jooshua · 6 years
Did you see Joshua's "this one is for the fakes so shut the fuck up" and "pretty motherfucker"???? DEADEJSISJS
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jooshua · 7 years
Ur blog looks so pretty rn with the seungkwan gifs being the first thing cuz it’s all purple
aw thank you!! it definitely matches a little with my blog colors
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jooshua · 7 years
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jooshua · 7 years
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jooshua · 7 years
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jooshua · 7 years
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heart nyoom
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jooshua · 7 years
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Hi everyone! So my blog is technically about 2 years old, ignoring the fact that I remade it recently to be a main blog, and I’ve hit a follower milestone recently which has me beyond shook. Like????? I know I was on an hiatus due to regional exams for about an entire year and I’m extremely sorry about that and I just want to thank everyone that stuck with my blog despite that. I’m extremely grateful and I love you guys so much!
With that said, due to my blog being over 2 years and that I’ve hit a follower milestone, as you can see I’ve made a follow forever! Also my birthday is coming up next month so that is also a reason for this.
If I forget any blogs here I’m really sorry. Please forgive me I really didn’t mean to.
*mutuals are bolded (if we’re mutuals and I didn’t bold your name I apologize)
# - F
@12fools @17dad @17tvs @4wonhui @7teans @94wnd @95joshua @aceshua @adorehan @amemericans @angelyoons @beautifulshuas @blondshua @bodtster @boosonseok @cafewonwoo @cafewoozi @candycoups @caramelgyu @caratmemes @cheolshu @choicoups @cinnamingyu @delishua @doekyum @dokvung @doogii-pd @eggyyoon @flower-boy-jeonghan @ftwonwoo
H - K
@handsoap-vernon-chwe @hangsol @hannie-jars @hanwooz @holyvernon @honqjisoos @hoshijpg @hoshitv @httpxseventeen @i-wonwoo @icydays @indigyu @ioshuahong @jellybeanminghao @jeong-hanie @jeongahn/@jungahns @jeonghney @jeongshuas @jeonheart @jeonqhcn @jeonwuu @jooshua @junhoontrash @johshuas @joshsua @joshuji @junghan @junhan @junhui @junhwon @junsoymilk @kristian-do @kueonhoshi @kwontv
L - S
@lattejun @lleeseokmin @littlemingyu @livelovelunch @lovendletter @lseokmin @memeseoul @minghao-anti @minghaio @minghaou @mingiant @mintgu @minygu @mvnghaos @mvngyu @officialseungcheol @pabospoiler @peachuas​ @peachyerwin​​ @performanceunit @pledisseventeen @powerfulhoshi @seugcheol @sevuenteen @sir-wonwoo @smilingvernon @softgyu @soohuis @soonsyoung @soonynqs @soonyoungs @sunkissedhao @supersuperroa @svntean @swimmingfool 
T - Y
@threeunits @tswoondere @vernons-laugh-is-my-aesthetic @vernonymous @visual-17 @wongyuhan @wonwoo-senpai @wonnhao @wooziology @woozisbutt @wungyom @xuminghaos @xumnghao @yaboyjeonghan @yoonjunqhan 
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jooshua · 7 years
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Hi, guys! So I haven’t been celebrating any of the milestones I’ve reached, so maybe this could make up for that too! But, the main reason I’m making this follow forever is to mark a new start for this blog. It has changed a lot throughout it’s life, but I think this year has been a massive change especially. No more blue theme, no more Exo. It’s just BTS and SVT. Now I’ve lost a lot of followers due to that, and my follow count has been stuck on the same number for months now, but I don’t concentrate on the numbers anymore if I’m completely honest! I’ve actually begun to speak to you guys more, and it makes me happy making friends on or off anon! So here’s a follow forever so you can see the wonderful blogs who bless my dash with lovely content.  GAME: Guess whose hands these are! Only tags in reblogs count! Prize: a gfx request
mutuals faves friends*
@04ksj @17tvs @1honeysuga @@94seulqi @americanowithsuga @amotae @arontae @berribaek @blondshua @bokdeongeori @btees @bwemin @bwimint @cafewoozi @candycoups* @cappukkino* @caramelgyu *@cheolshu @chocohong @chowvernon @cinnamingyu @cinnawon @coups @cramjoon @ctrbl @cyjmn @cyphrs @dearseok @delishua @dimplechim @doekyum @eggkook @eunoow @evakrog @fireure 
@gieon @gotmeulk @gukied @guktwt @hanhyung @hanosl @hanwooz @honeyjeon @hongjiswoon @hongjisoo @hosieok @hosoeok @hugjisoo @icydays @indigyu @jeon-gguk *@jeon-jpg @jeongahn @jeongshuas @jeonheart @jeonwuu @jeunggukkie  @jichul @jihanlife @jiminfully @jiminhale @jiminieh @jiminliess @jinpout @jminies @joishua @jonggdaes @jonginism @jongkookie @jooshua @joshsua @joshuji @jozhua @jpghope @jpgtae @juengkook @jun-iou @jung-hosek @junghan @junhui @kiimgyu @kiminguy @kkuks @kkwonhyuk @knv @kwontv @kyeinthesky @lemonjimin @maerinah @mainmaknae @mblaq @meanei @milkychims @minghaon @minghaou @minghaoyu @minghowcute @minghyu @minseoltangg @minygu @mssuga @mywonho 
@namgin @@namjoone* @namjooneh @nanssagajii @oddseoks @ohjoonie @ohyoongies @okimtae @osyub @pawjimin @peachjim @peachuas  @pjminis @pledisofficial @prettytae @qeutae @rapmooni @sehhunie @sehokjin @seokseoka @seungceol @seungkvvan @sevuenteen @shmring @shyubi @softjimns @sonyeondn @soonhosh @soonsyoung @soukjins @strawberrymochu @sugacreme @sugass @sungeol @supersuperroa @syua @syugaflake
@taebaeul @taeguk @taehist @taehyunguh @taenkful @the1the8 @the95liner @ultjmin @valuekook @verhoons @whateverjimin @whywonwoo @wonnhao @wonplus @wonuflake @wooziology @wungyom* @yahjiminie @yangtaes @yerimcafe @yoongity @yoonjunqhan @yoonmin @yulkwo
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jooshua · 7 years
I hate the visual ranking so so much as well!! It's so uncomfortable and Hoshi and Seungkwan are typically placed at the end and it's clear to tell that it's a source of dejection for them because they don't fit the narrow window that is the insane Korean beauty standard. Beauty is in all forms.
