Starbucks Evaluation
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Comp. I Assessment “A Day To Remember”
Around the age of ten years young I can remember wanting to go hang out with my friends so out the door I went. This was before I had a phone to contact one another to check if there were available at the time but let’s face it at that age there wasn’t exactly a busy schedule to attend too. When I walked to their house not knowing whether they were actually there or not. As I approached their house ringing the doorbell, the majority of the time they would be home, from that point on we would have to find something to do for the day. Once we found an event to take part in the next step was to throw on our Nike sneakers and out the door we went, walking to were ever the wind takes us.  
This was an often occurrence in my daily schedule, Walking miles and miles to go hang out with our good friend’s, same routine just a different day. As I grew older around the age of 13 walking around to all of these different locations started to get old after a while. I wanted something different, I noticed all the older guys fantasizing about what kind of cars they wanted. After getting some information on all of these different kinds of cars it came across me, I wanted to get a car. As I did some research on my free time checking out each car that spontaneously drove by, I spotted one in my favor.  
This car was fairly simple with a couple touches to it to make it just what I wanted. Now for starters, I was always a Chevy type of guy going off of what my father recommended considering the fact he owned a car dealership at the time and knew his stuff. The one car that caught my eye passing under the street lights as it drove by with an exquisite remark. The Chevy Impala with a slight touch of a sliding glass panel sunroof, heated seats, along with a 3.5-liter V6 engine to give it a bit of a kick when hitting the gas. Once I realized this was the car I wanted, it was time to come up with the analysis on how to acquire such an item.
When thinking of getting a material object of this sort what do you need? That answer would be “money”. So, I began filling out application after application searching for a job, which at the time was hard to find considering the fact I was only 15. I finally landed an interview at Price Chopper, I got the job as a bagger boy which wasn’t the best job nor was the hourly pay that was offered because well not very many people will work for $7.50 an hour. I wasn’t left with much of an option so I took the job and worked it with pride. I worked as many hours as they would provide and saved every penny from my check that I possibly could, stashing all of my cash in a little safe in the corner of my closet.  
After one full year of backbreaking hours at Price chopper along with the unhealthy entrées served, excessively cheesed macaroni as a side, with the main course being fried chicken which wasn’t too bad bearing in mind, I got the employee discount. I finally came up with the amount I needed to get my dream car! I was more than ready; my father and I began doing research online and scoping out a couple dealerships that he had some inside connections to get a good deal close to wholesale. Once the car was located at a dealership about an hour out of our residence my father’s good buddy Louie was in the process of getting it all setup.  
My father got the call from Louie stating that the car had been thoroughly examined/cleaned and was on the car lot ready to go. I was fulfilled with joy as my father and I were on our way to check out the car, this felt like the longest car ride of my life. Soon enough we finally arrived as we pulled into the entrance, I began scanning the entire car lot for the car we spoke of. Once we parked and walked in the front door of the building my father began speaking to Louie, not being able to make out exactly what was being said, but I knew it was good. They soon walked away and I followed my dad outside the doors to the front.  
My father and I stood there waiting until out of nowhere Louie pulled the Chevy Impala around the corner as it was shining with black paint reflecting the sunlight, chrome trim around the windows, fresh alloy wheels, and the sunroof that completed the car with elegant delivery. Louie threw the car in park, hopped out and handed me the keys to take it on a test drive. As I opened the driver door, I noticed the fresh car scent that was blown in my face as if it was freshly built just for myself. I threw the car into drive and it wasn’t long before I turned around to head back to the lot. Everything drove perfectly and I was ready to buy! On the way home, I felt like a new man no more long walks down the road, I now attained transportation.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Meme Assignment
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I find this meme relative to my life because for some reason I will be tired all day in class, then finally when its time to go to sleep I find it very challenging. I wish it could be the other way around this is a majority of the reason I am late to my 7am lecture.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
What’s So Great About Youtube?
Majority of people that I see watching Youtube would be my friend's little brothers around the age of 15. What I always find them watching is video games of other people playing these games. Why? Well, I think it has to do a lot with finding special ways they can be better at these games and what they can do to improve because most people that record themselves playing video games are pros and they can learn something from them.
