ivycinder · 4 years
......I mean nothing is happening in 2020.
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2014 wasn’t the year Nana returned then… ….2015? Come on! So near the end!! *cries forever*
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ivycinder · 6 years
I am currently both a teacher and a student, and I am of the apparently controversial opinion that late work should always be accepted. Not just if they have a doctor’s note or their mom’s death certificate. Not just for one or two assignments a semester. Always.
“But that’s unfair to the people who submitted on time!”
I didn’t say you had to give everybody full credit. Drop the grade for each individual assignment by 5% for every day late until it gets down to 20%. Never, ever take it below 20%.
Here’s my rationale:
1. If you are a good educator, then you created that assignment in the first place because YOU WANTED YOUR STUDENTS TO LEARN SOMETHING. You still want them to have an incentive to complete that learning experience even if it’s not “on time.”
2. You want to prepare your students for the the real world, right? Well, if you missed a deadline (for example, submitting report cards), would your boss throw away everything you’d worked on, dock your paycheck, and tell you to try again next time? No. They would be upset with you, but they would ask you to take time out of your schedule to finish the project as quickly as possible. It wouldn’t cease to exist.
3. Based on point #2, if you are teaching high school or below, not accepting late work is holding children (who by the way, generally do not have full control over their schedules or what materials they have access to) to a higher standard than adults. 
4. If you are teaching college or graduate school, you are working with adults who are taking years out of their lives and paying thousands of dollars to learn from you. Why make it harder for them than it already is?
5. You have or will teach students with extenuating life circumstances that they don’t tell you about (e.g. chronic illness, caring for children or sick relatives, abusive relationships) because they are embarrassed to share this information or have already been taught to shut up and stop making excuses.
6. You have or will teach students with learning disabilities that they don’t even know about. I was diagnosed with ADHD in high school after years of being treated like I was just a bad kid. I suffered from depression and anxiety for over ten years before I went on medication. I did not even learn the words “executive dysfunction” until I was in grad school.
In conclusion, yes, we all know that being a teacher gives you authority but that’s no reason to flaunt it by imposing restrictions that don’t exist anywhere else in the name of “education.”
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ivycinder · 6 years
......2019?? It's been 10 years already!!
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2014 wasn’t the year Nana returned then… ….2015? Come on! So near the end!! *cries forever*
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ivycinder · 6 years
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ivycinder · 6 years
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This morning I am a foot rest.
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ivycinder · 6 years
A+ can confirm
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ivycinder · 6 years
I love the way the wind blows during the last few days of summer how you can feel autumn waiting right around the corner.
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ivycinder · 6 years
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favorite character meme › [2/3] quotes
"My happiness is to have been born like this, to have met you, lived my life with you and to have given birth to that child." "I feel the same way. And the words I said to you when he was born still remain true. I will protect you... my most precious person and my most precious son. Even if we must be separated once more, I will search and I will find you again." "Me too. I will search for you and find you again. I swear."
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ivycinder · 6 years
Worst and most surreal time of the week is Sunday afternoons when you’re like hyper aware of your insignificance and nothingness there has to be a name for this phenomenon
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ivycinder · 6 years
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I miss you tumblr.
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ivycinder · 6 years
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a good dream among nightmares
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ivycinder · 6 years
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Night in the woods dolls are available on my etsy store https://www.etsy.com/listing/594647562/night-in-the-woods-inspired-dolls-mae
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ivycinder · 6 years
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Luna Mothews repaint & reroot, based on a rosy maple moth.
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ivycinder · 6 years
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Im so sad. 1. I have to sell my Childhood My Little Pony collection. I have no storage space and I need all the money I can. 😭 I loved these plastic angels when I was small and I still love them now. 2. They arent even that popular right now so I wont get anything for them, so it wont even make much of a dent in my finances. (I keeping thinking of using this as an excuse to not sell them, but it really has to be done. The needs of others must come before my desire to hoard all my special things.) 3. Going through them all to sell I've noticed at least 5 ponies that are missing. My mother says there is nothing of mine at her house, but where else would they be? Hopscotch was one of my favourites. 😭 4. I am keeping a couple. I was only going to keep Tappy at first as she was my first baby pony, and I have such a strong memory of unwrapping her at christmas, the box only just fit in my stocking. ... and then my mum melting her hair with a curling iron almost imediately... but firstly being annoyed that she was pink when I hated pink.... but still she was special! Now Adult and Baby Applejack have crept in there... and then Baby Starsong because she was beautiful, and then Baby Glory because I always wanted her, but I wanst able to get her until I found her on ebay when I was 16. Now Im thinking of adding in Mainsail. Omg stop me I'll keep them all. Im getting a tiny display box from Ikea for them, so perhaps only enough to fit will end up remaining. Siggghhhh. Obviously I did a huge photo shoot which Ill probably never get around to editing.
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ivycinder · 6 years
Australian comedian Jim Jefferies points out the ridiculousness of American pro-gun arguments. x x
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ivycinder · 6 years
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#thisoneisloki providing assistance whilst we built our #ikea bed. #cats #blackcats
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ivycinder · 6 years
Y’all know when Mulan is sitting in the rain and watches her parents silhouette disappear as the candle is blown out and then her eyes squint in determination and the music that starts to play and you see her go into the family temple and light a match and bow in respect and then sneak into her parents room and switch the scroll for her hair brooch and then the way her reflection is shown as she pulls the sword and cuts her hair?? It’s literally more iconic than any marvel movie
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