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Before and after thinspo. Look carefully on their bodies after. They are fit, not bony. Being skinny and pretty is somethig way different than showing your ribs and spine. That is NOT pretty. Do NOT starve. Eat. Eat healthy, exercise and have a strong will. Do NOT say to yourself : I am ugly, I must not eat. Better say : I want to be prettier, and I want to have body I will be satisfied with.
You want to have pretty body, don't you? With starvation, you won't have it. Not eating means no minerals and vitamins, no pretty hair, no pretty skin, nails. Vomiting will totally destroy your teeth, and that is totally not pretty.
Stay fit, stay healthy, stay without eating disorder. That is the most sexiest thing. Because that way you can be proud of yourself. 
You can do it, i believe in you! :)
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Hey, I want to be skinny but I'm having a hard time sticking to anything, can you list all the reasons being thin is important for me? It would help so much 💖💖💖 love Bella
Hello!I think being thin is not the main part of thinspo. It is the idea to stay healthy, stay fit. i do not support bulimia or anorexia, those are very sirious illnesses and i do not think that starving is good way to stay thin. Reasons to stay thin? i do not know, everybody prefer something different somebody want to be thin because they want to be attractive for boys, somebody just want to fit into old favourite clothes, somebody just do not like his/hers fattnes or obesity. Being obese is not healthy..
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Before and after! Pretty impressive!
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