#d.m || hw
intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel and Ding Tao Starter @coreofgold
He'd been asked to give a lecture on journalism. It was quick money and he got to talk about himself. So he agreed. He had the Pulitzers to qualify him on the subject. Much better than sitting at home doing nothing as well. He even decided to stay and answer questions. Talk one on one with the students. He figured it was his one good deed of the month. Maybe year.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel and Faith Starter @withinthem
He noticed the woman pretty quickly. She had something about her. Something he wanted to know more about. Which was pretty much his job, being a journalist and all. So, he made his way towards her slowly, trying not to seem weird. Sometimes that happened with people. Scared them off. He didn't blame them. An old man walks up to you, that's kinda weird. He always made sure to tell people why right off the bat though. "Hey, I'm a journalist. Would you be interested in being interviewed?" He asked. He had business cards as well. Sometimes he had to show those off so people knew he was legit. He didn't know why business cards were so convincing. Anyone could have them made. Nevertheless, he showed them off whenever he needed to.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel and Xiao Starter @mvsicinthedvrk
He had a lawyer contact. That was a great idea for him. He wasn't the most... legal journalist. He'd do anything for a story. Maybe a little less now that he was older, but when he was younger he'd do borderline anything. It was pretty crazy. Now he just did it more sophisticatedly. But he still thought a lawyer was best to have just in case.
"How do I go about getting a restraining order?" He asked one day, stepping into his office. There had been some... weird characters popping up in his life lately. And some genuinely scared him. Well, one did. So far.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel and Madeleine Starter @empathiie
He'd taken to the habit of carrying a recorder around. A digital one. One that wasn't his phone. It was easier that way. And easier on his hands. He took it everywhere with him too. He could find a story anywhere he went. He was nosy enough to ask around as well. So when he saw the woman's eyes, he couldn't help but take interest. Was there a story behind them? Most likely. Everyone had a story to tell. "You have really unique eyes." He commented. He was blunt. But not rude. Not in this instance at least. "Is it keratoconus?" He asked. An eye disease making eyes look wider. But he wasn't sure that was exactly it. He was pretty sure he'd seen eyes similar to hers before though. He couldn't remember where though.
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intxthevxid · 2 months
♫ daniel && gwyn
Psycho Killer by Talking Heads
"Can't seem to face up to the facts. I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax." He admitted. Probably not the best way to be as a journalist. But this city was giving him a run for his money.
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intxthevxid · 2 months
❝ you are the laziest person i know. ❞ ( lestat and daniel )
"You don't even know me. And I'm not lazy." He defended himself, crossing his arms. "And what about you? Are you the most productive person in the world? I don't think so."
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intxthevxid · 2 months
❛ Tell me what I should do. ❜ daniel and dewey
"If you're willing, I'd like to ask you some questions about the city. If not, that's fine too. I don't have to use your name though." He said. "Or I can give you my card and you can think it over."
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intxthevxid · 2 months
❛ Tell me about it? ❜ ( lestat and daniel )
"Not much to tell. Haven't written much of it down yet." He said. "But you could tell me about your own experiences here." He shrugged. D.C was a strange place these days and he was working his hardest to get to the bottom of it.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
🩵 LIGHT BLUE HEART — what do you fantasize about the most often (generally/sexually/etc)? are there any people that are significant to or that you can see in this fantasy and why? (daniel)
The Daniel in D.C. definitely has some... dreams/memories/fantasies?? about his past that he doesn't remember. He finds them confusing and kind of meaningless though there is something tugging on his brain that tells him they're more important than he thinks.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
👻 GHOST — is there someone or something that you feel is missing from your life? do you know if there's any way to find it/them? (for daniel)
Oh boy. He has no memories right now but even in canon at this point he doesn't have all his memories. So, he definitely feels like he's missing a lot of information. To get it back he'd need to go digging and asking people that might not be willing to give him his memories back.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
🖤 BLACK HEART — what would you say is the darkest thought you've ever experienced? what do you think caused you to have that thought? have you ever planned on or fantasized about acting on it? — for daniel!
Without his memories the worst he's probably thought about was ways to get drugs. He has a history of addiction. Though in his older years he doesn't partake anymore. With his memories he's definitely had some fucked up thoughts. Mostly due to his years with Armand. But even still, they had to come from some seed of messed up in him before.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel and Asami Starter @irresistiibles
"I assume you're the owner of this business?" He asked as he stepped forward, holding out his hand for a firm shake. "I'm a journalist. I'd love to interview you about the place." He offered. He hadn't called ahead. Hated the formalities. Found he got a lot more information just being raw and real and spontaneous. People couldn't practice their answers. Craft any kind of persona. Much better, in his opinion. And he had the awards to prove it.
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intxthevxid · 3 months
Daniel Malloy Intro
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Was that [ERIC BOGOSIA]? Oh no no, that was just [DANIEL MOLLOY], a/an [CANON CHARACTER] from [VAMPIRE CHRONICLES]. They are [SIXTY-NINE] years old, use [HE/HIM], and [ARE NOT] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
how long has your character been here
3 weeks!
what is your character's job**
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
Some of the books and latest episode of the show.
has any magic affected your character
Yes! He doesn't remember anything from home!
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
Daniel's a journalist that would do anything for a good story. Even interviewing a vampire. Nearly went off without a hitch but in the end it was kind of a disaster. Years later though he was called back to finish the interview. And during that, he realized his memories were not fully intact.
Here, however, none of his memories are intact! He thinks he's been in DC for a story. That he's been a boring but good journalist this whole time and that vampires aren't real! He's in for a rude awakening.
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