Writings and Musings
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I write for fun. That being said, feel free to ask for fandom stuff, too. age:22, pronouns: they/them, major: tired main: @socialfailure
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kaywrites33 · 10 months ago
I have never pictured myself as a mother, as a parent.
I never wanted children never saw myself as a nurturing figure. 
And yet
I’m an enigma of one
Two that were lost to an unfertile body
I don’t know what you’d be like, whether you’d be like me
Growing up with noses stuck in books, laughing on a volleyball court,
 playing with Hot Wheels more than dolls 
Or, like your father
An instrument in your hands, a video game controller when you’re not playing music to my ears, a football game every Friday night 
I don’t know what I would have been like as a mother, or how well I would have done compared to my own mother.
But I do think I would have liked to meet you two, my angel children.
Happy Mother's Day to those who didn't get the chance,
Happy Sunday to those with mothers like mine
Happy Mother's Day to those with their rainbow babies safe in their arms.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
I got to hold a 500,000 year old hand axe at the museum today.
It's right-handed
I am right-handed
There are grooves for the thumb and knuckle to grip that fit my hand perfectly
I have calluses there from holding my stylus and pencils and the gardening tools.
There are sharper and blunter parts of the edge, for different types of cutting, as well as a point for piercing.
I know exactly how to use this to butcher a carcass.
A homo erectus made it
Some ancestor of mine, three species ago, made a tool that fits my hand perfectly, and that I still know how to use.
Who were you
A man? A woman? Did you even use those words?
Did you craft alone or were you with friends? Did you sing while you worked?
Did you find this stone yourself, or did you trade for it? Was it a gift?
Did you make it for yourself, or someone else, or does the distinction of personal property not really apply here?
Who were you?
What would you think today, seeing your descendant hold your tool and sob because it fits her hands as well?
What about your other descendant, the docent and caretaker of your tool, holding her hands under it the way you hold your hands under your baby's head when a stranger holds them.
Is it bizarre to you, that your most utilitarian object is now revered as holy?
Or has it always been divine?
Or is the divine in how I am watching videos on how to knap stone made by your other descendants, learning by example the way you did?
Tomorrow morning I am going to the local riverbed in search of the appropriate stones, and I will follow your example.
The first blood spilled on it will almost certainly be my own, as I learn the textures and rhythm of how it's done.
Did you have cuss words back then? Gods to blaspheme when the rock slips and you almost take your thumbnail off instead? Or did you just scream?
I'm not religious.
But if spilling my own blood to connect with a stranger who shared it isn't partaking in the divine
I don't know what is.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
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Devin Kelly, All that wanting, right?
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
got a gun and you're too scared to use it
got a heart but you're afraid to prove it
a real mess you've made
get yourself out and ease this pain
find a way to fix this mess
a way to ease this constant stress
as long as you try your best
if you can find what you have left
it'll see you through
it'll see you through
i will see you there
i will see you there
where the sun hits your eyes
warms you from the inside
i will see you there
always there
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
It’s so weird whenever i see a writer or poet say they don’t read other people’s work because they don’t want their style to be influenced like huh art is a buffet and eating a lot of different foods is only going to make your own cooking better and more interesting baby stop falling for the trap of ‘originality’ you’ll end up just bland and repetitive and boring
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
it cuts my head in half
cuts in and snuffs out
a few cards short of
a rusted steel elevator
cuts the lights in half
but nobody is home
chattering around the frame
and nobody is home
where one door closes
another one opens
flitting around in frame
with cut and frozen headlights
where one door closes
a trap door opens
and i always fall for it
i always fall for it
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
glow in the dark stars stuck to the ceiling
sticking your head very far out the window
finding the right veins in the right places
placing faith in a strange future
strangers holding you closer than friends
closer still to the yellow line
still frantic and perfectly contained
perfectly frantic and still repeating
this is a good life this is a good life
this is the good stuff for good people
and you hear the dogs howling
(if only you could hear the dogs howling)
as you hear the dogs howling
(if only you could hear the dogs howling)
as you drown these useless strays
(if only you could hear yourself)
as you finally slip away
(if only you could see yourself)
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
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a hill by Frank O'Hara
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
Please elaborate in the tags if you want to. I'm really curious about what the relationship with their own "bad" art is like for other people.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
slipping through chambers
wandering aimlessly
wandering stars
sunlit clouds in moonless nights
lights in travellers clothes
precipitated ploys
touchless tasteless twist twist twist
clean condensed and diffused
smoke in every hallway
and fog pours from the floor
ceaseless and sourceless
wet and electric
wandering alleys
slipping through walls
pronouncing holes
sharpening corners
hollow rooms for harrowed places
(empty rooms for you)
and you hear about days passing
and you hear a lot about nothing
doors that lead to themselves
the house is a revolver
and the floor shifts in place
and the laugh track starts to play
and you can't go home
not even close
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
Emotional unavailability doesn't respond to your emotional needs or cues. 
I feel these things still. 
Despite the scars running through my heart, making every beat hurt, I still feel.
An emotionally unavailable person has persistent difficulty expressing or handling emotions and getting emotionally close to others.
I feel.
I see.
What causes a person to be emotionally unavailable?
I see people who hurt me try once again to get close
I see people who only have the potential to hurt me try to get close.
I hold them at arm's distance, hoping it keeps them from hurting me. 
