  sit  with  my  muse  to  comfort  them. ❛   hospital .   my  muse  is  told  that  yours  is  in  the  hospital . ❛   revelation .   show  my  muse  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ❛   indulge .   find  my  muse  drinking  to  cope . ❛   downfall .   find  my  muse  collapsed  on  the  ground . ❛   console .   comfort  my  muse  as  they  cry . ❛   nurse .   give  my  muse  company  in  the  hospital .
❛   wink .   wink  at  my  muse . ❛   wrap .   wrap  an  arm  around  my  muse’s  [ shoulders  /  waist ] . ❛   caress .   gently  caress  my  muse’s  face . ❛   tousle .   mess  playfully  with  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   chest .   place  your  head  on  my  muse’s  chest .   ❛   comb .   comb  fingers  through  my  muse’s  hair . ❛   grasp .   run  to  my  muse  &  jump  into  their  arms . ❛   lean .   lean  on  my  muse’s  shoulder . ❛   tender .   kiss  my  muse  on  the  [ forehead  /  cheek  /  nose ] . ❛   abrupt .   kiss  my  muse  out  of  the  blue . ❛   chaste .   chastely  kiss  my  muse . ❛   good morning .   kiss  my  muse  the  morning  after . ❛   volumes .   gaze  at  my  muse  in  a  way  that  silently  says  ‘i love you’ .
→    𝐈𝐕 .    VIOLENT
❛   strike .   [ slap / punch ]  my muse in the face . ❛   gun .   wield  a  gun  at  my  muse . ❛   twist .   twist  my  muse’s  arm  behind  their  back . ❛   throttle .   aggressively  wrap  your  hands  around  my  muse’s  throat . ❛   parch .   burn  my  muse  with  a  hot  object . ❛   take down .   forcefully  bring  my  muse  to  the  ground . ❛   gouge .   wield  a  sharp  object  at  my  muse . ❛  shunt .   shove  my  muse  backwards . ❛  stickup .   yell  at  my  muse  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air. ❛  shoot .   [ fatally  /  non-fatally ]   shoot  my  muse . ❛  stab .   stab  my  muse with a  [ knife / other object ].
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
wanda maximoff .
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THEY  HAD  LEARNED  HOW  TO  BE  COMFORTABLE.    wanda  was  sunk  into  a  lavish  red  chair,  curled  up  with  a  book  in  her  lap  with  her  fingers  in  her  messy  black  hair.    when  the  script  was  dramatically  thrown,  wanda  jumped  to  look  at  him.        ❝      are  you  completely  positive?    i  refuse  to  listen  to  you  complain  about  negative  feedback.    ❞        as  she  spoke,  she  pulled  off  a  pair  of  readers  and  placed  them  on  top  of  her  head.  
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a whine escapes his lips, like a stubborn puppy refuting its owner’s scolding. yet, his answer is resolute.  “ positive. ”  he’s acted this for almost two decades; being in front of the camera is practically second nature. and if all goes wrong, he’ll improvise something on the spot. simple.  “ i process criticism well, so i won’t complain. i swear. ”  he pulls her to her feet  —  “ c’mon, let’s go. ”  —  as if he’s mere moments from whisking her away.  “ before they close. then, we can go to this new speakeasy i heard of. ”
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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there’s something inhumane about what he’s doing — and it’s quite telling when his broken moral compass is telling him such. his inner conscience is begging him to stay out, but his inner greed tells him what he’s going to do is no worse than what he’s done. what’s it gonna be, jet?  “ you like it out here? ”  he asks.  “ it’s been a while since you got out. you good? ”
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@wxrldkiller​​   /   s.c.​
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
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he wonders what kind of reputation he possess around the esteemed ‘x-mansion’... especially considering the fact that his parents — well — lied about him being a mutant. (hell, it’s completely possible that they saw right through the ruse. their mentor is a telepath, after all.)  “ so, ”  he begins; never one for teams, he feels the slightest bit silly asking the question.  “ have you guys ever considered me for the x-men? ”
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@euphoriabled​​  (kitty pryde!)   /   s.c.
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kineticplay · 4 years ago
i wanna thank @nostlgic for making me icons and singlehandedly reviving my muse. *wiggles wildly*
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