8 posts
Hey, I’m Jai [he/they (heavy on the they)]. This is my thought space, which manifests as art sometimes, and authenticity in all ways.My book, “Poems I Wrote for Nobody, in Advance” is out now. Follow my Twitter/Ko-fi/TikTok @jaidenhgb, and my Insta @jaidenhgbutler.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
For the opening of Black History Month, I bring y’all 24 iconic Black characters across 12 different shows in less than 2 minutes! How many do YOU know?
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
Reblog if you think public libraries are important and should be maintained.
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
No new Abbott Elementary tonight, but a new perspective on one of my favorite characters, community care, and supports within school spaces!
An homage to Mr. Johnson from Abbott Elementary, my pops, and the rest of the custodians out there. Support your local custodians and school faculty! They’re community too!
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
An homage to Mr. Johnson from Abbott Elementary, my pops, and the rest of the custodians out there. Support your local custodians and school faculty! They’re community too!
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
“Every day the sun don’t shine—but that’s why I love tomorrow 😌☝🏾☀️”
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
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Happy Halloween from THEE meddling kids 🤓🎃👻
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
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The gang’s all here 🤪🤙🏾
Working on my costumes & characterizations. Whatcha’ll think? 🤔🎤
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jaidenhgb · 2 years ago
*taps mic* Is this thing on? Excellent. Let’s get to the introductions.
Hey, I’m Jai (pronounced “Jay”).
I wrote a book.
It’s called _Poems I Wrote for Nobody, in Advance._
If you’re a fan of Avatar: the Last Airbender (or a general nature buff), you’re in luck—it’s sectioned into the repping elements. If you’re a lovey-dovey person—it’s got that too (in a way that encompasses everybody, so don’t fret, fellow EllGeeBeeTees). Looking for a book that safely talks about ideation without shaming you for feeling it? That’s in there too. Call yourself a fan of Black history & literature? Also included. A non-traditional spiritualist or someone just looking for new perspectives on life? Well would you believe it—I gotchu too. Not much one for poetry, but wouldn’t mind a new place to start? Start here.
If you wanna support me long-term, the best way to do that is through my book. Find _Poems I Wrote for Nobody, in Advance_ in my Linktree, as well as samples to my other work.
“But Jai—we don’t even know you. You literally made this account this morning. How am I to support someone I don’t know?”
Very fair, very fair. Baseline—I’m an artist, with my most common trade being writing. I write from the intersections of Blackness, queerness [nonbinary; aro/ace (demi, specifically)], fatness, disability [ADHD, autism, depression, anxiety, etc.] and various other forms of social insecurity. To know me at my fullest extents is to know the vastness of the Human™️ experience, which means if you can’t meet me at *all* my intersections, you can probably see some of you in my story *somewhere.* And if you *can* meet me at *all* my intersections, I just feel liiiiikeeeeee…we should be friends. Besties, even.
“So, ok. Cool. Nice to know you. But why’d you make this account?”
Truth is, I need some help. Remember how I said I exist at many places of social insecurity? Yeah, I mean that very literally. I had to leave my old job for health reasons, and have been using the time to apply to places (and write this book/build a personal site/update all my application materials/literally survive day-to-day). Been applying to places for about 3 months straight, and nothing has come back *yet* (though I remain hopeful). But I’ve got bills to pay and food to eat in the meantime, so I need all the help I can get.
So again—to support me *long* term, get my book! Share what inspires you. Keep the conversations around it going. But for *immediate* support, please donate to the other links in my LinkTree (notably my Cash App, which is also pictured). Rent is right around the corner, and as I’m sure a lotta my fellow EllGeeBeeTees can attest to—I’d much rather stay secure in my own place than have to return “home” (to read more about *that,* check my “Weekly Writings” under “Transactionality, as Love’s Replacement”).
So, that’s it for now. I’ll update y’all as I get updates on my end. When I meet my goal, I’ll repost this but without the crowdfunding things so y’all can still have that intro to me present.
Thank you all in advance for the support, and I’m excited to see what we build in this little corner of the interwebs. It’s only up from here.
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