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thomas-keen · 4 years ago
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The Hollywood Reporter,  On Eve of Oscars, 'Zero Dark Thirty's' Jessica Chastain Is Finally Able to Relax.
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asynjja · 4 years ago
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          I think my only hope in this terrible life of mine is to know that you sense that I remember you and love you like nothing else in the world ―   Nikos Kazantzakis, from a letter to Galatea Kazantzaki.   ft. @stfreds
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indizien-a · 3 years ago
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          𝐒𝐔𝐂𝐂𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐒𝐍𝐄𝐀𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐎𝐍𝐄’𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐖 𝐈𝐒 𝐀 𝐒𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋𝐘 𝐀𝐂𝐐𝐔𝐈𝐑𝐄𝐃.   He’d know,   he’s done it frequently enough.   And they’re both good at it,   almost doesn’t want to intervene when Fred and Astoria tiptoe to where the car’s USUALLY stood ――   but it’s not there   and he knows because he’s heard the door fall shut an hour earlier.   Assumes it’s something related to work,   but as long as Moa’s absence means he gets to enjoy a drink and a CIGARETTE on the patio with no one scolding him,   he doesn’t bother to worry.   Green eyes watch his counterparts with clandestine amusement,   voice only speaking up when the absence of transportation is discovered.      “ Weren’t both of you grounded last week? ”     His grin is impish,   barely hidden behind the smoke he exhales.     “ There’s nothing going on in Haven tonight, anyway. ”
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@stfreds​ + @carelessgraces​,   surprise teen!thread !!!
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kryetara · 3 years ago
while  the  crusades  rage  on,     FRED  comes  to  find  IRA  disillusioned  in  the  dead  of  night.      featuring @stfreds​ .
                      POMEGRANATE  SEEDS  CHOKE  BETWEEN  HIS  FINGER  TIPS,       spitting burning red poetry on otherwise coarse skin,     weathered from decades of unending warfare.        he,   too,    is weathered,    a man eroded by the dust of time immemorial;     it is under an honest and unfailing moonlight that he sits,     in the encroaching mercy of,     imploring a sky adorned in sparkling pin-pricks of stars for answers to the questions he perhaps dare not voice aloud.      for in some sense to simply speak them is to make them real,     to attend focus on the misery they speak of.      severin has been gone for years now.       as sweet as the thought of the man may once have been to him,     the red rose stem harbours an unholy secret,     and much as though the thin,    watery juice is in truth that of ripe fruit,     an insightful eye may consider it     blood,     and may consider the seeds to,   instead,    be    thorns.
an ache lingers cruelly in the base of his stomach,     though for it,     the  usurped prince  has no such appetite to speak of.      he lets the seeds spill on the earth beneath him,      limp and lifeless.      what a waste,     he will consider briefly.      though will continue to crush them,      one by one.        he may take the remainder of the white flesh and squeeze it together in the maw of one merciless,     God-fearing hand,      should the need for something more tangible arise.     bright drops of vermilion colour drip from his finger tips and stain the limestone step,     like some glorified offering to the heavens above.       this is when he feels he is no longer alone.
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a short glance to his side confirms the suspicion that had reared itself;      at the very least,     the copper tresses of fred’s hair may inspire some repose,     if simply to get the silent,     grizzled wolf to speak.    while his attention may return on the seeds,      “  i couldn’t sleep, ”         ira admits.      the usually brass contours of his voice seem burnt to a crisp under the unending heat of the west asian sun.     how irreparably cruel it is for a man so devoted to the Lord to sit upon his saintly doorstep,     to at last take root in the Holy Land,     and yet to feel further from Him than ever before.         “  ...   i needed some air.  ”
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corpatrem · 4 years ago
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              “ you keep sighin’ any louder and i’m gonna think the air conditioner is on the fritz again. ” peter doesn’t look up from his newspaper, sitting at one of the tables in the bar. he licks his thumb, turning another page and looking more interested in the newspaper than he was at the redhead behind the bar. “ if you’re that upset, why don’t y’g’wan and take the night off?”
@stfreds​ | her dad knows whats up.
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kalixus · 4 years ago
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🤷🤷🤷 ft. @stfreds
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cvstaways · 3 years ago
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                      𝐀𝐃𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐃𝐋𝐘, 𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐈𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐒 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐕𝐄𝐍 𝐁𝐘 𝐏𝐈𝐓𝐘.   the feeling grows to be a familiar fiend the more you live without remembering your age by the decade  ,  but rather  ,  by the century.    the woman he sat in front of was a little more than a stranger but much lesser than an acquaintance  ,  the one commonality they had?  vampyrs.  a specific one , at that. the average   “ vampire ”   was of western descendant  ,  the famed draculas and nosferatus.  nothing like the   vampyrs   that amadeus had been trying to avoid for centuries now.  but no , life wouldn’t be that simple  —  life was unkind and unfair to those who lived for the green grass and the bright sides. 
                       he sat in an old diner with fred because she was a favorite of one of ever’s kin. anyone with his blood and lineage was bound for a pitfall , the most painful of deaths at the very hand of he who thought he was god.  chief executive officer of a pharmaceutical and wellness brand ,  before that he was head of an advertising firm , and before that he was a headmaster at a boarding school  . . .  it goes on.  his name never left the spotlight.  the pattern wasn’t difficult to pick out.  he was not the strongest vampyr in existence , but his mind played tricks like the nine-tailed spirits. 