Emotional unavailability may also develop due to experience in past relationships.
I hold my scar-ridden heart close to my lungs, and I breathe in these walls I have built with the hurt people, people I had thought were mine inflicted on me.
Often, those who have experienced infidelity or gaslighting are fearful or hypervigilant in future relationships, causing them to protect their emotions so they don't get hurt again.
Do emotionally unavailable fall in love?
My scarred heart, my scared heart still beats for you.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
Emotional unavailability doesn't respond to your emotional needs or cues. 
I feel these things still. 
Despite the scars running through my heart, making every beat hurt, I still feel.
An emotionally unavailable person has persistent difficulty expressing or handling emotions and getting emotionally close to others.
I feel.
I see.
What causes a person to be emotionally unavailable?
I see people who hurt me try once again to get close
I see people who only have the potential to hurt me try to get close.
I hold them at arm's distance, hoping it keeps them from hurting me. 
Emotional unavailability may also develop due to experience in past relationships.
I hold my scar-ridden heart close to my lungs, and I breathe in these walls I have built with the hurt people, people I had thought were mine inflicted on me.
Often, those who have experienced infidelity or gaslighting are fearful or hypervigilant in future relationships, causing them to protect their emotions so they don't get hurt again.
Do emotionally unavailable fall in love?
My scarred heart, my scared heart still beats for you.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
It’s getting bad again. 
It feels like I've fallen from where I was
A dark hole with a light at the end of the tunnel 
I never seem to reach that light, but it feels farther than it has
A dark, lonely hole
I know I have my people, but they seem just as far as that light
This place isn’t new to me. 
In fact, it’s probably more comfortable curled up down here than it is when I try to climb
Than, when I try to heal
Than, when I try to claw my way out of my own walls built of hurt
I hate myself a little that this dark hole of spirling thoughts is more comfortable than climbing.
But soon, I’ll pick myself up off of the dirt, the floor of this hole, and try again to climb up to the light.
To try to climb up off the dirt moistened with my tears up towards my friends', my people’s voices
To try again to heal the hurt that permeates my flesh, reaching toward a light I feel I’ve never reached.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
Abandonment issues: a form of anxiety that occurs when an individual has a strong fear of losing loved ones.
I think it began at my birth; after all, if the person who gave birth to me, the woman that picked me out, if neither of them wanted me, who would?
People with abandonment issues can have difficulties in relationships.
I sit in my truck at midnight in the parking lot and scream
And sob and scream and cry until my throat is so raw I can’t speak the next day.
I came back to a lab without either of my partners in it, but really, it’s your leaving that hurts, stings the most, and the boys, the men there, pat my shoulders and say, 
“We thought you knew they were leaving.” 
I hold back tears as I walk
Back rim rod straight
Down to the professor's office
I explain.
He gives me until noon the next day to do it, and by gods,
By the gods, I finish it running on the best fuel,
It is the next semester.
You are sitting in my lab, and I pivot, and take a diazepam and a hit of nicotine.
I know I should quit, but I can’t now
I walk in, music blaring in my ear
Find my seat
Pull out my notebook
I feel like I want to scream
You knew my history, I trusted you; even if we hadn’t been together at the time, 
I trusted you.
My back is towards you. 
And I can feel your eyes on me, but I still feel that sting of the lab empty of you.
So I ignore your eyes and act myself,
Act myself as if I don’t want to roll my chair over and tell you, 
You knew the deepest parts of me, and yet you still did that. How can you be so cruel?
Abandonment issues: a subjective emotional state in which people feel undesired, left behind, insecure, or discarded. People experiencing emotional abandonment may feel at a loss.
I am at a loss.
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
Healing hurts
Hurts like an itch under your skin, that you can't reach
Because it's been long enough, why do I still feel this?
I feel the healing wound like a bum knee on a rainy day, or like scar tissue when it's too dry
Hurts because that wound can reopen
Split open, months, years down the road
And when, not if, the scar tissue fails, you have to stay strong
Pour alcohol on it, stitch it up, and cover with gauze
Healing is a process, and it's something that hurts
But that doesn't mean it's not worth it
That those wounds, your scars, don't make you worth it
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kaywrites33 · 1 year ago
So I went to read the Kids Online Safety Act, thinking that it couldn't possibly be as bad as what people are making it out to be, I mean I'm a lawyer and expert in statutory interpretation, it can't be that bad, right?
Oh no. KOSA IS that bad. It will literally eradicate queer people online.
The bill says that a "covered platform" - broadly defined as "anything on the internet a minor might use" which is literally the entire fucking internet- has a "duty" to protect minors from anything that might harm them, including "sexual exploitation" and other undefined terms
It also gives state attorneys general the ability to sue to enforce it.
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So here's exactly what's gonna happen:
Wacko republicans, as they've been doing with increasing force this year and last, are going to sue any and every website in existence, saying that the mere existence of LGBT people online constitutes sexual abuse of minors. And websites are gonna be so afraid of not doing the most that they'll just axe all LGBT everything.
Like. Republicans have been calling all LGBT people groomers and child molesters for years. The lead Republican literally admitted this bill will be used to attack trans people.
This bill is BAD bad. I'm appalled that democrats are lining up behind what is clearly a republican Trojan horse to eradicate LGBT people from the entire internet.
Call your senator
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