"He who wishes to be obeyed must know how to command." First Leuitenant of Abigor's army on Hellgate. FC is Eddie Izzard.
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
“Well, excuse me for not feeling the need to abate the worries of someone so rash to judgement. Don’t be so blind, Abeni. Helgate has no future without me, so keep your head if you want in.”
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"My motives are to keep Hellgate safe." She growled, just about stopping herself from attacking Malphas to obtain information. "And what I’ve seen of its future so far is a weak king and a hopeless commander. That is not encouraging."
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“Honestly? I trust about as easily as you do, and I can’t ascertain your motives.”
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"So far, that has served me better than trusting easily." She hissed, arms crossed and staring at Malphas. "Or are you uncomfortable telling me the rest outside your home quarters?"
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“The prince could learn from you. You simply refuse to trust anyone.”
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"Wonderful." Briefly she seemed satisfied, but then her eyes narrowed again. "Tell me."
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“A plan is in place, yes.”
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"Abigor is an intelligent man. Shame his son turned out like this. Is there already a plan to turn him? He could be good if he came to his senses."
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“Too fond. Even Abigor sees that. But it’s going to take a lot more than getting rid of John to change the prince’s attitude, and that’s the main problem.”
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"I would never… Wouldn’t expect you to be that smart." She tilted her head and regarded Malphas with a mildly curious look. "You will have to let John disappear then. From what I have heard, the prince is very fond of him."
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“What, you expected me to cater to the whims of a child just because his father is the king? No, I’ll choose my own successor, and by that time, Adam will be grateful.”
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"You don’t?" She raised an eyebrow, a smirk spreading on her lips. "Tell me more."
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He stopped walking and looked around, still not satisfied that they were truly alone. “I’m not concerned with John’s training. Not in the technical sense. I don’t ever expect him to lead anyone.”
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"Then tell me you are. I know there is information commoners must not hear, but contrary to popular opinion I cannot read minds." She put her hands on her hips and raised her chin as she stared at Malphas. "Now what is it?"
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Malphas walked calmly out of the hall and towards the castle, not speaking until no one else was around. “You need to be careful. When I choose not to share information, there is a reason.”
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"If you could answer my question…" She rolled her eyes and stood up, drumming her sharp nails on the table impatiently. "Lead the way then, Commander." She hissed, spitting the last word out like an insult while glaring at Malphas.
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“If you could refrain from drawing the attention of the entire hall,” he insisted politely as he stood, “I’ll be happy to discuss this with you in my chambers.”
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"Then show me a place to discuss it." She was leaning on the table now, her eyes boring into Malphas. "This is important."
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Malphas sighed, wiping his mouth with a cloth and leaning closer. “This is not the place to discuss this, Abeni.”
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“I’m worried about the future of the island. And you continuously avoiding my question makes me think you have no idea what you are doing."
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“You’re really very worried about this, aren’t you?”
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"I do, and I am aware that it does not answer my question. How will you train him?"
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“You do realize that unless I die before the first attack, it’s a non-issue, don’t you?”
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"There is rarely the necessity. I had hope that he was not completely useless. That is destroyed." Abeni scoffed as she glanced around before returning to Malphas with a piercing look. "How will you train him in the upcoming weeks?"
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Just because my muse is flirting with, hitting on, or hoping to get yours into bed doesn’t mean your muse has to reciprocate - or that I want to write smut with you.
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“I don’t want to sound cruel, Gloria, but you’ll do far better as a soldier, and especially as a leader, if you relinquish that bond. It benefits no one to talk of dragons like family.”
Gloria suddenly had the faint image of her dragon, Amber, fall in battle and stiffened. “I can understand the need to convince the soldiers of the need of killing dragons, That’s important for survival. Just sucks when it reminds you of your own dragon. They are like family to a lot of us.”
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Malpas finished chewing before he looked up. “Abeni. A pleasure, as always. Although, usually you don’t come to me with things I already know.”
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When Abeni entered the dining hall, it always drew some attention. She could practically feel the fear in many soldiers, and she enjoyed that a lot. She looked around briefly until she found Malphas, then marched over and sat down in front of him. “We have to talk, Commander. Your successor is pathetic.”
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"It's to get the soldiers used to seeing dragons fall. A lot of them have no problem killing people, but the idea of felling a dragon disgusts them. That's no good in a battle. You kill a dragon, you kill its rider."
Gloria thought about it. “The only two reasons I can think of would be to train them and teach them who has authority, or to whittle down numbers.”
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"I didn't take you for an optimist, Abeni."
"Indeed… But you Commanders can help direct them into the right direction." She smiled at Malphas, but it was more a parody than genuine approval. She didn’t believe there was hope for either of them.
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