I wouldn't say there are fewer adds while watching youtube I have been noticed to run into quite a bit of adds. Also, youtube is very helpful in other ways if you need to know how to do something, just look it up on youtube and I guarantee there is a tutorial on how to do so. I prefer professional videos over homemade although I did just watch a tutorial on how to fix my iPhone 6 GPS they other day and it was homemade and very well explained. I have never uploaded my own but I hope people continue uploading because they have been very helpful and will continue to be as long as I don't know how to do certain stuff.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
A Day to Remember
Around the age of ten years young I can remember wanting to go hang out with my friends so out the door I went. This was before I had a phone to contact one another to check if there were available at the time but let's face it at that age there wasn’t exactly a busy schedule to attend too. When I walked to their house not knowing whether they were actually there or not. As I approached their house ringing the doorbell, the majority of the time they would be home, from that point on we would have to find something to do for the day. Once we found an event to take part in the next step was to throw on our Nike sneakers and out the door we went, walking to were ever the wind takes us.  
This was an often occurrence in my daily schedule, Walking miles and miles to go hang out with our good friend's, same routine just a different day. As I grew older around the age of 13 walking around to all of these different locations started to get old after a while. I wanted something different, I noticed all the older guys fantasizing about what kind of cars they wanted. After getting some information on all of these different kinds of cars it came across me, I wanted to get a car. As I did some research on my free time checking out each car that spontaneously drove by, I spotted one in my favor.  
This car was fairly simple with a couple touches to it to make it just what I wanted. Now for starters, I was always a Chevy type of guy going off of what my father recommended considering the fact he owned a car dealership at the time and knew his stuff. The one car that caught my eye passing under the street lights as it drove by with an exquisite remark. The Chevy Impala with a slight touch of a sliding glass panel sunroof, heated seats, along with a 3.5-liter V6 engine to give it a bit of a kick when hitting the gas. Once I realized this was the car I wanted, it was time to come up with the analysis on how to acquire such an item.
When thinking of getting a material object of this sort what do you need? That answer would be “money”. So, I began filling out application after application searching for a job, which at the time was hard to find considering the fact I was only 15. I finally landed an interview at Price Chopper, I got the job as a bagger boy which wasn’t the best job nor was the hourly pay that was offered because well not very many people will work for $7.50 an hour. I wasn't left with much of an option so I took the job and worked it with pride. I worked as many hours as they would provide and saved every penny from my check that I possibly could, stashing all of my cash in a little safe in the corner of my closet.  
After one full year of backbreaking hours at Price chopper along with the unhealthy entrées served, excessively cheesed macaroni as a side, with the main course being fried chicken which wasn’t too bad bearing in mind, I got the employee discount. I finally came up with the amount I needed to get my dream car! I was more than ready; my father and I began doing research online and scoping out a couple dealerships that he had some inside connections to get a good deal close to wholesale. Once the car was located at a dealership about an hour out of our residence my father's good buddy Louie was in the process of getting it all set up.  
My father got the call from Louie stating that the car had been thoroughly examined/cleaned and was on the car lot ready to go. I was fulfilled with joy as my father and I were on our way to check out the car, this felt like the longest car ride of my life. Soon enough we finally arrived as we pulled into the entrance, I began scanning the entire car lot for the car we spoke of. Once we parked and walked in the front door of the building my father began speaking to Louie, not being able to make out exactly what was being said, but I knew it was good. They soon walked away and I followed my dad outside the doors to the front.  
My father and I stood there waiting until out of nowhere Louie pulled the Chevy Impala around the corner as it was shining with black paint reflecting the sunlight, chrome trim around the windows, fresh alloy wheels, and the sunroof that completed the car with elegant delivery. Louie threw the car in park, hopped out and handed me the keys to take it on a test drive. As I opened the driver door, I noticed the fresh car scent that was blown in my face as if it was freshly built just for myself. I threw the car into drive and it wasn’t long before I turned around to head back to the lot. Everything drove perfectly and I was ready to buy! On the way home, I felt like a new man no more long walks down the road, I now attained transportation.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
College Tuition/Educational Planning 
Throughout my college experience so far, I would say it is not irregular to want to change your major whether this is a quarter of a way through or even half. For those who are just getting started, I can see why it would be hard to even figure out what you want to go for in the first place. I can say from my experience that put a lot of time and effort into figuring out what I want to do for the rest of my life, it all boils down to what is really in demand for the year being.