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                       but amadeus didn’t know much more than that.  well , now he knew that she was quite fond of classic american food.  he was never fond of meatloaf , the mere sound of it was revolting.  but she looked a little more comfortable than earlier  ,  a little more at peace  ( if she had any to begin with  ).    “  i have to admit ,  ”  he washed down mashed potatoes with a sip of ginger ale.   “  —  i’m still not sure what i can do for you.  ”   typical of sonni to hear of these things ,  new favorites  , strays to take in to the cabin in the forest.    “   in fact , i’ve been avoiding their kind for as long as i can remember.  ”
                       he looked up with a gentle glance  ,  the gentle laziness of the tiger never left him.  to those who knew him well , they knew he meant no harm.  but not many were comfortable with that kind of eye contact with a predator.   nevertheless ,  he looked at her with as much gentility as he could conjure.   “   how did you get mixed up with vampyres , fred?   ” 
                                                 〉             𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐅𝐑𝐄𝐃  , @stfreds​​​ .
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hiraethusa · 3 years ago
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    ❝   oi, i need the keys.   ❞   it was like playing the worst game of hide and seek depending on which sibling last drove.  she seemingly never clued into the fact he leaves them in a very specific place on the kitchen counter,  and so he’s the one who has to tear apart the house to find them.   some things never change with them.   now cal stands in the hallway in front of her,  hand held out expectantly.   ❝   i’m taking the truck today. already called dibs so hand ‘em over.   ❞   he swears if fred tries to backtrack on her agreement from last night.   perhaps in another life,  a better one,  they’d had two cars and didn’t have to bicker like this.   but this was how they worked:  side by side,  together,  more often than not colliding into one another.   /   @stfreds​ gets stupid sibling shenanigans <3
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redruined · 3 years ago
@stfreds​ gets the BFF
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“whose ass you gotta kick to get a beer around here?” it had been four long months away from his favorite little hole in the wall while he tied up some loose ends and while he wouldn’t be admitting it to fred, the bar was the first place he’d come after getting back into town. so he wanted to see a friendly face, sue him. he was pretty sure he deserved it after all the shit he’d just been through and essentially coming out of retirement for a brief period. another thing he wouldn’t be telling the redhead. not until she got a couple of drinks in him, at least.
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softersinned · 3 years ago
@stfreds said: “ meh, go fuck yourself. ” ❤️
It’s a perfectly appropriate response to a near-stranger insulting your carpeting, and so Astoria can’t even pretend to be offended. What a way to wake up, hungover and on an unfamiliar couch, with a woman who very well might be the ghost of Christmas future come to warn you away from breaking up with further fiancés, without anyone to recommend a different color rug. Astoria decides then and there that she likes her. Freddie Dawson, bartender extraordinaire, savior of the tequila-drunk and the hopeless. If anyone else had picked her up it could have been horrifying news, and instead, she got bundled up in a blanket and given somewhere safe to rest. 
          And so she decides that she likes her, this Fred woman, and that they’re going to be friends. That’s enough to have Astoria lowering herself gingerly into the chair across from Fred at the kitchen table, and in that moment she thinks she really could cry at the unbelievable kindness of this woman rescuing her and taking care of her like this. “For all you know, I could have been an axe murderer. A really drunk axe murderer, but still. Do you make a habit of this? Picking up weirdo strays and bringing them home and just, like, hoping they aren’t axe murderers?”
          She sighs, and she runs a hand through her hair, wincing at the tangles she finds there. If she squints, she thinks Fred could almost be her sister; Astoria’s hair is darker, but their eyes are similar colors, she thinks. Their jaws are different, but when they smile, it looks close. If either of her parents were the philandering sort she’d be on the phone with them now, asking questions. Instead, she swallows hard and she picks up the bagel set aside for her, lightly toasted, plain so as not to upset her already upset stomach. 
          With a sigh, she shrugs one shoulder, and she answers the question Fred had asked the night before. “I ended things with my fiancé. Well, no. He ended things with me. He ended things with me because I realized this wasn’t going to work and so I made myself absolutely unbearable and I haven’t cried, yet. That’s the sort of thing you should cry about, isn’t it? We were together for four years and I honest to god don’t think anyone’s ever going to love me that much again. So, I flew three thousand miles and got fucked up in your bar. That’s what’s going on. Since when you asked last night I was too drunk to do anything but tell you that you should be a hand model and that your hair was like sunshine.” She shrugs again, takes another bite. “I’m Astoria, by the way. Did I tell you my name before getting stupid?”
