We learned to love the hard way / you're gonna learn it too.
Drive Like Jehu
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A great new issue from a young and exciting journal. I'm very happy to be a part of it.
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Thus in still another reflection I find myself a foreigner.
Susan Sontag
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Bannerman's Island.
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"Mais je me plains de ce que le monde est trop grand, à raison de peu d'honnêtes gens qui s'y trouvent ; je voudrais qu'ils fussent tous assemblés en une ville, et alors je serait bien aise de quitter mon ermitage, pour aller vivre avec eux, s'il me voulaient recevoir en leur compagnie. Car encore que je fuie la multitude, à cause de la quantité des impertinents et des importuns qu'on y rencontre, je ne laisse pas de penser que le plus grand bien de la vie est de jouir de la conversation des personnes qu'on estime."
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-Andrei Tarkovsky
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Happy 100th birthday to Albert Camus, joyeux anniversaire ! "Dans le ciel balayé et lustré par le vent, des étoiles pures brillaient et la lueur lointaine du phare y mêlait, de moment en moment, une cendre passagère. La brise apportait des odeurs d'épices et de pierre. Le silence était absolu." —La Peste
#Albert Camus#Camus#portrait#photo#lit#birthday#100 years of Camus#anniversaire#La Peste#literature#handsome#cool
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Le Bethmale !!!
#cheese#fromage#France#old#so good#so delicious#market#marché#pyrenees#mountain#goat cheese#cow cheese#toe cheese?
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The books of France are on God's bookshelf...
Gregory Corso, from "America Politica Historia, in Spontaneity"
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Beauty pageants are troubling and in general I don't support them (particularly for the young). But when I heard about the racist comments surrounding Miss New York, Nina Davuluri, winning the Miss America pageant, I couldn't help but want to back her up (as well as the pageant organizers and judges). I grew up in New York with a small group of Indian Americans among my friends, and I have been forever grateful to them for introducing me to a culture that continues to fascinate and thrill me. I still think beauty pageants are fraught with problems, but to see an Indian American woman winning one, I am happy. It almost feels like progress! And to all the people who've made racist comments: I feel bad for you that you can't see through your prejudices because what I see is a really beautiful woman. Whoa.
#Nina Davuluri#Indian#Indian American#beauty pageant#Miss America#Miss New York#beauty#racism#racist#racist comments#culture#tolerance#diversity#support
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Un peuple fait un poème, un poème fait un peuple.
Jacques Rancière
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Eugène Atget
#photo#photograph#image#Paris#Eugene Atget#black and white#Black and white photogrpah#suits#clothes#menswear#mannequin#shopping#window#window shopping
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Wretches, utter wretches, keep your hands off beans!
Empedocles, trans. Brad Inwood
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-Andrei Tarkovsky
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Let man but accumulate his materials of destruction and the devil within him will soon be unable to resist putting them to their fated use.
Carl Gustav Jung, from "The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man"
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I'm very sad about Seamus Heaney's death. Here is him reading "Digging," from Death of a Naturalist. Beautiful early poem.
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