I will start by saying the demand for these jobs fluctuate over time causing a lot of students to change their minds and switch majors. It also depends what level of education you plan on taking because some are very difficult and require time and effort whereas others can be more straightforward. I've chosen to land somewhat in the middle of these two categories with business being something a lot of students’ study, this also comes with a large field, many different varieties based on how you would like to use this education/degree.  
I personally, would like to gain as much knowledge on supply chain management, understanding the process of a business inside out, everywhere from raw materials to consumers purchase. Using this knowledge, I will take the risk in opening my very own business and start from researching consumers' needs, as we know they are unlimited. This plays a big factor when wanting to start your own business because it can easily run out if you are not meeting the requirements of what people need. I believe it can't be too hard to find that golden product because after all, you only have to get it right once.
Now, as we all know our education is important, but it comes with a fee. Community colleges are cheaper in a sense depending on where you go, universities, on the other hand, come with debt if you don’t have a family to help provide. The reason this catches my attention is that I hear a lot about students having issues paying these debts off, even struggling to survive on campus living on their own. So today I had a chat with someone very reliable on this type of information, that person being my oldest brother Chris W. He successfully graduated from K.U. and sustained financially through his whole college experience. He provided me with information that was very useful when it comes to living the college experience at a university.  
As I asked Chris how he made it through college living on his own at a university, he replies with descriptive information on how to do so. Starting off by saying, “there is a lot of ways to do it but I prefer living on campus in a dorm, this will save you money.” also stating “As long as you work part time and save as much money as you can, besides the money your using on living expenses you can put this towards your final college tuition to help get a head start.” These are two very helpful tips Chris provided to me because I plan on attending K.U. and living on my own a year after I attend a community college, as I am doing now.  
As Chris stated there is a lot of ways to go about living on your own while attending a university. One of my personal tactics would be working over the summer saving every penny I can to help get me through the year. I have been using this tactic for a year now and I find it very helpful. Also, when working over the summer saving up for the year to come, this gives me a lot more time to stay focused on school rather than worrying about where the next dollar is coming from. This leaves you with an open mind and makes it easier to stay on task, rather than getting off work and being tired all the time.  
Another tactic that is very helpful would be student discounts. As you are a student this comes with benefits so I would say its best to use them to your advantage. Anywhere you see that you can get discounts for being a student I would take them into consideration. They have saved me a ton of money over time so I take advantage when these discounts are available. Now that I have saved that money from student discounts, I put the other extra money away to provide for the future debts that I know will shortly creep up on me the second I start attending at K.U.
As long as you do your research on what you would like to study and stick with it you won't waste time and money on other classes that aren't needed. I’ve seen this done by others and it pays out, in the long run, to stick with the major you choose and work your hardest studying to pass those classes the first time. After all, you have invested in this class for an education, so treat it as a job. It will defiantly payout in your favor and you won’t have any regrets.
“According to a 2013 Gallup poll, only one in three Americans prepares a detailed budget of their finances.”(best colleges, 2018) While my research was finally coming all together, I realized budgeting was the main key factor in getting through college. Without financial planning, it could be a train wreck and you could never attend the social life that you want to have. “College graduates in the U.S. in 2013 left school owing an average of $35,200 in combined student loans and credit card debt.” (best colleges, 2018). These statistics prove why it is important to keep a steady budget and never lose track of what you are borrowing because it could come to haunt you.
While I was doing my research on College Tuition/Educational Planning I found it very helpful, along with my interview. I will be using a lot of these tactics myself to help me get through my years of college and I hope these tactics will help others also. I'm also looking forward to the experience that comes from going to a university that everyone is talking about. I am inspired and motivated to give what it takes to complete my courses and get my degree ending with success, financially and educationally!