i agree, and for more “attractive” members, even if they’re put at the end of the ranking everyone knows it’s a complete joke and most likely for laughs (like on weekly idol when wonwoo placed jun in bottom three visuals, citing personal preference as a reason) and we’re all like WHAT THE FUCK….but no one feels the need to defend jun’s visuals because his attractiveness is pretty much undisputed
but on the other hand seungkwan (+hoshi) have become automatic answers to “who are the least attractive members” and yes it all boils down to personal preference, and yes it’s a variety show and saying “all members are equally handsome!!” as an answer isn’t going to entertain the audience, and yes it’s easy to just point at “fat and ugly” seungkwan and call it a day because he’s also one of the funniest and wittiest members and like usual he’s gonna give an appropriate funny response right ???? 
and what scares me is that seungkwan lost 15 lbs for boom boom promotions and does that ridiculous thing sometimes when he sucks in really hard to make his jawline more visible, and what makes me angry is that i see predebut pictures of him when he’s noticeably thinner, and people comment things along the lines of “he looked so much better back then” or “he can look like that?” and when people in real life ask me who my bias in seventeen is and i say “seungkwan!!” their first response is “o you like the chubby dude?”, “the chubby one right?”, “you like HIM?” and that even some friends still call him chubby or ugly. i used to like another group in the past and “biased” the same member one of my friends ub’s now, and for some reason she felt the need to say “oh jennie’s moved onto chubbier idols” and wow!!!!!!!! ok!!!
but anyways in videos like that vapp where’s there’s a noticeable tension, you can really see that comments about weight (even if it’s “gain more!!!”) make him uncomfortable and i’m glad he has someone like vernon who quickly notices his uncomfortableness AND tries to say something to make him feel better
and i know it’s probably not gonna end for the sake of variety, and there are instances where members have assured seungkwan that his weight/appearance are fine, but wow it just really sucks that he’s going to be constantly scrutinized in an industry and country with an obsession towards looks, and that there are some people who don’t think of seungkwan as more than the chubby funny dude in seventeen.  
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jooshua · 7 years
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seungkwan for star1
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jooshua · 7 years
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jooshua · 7 years
hii!! thanks for giffing the snow app videos hehe they're all so cute ^o^ i saw in your about to ask you about downloadable links for photoshop so i was wondering if you had any for photoshop cs5 or 6 extended for macs? ;; i've been having trouble finding one eep. thank you in advance, and hope you're doing well!
hi anon!! thank u so much!! i used a youtube vid tutorial to download, and the sucky thing about that is that the vids usually end up being removed weeks/months later, so all the vids i saved are gone ;; you can probably find a decent tutorial if you search something like “download adobe photoshop cs5 for mac” on youtubeit’s a lot of trial and error though, and if you find that nothing works try the yeahps download tag, there’s a lot of download links there too, but again it’s a lot of trial and error because sometimes stuff just doesn’t work :/ definitely check that the tutorial is for mac and not windows thought!i looked in my bookmarks and i do have this bookmarked, it’s a zip file but idk where the tutorial is and whether or not it’s the current version i’m using
maybe try those first? if nothing works then feel free to chat me or ask other gifmakers!
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jooshua · 7 years
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breaking news: grandma hoshi leaves grandpa seokmin for grandpa minghao 😱
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jooshua · 7 years
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cool cutie xu minghao!
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jooshua · 7 years
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jooshua · 7 years
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This is well over due, but I’ve reached 350 followers and I wanted to celebrate! This is my first time ever doing something like this so bare with me please.
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jooshua · 7 years
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Thank you all so so so so much for 2.5k followers. I love and appreciate every single one of you. I honestly didn’t think the I would even reach 100 followers but look at me 2 months later and with 2500+ followers. I thought it would honestly take me a year to gain 2500 followers but I surprisingly did it in 2 months. All of you guys honestly mean the absolute world to me so thank you all for following my dorky ass. Thank you all for actually somehow liking and following my blog, thank you all for somehow liking my content. To celebrate my Taehyung loving self getting 2.5k followers, I wanted to make a follow forever to show my love and appreciation to some of the people I follow. 
♡ - mutuals ♛ - post my favourite content
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