intxthevxid · 11 hours
He sighed. "I meant cash. But it was a joke. Mostly. I'll take more details though for sure." He said, unable to help himself. Yanking a stuffy guy's chain was always fun. "I'll get you the records."
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"Can't teach an old dog new tricks." He countered, an eyebrow arching. "People are entirely too set in their ways, I've found. But perhaps who is doing the asking could persuade you."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
The name had him tilting his head a bit. "Interesting." He said. "Which types are you looking for?" He asked, brushing it off as a coincidence. Even though he knew it wasn't likely just a coincidence. Durin and mountains? Didn't take a genius to put two and two together. But he didn't want to make things weird with a customer. "Durin, I think I've heard of that."
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Fili gives the other a light smile and thumbs up. A gesture he had picked up from his fake memories. "They do look good. I'm from a mountain culture, so we don't have a lot of greens in our food, but I did want to get some vegetables we're used to to try to make a true Durin feast."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
"Yes. I like to think so." She said with a smile. "Psychology. I was pretty dang good at it." She said. Before everything with the Joker happened. She didn't like to think about it these days. She laughed. "I doubt you're anywhere close to terrible. Trust me, I know some pretty awful people."
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"Wow. So, you are just smart all around? I'm impressed." Jake admitted with a nod. "What do you have a PHD in, if you don't mind me asking." He smiled. "Well, I'm honored you are willing to take me up on my offer. I'm not too terrible to be around, at least I don't think so."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
She smiles, pleased with herself and him. "If you need anything stolen though, let me know. More than happy to help." She might not have been as great as Selina in this department but she knew a thing or two.
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That somewhat makes Stolas happy. "Thank you, I am relieved." The demon doesn't flaunt or openly have anything that's able to be stolen. He's researched what to do.
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
Oh... yeah, this was the whole memory wipe thing. She sighed, shaking her head. "Okay, okay. I believe you." She believed that Lisa believed it at least. "Who knew Snart was such a common last name. Small world." She joked.
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Lisa's confused expression doesn't change a bit. "Again, I think you have the wrong Lisa Snart. I've never had a sibling. My father died when I was a baby, and I've been living in this city my whole life as an only child with my mom." The woman attempted to explain without getting annoyed. This was a strange interaction to her, but the other didn't seem too strange or like she posed any kind of threat or anything like that.
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
Bill and Benson Closed Starter @blxxdycherryblossoms
"Who shit in your shoe?" He asked, noticing the... unhappy looking man. Unhappy didn't seem like the right word though. But the stink face definitely wasn't comforting. And Bill was a bit of a bastard. He couldn't leave well enough alone.
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0 notes
intxthevxid · 11 hours
Bill and Mabel Closed Starter @rcvcrics
He'd already seen the brother child. And now he was seeing the sister child. Just great. "Little twerp. Already saw your brother." He said, huffing. "You almost really helped me, kid. Should've gone through with it. You still would've been in that perfect utopia thing. How good would that have been?" He asked. Though there was nothing he could do about it now. No more powers. No more triangle shape. Everything sucked.
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
She sounded like Cuddy but a lot less fun. He didn't say it though. Wouldn't really make sense. "Right, getting sued and all that." He said with a exaggerated sigh. "That also makes things difficult I guess."
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"it's important we have things documented for many reasons." it was good to leave a paper trail for yourself in the event of... well, just about anything. "you do realize we also have a doctor shortage in this hospital, right?"
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
He sighed. "If you must." He said, looking away from him finally. He was only sort of teasing. It was mostly all good fun for him. Slight real annoyance. But he liked to turn that into something a lot better. Mostly by bothering people. "Cardio is good." He commented.
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every day after work or whenever he has days off — he went out walking. didn’t often run. felt as he was running from something if he jogged. it’s an odd thing perhaps. despite that he had only walked for twenty minutes, he got tired. today wasn’t a good day for a walk when he’d been out almost the whole night. sitting down in the bench, he could feel two eyes glaring at him. his attention turned towards the older man ❝ what are you staring at? ❞ he asked him, irritation in his voice ❝ can't i sit down here too? ❞
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
He nods. "Right. Well, nice to meet you too." He said, though he wasn't sure about that yet. Still, he figured he'd play nice for now.
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"I try not to, I guess I can't help it, at this point." Bigby shrugs. "Nice to meet you, Gregory." He offers him a small smile, "Just trying to get acquainted with some of the newer folks here in the city. Unfamiliar faces."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
House's legs were propped up on the desk. Elevation sometimes relieved the chronic pain. It wasn't the most professional thing but doctor's orders. He looked up at the new person and waved. "Dr. Cullen! Unique name. Nice to meet you." At least so far it was.
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@intxthevxid (gregory house)
Dr House's reputation preceded him, but Carlisle, for all his gentleness, wasn't perturbed. He'd survived far worse personalities during his time with the Volturi, an acerbic and difficult doctor was nothing in comparison. He knocked on the door. "Dr House? I'm Dr Cullen. I've been assigned to be working with you this week."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
He tries to keep his face neutral. But he's relieved. He's pretty sure Wilson would tell him if things were downhill again. He hopes. "Good. Now I don't have to worry about you dropping dead suddenly." He jokes. Maybe it's not the best time but he can't help himself.
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Does Wilson want to stoop and tease back? He does but he also there's a pressing matter, what House knows or doesn't know by answering the how are you question. "I'm, good. Definitely better, I think." He doesn't feel like he's dying again.
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
He looked down at the finger in front of him before huffing. "I'm just telling her the truth. It's not my fault she can't handle it." He pointed out but makes no move to head back over.
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@intxthevxid (jo and house)
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"okay, seriously, you have to stay here." jo insisted as she looked at the other, holding a finger up as if to both scold him and stop him. "every time you talk to that patient i swear she gets more upset."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
He considered the question, different moments tugging on his brain. Some he couldn't quite name or recall very well. He brushed it off though. "I did a few pieces on the AIDS crisis." He said. God, he'd been alive for a while.
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Ding Tao smiled at that. "I like the sound of that." He notes all that down. It sounds like something Ding Tao can do! If no one wants him to guard them, he can at least write things to help others. "Okay! Next question." He takes a moment to find his place. "Ah here we go, do you have a favorite piece you worked on?"
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
"I want a story out of everyone. People are interesting. Just like I'm sure you are too." He said. Though despite it all, he could just tell this guy had lived a more interesting life than most. Maybe it was the accent.
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"come now, we both know that's not what you truly want." he toyed with his words as he looked at the other. "we both know you want a story out of me."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
She nodded, taking a mental note of his comments. "Yes, the food here is quite good. Really different." She said. Though that wasn't hard for her. She didn't get around much in her previous world.
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Tommy was looking at his camera, having just finished filming something. He looks up, smiling. "I love the park if I'm honest. I know other people will say different things, but this park to me is my favorite thing. But there's also really delicious food as well here."
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intxthevxid · 11 hours
She feels bad despite how illogical it was. Felt like she was ruining the other girl's evening. "Uh... I can leave, if you'd like." She offers. If being alone was truly what she sought. Laura could take it or leave it. Or... that's what she wants to think. But in actuality, she's desperate for social interaction.
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"Didn't mean to scare you!" It's always hard to tell if Anya should be quiet when she walks at night or should be loud. "Yeah, that's why I like to come out. It's a lot more peaceful." And it helps Anya, so she doesn't have to read so many thoughts.
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