Cover letter:
October 31, 2018
Dear Professor Lillich,
In my research, I wanted to find out the importance of college tuition and educational planning. For my paper and research. I used three of the following sources; which are stated in my “Work Cited” paper. What really caught my attention was when my brother Chris mentioned in the interview to get a dorm and live on campus. When I thought of going to K.U. I first thought of just moving close by the campus, somewhere where I wouldn’t be too far away from the school. Living in a dorm I feel will be a bright experience for me also a way to meet some new people, he also mentioned it will be way cheaper which will be good for me in the long run. As I was doing my research this brought up some statistics that I found really opened my eyes and made me realize budgeting my money will be very important because once I complete all of my classes I will be next attempting to get my tuition paid. I believe what gave me the biggest problem in writing this paper was finding enough information to carry on more on my topic.
I would appreciate feedback on areas I need to improve on my writing.
Thank you,
Alec Bowers
Work Cited (2018). Hottest Careers for College Graduates. [online] Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2018].
Papandrea, D. (2018). How College Students Pay Rent, and More Answers to Your School Money Issues. [online] Noodle. Available at: [Accessed 29 Oct. 2018].
Best Colleges. (2018). Budgeting 101 - Best Colleges. [online] Available at: [Accessed 31 Oct. 2018].
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Are You Distracted By Your Phone?
I personally believe that I pay more attention to my phone, rather than engaging in the face to face conversations. I would rather prefer face to face conversations but if I am with people, I look around the room and everyone else is on their phones or showing one another what is on their phone. If I attempt to start a conversation with someone, I do get a bit upset when I don't get at least a response, but I tend to do it to others so I can’t be hypocritical. I have a habit of always making sure my phone is on me at all times. If one forgets their phone they always turn back around to get it. Why is that? I personally do that because what if you miss a very important phone call, maybe one from your job, someone who is in need of help, or even a family member that is asking for some tips. In this day and age, our phones are always with us as, they are apart of society and for those of you who don’t have cell phones, well, let's just say its hard to imagine someone without one.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Avoiding Procrastination
I personally have a problem when it comes to procrastinating, this involves most of my work regarding school. Usually, it starts with me getting assigned homework and the first thing that comes to mind is “okay, I am going to get this done right away, so I no longer have to worry about it” finally, when I complete my attendance for my last class of the day, I end up getting a phone call. I pull out my phone, and it just so happens to be one of my friends that wants to hang out. Now, I have a choice whether to go hang out or get my priorities done first, I majority of the time, put my friends first. This is a perfect example of what not to do.  
The whole time I am doing anything other than getting my priorities done first, I am having this guilt trip. Why do I not listen to this guilt trip and proceed with getting my work done? Well, that’s a good question. There are so many easy distractions out in this world today considering Technology, social events, sleeping etc. Then again, there is plenty of ways to overcome these distractions, to make sure you get these priorities of your back as soon as you can. I don’t know about you, but this would make my life ten times better, knowing that I can go hang out and not have to worry about staying up late completing an assignment that should have been completed hours or even days ago.
How I approach a solution to this procrastination madness, firstly, I would be attempting to tackle the most difficult tasks at hand. This can have a huge impact on how you approach your next tasks with somewhat of a relief. Once you have completed the most difficult task, you now know that the next one will be a breeze. Ever since I started doing this, things have gone a lot smoother for me, some will take that into consideration. Setting your assignments up in category’s helps tremendously and has never done me wrong.
Some people only finish tasks if they are guaranteed something in return, well, this so-called reward could potentially be taken into your own hands. Promising yourself a Reward after finishing these assignments are complete, can be promising in the end, depending on what this may be. For example, it’s one a nice cool Thursday day afternoon, the sun is shining on my face, I have just got out of my last class and I would like to go hit some golf balls at the driving range. It Just so happens, I have Chapter 10 Macroeconomics homework, this assignment is due Friday evening and won’t take very long to complete. What do I do? Now, as I stated before, I have dealt with procrastination, I no longer prefer doing assignments last minute. It only causes rushing through the assignment, also possibly not getting the grade you could have scored when taking your time on it. So, as a result, I take the time to sit down and work on my homework but promise myself as long as I get it done in time then I can go enjoy myself at the driving range. This has motivation behind it, this very well inspires me to get my work done before going out therefore, I can relax with an open mind.
