42 posts
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jmurpete · 2 years ago
The Narcissist’s Lullaby
I fell asleep to his empty promises. Drunk on the world’s whimsical potential. Intoxicated by the chameleon’s false aspirations towards music, food, art, fashion, travel and the pursuit of happiness. High on the never ending striving. A beautiful nightmare of a lullaby. Alluring distractions that would satisfy for mere moments. Followed by gaslit withdrawal. The despairing uncertainty of when the…
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jmurpete · 5 years ago
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The Real MVP When I hear people talk about "prayer warriors" I have an image that appears in my mind.
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jmurpete · 5 years ago
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Sea Swim Alba's skin prickled into gooseflesh as she stepped heavily through the diminishing waves, deep waning to shallow.
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jmurpete · 5 years ago
Shadow Encounter
Shadow Encounter #dailylines
Just before dawn, Miracle woke. She rose gingerly, carefully working out the stiffness in her limbs, drawing her elbows back, fists clenched, back arched in a satisfying stretch. Giving a small sigh she stood upright. It was then the rest of her senses caught up to her physical being. It began as a warm sensation deep in the pit of her stomach, growing in intensity, like waves of energy building,…
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jmurpete · 5 years ago
What does God look like?
A question posed.
Dark circles.
Black rimmed eyes.
The glow of unconditional kindness emanates.
Panda eyes smiling.
Coarse love.
Weighted freedom.
Lost greets lost.
Trust tightrope.
Wary wonder.
Will they, won’t they, survive?
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jmurpete · 5 years ago
Leaping off the ledge.
Arms scrabbling at empty air, trying to clutch, catch the nothingness.
She believes. The possibility of making it across the gaping dark below.
Fingernails dig into crumbling earth.
A thin precipice felt on the other side.
One handed swing. Back and forth.
Tenuous life.
A winded grunt as she heaves the rest of herself onto the solid ground.
Ragged breath, pounding heart…
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jmurpete · 6 years ago
A New Thing
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I’m watching the abundance of butterflies dance around my backyard on into the greenbelt beyond. Their metamorphosis is complete. They’re beautiful and fragile and lovely to see. (I read that the Monarch is currently on their migration journey to Mexico, but these butterflies I’m seeing are all colors of the spectrum.) My rose bush has unexpectedly regenerated as well. It is peppered with bright…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
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The Call There was once an impressionable young girl gifted with a heart for children. Being around children was to find her in her element.
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
Shifting Gears
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Last Thursday my beloved and oh-so dependable Subaru Outback started giving me sporadic fits. The key would randomly get stuck in the ignition while at very inconvenient destinations and I couldn’t leave my car on all the time, exposed like a sitting duck, battery draining. I felt like I was playing Russian roulette driving anywhere! Will the key or won’t the key come out this time?
After 24…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
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I asked God why he made me so sensitive.
It seems more cruel than kind. The pain greater than purpose.
He said because I would notice.
I would value his creation. The work of a master.
I would see him in the sunset.
I would pause when the birds stopped singing.
I would be aware of the silent suffering.
I would see him vibrating in the hum of the lives around me.
I would feel him.
The weight and…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
A Dog's Purpose
A Dog’s Purpose
It was fleeting, but it’s a memory I am storing away in my forever treasure trove.
I was sitting on the back porch, my vision blurred from leftover tears, observing my wonder boy sharing apple slices with his dog after watching A Dog’s Purpose. They are both such other worldly souls. Deeply connected.
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I realize I’m seriously late to the game on the viewing of this film…but whoa.
Summer is in…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
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Worth She is worth knowing She is worth pursuing She is worth loving She is worth fighting for She is worth the discipline She is worth the commitment She is worth the promise She is worth the sacrifice She is worth the risk
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
The Inheritance
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Heredity. The trait chain. Our DNA. Genetics. Biology. The gene pool. We accept what we receive from our ancestors on a cellular level. Redhead to redhead. Artist begets artist. We may have inherited a tendency towards a certain illness or a pre-disposition towards a disease. It’s mapped out in our cells. We mark it down on our medical history chart. I believe we inherit more than our eye color…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
Doggo Days
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He scampers. Running laps with the squirrels. One end of the fence and back again. Careening into the red tip bushes oblivious to anything other than his intended target. It’s the purest of fun. Watching a dog play. His nemesis just out of reach. Red fur ruffed in the adrenaline rush of the chase. Tongue lolling as he pants from exertion. Water lapped so intensely that half ends up splashing…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
Music Drift (in memoriam)
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Head lifter
Heartbeat amped
Sway in camaraderie
Lyrical empathy
Heads bob
Validation noted
Feel, feel
Yassss vibrations
Lyrics; heart on sleeve
Repeat and spin once more
Comfort and jagged knife
Foggy bliss
Emotional cocoon
Soothing souls
A voice echoing voices
Beautiful, tortured minds
Expressed in sound
Catalyst for healing
Musical gift
Guitar strum
Join the chorus
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
Leviathan Generations
Leviathan: anything of immense size and power
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Captive, oh captive.
Generations at war with friend or foe?
Eyes wide shut.
Invisible chains.
Refusal to acknowledge the patterns.
Under water.
Ignored adversary.
Subtle, quiet fade to a second death.
An inheritance of imprisonment, masquerading as honor.
Indefensible humility.
Twist of a word…
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jmurpete · 7 years ago
Black Hole
What we deem untimely death has become commonplace.
The oh well mentality is pervasive in this culture.
Death to morality. Death to absolutes. Death to truth.
The joke’s on us. Mocking us.
Will we figure it out before we meet death?
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