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vinylwords · 4 years ago
@stfreds​ sent:  “ sometimes i get so fucking tired. ”  /  poetry starters, accepting
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it was late, it had turned into THEIR thing, the usual. staying late at the bar, chatting, drinking, doing his new FAVORITE thing: enjoying her company. the words struck him, it didn’t matter how much they talked, that sense of familirity, of having someone understand, always seemed to hit hm hard.
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he takes a deep breath, his eyes fully set on her as a soft smile begins to curl on his lips. “ i KNOW. it’s like-- things get heavy, and it makes everything so much more difficult. ” there’s a pause, and the smile on his lips curls even more. “ perhaps... a nice weekend off, with me bothering you the entire time could help with that? ”
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asynjja · 3 years ago
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posted as per @stfreds explicit’s order and titled ‘ a normal day ’
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indizien-a · 4 years ago
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can’t be upset or exhausted when thinking abt zhaokeen camping trips, right @stfreds​
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carelessgraces · 4 years ago
@stfreds​​​ said: ‘ she’s coming. the woman. the small, angry penguin woman. ’ ( hello new name for Astoria on Fred's phone ) ( derry girls sentence starters | accepting )
She looks up at the words before lowering her face into her hands again, her head pounding, her mouth dry. “That’s a nun, you fucking degenerate. Do they not have nuns in Texas? Or did you move out to the West Coast and decide you could be as lawless and godless as you want? Good morning, Sister Agnes,” she adds, raising her head again as the nun passes. Californian nuns are something else, she’s decided. She and Sister Agnes always chat over breakfast while Fred watches warily, and it’s rarely Astoria saying anything remotely shocking. “Beautiful day, isn’t it?” 
     Sister Agnes scoffs and lets out a booming laugh. “Beautiful day for a hangover, you mean,” she corrects. “Does Father Michael know you drink that much on a Tuesday?” And Astoria’s so thoroughly shamed by it that she doesn’t say a word while their new company orders her coffee and slips out of the diner. 
     Fred, in a galling show of Fred-ness, looks smug. “I’m the degenerate?” she drawls, and Astoria offers up a gesture that she wouldn’t dare make in front of a woman of God. It’s good to have a conversation that doesn’t make her want to cry, even if it’s Fred being mean, but Fred did offer her a couch and a place to rest her head when Astoria had called, voice thick and hands shaking, to say, We broke up. I just feel empty. 
     “Lick rust,” Astoria groans, and Fred drops a kiss to the top of her head. “God. What a week. Worst breakup of my life, and now you’re meaner than I am. Everything’s upside down. I hate it.” 
     Fred falls silent for a moment, and then says, voice careful, “It’ll be okay. You’re going to fall in love again.”
     But she only looks up at Fred, at her sweet face and her warm eyes and the worry that she’s hiding there, and when Astoria shakes her head, Fred doesn’t look surprised. This one was different. Is different. There’s no going back from this. “I’m really not,” Astoria says, sounding pained. “He’s it, Fred, and I fucked it up. And now Sister Agnes knows I can’t hold my tequila. And I don’t know where to go if he’s home, and I can’t go back.” 
     The only thing worse than Fred being meaner than her is Fred being kind. Astoria feels an arm snake around her, and she leans into Fred without waiting for an invitation. “You come here,” she says quietly. “That’s it. That’s what you do. You find me, and we figure it out.” 
     They eat breakfast in a companionable silence, Fred’s arm tight around her shoulders.
     ( For all her willingness to make Astoria’s life more difficult, Fred says nothing when they get back to the apartment and Astoria tugs Fred after her to the couch and can only fall asleep with her head on Fred’s shoulder, a gentle hand around hers. )
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lupinzapezit · 4 years ago
@stfreds​ said:    “   the   best   way   to   solve   problems   is   to   create   more   problems   until   you   are   dead  .   ”   /   wolfpupy tweets,  accepting.
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    he had been zoning in and out of conversation with her,  intermittent crashes coming from the kitchen while fred frets about.   alpine and cat were both contorted to fit on the couch next to him, staying well away from the chaos.   he wasn’t even sure of the reason she had decided to venture in there,  both of them knowing quite well that her cooking skills left much to be desired (and she didn’t argue when he said that).   eventually she poked her head around the corner to admit that she had made a mess of his kitchen while trying to clean,  prompting him to ask why she had even bothered in the first place.   leading to the comment about solving problems.   a chuckle rumbled in his chest as he sat up from his awkward position on the couch,  dark hair spilling out from the half hearted bun he’d tied it back in.  ❝    you know what... i can’t really argue with that.   ❞    thoughts idly drifted to the big with a capital B moments in his life.   getting drafted,  falling from the train,  pulling steve from the river.   all stacking problems in the hopes that he’d simply die and never have to deal with the fallout.   it was just a joke but his smile in response doesn’t quite reach his eyes.
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kalixus · 3 years ago
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“   is she dead ?   ”
                       “  i’m working on it.   ”
“   ilias  . . .  mate.   jesus  ,  did you fall in love with her or sum’mit ?  ”
                       “  i said that i’m working o——   ”
“    you can’t do it  ,  that’s why you’re here.   oh  ,  you fucking idiot.  ”
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