In the end, going to hang out on a Friday night with some close friends, getting to know some people and conversating, sound way better than going home and working on some homework at times. I struggle with this battle myself, so those of you who relate, I would really take into account some of the pros and cons here that take place. Think about how much more freedom you would feel if breaking down into segments could help finish work faster, along with an amazing reward after completion. These are now the central Ideals that pop into my head when given assignments, finding the most efficient and productive way to reach my academic goals and still have a social/rewarding lifestyle.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Air Jordans
Today, I would like to share what I am very passionate about. With that being said something that plays a pretty large role and has been for most of my life is shoes. Now, this might sound funny to some people, they could be thinking “how could someone possibly be passionate about shoes?”. When I was very young, I use to play a lot of basketball, I never really got into playing on any leagues though, mostly just street basketball. Just from my opinion, when playing basketball, the kind of shoes you wear plays a big part in your jump shot. There are many different brands of shoes out there to chose from, Jordan, Nike, Adidas etc. whatever is most comfortable for you. Now, I personally prefer Jordan shoes and a very specific kind of these Jordan's along with the distinct colorway. The reason being is that these Jordan’s can potentially Bring some profit to your bank account. I no longer play to much basketball but when I do I prefer to wear the cheaper version of Jordan’s. The ones I collect are something called “Air Jordan Retros” the retros I collect range from a number of 1-23, 233 being Jordan’s jersey number. After making retros 1-23, anything made after that is not as profitable, therefore I personally would not be interested in the purchase. With there only being 23 retros they have to expand and keep this trend going so what do they do? they release the same model shoe, just in a different colorway. This is a very smart marketing strategy, also their release’s are limited. therefore they only have so many shoes they release at a time so they sell out almost instantly! This is where resellers come into play and make their profits. For resellers, this plays as a supply and demand, meaning if you want a pair of the kicks that released you can't just get them from anywhere you either buy them at the price they are asking to sell them for, or you walk. I would consider myself as a reseller considering the fact I get these Jordans at a retail price then flip them for profit. I like what I do and I hope to continue doing it so that I can make somewhat of a living without having to work a 9-5. So keep doing what you're doing Jordan, Its very beneficial for people like me!
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
Are You a Saver or a Spender?
On a personal level believe I am pretty good at saving my money wisely. Majority of the money I make, I put away for the future because that seems to be the most important. Don’t get me wrong I do like to go out and purchase new clothes or go out to eat every once and a while, the key is just not to do it too much or set a budget. The way I get by in college is I have a specific job I work over the summer, it's an asphalt company. Now, when I go work over the summer I can make roughly 6-8 thousand dollars and then take that money put some away, pay for my classes, and use the rest for personal consumption. When I was younger my mother never really talked to much about finances as much as my father did. I feel I have possibly learned most of my saving strategies from my grandpa on my fathers' side of the family, he tends to be a very good saver/investor. I get a lot of my tips and tricks from my grandfather and hope one day I can be as successful as him. With this being said I agree with Mr. Lieber’s position because I believe it is good to get your kids started on saving earlier rather than later.
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itacbowers-blog · 6 years ago
How to Make an Omelet
Today, I will be showing you all how to properly prepare an omelet, now this can be something you can make at any time of the day whether it be morning, afternoon, or even before you go to bed. Now, I personally would recommend this to be a breakfast item rather than afternoon or before bed, but everyone is entitled to their own opinion. When I made my first omelet I experienced the taste of the rich cheesy eggs I instantly fell in love, and have been making them ever since. This changed how I looked at breakfast because ever since I learned how to make such a thing I haven't struggled on making a decision on what to make for breakfast. With that being said, let’s jump right into it and get you all started on how to prepare your very own!  
For starters, I would say if you can make scrambled eggs, you can make an omelet, they are made very similar. To start your first omelet, you will want to get all of your ingredients this will include two eggs, two tablespoons whole milk, two tablespoons of whole butter, a pinch of salt, a pinch of ground pepper, a non-stick pan and I would recommend a heat-resistant non-stick spatula. Now that you have all of your ingredients you will want to first get a mixing bowl and grab your two eggs. Crack your two eggs into your mixing bowl, beat them until they turn a pale-yellow color. Once you are done mixing your eggs begin heating your non-stick pan to a medium-low heat getting it warmed up for the omelet. Add your two tablespoons of whole butter into the pan letting it melt and spread out equally.  
Now that your non-stick pan is heating up this gives you time to finish preparing your eggs. You will want to add the two tablespoons of whole milk to your mixing bowl along with your pinch of salt and ground pepper as a seasoning to add flavor. Then, stirring the eggs attempting to beat as much air in them as possible. Looking back at your butter on the pan, make sure it is spread out and evenly melted, once your pan is set and ready at a medium-low temperature, slowly pour your egg mixture into the pan letting it spread itself to the bottom of the pan creating a base as it simmers. You will want to leave it on there for about a minute and thirty seconds before using your spatula. Once you have let it set you will then use your spatula to push one side of the cooked egg to the middle letting it drain any access liquid still left, continue doing this with all sides until there is no liquid left.  
If your egg looks like a light-yellow pancake you are doing it right! Make sure your egg is not sticking at any spot on your pan if it is, be sure to gently scrape it off with your non-stick spatula. If you would like to add any extra ingredient's you will want to do that right before your last step, towards the middle of the egg paddy, most likely just dropping it in there depending on what you're adding. Finally, flipping what looks to be an egg pancake in half, making the egg paddy overlap itself if you notice any liquid let it keep cooking if the light-yellow color looks to be darkening you can go ahead and take your omelet off of the pan and place it on a plate. Let it cool for about one minute and there you go, you have finished your first omelet, now you can cut it up and enjoy!  
Now that we have gone over the basics on how to prepare your very own omelet, I am confident when I say you will do a great job! I hope my explanation on how to make an omelet helped you and maybe someday you will be able to share this with a family/friend and pass the word along. I hope you enjoy your omelet as much as I enjoy mine!
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itacbowers-blog · 7 years ago
 “Should sugary drinks be taxed?”
I rarely drink soda, so in response to this blog, I would have to say I agree with the fact they are taxing sugary drinks. I agree with this opinion because I personally think sugary drinks can be unhealthy in a way. I also think it will prevent people to buy/drink as much as they would if it was cheaper. Also, it would help health wise to start cutting down and eventually completely stop drinking these sugary drinks for a better future!
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itacbowers-blog · 7 years ago
For the evaluation essay, I will be going over the Starbucks coffee business and how I believe they are one of the best coffee shops. This topic caught my attention, due to the fact it is a widespread business and well known for the environment they provide. Starbucks is a calm/relaxing place to go to get away from the office or home, in my opinion. This will be a good topic to provide knowledge on why Starbucks has overtaken other coffee businesses in the past and present, providing excellent comfort and efficient tactics when it comes to brewing the absolute best.
Have you ever taken a look at the menu after walking into Starbucks, stopped for a minute and been puzzled? This could be because they have such a broad variety when you're looking to get a specialized coffee from Starbucks. Whatever your option ends up being, I highly doubt you will be disappointed. Once you have purchased your coffee don’t be on your way out quite yet, there is a way you can sit down, lean back, and finish that paper you have been wanting to get done. Starbucks provides excellent couches and tables that other coffee shops don’t.  
Some say people pay for the name/logo when it all boils down, you will realize you would be paying for the quality that comes when purchasing this coffee. Starbucks is well known for their sponsorship of farms that supply them with green beans while others coffee shops aren't exactly supporting such communities/farms. Using the fresh coffee beans, creams, and sweeteners giving you the abstract taste you have always desired but not yet accomplished at other coffee shops. This flavor comes from the Arabica beans that all Starbucks churn when brewed when others majority of the time use a lower-ranking Robusta resulting in an unpleasant taste in the mouth after finishing your cup.
While most self-ruling cafes blend with low-class blenders such as semi-automated machinery, Starbucks uses automated, durable, long-lasting machinery. Little do people know the machinery the café uses will play a big part in how your coffee is delivered. How Starbucks was evaluated briefly in the text above, is only a fragment of why I would recommend Starbucks over any other café, with the deliverance of comfort and astonishing coffee served to your fullest desire.
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itacbowers-blog · 7 years ago
For starters, my name is Alec Bowers and I am from Olathe, Ks. I come from a fairly simple background, nothing too complicated. While currently still living in Olathe, Ks I have never moved once in my life, I attended and successfully graduated from Olathe East Highschool. Now, attending JCCC studying the basic business courses.
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itacbowers-blog · 7 years ago
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